repo = $repo; // if a user was passed, use it. otherwise, attempt to use the global. // this keeps FileRepo from breaking when it creates an UploadStash object global $wgUser; $this->user = $user ?: $wgUser; if ( is_object( $this->user ) ) { $this->userId = $this->user->getId(); $this->isLoggedIn = $this->user->isLoggedIn(); } } /** * Get a file and its metadata from the stash. * The noAuth param is a bit janky but is required for automated scripts * which clean out the stash. * * @param string $key Key under which file information is stored * @param bool $noAuth (optional) Don't check authentication. Used by maintenance scripts. * @throws UploadStashFileNotFoundException * @throws UploadStashNotLoggedInException * @throws UploadStashWrongOwnerException * @throws UploadStashBadPathException * @return UploadStashFile */ public function getFile( $key, $noAuth = false ) { if ( !preg_match( self::KEY_FORMAT_REGEX, $key ) ) { throw new UploadStashBadPathException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-bad-path-bad-format', $key ) ); } if ( !$noAuth && !$this->isLoggedIn ) { throw new UploadStashNotLoggedInException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-not-logged-in' ) ); } if ( !isset( $this->fileMetadata[$key] ) ) { if ( !$this->fetchFileMetadata( $key ) ) { // If nothing was received, it's likely due to replication lag. // Check the master to see if the record is there. $this->fetchFileMetadata( $key, DB_MASTER ); } if ( !isset( $this->fileMetadata[$key] ) ) { throw new UploadStashFileNotFoundException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-file-not-found', $key ) ); } // create $this->files[$key] $this->initFile( $key ); // fetch fileprops if ( strlen( $this->fileMetadata[$key]['us_props'] ) ) { $this->fileProps[$key] = unserialize( $this->fileMetadata[$key]['us_props'] ); } else { // b/c for rows with no us_props wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " fetched props for $key from file" ); $path = $this->fileMetadata[$key]['us_path']; $this->fileProps[$key] = $this->repo->getFileProps( $path ); } } if ( !$this->files[$key]->exists() ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " tried to get file at $key, but it doesn't exist" ); // @todo Is this not an UploadStashFileNotFoundException case? throw new UploadStashBadPathException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-bad-path' ) ); } if ( !$noAuth && $this->fileMetadata[$key]['us_user'] != $this->userId ) { throw new UploadStashWrongOwnerException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-wrong-owner', $key ) ); } return $this->files[$key]; } /** * Getter for file metadata. * * @param string $key Key under which file information is stored * @return array */ public function getMetadata( $key ) { $this->getFile( $key ); return $this->fileMetadata[$key]; } /** * Getter for fileProps * * @param string $key Key under which file information is stored * @return array */ public function getFileProps( $key ) { $this->getFile( $key ); return $this->fileProps[$key]; } /** * Stash a file in a temp directory and record that we did this in the * database, along with other metadata. * * @param string $path Path to file you want stashed * @param string|null $sourceType The type of upload that generated this file * (currently, I believe, 'file' or null) * @throws UploadStashBadPathException * @throws UploadStashFileException * @throws UploadStashNotLoggedInException * @return UploadStashFile|null File, or null on failure */ public function stashFile( $path, $sourceType = null ) { if ( !is_file( $path ) ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " tried to stash file at '$path', but it doesn't exist" ); throw new UploadStashBadPathException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-bad-path' ) ); } $mwProps = new MWFileProps( MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMimeAnalyzer() ); $fileProps = $mwProps->getPropsFromPath( $path, true ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " stashing file at '$path'" ); // we will be initializing from some tmpnam files that don't have extensions. // most of MediaWiki assumes all uploaded files have good extensions. So, we fix this. $extension = self::getExtensionForPath( $path ); if ( !preg_match( "/\\.\\Q$extension\\E$/", $path ) ) { $pathWithGoodExtension = "$path.$extension"; } else { $pathWithGoodExtension = $path; } // If no key was supplied, make one. a mysql insertid would be totally // reasonable here, except that for historical reasons, the key is this // random thing instead. At least it's not guessable. // Some things that when combined will make a suitably unique key. // see: list( $usec, $sec ) = explode( ' ', microtime() ); $usec = substr( $usec, 2 ); $key = Wikimedia\base_convert( $sec . $usec, 10, 36 ) . '.' . Wikimedia\base_convert( mt_rand(), 10, 36 ) . '.' . $this->userId . '.' . $extension; $this->fileProps[$key] = $fileProps; if ( !preg_match( self::KEY_FORMAT_REGEX, $key ) ) { throw new UploadStashBadPathException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-bad-path-bad-format', $key ) ); } wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " key for '$path': $key" ); // if not already in a temporary area, put it there $storeStatus = $this->repo->storeTemp( basename( $pathWithGoodExtension ), $path ); if ( !$storeStatus->isOK() ) { // It is a convention in MediaWiki to only return one error per API // exception, even if multiple errors are available. We use reset() // to pick the "first" thing that was wrong, preferring errors to // warnings. This is a bit lame, as we may have more info in the // $storeStatus and we're throwing it away, but to fix it means // redesigning API errors significantly. // $storeStatus->value just contains the virtual URL (if anything) // which is probably useless to the caller. $error = $storeStatus->getErrorsArray(); $error = reset( $error ); if ( !count( $error ) ) { $error = $storeStatus->getWarningsArray(); $error = reset( $error ); if ( !count( $error ) ) { $error = [ 'unknown', 'no error recorded' ]; } } // At this point, $error should contain the single "most important" // error, plus any parameters. $errorMsg = array_shift( $error ); throw new UploadStashFileException( wfMessage( $errorMsg, $error ) ); } $stashPath = $storeStatus->value; // fetch the current user ID if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) { throw new UploadStashNotLoggedInException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-not-logged-in' ) ); } // insert the file metadata into the db. wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " inserting $stashPath under $key" ); $dbw = $this->repo->getMasterDB(); $serializedFileProps = serialize( $fileProps ); if ( strlen( $serializedFileProps ) > self::MAX_US_PROPS_SIZE ) { // Database is going to truncate this and make the field invalid. // Prioritize important metadata over file handler metadata. // File handler should be prepared to regenerate invalid metadata if needed. $fileProps['metadata'] = false; $serializedFileProps = serialize( $fileProps ); } $this->fileMetadata[$key] = [ 'us_user' => $this->userId, 'us_key' => $key, 'us_orig_path' => $path, 'us_path' => $stashPath, // virtual URL 'us_props' => $dbw->encodeBlob( $serializedFileProps ), 'us_size' => $fileProps['size'], 'us_sha1' => $fileProps['sha1'], 'us_mime' => $fileProps['mime'], 'us_media_type' => $fileProps['media_type'], 'us_image_width' => $fileProps['width'], 'us_image_height' => $fileProps['height'], 'us_image_bits' => $fileProps['bits'], 'us_source_type' => $sourceType, 'us_timestamp' => $dbw->timestamp(), 'us_status' => 'finished' ]; $dbw->insert( 'uploadstash', $this->fileMetadata[$key], __METHOD__ ); // store the insertid in the class variable so immediate retrieval // (possibly laggy) isn't necessary. $this->fileMetadata[$key]['us_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); # create the UploadStashFile object for this file. $this->initFile( $key ); return $this->getFile( $key ); } /** * Remove all files from the stash. * Does not clean up files in the repo, just the record of them. * * @throws UploadStashNotLoggedInException * @return bool Success */ public function clear() { if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) { throw new UploadStashNotLoggedInException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-not-logged-in' ) ); } wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' clearing all rows for user ' . $this->userId ); $dbw = $this->repo->getMasterDB(); $dbw->delete( 'uploadstash', [ 'us_user' => $this->userId ], __METHOD__ ); # destroy objects. $this->files = []; $this->fileMetadata = []; return true; } /** * Remove a particular file from the stash. Also removes it from the repo. * * @param string $key * @throws UploadStashNoSuchKeyException|UploadStashNotLoggedInException * @throws UploadStashWrongOwnerException * @return bool Success */ public function removeFile( $key ) { if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) { throw new UploadStashNotLoggedInException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-not-logged-in' ) ); } $dbw = $this->repo->getMasterDB(); // this is a cheap query. it runs on the master so that this function // still works when there's lag. It won't be called all that often. $row = $dbw->selectRow( 'uploadstash', 'us_user', [ 'us_key' => $key ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !$row ) { throw new UploadStashNoSuchKeyException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-no-such-key', $key ) ); } if ( $row->us_user != $this->userId ) { throw new UploadStashWrongOwnerException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-wrong-owner', $key ) ); } return $this->removeFileNoAuth( $key ); } /** * Remove a file (see removeFile), but doesn't check ownership first. * * @param string $key * @return bool Success */ public function removeFileNoAuth( $key ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " clearing row $key" ); // Ensure we have the UploadStashFile loaded for this key $this->getFile( $key, true ); $dbw = $this->repo->getMasterDB(); $dbw->delete( 'uploadstash', [ 'us_key' => $key ], __METHOD__ ); /** @todo Look into UnregisteredLocalFile and find out why the rv here is * sometimes wrong (false when file was removed). For now, ignore. */ $this->files[$key]->remove(); unset( $this->files[$key] ); unset( $this->fileMetadata[$key] ); return true; } /** * List all files in the stash. * * @throws UploadStashNotLoggedInException * @return array|false */ public function listFiles() { if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) { throw new UploadStashNotLoggedInException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-not-logged-in' ) ); } $dbr = $this->repo->getReplicaDB(); $res = $dbr->select( 'uploadstash', 'us_key', [ 'us_user' => $this->userId ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !is_object( $res ) || $res->numRows() == 0 ) { // nothing to do. return false; } // finish the read before starting writes. $keys = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { array_push( $keys, $row->us_key ); } return $keys; } /** * Find or guess extension -- ensuring that our extension matches our MIME type. * Since these files are constructed from php tempnames they may not start off * with an extension. * XXX this is somewhat redundant with the checks that ApiUpload.php does with incoming * uploads versus the desired filename. Maybe we can get that passed to us... * @param string $path * @return string */ public static function getExtensionForPath( $path ) { global $wgFileBlacklist; // Does this have an extension? $n = strrpos( $path, '.' ); if ( $n !== false ) { $extension = $n ? substr( $path, $n + 1 ) : ''; } else { // If not, assume that it should be related to the MIME type of the original file. $magic = MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMimeAnalyzer(); $mimeType = $magic->guessMimeType( $path ); $extension = $magic->getExtensionFromMimeTypeOrNull( $mimeType ); } $extension = File::normalizeExtension( $extension ); if ( in_array( $extension, $wgFileBlacklist ) ) { // The file should already be checked for being evil. // However, if somehow we got here, we definitely // don't want to give it an extension of .php and // put it in a web accessible directory. return ''; } return $extension; } /** * Helper function: do the actual database query to fetch file metadata. * * @param string $key * @param int $readFromDB Constant (default: DB_REPLICA) * @return bool */ protected function fetchFileMetadata( $key, $readFromDB = DB_REPLICA ) { // populate $fileMetadata[$key] $dbr = null; if ( $readFromDB === DB_MASTER ) { // sometimes reading from the master is necessary, if there's replication lag. $dbr = $this->repo->getMasterDB(); } else { $dbr = $this->repo->getReplicaDB(); } $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'uploadstash', [ 'us_user', 'us_key', 'us_orig_path', 'us_path', 'us_props', 'us_size', 'us_sha1', 'us_mime', 'us_media_type', 'us_image_width', 'us_image_height', 'us_image_bits', 'us_source_type', 'us_timestamp', 'us_status', ], [ 'us_key' => $key ], __METHOD__ ); if ( !is_object( $row ) ) { // key wasn't present in the database. this will happen sometimes. return false; } $this->fileMetadata[$key] = (array)$row; $this->fileMetadata[$key]['us_props'] = $dbr->decodeBlob( $row->us_props ); return true; } /** * Helper function: Initialize the UploadStashFile for a given file. * * @param string $key Key under which to store the object * @throws UploadStashZeroLengthFileException * @return bool */ protected function initFile( $key ) { $file = new UploadStashFile( $this->repo, $this->fileMetadata[$key]['us_path'], $key ); if ( $file->getSize() === 0 ) { throw new UploadStashZeroLengthFileException( wfMessage( 'uploadstash-zero-length' ) ); } $this->files[$key] = $file; return true; } }