* https://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Search */ use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; /** * Search engine hook for MySQL 4+ * @ingroup Search */ class SearchMySQL extends SearchDatabase { protected $strictMatching = true; private static $mMinSearchLength; /** * Parse the user's query and transform it into two SQL fragments: * a WHERE condition and an ORDER BY expression * * @param string $filteredText * @param string $fulltext * * @return array */ private function parseQuery( $filteredText, $fulltext ) { $lc = $this->legalSearchChars( self::CHARS_NO_SYNTAX ); // Minus syntax chars (" and *) $searchon = ''; $this->searchTerms = []; # @todo FIXME: This doesn't handle parenthetical expressions. $m = []; if ( preg_match_all( '/([-+<>~]?)(([' . $lc . ']+)(\*?)|"[^"]*")/', $filteredText, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) { foreach ( $m as $bits ) { Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); list( /* all */, $modifier, $term, $nonQuoted, $wildcard ) = $bits; Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( $nonQuoted != '' ) { $term = $nonQuoted; $quote = ''; } else { $term = str_replace( '"', '', $term ); $quote = '"'; } if ( $searchon !== '' ) { $searchon .= ' '; } if ( $this->strictMatching && ( $modifier == '' ) ) { // If we leave this out, boolean op defaults to OR which is rarely helpful. $modifier = '+'; } // Some languages such as Serbian store the input form in the search index, // so we may need to search for matches in multiple writing system variants. $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); $convertedVariants = $contLang->autoConvertToAllVariants( $term ); if ( is_array( $convertedVariants ) ) { $variants = array_unique( array_values( $convertedVariants ) ); } else { $variants = [ $term ]; } // The low-level search index does some processing on input to work // around problems with minimum lengths and encoding in MySQL's // fulltext engine. // For Chinese this also inserts spaces between adjacent Han characters. $strippedVariants = array_map( [ $contLang, 'normalizeForSearch' ], $variants ); // Some languages such as Chinese force all variants to a canonical // form when stripping to the low-level search index, so to be sure // let's check our variants list for unique items after stripping. $strippedVariants = array_unique( $strippedVariants ); $searchon .= $modifier; if ( count( $strippedVariants ) > 1 ) { $searchon .= '('; } foreach ( $strippedVariants as $stripped ) { $stripped = $this->normalizeText( $stripped ); if ( $nonQuoted && strpos( $stripped, ' ' ) !== false ) { // Hack for Chinese: we need to toss in quotes for // multiple-character phrases since normalizeForSearch() // added spaces between them to make word breaks. $stripped = '"' . trim( $stripped ) . '"'; } $searchon .= "$quote$stripped$quote$wildcard "; } if ( count( $strippedVariants ) > 1 ) { $searchon .= ')'; } // Match individual terms or quoted phrase in result highlighting... // Note that variants will be introduced in a later stage for highlighting! $regexp = $this->regexTerm( $term, $wildcard ); $this->searchTerms[] = $regexp; } wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Would search with '$searchon'" ); wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': Match with /' . implode( '|', $this->searchTerms ) . "/" ); } else { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Can't understand search query '{$filteredText}'" ); } $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $searchon = $dbr->addQuotes( $searchon ); $field = $this->getIndexField( $fulltext ); return [ " MATCH($field) AGAINST($searchon IN BOOLEAN MODE) ", " MATCH($field) AGAINST($searchon IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) DESC " ]; } private function regexTerm( $string, $wildcard ) { $regex = preg_quote( $string, '/' ); if ( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->hasWordBreaks() ) { if ( $wildcard ) { // Don't cut off the final bit! $regex = "\b$regex"; } else { $regex = "\b$regex\b"; } } else { // For Chinese, words may legitimately abut other words in the text literal. // Don't add \b boundary checks... note this could cause false positives // for Latin chars. } return $regex; } public function legalSearchChars( $type = self::CHARS_ALL ) { $searchChars = parent::legalSearchChars( $type ); if ( $type === self::CHARS_ALL ) { // " for phrase, * for wildcard $searchChars = "\"*" . $searchChars; } return $searchChars; } /** * Perform a full text search query and return a result set. * * @param string $term Raw search term * @return SqlSearchResultSet|null */ protected function doSearchTextInDB( $term ) { return $this->searchInternal( $term, true ); } /** * Perform a title-only search query and return a result set. * * @param string $term Raw search term * @return SqlSearchResultSet|null */ protected function doSearchTitleInDB( $term ) { return $this->searchInternal( $term, false ); } protected function searchInternal( $term, $fulltext ) { // This seems out of place, why is this called with empty term? if ( trim( $term ) === '' ) { return null; } $filteredTerm = $this->filter( $term ); $query = $this->getQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ); $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $resultSet = $dbr->select( $query['tables'], $query['fields'], $query['conds'], __METHOD__, $query['options'], $query['joins'] ); $total = null; $query = $this->getCountQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ); $totalResult = $dbr->select( $query['tables'], $query['fields'], $query['conds'], __METHOD__, $query['options'], $query['joins'] ); $row = $totalResult->fetchObject(); if ( $row ) { $total = intval( $row->c ); } $totalResult->free(); return new SqlSearchResultSet( $resultSet, $this->searchTerms, $total ); } public function supports( $feature ) { switch ( $feature ) { case 'title-suffix-filter': return true; default: return parent::supports( $feature ); } } /** * Add special conditions * @param array &$query * @since 1.18 */ protected function queryFeatures( &$query ) { foreach ( $this->features as $feature => $value ) { if ( $feature === 'title-suffix-filter' && $value ) { $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $query['conds'][] = 'page_title' . $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), $value ); } } } /** * Add namespace conditions * @param array &$query * @since 1.18 (changed) */ private function queryNamespaces( &$query ) { if ( is_array( $this->namespaces ) ) { if ( count( $this->namespaces ) === 0 ) { $this->namespaces[] = '0'; } $query['conds']['page_namespace'] = $this->namespaces; } } /** * Add limit options * @param array &$query * @since 1.18 */ protected function limitResult( &$query ) { $query['options']['LIMIT'] = $this->limit; $query['options']['OFFSET'] = $this->offset; } /** * Construct the SQL query to do the search. * The guts shoulds be constructed in queryMain() * @param string $filteredTerm * @param bool $fulltext * @return array * @since 1.18 (changed) */ private function getQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) { $query = [ 'tables' => [], 'fields' => [], 'conds' => [], 'options' => [], 'joins' => [], ]; $this->queryMain( $query, $filteredTerm, $fulltext ); $this->queryFeatures( $query ); $this->queryNamespaces( $query ); $this->limitResult( $query ); return $query; } /** * Picks which field to index on, depending on what type of query. * @param bool $fulltext * @return string */ private function getIndexField( $fulltext ) { return $fulltext ? 'si_text' : 'si_title'; } /** * Get the base part of the search query. * * @param array &$query Search query array * @param string $filteredTerm * @param bool $fulltext * @since 1.18 (changed) */ private function queryMain( &$query, $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) { $match = $this->parseQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ); $query['tables'][] = 'page'; $query['tables'][] = 'searchindex'; $query['fields'][] = 'page_id'; $query['fields'][] = 'page_namespace'; $query['fields'][] = 'page_title'; $query['conds'][] = 'page_id=si_page'; $query['conds'][] = $match[0]; $query['options']['ORDER BY'] = $match[1]; } /** * @since 1.18 (changed) * @param string $filteredTerm * @param bool $fulltext * @return array */ private function getCountQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) { $match = $this->parseQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ); $query = [ 'tables' => [ 'page', 'searchindex' ], 'fields' => [ 'COUNT(*) as c' ], 'conds' => [ 'page_id=si_page', $match[0] ], 'options' => [], 'joins' => [], ]; $this->queryFeatures( $query ); $this->queryNamespaces( $query ); return $query; } /** * Create or update the search index record for the given page. * Title and text should be pre-processed. * * @param int $id * @param string $title * @param string $text */ public function update( $id, $title, $text ) { $dbw = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->replace( 'searchindex', 'si_page', [ 'si_page' => $id, 'si_title' => $this->normalizeText( $title ), 'si_text' => $this->normalizeText( $text ) ], __METHOD__ ); } /** * Update a search index record's title only. * Title should be pre-processed. * * @param int $id * @param string $title */ public function updateTitle( $id, $title ) { $dbw = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'searchindex', [ 'si_title' => $this->normalizeText( $title ) ], [ 'si_page' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); } /** * Delete an indexed page * Title should be pre-processed. * * @param int $id Page id that was deleted * @param string $title Title of page that was deleted */ public function delete( $id, $title ) { $dbw = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->delete( 'searchindex', [ 'si_page' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); } /** * Converts some characters for MySQL's indexing to grok it correctly, * and pads short words to overcome limitations. * @param string $string * @return mixed|string */ public function normalizeText( $string ) { $out = parent::normalizeText( $string ); // MySQL fulltext index doesn't grok utf-8, so we // need to fold cases and convert to hex $out = preg_replace_callback( "/([\\xc0-\\xff][\\x80-\\xbf]*)/", [ $this, 'stripForSearchCallback' ], MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->lc( $out ) ); // And to add insult to injury, the default indexing // ignores short words... Pad them so we can pass them // through without reconfiguring the server... $minLength = $this->minSearchLength(); if ( $minLength > 1 ) { $n = $minLength - 1; $out = preg_replace( "/\b(\w{1,$n})\b/", "$1u800", $out ); } // Periods within things like hostnames and IP addresses // are also important -- we want a search for "example.com" // or "" to work sanely. // MySQL's search seems to ignore them, so you'd match on // "example.wikipedia.com" and "" as well. $out = preg_replace( "/(\w)\.(\w|\*)/u", "$1u82e$2", $out ); return $out; } /** * Armor a case-folded UTF-8 string to get through MySQL's * fulltext search without being mucked up by funny charset * settings or anything else of the sort. * @param array $matches * @return string */ protected function stripForSearchCallback( $matches ) { return 'u8' . bin2hex( $matches[1] ); } /** * Check MySQL server's ft_min_word_len setting so we know * if we need to pad short words... * * @return int */ protected function minSearchLength() { if ( self::$mMinSearchLength === null ) { $sql = "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'ft\\_min\\_word\\_len'"; $dbr = $this->lb->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $result = $dbr->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $result->free(); if ( $row && $row->Variable_name == 'ft_min_word_len' ) { self::$mMinSearchLength = intval( $row->Value ); } else { self::$mMinSearchLength = 0; } } return self::$mMinSearchLength; } }