// Pipe-separated list of sorted keys from getPages // => [ // => [ // Normalised title key // 'page_len' => .., // 'page_latest' => .., // 'page_touched' => .., // ] // ] // ] // @see self::fetchTitleInfo() // @see self::makeTitleKey() protected $titleInfo = []; // List of page names that contain CSS protected $styles = []; // List of page names that contain JavaScript protected $scripts = []; // Group of module protected $group; /** * @param array|null $options For back-compat, this can be omitted in favour of overwriting * getPages. */ public function __construct( array $options = null ) { if ( $options === null ) { return; } foreach ( $options as $member => $option ) { switch ( $member ) { case 'styles': case 'scripts': case 'group': case 'targets': $this->{$member} = $option; break; } } } /** * Subclasses should return an associative array of resources in the module. * Keys should be the title of a page in the MediaWiki or User namespace. * * Values should be a nested array of options. The supported keys are 'type' and * (CSS only) 'media'. * * For scripts, 'type' should be 'script'. * * For stylesheets, 'type' should be 'style'. * There is an optional media key, the value of which can be the * medium ('screen', 'print', etc.) of the stylesheet. * * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return array[] * @phan-return array */ protected function getPages( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $config = $this->getConfig(); $pages = []; // Filter out pages from origins not allowed by the current wiki configuration. if ( $config->get( 'UseSiteJs' ) ) { foreach ( $this->scripts as $script ) { $pages[$script] = [ 'type' => 'script' ]; } } if ( $config->get( 'UseSiteCss' ) ) { foreach ( $this->styles as $style ) { $pages[$style] = [ 'type' => 'style' ]; } } return $pages; } /** * Get group name * * @return string */ public function getGroup() { return $this->group; } /** * Get the Database handle used for computing the module version. * * Subclasses may override this to return a foreign database, which would * allow them to register a module on wiki A that fetches wiki pages from * wiki B. * * The way this works is that the local module is a placeholder that can * only computer a module version hash. The 'source' of the module must * be set to the foreign wiki directly. Methods getScript() and getContent() * will not use this handle and are not valid on the local wiki. * * @return IDatabase */ protected function getDB() { return wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); } /** * @param string $titleText * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return null|string * @since 1.32 added the $context parameter */ protected function getContent( $titleText, ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $titleText ); if ( !$title ) { return null; // Bad title } $content = $this->getContentObj( $title, $context ); if ( !$content ) { return null; // No content found } $handler = $content->getContentHandler(); if ( $handler->isSupportedFormat( CONTENT_FORMAT_CSS ) ) { $format = CONTENT_FORMAT_CSS; } elseif ( $handler->isSupportedFormat( CONTENT_FORMAT_JAVASCRIPT ) ) { $format = CONTENT_FORMAT_JAVASCRIPT; } else { return null; // Bad content model } return $content->serialize( $format ); } /** * @param Title $title * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @param int|null $maxRedirects Maximum number of redirects to follow. If * null, uses $wgMaxRedirects * @return Content|null * @since 1.32 added the $context and $maxRedirects parameters */ protected function getContentObj( Title $title, ResourceLoaderContext $context, $maxRedirects = null ) { $overrideCallback = $context->getContentOverrideCallback(); $content = $overrideCallback ? call_user_func( $overrideCallback, $title ) : null; if ( $content ) { if ( !$content instanceof Content ) { $this->getLogger()->error( 'Bad content override for "{title}" in ' . __METHOD__, [ 'title' => $title->getPrefixedText() ] ); return null; } } else { $revision = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getRevisionLookup() ->getKnownCurrentRevision( $title ); if ( !$revision ) { return null; } $content = $revision->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW ); if ( !$content ) { $this->getLogger()->error( 'Failed to load content of JS/CSS page "{title}" in ' . __METHOD__, [ 'title' => $title->getPrefixedText() ] ); return null; } } if ( $content->isRedirect() ) { if ( $maxRedirects === null ) { $maxRedirects = $this->getConfig()->get( 'MaxRedirects' ) ?: 0; } if ( $maxRedirects > 0 ) { $newTitle = $content->getRedirectTarget(); return $newTitle ? $this->getContentObj( $newTitle, $context, $maxRedirects - 1 ) : null; } } return $content; } /** * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return bool */ public function shouldEmbedModule( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $overrideCallback = $context->getContentOverrideCallback(); if ( $overrideCallback && $this->getSource() === 'local' ) { foreach ( $this->getPages( $context ) as $page => $info ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $page ); if ( $title && call_user_func( $overrideCallback, $title ) !== null ) { return true; } } } return parent::shouldEmbedModule( $context ); } /** * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return string JavaScript code */ public function getScript( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $scripts = ''; foreach ( $this->getPages( $context ) as $titleText => $options ) { if ( $options['type'] !== 'script' ) { continue; } $script = $this->getContent( $titleText, $context ); if ( strval( $script ) !== '' ) { $script = $this->validateScriptFile( $titleText, $script ); $scripts .= ResourceLoader::makeComment( $titleText ) . $script . "\n"; } } return $scripts; } /** * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return array */ public function getStyles( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $styles = []; foreach ( $this->getPages( $context ) as $titleText => $options ) { if ( $options['type'] !== 'style' ) { continue; } $media = $options['media'] ?? 'all'; $style = $this->getContent( $titleText, $context ); if ( strval( $style ) === '' ) { continue; } if ( $this->getFlip( $context ) ) { $style = CSSJanus::transform( $style, true, false ); } $style = MemoizedCallable::call( 'CSSMin::remap', [ $style, false, $this->getConfig()->get( 'ScriptPath' ), true ] ); if ( !isset( $styles[$media] ) ) { $styles[$media] = []; } $style = ResourceLoader::makeComment( $titleText ) . $style; $styles[$media][] = $style; } return $styles; } /** * Disable module content versioning. * * This class does not support generating content outside of a module * request due to foreign database support. * * See getDefinitionSummary() for meta-data versioning. * * @return bool */ public function enableModuleContentVersion() { return false; } /** * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return array */ public function getDefinitionSummary( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $summary = parent::getDefinitionSummary( $context ); $summary[] = [ 'pages' => $this->getPages( $context ), // Includes meta data of current revisions 'titleInfo' => $this->getTitleInfo( $context ), ]; return $summary; } /** * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return bool */ public function isKnownEmpty( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $revisions = $this->getTitleInfo( $context ); // If a module has dependencies it cannot be empty. An empty array will be cast to false if ( $this->getDependencies() ) { return false; } // For user modules, don't needlessly load if there are no non-empty pages if ( $this->getGroup() === 'user' ) { foreach ( $revisions as $revision ) { if ( $revision['page_len'] > 0 ) { // At least one non-empty page, module should be loaded return false; } } return true; } // T70488: For other modules (i.e. ones that are called in cached html output) only check // page existance. This ensures that, if some pages in a module are temporarily blanked, // we don't end omit the module's script or link tag on some pages. return count( $revisions ) === 0; } private function setTitleInfo( $batchKey, array $titleInfo ) { $this->titleInfo[$batchKey] = $titleInfo; } private static function makeTitleKey( LinkTarget $title ) { // Used for keys in titleInfo. return "{$title->getNamespace()}:{$title->getDBkey()}"; } /** * Get the information about the wiki pages for a given context. * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @return array[] Keyed by page name */ protected function getTitleInfo( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) { $dbr = $this->getDB(); $pageNames = array_keys( $this->getPages( $context ) ); sort( $pageNames ); $batchKey = implode( '|', $pageNames ); if ( !isset( $this->titleInfo[$batchKey] ) ) { $this->titleInfo[$batchKey] = static::fetchTitleInfo( $dbr, $pageNames, __METHOD__ ); } $titleInfo = $this->titleInfo[$batchKey]; // Override the title info from the overrides, if any $overrideCallback = $context->getContentOverrideCallback(); if ( $overrideCallback ) { foreach ( $pageNames as $page ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $page ); $content = $title ? call_user_func( $overrideCallback, $title ) : null; if ( $content !== null ) { $titleInfo[$title->getPrefixedText()] = [ 'page_len' => $content->getSize(), 'page_latest' => 'TBD', // None available 'page_touched' => ConvertibleTimestamp::now( TS_MW ), ]; } } } return $titleInfo; } /** * @param IDatabase $db * @param array $pages * @param string $fname * @return array */ protected static function fetchTitleInfo( IDatabase $db, array $pages, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $titleInfo = []; $batch = new LinkBatch; foreach ( $pages as $titleText ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $titleText ); if ( $title ) { // Page name may be invalid if user-provided (e.g. gadgets) $batch->addObj( $title ); } } if ( !$batch->isEmpty() ) { $res = $db->select( 'page', // Include page_touched to allow purging if cache is poisoned (T117587, T113916) [ 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_touched', 'page_len', 'page_latest' ], $batch->constructSet( 'page', $db ), $fname ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { // Avoid including ids or timestamps of revision/page tables so // that versions are not wasted $title = new TitleValue( (int)$row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); $titleInfo[self::makeTitleKey( $title )] = [ 'page_len' => $row->page_len, 'page_latest' => $row->page_latest, 'page_touched' => $row->page_touched, ]; } } return $titleInfo; } /** * @since 1.28 * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context * @param IDatabase $db * @param string[] $moduleNames */ public static function preloadTitleInfo( ResourceLoaderContext $context, IDatabase $db, array $moduleNames ) { $rl = $context->getResourceLoader(); // getDB() can be overridden to point to a foreign database. // For now, only preload local. In the future, we could preload by wikiID. $allPages = []; /** @var ResourceLoaderWikiModule[] $wikiModules */ $wikiModules = []; foreach ( $moduleNames as $name ) { $module = $rl->getModule( $name ); if ( $module instanceof self ) { $mDB = $module->getDB(); // Subclasses may implement getDB differently if ( $mDB->getDomainID() === $db->getDomainID() ) { $wikiModules[] = $module; $allPages += $module->getPages( $context ); } } } if ( !$wikiModules ) { // Nothing to preload return; } $pageNames = array_keys( $allPages ); sort( $pageNames ); $hash = sha1( implode( '|', $pageNames ) ); // Avoid Zend bug where "static::" does not apply LSB in the closure $func = [ static::class, 'fetchTitleInfo' ]; $fname = __METHOD__; $cache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache(); $allInfo = $cache->getWithSetCallback( $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'resourceloader-titleinfo', $db->getDomainID(), $hash ), $cache::TTL_HOUR, function ( $curVal, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) use ( $func, $pageNames, $db, $fname ) { $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $db ); return call_user_func( $func, $db, $pageNames, $fname ); }, [ 'checkKeys' => [ $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'resourceloader-titleinfo', $db->getDomainID() ) ] ] ); foreach ( $wikiModules as $wikiModule ) { $pages = $wikiModule->getPages( $context ); // Before we intersect, map the names to canonical form (T145673). $intersect = []; foreach ( $pages as $pageName => $unused ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $pageName ); if ( $title ) { $intersect[ self::makeTitleKey( $title ) ] = 1; } else { // Page name may be invalid if user-provided (e.g. gadgets) $rl->getLogger()->info( 'Invalid wiki page title "{title}" in ' . __METHOD__, [ 'title' => $pageName ] ); } } $info = array_intersect_key( $allInfo, $intersect ); $pageNames = array_keys( $pages ); sort( $pageNames ); $batchKey = implode( '|', $pageNames ); $wikiModule->setTitleInfo( $batchKey, $info ); } } /** * Clear the preloadTitleInfo() cache for all wiki modules on this wiki on * page change if it was a JS or CSS page * * @internal * @param Title $title * @param RevisionRecord|null $old Prior page revision * @param RevisionRecord|null $new New page revision * @param string $domain Database domain ID */ public static function invalidateModuleCache( Title $title, ?RevisionRecord $old, ?RevisionRecord $new, $domain ) { static $models = [ CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT ]; Assert::parameterType( 'string', $domain, '$domain' ); $purge = false; // TODO: MCR: differentiate between page functionality and content model! // Not all pages containing CSS or JS have to be modules! [PageType] if ( $old ) { $oldModel = $old->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW )->getModel(); if ( in_array( $oldModel, $models ) ) { $purge = true; } } if ( !$purge && $new ) { $newModel = $new->getSlot( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW )->getModel(); if ( in_array( $newModel, $models ) ) { $purge = true; } } if ( !$purge ) { $purge = ( $title->isSiteConfigPage() || $title->isUserConfigPage() ); } if ( $purge ) { $cache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache(); $key = $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'resourceloader-titleinfo', $domain ); $cache->touchCheckKey( $key ); } } /** * @since 1.28 * @return string */ public function getType() { // Check both because subclasses don't always pass pages via the constructor, // they may also override getPages() instead, in which case we should keep // defaulting to LOAD_GENERAL and allow them to override getType() separately. return ( $this->styles && !$this->scripts ) ? self::LOAD_STYLES : self::LOAD_GENERAL; } }