<?php /** * PostgreSQL search engine * * Copyright © 2006-2007 Greg Sabino Mullane <greg@turnstep.com> * https://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Search */ use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use MediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecord; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase; /** * Search engine hook base class for Postgres * @ingroup Search */ class SearchPostgres extends SearchDatabase { /** * Perform a full text search query via tsearch2 and return a result set. * Currently searches a page's current title (page.page_title) and * latest revision article text (pagecontent.old_text) * * @param string $term Raw search term * @return SqlSearchResultSet */ protected function doSearchTitleInDB( $term ) { $q = $this->searchQuery( $term, 'titlevector', 'page_title' ); $olderror = error_reporting( E_ERROR ); $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $resultSet = $dbr->query( $q, 'SearchPostgres', IDatabase::QUERY_SILENCE_ERRORS ); error_reporting( $olderror ); return new SqlSearchResultSet( $resultSet, $this->searchTerms ); } protected function doSearchTextInDB( $term ) { $q = $this->searchQuery( $term, 'textvector', 'old_text' ); $olderror = error_reporting( E_ERROR ); $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $resultSet = $dbr->query( $q, 'SearchPostgres', IDatabase::QUERY_SILENCE_ERRORS ); error_reporting( $olderror ); return new SqlSearchResultSet( $resultSet, $this->searchTerms ); } /** * Transform the user's search string into a better form for tsearch2 * Returns an SQL fragment consisting of quoted text to search for. * * @param string $term * * @return string */ private function parseQuery( $term ) { wfDebug( "parseQuery received: $term" ); # # No backslashes allowed $term = preg_replace( '/\\\/', '', $term ); # # Collapse parens into nearby words: $term = preg_replace( '/\s*\(\s*/', ' (', $term ); $term = preg_replace( '/\s*\)\s*/', ') ', $term ); # # Treat colons as word separators: $term = preg_replace( '/:/', ' ', $term ); $searchstring = ''; $m = []; if ( preg_match_all( '/([-!]?)(\S+)\s*/', $term, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) { foreach ( $m as $terms ) { if ( strlen( $terms[1] ) ) { $searchstring .= ' & !'; } if ( strtolower( $terms[2] ) === 'and' ) { $searchstring .= ' & '; } elseif ( strtolower( $terms[2] ) === 'or' || $terms[2] === '|' ) { $searchstring .= ' | '; } elseif ( strtolower( $terms[2] ) === 'not' ) { $searchstring .= ' & !'; } else { $searchstring .= " & $terms[2]"; } } } # # Strip out leading junk $searchstring = preg_replace( '/^[\s\&\|]+/', '', $searchstring ); # # Remove any doubled-up operators $searchstring = preg_replace( '/([\!\&\|]) +(?:[\&\|] +)+/', "$1 ", $searchstring ); # # Remove any non-spaced operators (e.g. "Zounds!") $searchstring = preg_replace( '/([^ ])[\!\&\|]/', "$1", $searchstring ); # # Remove any trailing whitespace or operators $searchstring = preg_replace( '/[\s\!\&\|]+$/', '', $searchstring ); # # Remove unnecessary quotes around everything $searchstring = preg_replace( '/^[\'"](.*)[\'"]$/', "$1", $searchstring ); # # Quote the whole thing $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $searchstring = $dbr->addQuotes( $searchstring ); wfDebug( "parseQuery returned: $searchstring" ); return $searchstring; } /** * Construct the full SQL query to do the search. * @param string $term * @param string $fulltext * @param string $colname * @return string */ private function searchQuery( $term, $fulltext, $colname ) { # Get the SQL fragment for the given term $searchstring = $this->parseQuery( $term ); # # We need a separate query here so gin does not complain about empty searches $sql = "SELECT to_tsquery($searchstring)"; $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); if ( !$res ) { # # TODO: Better output (example to catch: one 'two) die( "Sorry, that was not a valid search string. Please go back and try again" ); } $top = $res->fetchRow()[0]; $this->searchTerms = []; $slotRoleStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSlotRoleStore(); if ( $top === "" ) { # # e.g. if only stopwords are used XXX return something better $query = "SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, 0 AS score " . "FROM page p, revision r, slots s, content c, pagecontent pc " . "WHERE p.page_latest = r.rev_id " . "AND s.slot_revision_id = r.rev_id " . "AND s.slot_role_id = " . $slotRoleStore->getId( SlotRecord::MAIN ) . " " . "AND c.content_id = s.slot_content_id " . "AND pc.old_id = substring( c.content_address from '^tt:([0-9]+)$' )::int " . "AND 1=0"; } else { $m = []; if ( preg_match_all( "/'([^']+)'/", $top, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) { foreach ( $m as $terms ) { $this->searchTerms[$terms[1]] = $terms[1]; } } $query = "SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, " . "ts_rank($fulltext, to_tsquery($searchstring), 5) AS score " . "FROM page p, revision r, slots s, content c, pagecontent pc " . "WHERE p.page_latest = r.rev_id " . "AND s.slot_revision_id = r.rev_id " . "AND s.slot_role_id = " . $slotRoleStore->getId( SlotRecord::MAIN ) . " " . "AND c.content_id = s.slot_content_id " . "AND pc.old_id = substring( c.content_address from '^tt:([0-9]+)$' )::int " . "AND $fulltext @@ to_tsquery($searchstring)"; } # # Namespaces - defaults to 0 if ( $this->namespaces !== null ) { // null -> search all if ( count( $this->namespaces ) < 1 ) { $query .= ' AND page_namespace = 0'; } else { $namespaces = $dbr->makeList( $this->namespaces ); $query .= " AND page_namespace IN ($namespaces)"; } } $query .= " ORDER BY score DESC, page_id DESC"; $query .= $dbr->limitResult( '', $this->limit, $this->offset ); wfDebug( "searchQuery returned: $query" ); return $query; } # # Most of the work of these two functions are done automatically via triggers public function update( $pageid, $title, $text ) { # # We don't want to index older revisions $slotRoleStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSlotRoleStore(); $sql = "UPDATE pagecontent SET textvector = NULL " . "WHERE textvector IS NOT NULL " . "AND old_id IN " . "(SELECT DISTINCT substring( c.content_address from '^tt:([0-9]+)$' )::int AS old_rev_text_id " . " FROM content c, slots s, revision r " . " WHERE r.rev_page = $pageid " . " AND s.slot_revision_id = r.rev_id " . " AND s.slot_role_id = " . $slotRoleStore->getId( SlotRecord::MAIN ) . " " . " AND c.content_id = s.slot_content_id " . " ORDER BY old_rev_text_id DESC OFFSET 1)"; $dbw = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); return true; } public function updateTitle( $id, $title ) { return true; } }