* @copyright © 2015 Erik Bernhardson and Wikimedia Foundation. */ class AvroValidator { /** * @param AvroSchema $schema The rules to conform to. * @param mixed $datum The value to validate against $schema. * @return string|string[] An error or list of errors in the * provided $datum. When no errors exist the empty array is * returned. * @suppress PhanUndeclaredMethod,PhanUndeclaredProperty */ public static function getErrors( AvroSchema $schema, $datum ) { switch ( $schema->type ) { case AvroSchema::NULL_TYPE: if ( $datum !== null ) { return self::wrongType( 'null', $datum ); } return []; case AvroSchema::BOOLEAN_TYPE: if ( !is_bool( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'boolean', $datum ); } return []; case AvroSchema::STRING_TYPE: case AvroSchema::BYTES_TYPE: if ( !is_string( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'string', $datum ); } return []; case AvroSchema::INT_TYPE: if ( !is_int( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'integer', $datum ); } if ( AvroSchema::INT_MIN_VALUE > $datum || $datum > AvroSchema::INT_MAX_VALUE ) { return self::outOfRange( AvroSchema::INT_MIN_VALUE, AvroSchema::INT_MAX_VALUE, $datum ); } return []; case AvroSchema::LONG_TYPE: if ( !is_int( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'integer', $datum ); } if ( AvroSchema::LONG_MIN_VALUE > $datum || $datum > AvroSchema::LONG_MAX_VALUE ) { return self::outOfRange( AvroSchema::LONG_MIN_VALUE, AvroSchema::LONG_MAX_VALUE, $datum ); } return []; case AvroSchema::FLOAT_TYPE: case AvroSchema::DOUBLE_TYPE: if ( !is_float( $datum ) && !is_int( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'float or integer', $datum ); } return []; case AvroSchema::ARRAY_SCHEMA: if ( !is_array( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'array', $datum ); } $errors = []; foreach ( $datum as $d ) { $result = self::getErrors( $schema->items(), $d ); if ( $result ) { $errors[] = $result; } } return $errors; case AvroSchema::MAP_SCHEMA: if ( !is_array( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'array', $datum ); } $errors = []; foreach ( $datum as $k => $v ) { if ( !is_string( $k ) ) { $errors[] = self::wrongType( 'string key', $k ); } $result = self::getErrors( $schema->values(), $v ); if ( $result ) { $errors[$k] = $result; } } return $errors; case AvroSchema::UNION_SCHEMA: $errors = []; foreach ( $schema->schemas() as $schema ) { $result = self::getErrors( $schema, $datum ); if ( !$result ) { return []; } $errors[] = $result; } if ( $errors ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturn return [ "Expected any one of these to be true", $errors ]; } return "No schemas provided to union"; case AvroSchema::ENUM_SCHEMA: if ( !in_array( $datum, $schema->symbols() ) ) { $symbols = implode( ', ', $schema->symbols ); return "Expected one of $symbols but recieved $datum"; } return []; case AvroSchema::FIXED_SCHEMA: if ( !is_string( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'string', $datum ); } $len = strlen( $datum ); if ( $len !== $schema->size() ) { return "Expected string of length {$schema->size()}, " . "but recieved one of length $len"; } return []; case AvroSchema::RECORD_SCHEMA: case AvroSchema::ERROR_SCHEMA: case AvroSchema::REQUEST_SCHEMA: if ( !is_array( $datum ) ) { return self::wrongType( 'array', $datum ); } $errors = []; foreach ( $schema->fields() as $field ) { $name = $field->name(); if ( !array_key_exists( $name, $datum ) ) { $errors[$name] = 'Missing expected field'; continue; } $result = self::getErrors( $field->type(), $datum[$name] ); if ( $result ) { $errors[$name] = $result; } } return $errors; default: return "Unknown avro schema type: {$schema->type}"; } } public static function typeOf( $datum ) { return is_object( $datum ) ? get_class( $datum ) : gettype( $datum ); } public static function wrongType( $expected, $datum ) { return "Expected $expected, but recieved " . self::typeOf( $datum ); } public static function outOfRange( $min, $max, $datum ) { return "Expected value between $min and $max, but recieved $datum"; } }