$this->config['cost'], ]; } protected function getDelimiter() : string { return '$'; } protected function parseHash( ?string $hash ) : void { parent::parseHash( $hash ); $this->params['rounds'] = (int)$this->params['rounds']; } /** * @param string $password Password to encrypt * * @throws PasswordError If bcrypt has an unknown error * @throws MWException If bcrypt is not supported by PHP */ public function crypt( string $password ) : void { if ( !defined( 'CRYPT_BLOWFISH' ) ) { throw new MWException( 'Bcrypt is not supported.' ); } // Either use existing hash or make a new salt // Bcrypt expects 22 characters of base64-encoded salt // Note: bcrypt does not use MIME base64. It uses its own base64 without any '=' padding. // It expects a 128 bit salt, so it will ignore anything after the first 128 bits if ( !isset( $this->args[0] ) ) { $this->args[] = substr( // Replace + with ., because bcrypt uses a non-MIME base64 format strtr( // Random base64 encoded string base64_encode( random_bytes( 16 ) ), '+', '.' ), 0, 22 ); } $hash = crypt( $password, sprintf( '$2y$%02d$%s', (int)$this->params['rounds'], $this->args[0] ) ); if ( !is_string( $hash ) || strlen( $hash ) <= 13 ) { throw new PasswordError( 'Error when hashing password.' ); } // Strip the $2y$ $parts = explode( $this->getDelimiter(), substr( $hash, 4 ) ); $this->params['rounds'] = (int)$parts[0]; $this->args[0] = substr( $parts[1], 0, 22 ); $this->hash = substr( $parts[1], 22 ); } }