180, // seconds 'walltime' => 180, // KB 'memory' => 307200, // KB 'filesize' => 102400, ]; /** @var string[] */ private $env = []; /** @var string */ private $method; /** @var string|null */ private $inputString; /** @var bool */ private $doIncludeStderr = false; /** @var bool */ private $doLogStderr = false; /** @var bool */ private $everExecuted = false; /** @var string|false */ private $cgroup = false; /** * Bitfield with restrictions * * @var int */ protected $restrictions = 0; /** * Don't call directly, instead use Shell::command() * * @throws ShellDisabledError */ public function __construct() { if ( Shell::isDisabled() ) { throw new ShellDisabledError(); } $this->setLogger( new NullLogger() ); } /** * Makes sure the programmer didn't forget to execute the command after all */ public function __destruct() { if ( !$this->everExecuted ) { $context = [ 'command' => $this->command ]; $message = __CLASS__ . " was instantiated, but execute() was never called."; if ( $this->method ) { $message .= ' Calling method: {method}.'; $context['method'] = $this->method; } $message .= ' Command: {command}'; $this->logger->warning( $message, $context ); } } /** * Adds parameters to the command. All parameters are sanitized via Shell::escape(). * Null values are ignored. * * @param string|string[] ...$args * @return $this */ public function params( ...$args ): Command { if ( count( $args ) === 1 && is_array( reset( $args ) ) ) { // If only one argument has been passed, and that argument is an array, // treat it as a list of arguments $args = reset( $args ); } $this->command = trim( $this->command . ' ' . Shell::escape( $args ) ); return $this; } /** * Adds unsafe parameters to the command. These parameters are NOT sanitized in any way. * Null values are ignored. * * @param string|string[] ...$args * @return $this */ public function unsafeParams( ...$args ): Command { if ( count( $args ) === 1 && is_array( reset( $args ) ) ) { // If only one argument has been passed, and that argument is an array, // treat it as a list of arguments $args = reset( $args ); } $args = array_filter( $args, function ( $value ) { return $value !== null; } ); $this->command = trim( $this->command . ' ' . implode( ' ', $args ) ); return $this; } /** * Sets execution limits * * @param array $limits Associative array of limits. Keys (all optional): * filesize (for ulimit -f), memory, time, walltime. * @return $this */ public function limits( array $limits ): Command { if ( !isset( $limits['walltime'] ) && isset( $limits['time'] ) ) { // Emulate the behavior of old wfShellExec() where walltime fell back on time // if the latter was overridden and the former wasn't $limits['walltime'] = $limits['time']; } $this->limits = $limits + $this->limits; return $this; } /** * Sets environment variables which should be added to the executed command environment * * @param string[] $env array of variable name => value * @return $this */ public function environment( array $env ): Command { $this->env = $env; return $this; } /** * Sets calling function for profiler. By default, the caller for execute() will be used. * * @param string $method * @return $this */ public function profileMethod( string $method ): Command { $this->method = $method; return $this; } /** * Sends the provided input to the command. * When set to null (default), the command will use the standard input. * @param string|null $inputString * @return $this */ public function input( ?string $inputString ): Command { $this->inputString = $inputString; return $this; } /** * Controls whether stderr should be included in stdout, including errors from limit.sh. * Default: don't include. * * @param bool $yesno * @return $this */ public function includeStderr( bool $yesno = true ): Command { $this->doIncludeStderr = $yesno; return $this; } /** * When enabled, text sent to stderr will be logged with a level of 'error'. * * @param bool $yesno * @return $this */ public function logStderr( bool $yesno = true ): Command { $this->doLogStderr = $yesno; return $this; } /** * Sets cgroup for this command * * @param string|false $cgroup Absolute file path to the cgroup, or false to not use a cgroup * @return $this */ public function cgroup( $cgroup ): Command { $this->cgroup = $cgroup; return $this; } /** * Set restrictions for this request, overwriting any previously set restrictions. * * Add the "no network" restriction: * @code * $command->restrict( Shell::RESTRICT_DEFAULT | Shell::NO_NETWORK ); * @endcode * * Allow LocalSettings.php access: * @code * $command->restrict( Shell::RESTRICT_DEFAULT & ~Shell::NO_LOCALSETTINGS ); * @endcode * * Disable all restrictions: * @code * $command->restrict( Shell::RESTRICT_NONE ); * @endcode * * @since 1.31 * @param int $restrictions * @return $this */ public function restrict( int $restrictions ): Command { $this->restrictions = $restrictions; return $this; } /** * Bitfield helper on whether a specific restriction is enabled * * @param int $restriction * * @return bool */ protected function hasRestriction( int $restriction ): bool { return ( $this->restrictions & $restriction ) === $restriction; } /** * If called, only the files/directories that are * whitelisted will be available to the shell command. * * limit.sh will always be whitelisted * * @param string[] $paths * * @return $this */ public function whitelistPaths( array $paths ): Command { // Default implementation is a no-op return $this; } /** * String together all the options and build the final command * to execute * * @param string $command Already-escaped command to run * @return array [ command, whether to use log pipe ] */ protected function buildFinalCommand( string $command ): array { $envcmd = ''; foreach ( $this->env as $k => $v ) { if ( wfIsWindows() ) { /* Surrounding a set in quotes (method used by wfEscapeShellArg) makes the quotes themselves * appear in the environment variable, so we must use carat escaping as documented in * https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc723564.aspx * Note however that the quote isn't listed there, but is needed, and the parentheses * are listed there but doesn't appear to need it. */ $envcmd .= "set $k=" . preg_replace( '/([&|()<>^"])/', '^\\1', $v ) . '&& '; } else { /* Assume this is a POSIX shell, thus required to accept variable assignments before the command * http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html#tag_02_09_01 */ $envcmd .= "$k=" . escapeshellarg( $v ) . ' '; } } $useLogPipe = false; $cmd = $envcmd . trim( $command ); if ( is_executable( '/bin/bash' ) ) { $time = intval( $this->limits['time'] ); $wallTime = intval( $this->limits['walltime'] ); $mem = intval( $this->limits['memory'] ); $filesize = intval( $this->limits['filesize'] ); if ( $time > 0 || $mem > 0 || $filesize > 0 || $wallTime > 0 ) { $cmd = '/bin/bash ' . escapeshellarg( __DIR__ . '/limit.sh' ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $cmd ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( "MW_INCLUDE_STDERR=" . ( $this->doIncludeStderr ? '1' : '' ) . ';' . "MW_CPU_LIMIT=$time; " . 'MW_CGROUP=' . escapeshellarg( $this->cgroup ) . '; ' . "MW_MEM_LIMIT=$mem; " . "MW_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT=$filesize; " . "MW_WALL_CLOCK_LIMIT=$wallTime; " . "MW_USE_LOG_PIPE=yes" ); $useLogPipe = true; } } if ( !$useLogPipe && $this->doIncludeStderr ) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } if ( wfIsWindows() ) { $cmd = 'cmd.exe /c "' . $cmd . '"'; } return [ $cmd, $useLogPipe ]; } /** * Executes command. Afterwards, getExitCode() and getOutput() can be used to access execution * results. * * @return Result * @throws Exception * @throws ProcOpenError * @throws ShellDisabledError */ public function execute(): Result { $this->everExecuted = true; $profileMethod = $this->method ?: wfGetCaller(); list( $cmd, $useLogPipe ) = $this->buildFinalCommand( $this->command ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": $cmd" ); // Don't try to execute commands that exceed Linux's MAX_ARG_STRLEN. // Other platforms may be more accomodating, but we don't want to be // accomodating, because very long commands probably include user // input. See T129506. if ( strlen( $cmd ) > SHELL_MAX_ARG_STRLEN ) { throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . '(): total length of $cmd must not exceed SHELL_MAX_ARG_STRLEN' ); } $desc = [ 0 => $this->inputString === null ? [ 'file', 'php://stdin', 'r' ] : [ 'pipe', 'r' ], 1 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ], 2 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ], ]; if ( $useLogPipe ) { $desc[3] = [ 'pipe', 'w' ]; } $pipes = null; $scoped = Profiler::instance()->scopedProfileIn( __FUNCTION__ . '-' . $profileMethod ); $proc = null; if ( wfIsWindows() ) { // Windows Shell bypassed, but command run is "cmd.exe /C "{$cmd}" // This solves some shell parsing issues, see T207248 $proc = proc_open( $cmd, $desc, $pipes, null, null, [ 'bypass_shell' => true ] ); } else { $proc = proc_open( $cmd, $desc, $pipes ); } if ( !$proc ) { $this->logger->error( "proc_open() failed: {command}", [ 'command' => $cmd ] ); throw new ProcOpenError(); } $buffers = [ 0 => $this->inputString, // input 1 => '', // stdout 2 => null, // stderr 3 => '', // log ]; $emptyArray = []; $status = false; $logMsg = false; /* According to the documentation, it is possible for stream_select() * to fail due to EINTR. I haven't managed to induce this in testing * despite sending various signals. If it did happen, the error * message would take the form: * * stream_select(): unable to select [4]: Interrupted system call (max_fd=5) * * where [4] is the value of the macro EINTR and "Interrupted system * call" is string which according to the Linux manual is "possibly" * localised according to LC_MESSAGES. */ $eintr = defined( 'SOCKET_EINTR' ) ? SOCKET_EINTR : 4; $eintrMessage = "stream_select(): unable to select [$eintr]"; /* The select(2) system call only guarantees a "sufficiently small write" * can be made without blocking. And on Linux the read might block too * in certain cases, although I don't know if any of them can occur here. * Regardless, set all the pipes to non-blocking to avoid T184171. */ foreach ( $pipes as $pipe ) { stream_set_blocking( $pipe, false ); } $running = true; $timeout = null; $numReadyPipes = 0; while ( $pipes && ( $running === true || $numReadyPipes !== 0 ) ) { if ( $running ) { $status = proc_get_status( $proc ); // If the process has terminated, switch to nonblocking selects // for getting any data still waiting to be read. if ( !$status['running'] ) { $running = false; $timeout = 0; } } error_clear_last(); $readPipes = array_filter( $pipes, function ( $fd ) use ( $desc ) { return $desc[$fd][0] === 'pipe' && $desc[$fd][1] === 'r'; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); $writePipes = array_filter( $pipes, function ( $fd ) use ( $desc ) { return $desc[$fd][0] === 'pipe' && $desc[$fd][1] === 'w'; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); // stream_select parameter names are from the POV of us being able to do the operation; // proc_open desriptor types are from the POV of the process doing it. // So $writePipes is passed as the $read parameter and $readPipes as $write. AtEase::suppressWarnings(); $numReadyPipes = stream_select( $writePipes, $readPipes, $emptyArray, $timeout ); AtEase::restoreWarnings(); if ( $numReadyPipes === false ) { $error = error_get_last(); if ( strncmp( $error['message'], $eintrMessage, strlen( $eintrMessage ) ) == 0 ) { continue; } else { trigger_error( $error['message'], E_USER_WARNING ); $logMsg = $error['message']; break; } } foreach ( $writePipes + $readPipes as $fd => $pipe ) { // True if a pipe is unblocked for us to write into, false if for reading from $isWrite = array_key_exists( $fd, $readPipes ); if ( $isWrite ) { // Don't bother writing if the buffer is empty if ( $buffers[$fd] === '' ) { fclose( $pipes[$fd] ); unset( $pipes[$fd] ); continue; } $res = fwrite( $pipe, $buffers[$fd], 65536 ); } else { $res = fread( $pipe, 65536 ); } if ( $res === false ) { $logMsg = 'Error ' . ( $isWrite ? 'writing to' : 'reading from' ) . ' pipe'; break 2; } if ( $res === '' || $res === 0 ) { // End of file? if ( feof( $pipe ) ) { fclose( $pipes[$fd] ); unset( $pipes[$fd] ); } } elseif ( $isWrite ) { $buffers[$fd] = (string)substr( $buffers[$fd], $res ); if ( $buffers[$fd] === '' ) { fclose( $pipes[$fd] ); unset( $pipes[$fd] ); } } else { $buffers[$fd] .= $res; if ( $fd === 3 && strpos( $res, "\n" ) !== false ) { // For the log FD, every line is a separate log entry. $lines = explode( "\n", $buffers[3] ); $buffers[3] = array_pop( $lines ); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $this->logger->info( $line ); } } } } } foreach ( $pipes as $pipe ) { fclose( $pipe ); } // Use the status previously collected if possible, since proc_get_status() // just calls waitpid() which will not return anything useful the second time. if ( $running ) { $status = proc_get_status( $proc ); } if ( $logMsg !== false ) { // Read/select error $retval = -1; proc_close( $proc ); } elseif ( $status['signaled'] ) { $logMsg = "Exited with signal {$status['termsig']}"; $retval = 128 + $status['termsig']; proc_close( $proc ); } else { if ( $status['running'] ) { $retval = proc_close( $proc ); } else { $retval = $status['exitcode']; proc_close( $proc ); } if ( $retval == 127 ) { $logMsg = "Possibly missing executable file"; } elseif ( $retval >= 129 && $retval <= 192 ) { $logMsg = "Probably exited with signal " . ( $retval - 128 ); } } if ( $logMsg !== false ) { $this->logger->warning( "$logMsg: {command}", [ 'command' => $cmd ] ); } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleCondition if ( $buffers[2] && $this->doLogStderr ) { $this->logger->error( "Error running {command}: {error}", [ 'command' => $cmd, 'error' => $buffers[2], 'exitcode' => $retval, 'exception' => new Exception( 'Shell error' ), ] ); } return new Result( $retval, $buffers[1], $buffers[2] ); } /** * Returns the final command line before environment/limiting, etc are applied. * Use string conversion only for debugging, don't try to pass this to * some other execution medium. * * @return string */ public function __toString(): string { return "#Command: {$this->command}"; } }