magic = $magic; } /** * Get an associative array containing information about * a file with the given storage path. * * Resulting array fields include: * - fileExists * - size (filesize in bytes) * - mime (as major/minor) * - media_type (value to be used with the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants) * - metadata (handler specific) * - sha1 (in base 36) * - width * - height * - bits (bitrate) * - file-mime * - major_mime * - minor_mime * * @param string $path Filesystem path to a file * @param string|bool $ext The file extension, or true to extract it from the filename. * Set it to false to ignore the extension. * @return array * @since 1.28 */ public function getPropsFromPath( $path, $ext ) { $fsFile = new FSFile( $path ); $info = $this->newPlaceholderProps(); $info['fileExists'] = $fsFile->exists(); if ( $info['fileExists'] ) { $info['size'] = $fsFile->getSize(); // bytes $info['sha1'] = $fsFile->getSha1Base36(); # MIME type according to file contents $info['file-mime'] = $this->magic->guessMimeType( $path, false ); # Logical MIME type $ext = ( $ext === true ) ? FileBackend::extensionFromPath( $path ) : $ext; # XXX: MimeAnalyzer::improveTypeFromExtension() may return null (T253483). # Unclear if callers of this method expect that. $info['mime'] = $this->magic->improveTypeFromExtension( $info['file-mime'], $ext ); list( $info['major_mime'], $info['minor_mime'] ) = File::splitMime( $info['mime'] ); $info['media_type'] = $this->magic->getMediaType( $path, $info['mime'] ); # Height, width and metadata $handler = MediaHandler::getHandler( $info['mime'] ); if ( $handler ) { $info['metadata'] = $handler->getMetadata( $fsFile, $path ); // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanParamTooMany $gis = $handler->getImageSize( $fsFile, $path, $info['metadata'] ); if ( is_array( $gis ) ) { $info = $this->extractImageSizeInfo( $gis ) + $info; } } } return $info; } /** * Exract image size information * * @param array $gis * @return array */ private function extractImageSizeInfo( array $gis ) { $info = []; # NOTE: $gis[2] contains a code for the image type. This is no longer used. $info['width'] = $gis[0]; $info['height'] = $gis[1]; $info['bits'] = $gis['bits'] ?? 0; return $info; } /** * Empty place holder props for non-existing files * * Resulting array fields include: * - fileExists * - size (filesize in bytes) * - mime (as major/minor) * - media_type (value to be used with the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants) * - metadata (handler specific) * - sha1 (in base 36) * - width * - height * - bits (bitrate) * - file-mime * - major_mime * - minor_mime * * @return array * @since 1.28 */ public function newPlaceholderProps() { return FSFile::placeholderProps() + [ 'metadata' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'bits' => 0, 'media_type' => MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN ]; } }