getRevisionLookup() ->getRevisionById( $ids[0] ); if ( $revisionRecord ) { return Title::newFromLinkTarget( $revisionRecord->getPageAsLinkTarget() ); } return $target; } /** * @param IDatabase $db * @return mixed */ public function doQuery( $db ) { $revisionStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionStore(); $ids = array_map( 'intval', $this->ids ); $revQuery = $revisionStore->getQueryInfo( [ 'page', 'user' ] ); $queryInfo = [ 'tables' => $revQuery['tables'], 'fields' => $revQuery['fields'], 'conds' => [ 'rev_page' => $this->title->getArticleID(), 'rev_id' => $ids, ], 'options' => [ 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_id DESC', 'USE INDEX' => [ 'revision' => 'PRIMARY' ] // workaround for MySQL bug (T104313) ], 'join_conds' => $revQuery['joins'], ]; ChangeTags::modifyDisplayQuery( $queryInfo['tables'], $queryInfo['fields'], $queryInfo['conds'], $queryInfo['join_conds'], $queryInfo['options'], '' ); $live = $db->select( $queryInfo['tables'], $queryInfo['fields'], $queryInfo['conds'], __METHOD__, $queryInfo['options'], $queryInfo['join_conds'] ); if ( $live->numRows() >= count( $ids ) ) { // All requested revisions are live, keeps things simple! return $live; } $arQuery = $revisionStore->getArchiveQueryInfo(); $archiveQueryInfo = [ 'tables' => $arQuery['tables'], 'fields' => $arQuery['fields'], 'conds' => [ 'ar_rev_id' => $ids, ], 'options' => [ 'ORDER BY' => 'ar_rev_id DESC' ], 'join_conds' => $arQuery['joins'], ]; ChangeTags::modifyDisplayQuery( $archiveQueryInfo['tables'], $archiveQueryInfo['fields'], $archiveQueryInfo['conds'], $archiveQueryInfo['join_conds'], $archiveQueryInfo['options'], '' ); // Check if any requested revisions are available fully deleted. $archived = $db->select( $archiveQueryInfo['tables'], $archiveQueryInfo['fields'], $archiveQueryInfo['conds'], __METHOD__, $archiveQueryInfo['options'], $archiveQueryInfo['join_conds'] ); if ( $archived->numRows() == 0 ) { return $live; } elseif ( $live->numRows() == 0 ) { return $archived; } else { // Combine the two! Whee $rows = []; foreach ( $live as $row ) { $rows[$row->rev_id] = $row; } foreach ( $archived as $row ) { $rows[$row->ar_rev_id] = $row; } krsort( $rows ); return new FakeResultWrapper( array_values( $rows ) ); } } public function newItem( $row ) { if ( isset( $row->rev_id ) ) { return new RevDelRevisionItem( $this, $row ); } elseif ( isset( $row->ar_rev_id ) ) { return new RevDelArchivedRevisionItem( $this, $row ); } else { // This shouldn't happen. :) throw new MWException( 'Invalid row type in RevDelRevisionList' ); } } public function getCurrent() { if ( $this->currentRevId === null ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $this->currentRevId = $dbw->selectField( 'page', 'page_latest', $this->title->pageCond(), __METHOD__ ); } return $this->currentRevId; } public function getSuppressBit() { return RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED; } public function doPreCommitUpdates() { $this->title->invalidateCache(); return Status::newGood(); } public function doPostCommitUpdates( array $visibilityChangeMap ) { $hcu = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHtmlCacheUpdater(); $hcu->purgeTitleUrls( $this->title, $hcu::PURGE_INTENT_TXROUND_REFLECTED ); // Extensions that require referencing previous revisions may need this $this->getHookRunner()->onArticleRevisionVisibilitySet( $this->title, $this->ids, $visibilityChangeMap ); MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getMainWANObjectCache() ->touchCheckKey( "RevDelRevisionList:page:{$this->title->getArticleID()}}" ); return Status::newGood(); } }