versionParser = new VersionParser(); $this->setCoreVersion( $coreVersion ); $this->setPhpVersion( $phpVersion ); $this->phpExtensions = $phpExtensions; $this->abilities = $abilities; $this->abilityErrors = $abilityErrors; } /** * Set an array with credits of all loaded extensions and skins. * * @param array $credits An array of installed extensions with credits of them * @return VersionChecker $this */ public function setLoadedExtensionsAndSkins( array $credits ) { $this->loaded = $credits; return $this; } /** * Set MediaWiki core version. * * @param string $coreVersion Current version of core */ private function setCoreVersion( $coreVersion ) { try { $this->coreVersion = new Constraint( '==', $this->versionParser->normalize( $coreVersion ) ); $this->coreVersion->setPrettyString( $coreVersion ); } catch ( UnexpectedValueException $e ) { // Non-parsable version, don't fatal. } } /** * Set PHP version. * * @param string $phpVersion Current PHP version. Must be well-formed. * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ private function setPhpVersion( $phpVersion ) { // normalize to make this throw an exception if the version is invalid $this->phpVersion = new Constraint( '==', $this->versionParser->normalize( $phpVersion ) ); $this->phpVersion->setPrettyString( $phpVersion ); } /** * Check all given dependencies if they are compatible with the named * installed extensions in the $credits array. * * Example $extDependencies: * { * 'FooBar' => { * 'MediaWiki' => '>= 1.25.0', * 'platform': { * 'php': '>= 7.0.0', * 'ext-foo': '*', * 'ability-bar': true * }, * 'extensions' => { * 'FooBaz' => '>= 1.25.0' * }, * 'skins' => { * 'BazBar' => '>= 1.0.0' * } * } * } * * @param array $extDependencies All extensions that depend on other ones * @return array[] List of errors */ public function checkArray( array $extDependencies ) { $errors = []; foreach ( $extDependencies as $extension => $dependencies ) { foreach ( $dependencies as $dependencyType => $values ) { switch ( $dependencyType ) { case ExtensionRegistry::MEDIAWIKI_CORE: $mwError = $this->handleDependency( $this->coreVersion, $values, $extension ); if ( $mwError !== false ) { $errors[] = [ 'msg' => "{$extension} is not compatible with the current MediaWiki " . "core (version {$this->coreVersion->getPrettyString()}), " . "it requires: $values." , 'type' => 'incompatible-core', ]; } break; case 'platform': foreach ( $values as $dependency => $constraint ) { if ( $dependency === 'php' ) { // PHP version $phpError = $this->handleDependency( $this->phpVersion, $constraint, $extension ); if ( $phpError !== false ) { $errors[] = [ 'msg' => "{$extension} is not compatible with the current PHP " . "version {$this->phpVersion->getPrettyString()}), " . "it requires: $constraint." , 'type' => 'incompatible-php', ]; } } elseif ( substr( $dependency, 0, 4 ) === 'ext-' ) { // PHP extensions $phpExtension = substr( $dependency, 4 ); if ( $constraint !== '*' ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Version constraints for ' . 'PHP extensions are not supported in ' . $extension ); } if ( !in_array( $phpExtension, $this->phpExtensions, true ) ) { $errors[] = [ 'msg' => "{$extension} requires {$phpExtension} PHP extension " . "to be installed." , 'type' => 'missing-phpExtension', 'missing' => $phpExtension, ]; } } elseif ( substr( $dependency, 0, 8 ) === 'ability-' ) { // Other abilities the environment might provide. $ability = substr( $dependency, 8 ); if ( !isset( $this->abilities[$ability] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Dependency type ' . $dependency . ' unknown in ' . $extension ); } if ( !is_bool( $constraint ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Only booleans are ' . 'allowed to to indicate the presence of abilities ' . 'in ' . $extension ); } if ( $constraint === true && $this->abilities[$ability] !== true ) { // add custom error message for missing ability if specified $customMessage = ''; if ( isset( $this->abilityErrors[$ability] ) ) { $customMessage = ': ' . $this->abilityErrors[$ability]; } $errors[] = [ 'msg' => "{$extension} requires \"{$ability}\" ability" . $customMessage , 'type' => 'missing-ability', 'missing' => $ability, ]; } } else { // add other platform dependencies here throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Dependency type ' . $dependency . ' unknown in ' . $extension ); } } break; case 'extensions': case 'skins': foreach ( $values as $dependency => $constraint ) { $extError = $this->handleExtensionDependency( $dependency, $constraint, $extension, $dependencyType ); if ( $extError !== false ) { $errors[] = $extError; } } break; default: throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Dependency type ' . $dependencyType . ' unknown in ' . $extension ); } } } return $errors; } /** * Handle a simple dependency to MediaWiki core or PHP. See handleMediaWikiDependency and * handlePhpDependency for details. * * @param Constraint|bool $version The version installed * @param string $constraint The required version constraint for this dependency * @param string $checkedExt The Extension, which depends on this dependency * @return bool false if no error, true else */ private function handleDependency( $version, $constraint, $checkedExt ) { if ( $version === false ) { // Couldn't parse the version, so we can't check anything return false; } // if the installed and required version are compatible, return an empty array if ( $this->versionParser->parseConstraints( $constraint ) ->matches( $version ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Handle a dependency to another extension. * * @param string $dependencyName The name of the dependency * @param string $constraint The required version constraint for this dependency * @param string $checkedExt The Extension, which depends on this dependency * @param string $type Either 'extensions' or 'skins' * @return bool|array false for no errors, or an array of info */ private function handleExtensionDependency( $dependencyName, $constraint, $checkedExt, $type ) { // Check if the dependency is even installed if ( !isset( $this->loaded[$dependencyName] ) ) { return [ 'msg' => "{$checkedExt} requires {$dependencyName} to be installed.", 'type' => "missing-$type", 'missing' => $dependencyName, ]; } if ( $constraint === '*' ) { // short-circuit since any version is OK. return false; } // Check if the dependency has specified a version if ( !isset( $this->loaded[$dependencyName]['version'] ) ) { $msg = "{$dependencyName} does not expose its version, but {$checkedExt}" . " requires: {$constraint}."; return [ 'msg' => $msg, 'type' => "incompatible-$type", 'incompatible' => $checkedExt, ]; } else { // Try to get a constraint for the dependency version try { $installedVersion = new Constraint( '==', $this->versionParser->normalize( $this->loaded[$dependencyName]['version'] ) ); } catch ( UnexpectedValueException $e ) { // Non-parsable version, output an error message that the version // string is invalid return [ 'msg' => "$dependencyName does not have a valid version string.", 'type' => 'invalid-version', ]; } // Check if the constraint actually matches... if ( !$this->versionParser->parseConstraints( $constraint )->matches( $installedVersion ) ) { $msg = "{$checkedExt} is not compatible with the current " . "installed version of {$dependencyName} " . "({$this->loaded[$dependencyName]['version']}), " . "it requires: " . $constraint . '.'; return [ 'msg' => $msg, 'type' => "incompatible-$type", 'incompatible' => $checkedExt, ]; } } return false; } }