backend = $backend; $this->index = $index; $this->logger = $logger; } public function __destruct() { $this->backend->deregisterSession( $this->index ); } /** * Returns the session ID * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->backend->getId(); } /** * Returns the SessionId object * @internal For internal use by WebRequest * @return SessionId */ public function getSessionId() { return $this->backend->getSessionId(); } /** * Changes the session ID * @return string New ID (might be the same as the old) */ public function resetId() { return $this->backend->resetId(); } /** * Fetch the SessionProvider for this session * @return SessionProviderInterface */ public function getProvider() { return $this->backend->getProvider(); } /** * Indicate whether this session is persisted across requests * * For example, if cookies are set. * * @return bool */ public function isPersistent() { return $this->backend->isPersistent(); } /** * Make this session persisted across requests * * If the session is already persistent, equivalent to calling * $this->renew(). */ public function persist() { $this->backend->persist(); } /** * Make this session not be persisted across requests * * This will remove persistence information (e.g. delete cookies) * from the associated WebRequest(s), and delete session data in the * backend. The session data will still be available via get() until * the end of the request. */ public function unpersist() { $this->backend->unpersist(); } /** * Indicate whether the user should be remembered independently of the * session ID. * @return bool */ public function shouldRememberUser() { return $this->backend->shouldRememberUser(); } /** * Set whether the user should be remembered independently of the session * ID. * @param bool $remember */ public function setRememberUser( $remember ) { $this->backend->setRememberUser( $remember ); } /** * Returns the request associated with this session * @return WebRequest */ public function getRequest() { return $this->backend->getRequest( $this->index ); } /** * Returns the authenticated user for this session * @return User */ public function getUser() { return $this->backend->getUser(); } /** * Fetch the rights allowed the user when this session is active. * @return null|string[] Allowed user rights, or null to allow all. */ public function getAllowedUserRights() { return $this->backend->getAllowedUserRights(); } /** * Indicate whether the session user info can be changed * @return bool */ public function canSetUser() { return $this->backend->canSetUser(); } /** * Set a new user for this session * @note This should only be called when the user has been authenticated * @param User $user User to set on the session. * This may become a "UserValue" in the future, or User may be refactored * into such. */ public function setUser( $user ) { $this->backend->setUser( $user ); } /** * Get a suggested username for the login form * @return string|null */ public function suggestLoginUsername() { return $this->backend->suggestLoginUsername( $this->index ); } /** * Get the expected value of the forceHTTPS cookie. This reflects whether * session cookies were sent with the Secure attribute. If $wgForceHTTPS * is true, the forceHTTPS cookie is not sent and this value is ignored. * * @return bool */ public function shouldForceHTTPS() { return $this->backend->shouldForceHTTPS(); } /** * Set the value of the forceHTTPS cookie. This reflects whether session * cookies were sent with the Secure attribute. If $wgForceHTTPS is true, * the forceHTTPS cookie is not sent, and this value is ignored. * * @param bool $force */ public function setForceHTTPS( $force ) { $this->backend->setForceHTTPS( $force ); } /** * Fetch the "logged out" timestamp * @return int */ public function getLoggedOutTimestamp() { return $this->backend->getLoggedOutTimestamp(); } /** * Set the "logged out" timestamp * @param int $ts */ public function setLoggedOutTimestamp( $ts ) { $this->backend->setLoggedOutTimestamp( $ts ); } /** * Fetch provider metadata * @note For use by SessionProvider subclasses only * @return mixed */ public function getProviderMetadata() { return $this->backend->getProviderMetadata(); } /** * Delete all session data and clear the user (if possible) */ public function clear() { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); if ( $data ) { $data = []; $this->backend->dirty(); } if ( $this->backend->canSetUser() ) { $this->backend->setUser( new User ); } $this->backend->save(); } /** * Renew the session * * Resets the TTL in the backend store if the session is near expiring, and * re-persists the session to any active WebRequests if persistent. */ public function renew() { $this->backend->renew(); } /** * Fetch a copy of this session attached to an alternative WebRequest * * Actions on the copy will affect this session too, and vice versa. * * @param WebRequest $request Any existing session associated with this * WebRequest object will be overwritten. * @return Session */ public function sessionWithRequest( WebRequest $request ) { $request->setSessionId( $this->backend->getSessionId() ); return $this->backend->getSession( $request ); } /** * Fetch a value from the session * @param string|int $key * @param mixed|null $default Returned if $this->exists( $key ) would be false * @return mixed */ public function get( $key, $default = null ) { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); return array_key_exists( $key, $data ) ? $data[$key] : $default; } /** * Test if a value exists in the session * @note Unlike isset(), null values are considered to exist. * @param string|int $key * @return bool */ public function exists( $key ) { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); return array_key_exists( $key, $data ); } /** * Set a value in the session * @param string|int $key * @param mixed $value */ public function set( $key, $value ) { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); if ( !array_key_exists( $key, $data ) || $data[$key] !== $value ) { $data[$key] = $value; $this->backend->dirty(); } } /** * Remove a value from the session * @param string|int $key */ public function remove( $key ) { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); if ( array_key_exists( $key, $data ) ) { unset( $data[$key] ); $this->backend->dirty(); } } /** * Fetch a CSRF token from the session * * Note that this does not persist the session, which you'll probably want * to do if you want the token to actually be useful. * * @param string|string[] $salt Token salt * @param string $key Token key * @return Token */ public function getToken( $salt = '', $key = 'default' ) { $new = false; $secrets = $this->get( 'wsTokenSecrets' ); if ( !is_array( $secrets ) ) { $secrets = []; } if ( isset( $secrets[$key] ) && is_string( $secrets[$key] ) ) { $secret = $secrets[$key]; } else { $secret = \MWCryptRand::generateHex( 32 ); $secrets[$key] = $secret; $this->set( 'wsTokenSecrets', $secrets ); $new = true; } if ( is_array( $salt ) ) { $salt = implode( '|', $salt ); } return new Token( $secret, (string)$salt, $new ); } /** * Remove a CSRF token from the session * * The next call to self::getToken() with $key will generate a new secret. * * @param string $key Token key */ public function resetToken( $key = 'default' ) { $secrets = $this->get( 'wsTokenSecrets' ); if ( is_array( $secrets ) && isset( $secrets[$key] ) ) { unset( $secrets[$key] ); $this->set( 'wsTokenSecrets', $secrets ); } } /** * Remove all CSRF tokens from the session */ public function resetAllTokens() { $this->remove( 'wsTokenSecrets' ); } /** * Fetch the secret keys for self::setSecret() and self::getSecret(). * @return string[] Encryption key, HMAC key */ private function getSecretKeys() { global $wgSessionSecret, $wgSecretKey, $wgSessionPbkdf2Iterations; $wikiSecret = $wgSessionSecret ?: $wgSecretKey; $userSecret = $this->get( 'wsSessionSecret', null ); if ( $userSecret === null ) { $userSecret = \MWCryptRand::generateHex( 32 ); $this->set( 'wsSessionSecret', $userSecret ); } $iterations = $this->get( 'wsSessionPbkdf2Iterations', null ); if ( $iterations === null ) { $iterations = $wgSessionPbkdf2Iterations; $this->set( 'wsSessionPbkdf2Iterations', $iterations ); } $keymats = hash_pbkdf2( 'sha256', $wikiSecret, $userSecret, $iterations, 64, true ); return [ substr( $keymats, 0, 32 ), substr( $keymats, 32, 32 ), ]; } /** * Decide what type of encryption to use, based on system capabilities. * @return array */ private static function getEncryptionAlgorithm() { global $wgSessionInsecureSecrets; if ( self::$encryptionAlgorithm === null ) { if ( function_exists( 'openssl_encrypt' ) ) { $methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods(); if ( in_array( 'aes-256-ctr', $methods, true ) ) { self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [ 'openssl', 'aes-256-ctr' ]; return self::$encryptionAlgorithm; } if ( in_array( 'aes-256-cbc', $methods, true ) ) { self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [ 'openssl', 'aes-256-cbc' ]; return self::$encryptionAlgorithm; } } if ( $wgSessionInsecureSecrets ) { // @todo: import a pure-PHP library for AES instead of this self::$encryptionAlgorithm = [ 'insecure' ]; return self::$encryptionAlgorithm; } throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'Encryption is not available. You really should install the PHP OpenSSL extension. ' . 'But if you really can\'t and you\'re willing ' . 'to accept insecure storage of sensitive session data, set ' . '$wgSessionInsecureSecrets = true in LocalSettings.php to make this exception go away.' ); } return self::$encryptionAlgorithm; } /** * Set a value in the session, encrypted * * This relies on the secrecy of $wgSecretKey (by default), or $wgSessionSecret. * * @param string|int $key * @param mixed $value */ public function setSecret( $key, $value ) { list( $encKey, $hmacKey ) = $this->getSecretKeys(); $serialized = serialize( $value ); // The code for encryption (with OpenSSL) and sealing is taken from // Chris Steipp's OATHAuthUtils class in Extension::OATHAuth. // Encrypt // @todo: import a pure-PHP library for AES instead of doing $wgSessionInsecureSecrets $iv = random_bytes( 16 ); $algorithm = self::getEncryptionAlgorithm(); switch ( $algorithm[0] ) { case 'openssl': $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt( $serialized, $algorithm[1], $encKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv ); if ( $ciphertext === false ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( 'Encryption failed: ' . openssl_error_string() ); } break; case 'insecure': $ex = new \Exception( 'No encryption is available, storing data as plain text' ); $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $ex ] ); $ciphertext = $serialized; break; default: throw new \LogicException( 'invalid algorithm' ); } // Seal $sealed = base64_encode( $iv ) . '.' . base64_encode( $ciphertext ); $hmac = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $sealed, $hmacKey, true ); $encrypted = base64_encode( $hmac ) . '.' . $sealed; // Store $this->set( $key, $encrypted ); } /** * Fetch a value from the session that was set with self::setSecret() * @param string|int $key * @param mixed|null $default Returned if $this->exists( $key ) would be false or decryption fails * @return mixed */ public function getSecret( $key, $default = null ) { // Fetch $encrypted = $this->get( $key, null ); if ( $encrypted === null ) { return $default; } // The code for unsealing, checking, and decrypting (with OpenSSL) is // taken from Chris Steipp's OATHAuthUtils class in // Extension::OATHAuth. // Unseal and check $pieces = explode( '.', $encrypted, 4 ); if ( count( $pieces ) !== 3 ) { $ex = new \Exception( 'Invalid sealed-secret format' ); $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $ex ] ); return $default; } list( $hmac, $iv, $ciphertext ) = $pieces; list( $encKey, $hmacKey ) = $this->getSecretKeys(); $integCalc = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $iv . '.' . $ciphertext, $hmacKey, true ); if ( !hash_equals( $integCalc, base64_decode( $hmac ) ) ) { $ex = new \Exception( 'Sealed secret has been tampered with, aborting.' ); $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $ex ] ); return $default; } // Decrypt $algorithm = self::getEncryptionAlgorithm(); switch ( $algorithm[0] ) { case 'openssl': $serialized = openssl_decrypt( base64_decode( $ciphertext ), $algorithm[1], $encKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, base64_decode( $iv ) ); if ( $serialized === false ) { $ex = new \Exception( 'Decyption failed: ' . openssl_error_string() ); $this->logger->debug( $ex->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $ex ] ); return $default; } break; case 'insecure': $ex = new \Exception( 'No encryption is available, retrieving data that was stored as plain text' ); $this->logger->warning( $ex->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $ex ] ); $serialized = base64_decode( $ciphertext ); break; default: throw new \LogicException( 'invalid algorithm' ); } $value = unserialize( $serialized ); if ( $value === false && $serialized !== serialize( false ) ) { $value = $default; } return $value; } /** * Delay automatic saving while multiple updates are being made * * Calls to save() or clear() will not be delayed. * * @return \Wikimedia\ScopedCallback When this goes out of scope, a save will be triggered */ public function delaySave() { return $this->backend->delaySave(); } /** * Save the session * * This will update the backend data and might re-persist the session * if needed. */ public function save() { $this->backend->save(); } /** * @name Interface methods * @{ */ /** @inheritDoc */ public function count() { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); return count( $data ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function current() { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); return current( $data ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function key() { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); return key( $data ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function next() { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); next( $data ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function rewind() { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); reset( $data ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function valid() { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); return key( $data ) !== null; } /** * @note Despite the name, this seems to be intended to implement isset() * rather than array_key_exists(). So do that. * @inheritDoc */ public function offsetExists( $offset ) { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); return isset( $data[$offset] ); } /** * @note This supports indirect modifications but can't mark the session * dirty when those happen. SessionBackend::save() checks the hash of the * data to detect such changes. * @note Accessing a nonexistent key via this mechanism causes that key to * be created with a null value, and does not raise a PHP warning. * @inheritDoc */ public function &offsetGet( $offset ) { $data = &$this->backend->getData(); if ( !array_key_exists( $offset, $data ) ) { $ex = new \Exception( "Undefined index (auto-adds to session with a null value): $offset" ); $this->logger->debug( $ex->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $ex ] ); } return $data[$offset]; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function offsetSet( $offset, $value ) { $this->set( $offset, $value ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function offsetUnset( $offset ) { $this->remove( $offset ); } /** @} */ }