, &) are escaped but illegals are not touched. * * @param string $element Element name * @param array|null $attribs Name=>value pairs. Values will be escaped. * @param string $contents Null to make an open tag only; '' for a contentless closed tag (default) * @param bool $allowShortTag Whether '' in $contents will result in a contentless closed tag * @return string */ public static function element( $element, $attribs = null, $contents = '', $allowShortTag = true ) { $out = '<' . $element; if ( $attribs !== null ) { $out .= self::expandAttributes( $attribs ); } if ( $contents === null ) { $out .= '>'; } elseif ( $allowShortTag && $contents === '' ) { $out .= ' />'; } else { $out .= '>' . htmlspecialchars( $contents, ENT_NOQUOTES ) . ""; } return $out; } /** * Given an array of ('attributename' => 'value'), it generates the code * to set the XML attributes : attributename="value". * The values are passed to Sanitizer::encodeAttribute. * Returns null or empty string if no attributes given. * @param array|null $attribs Array of attributes for an XML element * @throws MWException * @return null|string */ public static function expandAttributes( $attribs ) { $out = ''; if ( $attribs === null ) { return null; } elseif ( is_array( $attribs ) ) { foreach ( $attribs as $name => $val ) { $out .= " {$name}=\"" . Sanitizer::encodeAttribute( $val ) . '"'; } return $out; } else { throw new MWException( 'Expected attribute array, got something else in ' . __METHOD__ ); } } /** * Format an XML element as with self::element(), but run text through the content language's * normalize() validator first to ensure that no invalid UTF-8 is passed. * * @param string $element * @param array $attribs Name=>value pairs. Values will be escaped. * @param string $contents Null to make an open tag only; '' for a contentless closed tag (default) * @return string */ public static function elementClean( $element, $attribs = [], $contents = '' ) { if ( $attribs ) { $attribs = array_map( [ 'UtfNormal\Validator', 'cleanUp' ], $attribs ); } if ( $contents ) { $contents = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->normalize( $contents ); } return self::element( $element, $attribs, $contents ); } /** * This opens an XML element * * @param string $element Name of the element * @param array|null $attribs Array of attributes, see Xml::expandAttributes() * @return string */ public static function openElement( $element, $attribs = null ) { return '<' . $element . self::expandAttributes( $attribs ) . '>'; } /** * Shortcut to close an XML element * @param string $element Element name * @return string */ public static function closeElement( $element ) { return ""; } /** * Same as Xml::element(), but does not escape contents. Handy when the * content you have is already valid xml. * * @param string $element Element name * @param array|null $attribs Array of attributes * @param string $contents Content of the element * @return string */ public static function tags( $element, $attribs, $contents ) { return self::openElement( $element, $attribs ) . $contents . ""; } /** * Create a date selector * * @param string|null $selected The month which should be selected, default ''. * @param string|null $allmonths Value of a special item denoting all month. * Null to not include (default). * @param string $id Element identifier * @return string Html string containing the month selector */ public static function monthSelector( $selected = '', $allmonths = null, $id = 'month' ) { global $wgLang; $options = []; if ( $selected === null ) { $selected = ''; } $data = new XmlSelect( 'month', $id, $selected ); if ( $allmonths !== null ) { $options[wfMessage( 'monthsall' )->text()] = $allmonths; } for ( $i = 1; $i < 13; $i++ ) { $options[$wgLang->getMonthName( $i )] = $i; } $data->addOptions( $options ); $data->setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-month-selector' ); return $data->getHTML(); } /** * @param int|string $year Use '' or 0 to start with no year preselected. * @param int|string $month A month in the 1..12 range. Use '', 0 or -1 to start with no month * preselected. * @return string Formatted HTML */ public static function dateMenu( $year, $month ) { # Offset overrides year/month selection if ( $month && $month !== -1 ) { $encMonth = intval( $month ); } else { $encMonth = ''; } if ( $year ) { $encYear = intval( $year ); } elseif ( $encMonth ) { $timestamp = MWTimestamp::getInstance(); $thisMonth = intval( $timestamp->format( 'n' ) ); $thisYear = intval( $timestamp->format( 'Y' ) ); if ( intval( $encMonth ) > $thisMonth ) { $thisYear--; } $encYear = $thisYear; } else { $encYear = ''; } $inputAttribs = [ 'id' => 'year', 'maxlength' => 4, 'size' => 7 ]; return self::label( wfMessage( 'year' )->text(), 'year' ) . ' ' . Html::input( 'year', $encYear, 'number', $inputAttribs ) . ' ' . self::label( wfMessage( 'month' )->text(), 'month' ) . ' ' . self::monthSelector( $encMonth, -1 ); } /** * Construct a language selector appropriate for use in a form or preferences * * @param string $selected The language code of the selected language * @param bool $customisedOnly If true only languages which have some content are listed * @param string|null $inLanguage The ISO code of the language to display the select list in * @param array $overrideAttrs Override the attributes of the select tag (since 1.20) * @param Message|null $msg Label message key (since 1.20) * @return array Array containing 2 items: label HTML and select list HTML */ public static function languageSelector( $selected, $customisedOnly = true, $inLanguage = null, $overrideAttrs = [], Message $msg = null ) { global $wgLanguageCode; $include = $customisedOnly ? 'mwfile' : 'mw'; $languages = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getLanguageNameUtils() ->getLanguageNames( $inLanguage, $include ); // Make sure the site language is in the list; // a custom language code might not have a defined name... if ( !array_key_exists( $wgLanguageCode, $languages ) ) { $languages[$wgLanguageCode] = $wgLanguageCode; // Sort the array again ksort( $languages ); } /** * If a bogus value is set, default to the content language. * Otherwise, no default is selected and the user ends up * with Afrikaans since it's first in the list. */ $selected = isset( $languages[$selected] ) ? $selected : $wgLanguageCode; $options = "\n"; foreach ( $languages as $code => $name ) { $options .= self::option( "$code - $name", $code, $code == $selected ) . "\n"; } $attrs = [ 'id' => 'wpUserLanguage', 'name' => 'wpUserLanguage' ]; $attrs = array_merge( $attrs, $overrideAttrs ); if ( $msg === null ) { $msg = wfMessage( 'yourlanguage' ); } return [ self::label( $msg->text(), $attrs['id'] ), self::tags( 'select', $attrs, $options ) ]; } /** * Shortcut to make a span element * @param string $text Content of the element, will be escaped * @param string $class Class name of the span element * @param array $attribs Other attributes * @return string */ public static function span( $text, $class, $attribs = [] ) { return self::element( 'span', [ 'class' => $class ] + $attribs, $text ); } /** * Shortcut to make a specific element with a class attribute * @param string $text Content of the element, will be escaped * @param string $class Class name of the span element * @param string $tag Element name * @param array $attribs Other attributes * @return string */ public static function wrapClass( $text, $class, $tag = 'span', $attribs = [] ) { return self::tags( $tag, [ 'class' => $class ] + $attribs, $text ); } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML text input field * @param string $name Value of the name attribute * @param int|false $size Value of the size attribute * @param mixed $value Value of the value attribute * @param array $attribs Other attributes * @return string HTML */ public static function input( $name, $size = false, $value = false, $attribs = [] ) { $attributes = [ 'name' => $name ]; if ( $size ) { $attributes['size'] = $size; } if ( $value !== false ) { // maybe 0 $attributes['value'] = $value; } return self::element( 'input', Html::getTextInputAttributes( $attributes + $attribs ) ); } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML password input field * @param string $name Value of the name attribute * @param int|false $size Value of the size attribute * @param mixed $value Value of the value attribute * @param array $attribs Other attributes * @return string HTML */ public static function password( $name, $size = false, $value = false, $attribs = [] ) { return self::input( $name, $size, $value, array_merge( $attribs, [ 'type' => 'password' ] ) ); } /** * Internal function for use in checkboxes and radio buttons and such. * * @param string $name * @param bool $present * * @return array */ public static function attrib( $name, $present = true ) { return $present ? [ $name => $name ] : []; } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML checkbox * @param string $name Value of the name attribute * @param bool $checked Whether the checkbox is checked or not * @param array $attribs Array other attributes * @return string HTML */ public static function check( $name, $checked = false, $attribs = [] ) { return self::element( 'input', array_merge( [ 'name' => $name, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1 ], self::attrib( 'checked', $checked ), $attribs ) ); } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML radio button * @param string $name Value of the name attribute * @param string $value Value of the value attribute * @param bool $checked Whether the checkbox is checked or not * @param array $attribs Other attributes * @return string HTML */ public static function radio( $name, $value, $checked = false, $attribs = [] ) { return self::element( 'input', [ 'name' => $name, 'type' => 'radio', 'value' => $value ] + self::attrib( 'checked', $checked ) + $attribs ); } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML form label * @param string $label Text of the label * @param string $id * @param array $attribs An attribute array. This will usually be * the same array as is passed to the corresponding input element, * so this function will cherry-pick appropriate attributes to * apply to the label as well; only class and title are applied. * @return string HTML */ public static function label( $label, $id, $attribs = [] ) { $a = [ 'for' => $id ]; foreach ( [ 'class', 'title' ] as $attr ) { if ( isset( $attribs[$attr] ) ) { $a[$attr] = $attribs[$attr]; } } return self::element( 'label', $a, $label ); } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML text input field with a label * @param string $label Text of the label * @param string $name Value of the name attribute * @param string $id Id of the input * @param int|bool $size Value of the size attribute * @param string|bool $value Value of the value attribute * @param array $attribs Other attributes * @return string HTML */ public static function inputLabel( $label, $name, $id, $size = false, $value = false, $attribs = [] ) { list( $label, $input ) = self::inputLabelSep( $label, $name, $id, $size, $value, $attribs ); return $label . "\u{00A0}" . $input; } /** * Same as Xml::inputLabel() but return input and label in an array * * @param string $label * @param string $name * @param string $id * @param int|bool $size * @param string|bool $value * @param array $attribs * * @return array */ public static function inputLabelSep( $label, $name, $id, $size = false, $value = false, $attribs = [] ) { return [ self::label( $label, $id, $attribs ), self::input( $name, $size, $value, [ 'id' => $id ] + $attribs ) ]; } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML checkbox with a label * * @param string $label * @param string $name * @param string $id * @param bool $checked * @param array $attribs * * @return string HTML */ public static function checkLabel( $label, $name, $id, $checked = false, $attribs = [] ) { global $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere; $chkLabel = self::check( $name, $checked, [ 'id' => $id ] + $attribs ) . "\u{00A0}" . self::label( $label, $id, $attribs ); if ( $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere ) { $chkLabel = self::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-ui-checkbox' ] ) . $chkLabel . self::closeElement( 'div' ); } return $chkLabel; } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML radio button with a label * * @param string $label * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param string $id * @param bool $checked * @param array $attribs * * @return string HTML */ public static function radioLabel( $label, $name, $value, $id, $checked = false, $attribs = [] ) { return self::radio( $name, $value, $checked, [ 'id' => $id ] + $attribs ) . "\u{00A0}" . self::label( $label, $id, $attribs ); } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML submit button * When $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere is true it will default to a progressive button * @param string $value Label text for the button (unescaped) * @param array $attribs Optional custom attributes * @return string HTML */ public static function submitButton( $value, $attribs = [] ) { global $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere; $baseAttrs = [ 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => $value, ]; // Done conditionally for time being as it is possible // some submit forms // might need to be mw-ui-destructive (e.g. delete a page) if ( $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere ) { $baseAttrs['class'] = 'mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive'; } // Any custom attributes will take precendence of anything in baseAttrs e.g. override the class $attribs = $attribs + $baseAttrs; return Html::element( 'input', $attribs ); } /** * Convenience function to build an HTML drop-down list item. * @param string $text Text for this item. Will be HTML escaped * @param string|null $value Form submission value; if empty, use text * @param bool $selected If true, will be the default selected item * @param array $attribs Optional additional HTML attributes * @return string HTML */ public static function option( $text, $value = null, $selected = false, $attribs = [] ) { if ( $value !== null ) { $attribs['value'] = $value; } if ( $selected ) { $attribs['selected'] = 'selected'; } return Html::element( 'option', $attribs, $text ); } /** * Build a drop-down box from a textual list. This is a wrapper * for Xml::listDropDownOptions() plus the XmlSelect class. * * @param string $name Name and id for the drop-down * @param string $list Correctly formatted text (newline delimited) to be * used to generate the options. * @param string $other Text for the "Other reasons" option * @param string $selected Option which should be pre-selected * @param string $class CSS classes for the drop-down * @param int|null $tabindex Value of the tabindex attribute * @return string */ public static function listDropDown( $name = '', $list = '', $other = '', $selected = '', $class = '', $tabindex = null ) { $options = self::listDropDownOptions( $list, [ 'other' => $other ] ); $xmlSelect = new XmlSelect( $name, $name, $selected ); $xmlSelect->addOptions( $options ); if ( $class ) { $xmlSelect->setAttribute( 'class', $class ); } if ( $tabindex ) { $xmlSelect->setAttribute( 'tabindex', $tabindex ); } return $xmlSelect->getHTML(); } /** * Build options for a drop-down box from a textual list. * * The result of this function can be passed to XmlSelect::addOptions() * (to render a plain `