<?php /** * User password reset helper for MediaWiki. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file */ use MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager; use MediaWiki\Auth\TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequest; use MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions; use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer; use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner; use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory; use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use MediaWiki\Permissions\PermissionManager; use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILoadBalancer; /** * Helper class for the password reset functionality shared by the web UI and the API. * * Requires the TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider and the * EmailNotificationSecondaryAuthenticationProvider (or something providing equivalent * functionality) to be enabled. */ class PasswordReset implements LoggerAwareInterface { use LoggerAwareTrait; /** @var ServiceOptions|Config */ protected $config; /** @var AuthManager */ protected $authManager; /** @var PermissionManager */ protected $permissionManager; /** @var ILoadBalancer */ protected $loadBalancer; /** @var HookContainer */ private $hookContainer; /** @var HookRunner */ private $hookRunner; /** * In-process cache for isAllowed lookups, by username. * Contains a StatusValue object * @var MapCacheLRU */ private $permissionCache; public const CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [ 'AllowRequiringEmailForResets', 'EnableEmail', 'PasswordResetRoutes', ]; /** * This class is managed by MediaWikiServices, don't instantiate directly. * * @param ServiceOptions|Config $config * @param AuthManager $authManager * @param PermissionManager $permissionManager * @param ILoadBalancer|null $loadBalancer * @param LoggerInterface|null $logger * @param HookContainer|null $hookContainer */ public function __construct( $config, AuthManager $authManager, PermissionManager $permissionManager, ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null, HookContainer $hookContainer = null ) { $this->config = $config; $this->authManager = $authManager; $this->permissionManager = $permissionManager; if ( !$loadBalancer ) { wfDeprecatedMsg( 'Not passing LoadBalancer to ' . __METHOD__ . ' was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.34', '1.34' ); $loadBalancer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer(); } $this->loadBalancer = $loadBalancer; if ( !$logger ) { wfDeprecatedMsg( 'Not passing LoggerInterface to ' . __METHOD__ . ' was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.34', '1.34' ); $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'authentication' ); } $this->logger = $logger; if ( !$hookContainer ) { $hookContainer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer(); } $this->hookContainer = $hookContainer; $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer ); $this->permissionCache = new MapCacheLRU( 1 ); } /** * Check if a given user has permission to use this functionality. * @param User $user * @since 1.29 Second argument for displayPassword removed. * @return StatusValue */ public function isAllowed( User $user ) { $status = $this->permissionCache->get( $user->getName() ); if ( !$status ) { $resetRoutes = $this->config->get( 'PasswordResetRoutes' ); $status = StatusValue::newGood(); if ( !is_array( $resetRoutes ) || !in_array( true, $resetRoutes, true ) ) { // Maybe password resets are disabled, or there are no allowable routes $status = StatusValue::newFatal( 'passwordreset-disabled' ); } elseif ( ( $providerStatus = $this->authManager->allowsAuthenticationDataChange( new TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequest(), false ) ) && !$providerStatus->isGood() ) { // Maybe the external auth plugin won't allow local password changes $status = StatusValue::newFatal( 'resetpass_forbidden-reason', $providerStatus->getMessage() ); } elseif ( !$this->config->get( 'EnableEmail' ) ) { // Maybe email features have been disabled $status = StatusValue::newFatal( 'passwordreset-emaildisabled' ); } elseif ( !$this->permissionManager->userHasRight( $user, 'editmyprivateinfo' ) ) { // Maybe not all users have permission to change private data $status = StatusValue::newFatal( 'badaccess' ); } elseif ( $this->isBlocked( $user ) ) { // Maybe the user is blocked (check this here rather than relying on the parent // method as we have a more specific error message to use here and we want to // ignore some types of blocks) $status = StatusValue::newFatal( 'blocked-mailpassword' ); } $this->permissionCache->set( $user->getName(), $status ); } return $status; } /** * Do a password reset. Authorization is the caller's responsibility. * * Process the form. At this point we know that the user passes all the criteria in * userCanExecute(), and if the data array contains 'Username', etc, then Username * resets are allowed. * * @since 1.29 Fourth argument for displayPassword removed. * @param User $performingUser The user that does the password reset * @param string|null $username The user whose password is reset * @param string|null $email Alternative way to specify the user * @return StatusValue * @throws LogicException When the user is not allowed to perform the action * @throws MWException On unexpected DB errors */ public function execute( User $performingUser, $username = null, $email = null ) { if ( !$this->isAllowed( $performingUser )->isGood() ) { throw new LogicException( 'User ' . $performingUser->getName() . ' is not allowed to reset passwords' ); } // Check against the rate limiter. If the $wgRateLimit is reached, we want to pretend // that the request was good to avoid displaying an error message. if ( $performingUser->pingLimiter( 'mailpassword' ) ) { return StatusValue::newGood(); } // We need to have a valid IP address for the hook 'User::mailPasswordInternal', but per T20347, // we should send the user's name if they're logged in. $ip = $performingUser->getRequest()->getIP(); if ( !$ip ) { return StatusValue::newFatal( 'badipaddress' ); } $username = $username ?? ''; $email = $email ?? ''; $resetRoutes = $this->config->get( 'PasswordResetRoutes' ) + [ 'username' => false, 'email' => false ]; if ( $resetRoutes['username'] && $username ) { $method = 'username'; $users = [ $this->lookupUser( $username ) ]; } elseif ( $resetRoutes['email'] && $email ) { if ( !Sanitizer::validateEmail( $email ) ) { // Only email was supplied but not valid: pretend everything's fine. return StatusValue::newGood(); } // Only email was provided $method = 'email'; $users = $this->getUsersByEmail( $email ); $username = null; // Remove users whose preference 'requireemail' is on since username was not submitted if ( $this->config->get( 'AllowRequiringEmailForResets' ) ) { foreach ( $users as $index => $user ) { if ( $user->getBoolOption( 'requireemail' ) ) { unset( $users[$index] ); } } } } else { // The user didn't supply any data return StatusValue::newFatal( 'passwordreset-nodata' ); } // If the username is not valid, tell the user. if ( $username && !User::getCanonicalName( $username ) ) { return StatusValue::newFatal( 'noname' ); } // Check for hooks (captcha etc), and allow them to modify the users list $error = []; $data = [ 'Username' => $username, // Email gets set to null for backward compatibility 'Email' => $method === 'email' ? $email : null, ]; // Recreate the $users array with its values so that we reset the numeric keys since // the key '0' might have been unset from $users array. 'SpecialPasswordResetOnSubmit' // hook assumes that index '0' is defined if $users is not empty. $users = array_values( $users ); if ( !$this->hookRunner->onSpecialPasswordResetOnSubmit( $users, $data, $error ) ) { return StatusValue::newFatal( Message::newFromSpecifier( $error ) ); } // Get the first element in $users by using `reset` function just in case $users is changed // in 'SpecialPasswordResetOnSubmit' hook. $firstUser = reset( $users ) ?? null; $requireEmail = $this->config->get( 'AllowRequiringEmailForResets' ) && $method === 'username' && $firstUser && $firstUser->getBoolOption( 'requireemail' ); if ( $requireEmail && ( $email === '' || !Sanitizer::validateEmail( $email ) ) ) { // Email is required, and not supplied or not valid: pretend everything's fine. return StatusValue::newGood(); } if ( !$users ) { if ( $method === 'email' ) { // Don't reveal whether or not an email address is in use return StatusValue::newGood(); } else { return StatusValue::newFatal( 'noname' ); } } // If the user doesn't exist, or if the user doesn't have an email address, // don't disclose the information. We want to pretend everything is ok per T238961. // Note that all the users will have the same email address (or none), // so there's no need to check more than the first. if ( !$firstUser instanceof User || !$firstUser->getId() || !$firstUser->getEmail() ) { return StatusValue::newGood(); } // Email is required but the email doesn't match: pretend everything's fine. if ( $requireEmail && $firstUser->getEmail() !== $email ) { return StatusValue::newGood(); } $this->hookRunner->onUser__mailPasswordInternal( $performingUser, $ip, $firstUser ); $result = StatusValue::newGood(); $reqs = []; foreach ( $users as $user ) { $req = TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequest::newRandom(); $req->username = $user->getName(); $req->mailpassword = true; $req->caller = $performingUser->getName(); $status = $this->authManager->allowsAuthenticationDataChange( $req, true ); // If status is good and the value is 'throttled-mailpassword', we want to pretend // that the request was good to avoid displaying an error message and disclose // if a reset password was previously sent. if ( $status->isGood() && $status->getValue() === 'throttled-mailpassword' ) { return StatusValue::newGood(); } if ( $status->isGood() && $status->getValue() !== 'ignored' ) { $reqs[] = $req; } elseif ( $result->isGood() ) { // only record the first error, to avoid exposing the number of users having the // same email address if ( $status->getValue() === 'ignored' ) { $status = StatusValue::newFatal( 'passwordreset-ignored' ); } $result->merge( $status ); } } $logContext = [ 'requestingIp' => $ip, 'requestingUser' => $performingUser->getName(), 'targetUsername' => $username, 'targetEmail' => $email, ]; if ( !$result->isGood() ) { $this->logger->info( "{requestingUser} attempted password reset of {actualUser} but failed", $logContext + [ 'errors' => $result->getErrors() ] ); return $result; } DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new SendPasswordResetEmailUpdate( $this->authManager, $reqs, $logContext ), DeferredUpdates::POSTSEND ); return StatusValue::newGood(); } /** * Check whether the user is blocked. * Ignores certain types of system blocks that are only meant to force users to log in. * @param User $user * @return bool * @since 1.30 */ protected function isBlocked( User $user ) { $block = $user->getBlock() ?: $user->getGlobalBlock(); if ( !$block ) { return false; } return $block->appliesToPasswordReset(); } /** * @param string $email * @return User[] * @throws MWException On unexpected database errors */ protected function getUsersByEmail( $email ) { $userQuery = User::getQueryInfo(); $res = $this->loadBalancer->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA )->select( $userQuery['tables'], $userQuery['fields'], [ 'user_email' => $email ], __METHOD__, [], $userQuery['joins'] ); if ( !$res ) { // Some sort of database error, probably unreachable throw new MWException( 'Unknown database error in ' . __METHOD__ ); } $users = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $users[] = User::newFromRow( $row ); } return $users; } /** * User object creation helper for testability * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @param string $username * @return User|false */ protected function lookupUser( $username ) { return User::newFromName( $username ); } }