getPermissionManager() ->userHasRight( $user, 'upload_by_url' ) ) { return 'upload_by_url'; } return parent::isAllowed( $user ); } /** * Checks if the upload from URL feature is enabled * @return bool */ public static function isEnabled() { global $wgAllowCopyUploads; return $wgAllowCopyUploads && parent::isEnabled(); } /** * Checks whether the URL is for an allowed host * The domains in the whitelist can include wildcard characters (*) in place * of any of the domain levels, e.g. '*' or 'upload.*'. * * @param string $url * @return bool */ public static function isAllowedHost( $url ) { global $wgCopyUploadsDomains; if ( !count( $wgCopyUploadsDomains ) ) { return true; } $parsedUrl = wfParseUrl( $url ); if ( !$parsedUrl ) { return false; } $valid = false; foreach ( $wgCopyUploadsDomains as $domain ) { // See if the domain for the upload matches this whitelisted domain $whitelistedDomainPieces = explode( '.', $domain ); $uploadDomainPieces = explode( '.', $parsedUrl['host'] ); if ( count( $whitelistedDomainPieces ) === count( $uploadDomainPieces ) ) { $valid = true; // See if all the pieces match or not (excluding wildcards) foreach ( $whitelistedDomainPieces as $index => $piece ) { if ( $piece !== '*' && $piece !== $uploadDomainPieces[$index] ) { $valid = false; } } if ( $valid ) { // We found a match, so quit comparing against the list break; } } /* Non-wildcard test if ( $parsedUrl['host'] === $domain ) { $valid = true; break; } */ } return $valid; } /** * Checks whether the URL is not allowed. * * @param string $url * @return bool */ public static function isAllowedUrl( $url ) { if ( !isset( self::$allowedUrls[$url] ) ) { $allowed = true; Hooks::runner()->onIsUploadAllowedFromUrl( $url, $allowed ); self::$allowedUrls[$url] = $allowed; } return self::$allowedUrls[$url]; } /** * Entry point for API upload * * @param string $name * @param string $url * @throws MWException */ public function initialize( $name, $url ) { $this->mUrl = $url; $tempPath = $this->makeTemporaryFile(); # File size and removeTempFile will be filled in later $this->initializePathInfo( $name, $tempPath, 0, false ); } /** * Entry point for SpecialUpload * @param WebRequest &$request */ public function initializeFromRequest( &$request ) { $desiredDestName = $request->getText( 'wpDestFile' ); if ( !$desiredDestName ) { $desiredDestName = $request->getText( 'wpUploadFileURL' ); } $this->initialize( $desiredDestName, trim( $request->getVal( 'wpUploadFileURL' ) ) ); } /** * @param WebRequest $request * @return bool */ public static function isValidRequest( $request ) { global $wgUser; $url = $request->getVal( 'wpUploadFileURL' ); return !empty( $url ) && MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getPermissionManager() ->userHasRight( $wgUser, 'upload_by_url' ); } /** * @return string */ public function getSourceType() { return 'url'; } /** * Download the file * * @param array $httpOptions Array of options for MWHttpRequest. * This could be used to override the timeout on the http request. * @return Status */ public function fetchFile( $httpOptions = [] ) { if ( !Http::isValidURI( $this->mUrl ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'http-invalid-url', $this->mUrl ); } if ( !self::isAllowedHost( $this->mUrl ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'upload-copy-upload-invalid-domain' ); } if ( !self::isAllowedUrl( $this->mUrl ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'upload-copy-upload-invalid-url' ); } return $this->reallyFetchFile( $httpOptions ); } /** * Create a new temporary file in the URL subdirectory of wfTempDir(). * * @return string Path to the file */ protected function makeTemporaryFile() { $tmpFile = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getTempFSFileFactory() ->newTempFSFile( 'URL', 'urlupload_' ); $tmpFile->bind( $this ); return $tmpFile->getPath(); } /** * Callback: save a chunk of the result of a HTTP request to the temporary file * * @param mixed $req * @param string $buffer * @return int Number of bytes handled */ public function saveTempFileChunk( $req, $buffer ) { wfDebugLog( 'fileupload', 'Received chunk of ' . strlen( $buffer ) . ' bytes' ); $nbytes = fwrite( $this->mTmpHandle, $buffer ); if ( $nbytes == strlen( $buffer ) ) { $this->mFileSize += $nbytes; } else { // Well... that's not good! wfDebugLog( 'fileupload', 'Short write ' . $nbytes . '/' . strlen( $buffer ) . ' bytes, aborting with ' . $this->mFileSize . ' uploaded so far' ); fclose( $this->mTmpHandle ); $this->mTmpHandle = false; } return $nbytes; } /** * Download the file, save it to the temporary file and update the file * size and set $mRemoveTempFile to true. * * @param array $httpOptions Array of options for MWHttpRequest * @return Status */ protected function reallyFetchFile( $httpOptions = [] ) { global $wgCopyUploadProxy, $wgCopyUploadTimeout; if ( $this->mTempPath === false ) { return Status::newFatal( 'tmp-create-error' ); } // Note the temporary file should already be created by makeTemporaryFile() $this->mTmpHandle = fopen( $this->mTempPath, 'wb' ); if ( !$this->mTmpHandle ) { return Status::newFatal( 'tmp-create-error' ); } wfDebugLog( 'fileupload', 'Temporary file created "' . $this->mTempPath . '"' ); $this->mRemoveTempFile = true; $this->mFileSize = 0; $options = $httpOptions + [ 'followRedirects' => true ]; if ( $wgCopyUploadProxy !== false ) { $options['proxy'] = $wgCopyUploadProxy; } if ( $wgCopyUploadTimeout && !isset( $options['timeout'] ) ) { $options['timeout'] = $wgCopyUploadTimeout; } wfDebugLog( 'fileupload', 'Starting download from "' . $this->mUrl . '" ' . '<' . implode( ',', array_keys( array_filter( $options ) ) ) . '>' ); $req = MWHttpRequest::factory( $this->mUrl, $options, __METHOD__ ); $req->setCallback( [ $this, 'saveTempFileChunk' ] ); $status = $req->execute(); if ( $this->mTmpHandle ) { // File got written ok... fclose( $this->mTmpHandle ); $this->mTmpHandle = null; } else { // We encountered a write error during the download... return Status::newFatal( 'tmp-write-error' ); } wfDebugLog( 'fileupload', $status ); if ( $status->isOK() ) { wfDebugLog( 'fileupload', 'Download by URL completed successfully.' ); } else { wfDebugLog( 'fileupload', 'Download by URL completed with HTTP status ' . $req->getStatus() ); } return $status; } }