RevDelRevisionList::class, 'archive' => RevDelArchiveList::class, 'oldimage' => RevDelFileList::class, 'filearchive' => RevDelArchivedFileList::class, 'logging' => RevDelLogList::class, ]; /** Type map to support old log entries */ private const DEPRECATED_TYPE_MAP = [ 'oldid' => 'revision', 'artimestamp' => 'archive', 'oldimage' => 'oldimage', 'fileid' => 'filearchive', 'logid' => 'logging', ]; /** * Lists the valid possible types for revision deletion. * * @since 1.22 * @return array */ public static function getTypes() { return array_keys( self::ALLOWED_TYPES ); } /** * Gets the canonical type name, if any. * * @since 1.22 * @param string $typeName * @return string|null */ public static function getCanonicalTypeName( $typeName ) { if ( isset( self::DEPRECATED_TYPE_MAP[$typeName] ) ) { $typeName = self::DEPRECATED_TYPE_MAP[$typeName]; } return isset( self::ALLOWED_TYPES[$typeName] ) ? $typeName : null; } /** * Instantiate the appropriate list class for a given list of IDs. * * @since 1.22 * @param string $typeName RevDel type, see RevisionDeleter::getTypes() * @param IContextSource $context * @param Title $title * @param array $ids * @return RevDelList * @throws MWException */ public static function createList( $typeName, IContextSource $context, Title $title, array $ids ) { $typeName = self::getCanonicalTypeName( $typeName ); if ( !$typeName ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": Unknown RevDel type '$typeName'" ); } $class = self::ALLOWED_TYPES[$typeName]; return new $class( $context, $title, $ids ); } /** * Checks for a change in the bitfield for a certain option and updates the * provided array accordingly. * * @param string $desc Description to add to the array if the option was * enabled / disabled. * @param int $field The bitmask describing the single option. * @param int $diff The xor of the old and new bitfields. * @param int $new The new bitfield * @param array &$arr The array to update. */ protected static function checkItem( $desc, $field, $diff, $new, &$arr ) { if ( $diff & $field ) { $arr[( $new & $field ) ? 0 : 1][] = $desc; } } /** * Gets an array of message keys describing the changes made to the * visibility of the revision. * * If the resulting array is $arr, then $arr[0] will contain an array of * keys describing the items that were hidden, $arr[1] will contain * an array of keys describing the items that were unhidden, and $arr[2] * will contain an array with a single message key, which can be one of * "revdelete-restricted", "revdelete-unrestricted" indicating (un)suppression * or null to indicate nothing in particular. * You can turn the keys in $arr[0] and $arr[1] into message keys by * appending -hid and -unhid to the keys respectively. * * @param int $n The new bitfield. * @param int $o The old bitfield. * @return array An array as described above. * @since 1.19 public */ public static function getChanges( $n, $o ) { $diff = $n ^ $o; $ret = [ 0 => [], 1 => [], 2 => [] ]; // Build bitfield changes in language self::checkItem( 'revdelete-content', RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, $diff, $n, $ret ); self::checkItem( 'revdelete-summary', RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT, $diff, $n, $ret ); self::checkItem( 'revdelete-uname', RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER, $diff, $n, $ret ); // Restriction application to sysops if ( $diff & RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) { if ( $n & RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) { $ret[2][] = 'revdelete-restricted'; } else { $ret[2][] = 'revdelete-unrestricted'; } } return $ret; } /** Get DB field name for URL param... * Future code for other things may also track * other types of revision-specific changes. * @param string $typeName * @return string One of log_id/rev_id/fa_id/ar_timestamp/oi_archive_name */ public static function getRelationType( $typeName ) { $typeName = self::getCanonicalTypeName( $typeName ); if ( !$typeName ) { return null; } return call_user_func( [ self::ALLOWED_TYPES[$typeName], 'getRelationType' ] ); } /** * Get the user right required for the RevDel type * @since 1.22 * @param string $typeName * @return string User right */ public static function getRestriction( $typeName ) { $typeName = self::getCanonicalTypeName( $typeName ); if ( !$typeName ) { return null; } return call_user_func( [ self::ALLOWED_TYPES[$typeName], 'getRestriction' ] ); } /** * Get the revision deletion constant for the RevDel type * @since 1.22 * @param string $typeName * @return int RevDel constant */ public static function getRevdelConstant( $typeName ) { $typeName = self::getCanonicalTypeName( $typeName ); if ( !$typeName ) { return null; } return call_user_func( [ self::ALLOWED_TYPES[$typeName], 'getRevdelConstant' ] ); } /** * Suggest a target for the revision deletion * @since 1.22 * @param string $typeName * @param Title|null $target User-supplied target * @param array $ids * @return Title|null */ public static function suggestTarget( $typeName, $target, array $ids ) { $typeName = self::getCanonicalTypeName( $typeName ); if ( !$typeName ) { return $target; } return call_user_func( [ self::ALLOWED_TYPES[$typeName], 'suggestTarget' ], $target, $ids ); } /** * Checks if a revision still exists in the revision table. * If it doesn't, returns the corresponding ar_timestamp field * so that this key can be used instead. * * @param Title $title * @param int $revid * @return bool|mixed */ public static function checkRevisionExistence( $title, $revid ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $exists = $dbr->selectField( 'revision', '1', [ 'rev_id' => $revid ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $exists ) { return true; } $timestamp = $dbr->selectField( 'archive', 'ar_timestamp', [ 'ar_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'ar_title' => $title->getDBkey(), 'ar_rev_id' => $revid ], __METHOD__ ); return $timestamp; } /** * Put together a rev_deleted bitfield * @since 1.22 * @param array $bitPars ExtractBitParams() params * @param int $oldfield Current bitfield * @return int */ public static function extractBitfield( array $bitPars, $oldfield ) { // Build the actual new rev_deleted bitfield $newBits = 0; foreach ( $bitPars as $const => $val ) { if ( $val == 1 ) { $newBits |= $const; // $const is the *_deleted const } elseif ( $val == -1 ) { $newBits |= ( $oldfield & $const ); // use existing } } return $newBits; } }