providerId = $providerId; self::$instances[$providerId] = $provider; } } } return self::$instances[$providerId]; } /** * Returns a CentralIdLookup that is guaranteed to be non-local. * If no such guarantee can be made, returns null. * * If this function returns a non-null CentralIdLookup, * that lookup is expected to provide IDs that are shared with some set of other wikis. * However, you should still be cautious when using those IDs, * as they will not necessarily work with *all* other wikis, * and it can be hard to tell if another wiki is in the same set as this one or not. * * @since 1.35 * * @return CentralIdLookup|null */ public static function factoryNonLocal(): ?self { $centralIdLookup = self::factory(); if ( $centralIdLookup instanceof LocalIdLookup ) { /* * A LocalIdLookup (which is the default) may actually be non-local, * if shared user tables are used. * However, we cannot know that here, so play it safe and refuse to return it. * See also T163277 and T170996. */ return null; } return $centralIdLookup; } /** * Reset internal cache for unit testing * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public static function resetCache() { if ( !defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ' may only be called from unit tests!' ); } self::$instances = []; } final public function getProviderId() { return $this->providerId; } /** * Check that the "audience" parameter is valid * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @return User|null User to check against, or null if no checks are needed * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ protected function checkAudience( $audience ) { if ( $audience instanceof User ) { return $audience; } if ( $audience === self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC ) { return new User; } if ( $audience === self::AUDIENCE_RAW ) { return null; } throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid audience' ); } /** * Check that a User is attached on the specified wiki. * * If unattached local accounts don't exist in your extension, this comes * down to a check whether the central account exists at all and that * $wikiId is using the same central database. * * @param User $user * @param string|null $wikiId Wiki to check attachment status. If null, check the current wiki. * @return bool */ abstract public function isAttached( User $user, $wikiId = null ); /** * Given central user IDs, return the (local) user names * @note There's no requirement that the user names actually exist locally, * or if they do that they're actually attached to the central account. * @param array $idToName Array with keys being central user IDs * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return array Copy of $idToName with values set to user names (or * empty-string if the user exists but $audience lacks the rights needed * to see it). IDs not corresponding to a user are unchanged. */ abstract public function lookupCentralIds( array $idToName, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ); /** * Given (local) user names, return the central IDs * @note There's no requirement that the user names actually exist locally, * or if they do that they're actually attached to the central account. * @param array $nameToId Array with keys being canonicalized user names * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return array Copy of $nameToId with values set to central IDs. * Names not corresponding to a user (or $audience lacks the rights needed * to see it) are unchanged. */ abstract public function lookupUserNames( array $nameToId, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ); /** * Given a central user ID, return the (local) user name * @note There's no requirement that the user name actually exists locally, * or if it does that it's actually attached to the central account. * @param int $id Central user ID * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return string|null User name, or empty string if $audience lacks the * rights needed to see it, or null if $id doesn't correspond to a user */ public function nameFromCentralId( $id, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ) { $idToName = $this->lookupCentralIds( [ $id => null ], $audience, $flags ); return $idToName[$id]; } /** * Given a an array of central user IDs, return the (local) user names. * @param int[] $ids Central user IDs * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return string[] User names * @since 1.30 */ public function namesFromCentralIds( array $ids, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ) { $idToName = array_fill_keys( $ids, false ); $names = $this->lookupCentralIds( $idToName, $audience, $flags ); $names = array_unique( $names ); $names = array_filter( $names, function ( $name ) { return $name !== false && $name !== ''; } ); return array_values( $names ); } /** * Given a (local) user name, return the central ID * @note There's no requirement that the user name actually exists locally, * or if it does that it's actually attached to the central account. * @param string $name Canonicalized user name * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return int User ID; 0 if the name does not correspond to a user or * $audience lacks the rights needed to see it. */ public function centralIdFromName( $name, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ) { $nameToId = $this->lookupUserNames( [ $name => 0 ], $audience, $flags ); return $nameToId[$name]; } /** * Given an array of (local) user names, return the central IDs. * @param string[] $names Canonicalized user names * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return int[] User IDs * @since 1.30 */ public function centralIdsFromNames( array $names, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ) { $nameToId = array_fill_keys( $names, false ); $ids = $this->lookupUserNames( $nameToId, $audience, $flags ); $ids = array_unique( $ids ); $ids = array_filter( $ids, function ( $id ) { return $id !== false; } ); return array_values( $ids ); } /** * Given a central user ID, return a local User object * @note Unlike nameFromCentralId(), this does guarantee that the local * user exists and is attached to the central account. * @stable to override * @param int $id Central user ID * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return User|null Local user, or null if: $id doesn't correspond to a * user, $audience lacks the rights needed to see the user, the user * doesn't exist locally, or the user isn't locally attached. */ public function localUserFromCentralId( $id, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ) { $name = $this->nameFromCentralId( $id, $audience, $flags ); if ( $name !== null && $name !== '' ) { $user = User::newFromName( $name ); if ( $user && $user->getId() && $this->isAttached( $user ) ) { return $user; } } return null; } /** * Given a local User object, return the central ID * @stable to override * @note Unlike centralIdFromName(), this does guarantee that the local * user is attached to the central account. * @param User $user Local user * @param int|User $audience One of the audience constants, or a specific user * @param int $flags IDBAccessObject read flags * @return int User ID; 0 if the local user does not correspond to a * central user, $audience lacks the rights needed to see it, or the * central user isn't locally attached. */ public function centralIdFromLocalUser( User $user, $audience = self::AUDIENCE_PUBLIC, $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ) { return $this->isAttached( $user ) ? $this->centralIdFromName( $user->getName(), $audience, $flags ) : 0; } }