config = $config; $this->language = $lang; $this->engineMappings = $mappings; $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer ); } /** * Retrieve original config. * @return Config */ public function getConfig() { return $this->config; } /** * Make a list of searchable namespaces and their canonical names. * @return string[] Namespace ID => name * @phan-return array */ public function searchableNamespaces() { $arr = []; foreach ( $this->language->getNamespaces() as $ns => $name ) { if ( $ns >= NS_MAIN ) { $arr[$ns] = $name; } } $this->hookRunner->onSearchableNamespaces( $arr ); return $arr; } /** * Extract default namespaces to search from the given user's * settings, returning a list of index numbers. * * @param user $user * @return int[] */ public function userNamespaces( $user ) { $arr = []; foreach ( $this->searchableNamespaces() as $ns => $name ) { if ( $user->getOption( 'searchNs' . $ns ) ) { $arr[] = $ns; } } return $arr; } /** * An array of namespaces indexes to be searched by default * * @return int[] Namespace IDs */ public function defaultNamespaces() { return array_keys( $this->config->get( 'NamespacesToBeSearchedDefault' ), true ); } /** * Return the search engines we support. If only $wgSearchType * is set, it'll be an array of just that one item. * * @return array */ public function getSearchTypes() { $alternatives = $this->config->get( 'SearchTypeAlternatives' ) ?: []; array_unshift( $alternatives, $this->config->get( 'SearchType' ) ); return $alternatives; } /** * Return the search engine configured in $wgSearchType, etc. * * @return string|null */ public function getSearchType() { return $this->config->get( 'SearchType' ); } /** * Returns the mappings between canonical search name and underlying PHP class * * Key is the canonical name (used in $wgSearchType and $wgSearchTypeAlternatives). * Value is a specification for ObjectFactory. * * For example to be able to use 'foobarsearch' in $wgSearchType and * $wgSearchTypeAlternatives but the PHP class for 'foobarsearch' * is 'MediaWiki\Extensions\FoobarSearch\FoobarSearch' set: * * @par extension.json Example: * @code * "SearchMappings": { * "foobarsearch": { "class": "MediaWiki\\Extensions\\FoobarSearch\\FoobarSearch" } * } * @endcode * * @since 1.35 * @return array */ public function getSearchMappings() { return $this->engineMappings; } /** * Get a list of namespace names useful for showing in tooltips * and preferences. * * @param int[] $namespaces * @return string[] List of names */ public function namespacesAsText( $namespaces ) { $formatted = array_map( [ $this->language, 'getFormattedNsText' ], $namespaces ); foreach ( $formatted as $key => $ns ) { if ( empty( $ns ) ) { $formatted[$key] = wfMessage( 'blanknamespace' )->text(); } } return $formatted; } }