getParserCache(); } /** * Setup a cache pathway with a given back-end storage mechanism. * * This class use an invalidation strategy that is compatible with * MultiWriteBagOStuff in async replication mode. * * @param BagOStuff $cache * @param string $cacheEpoch Anything before this timestamp is invalidated * @param HookContainer|null $hookContainer * @param IBufferingStatsdDataFactory|null $stats * @throws MWException */ public function __construct( BagOStuff $cache, $cacheEpoch = '20030516000000', HookContainer $hookContainer = null, IBufferingStatsdDataFactory $stats = null ) { $this->cache = $cache; $this->cacheEpoch = $cacheEpoch; $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer ?: MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() ); $this->stats = $stats ?: MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory(); } /** * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param string $hash * @return mixed|string */ protected function getParserOutputKey( WikiPage $wikiPage, $hash ) { global $wgRequest; // idhash seem to mean 'page id' + 'rendering hash' (r3710) $pageid = $wikiPage->getId(); $renderkey = (int)( $wgRequest->getVal( 'action' ) == 'render' ); $key = $this->cache->makeKey( 'pcache', 'idhash', "{$pageid}-{$renderkey}!{$hash}" ); return $key; } /** * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @return mixed|string */ protected function getOptionsKey( WikiPage $wikiPage ) { return $this->cache->makeKey( 'pcache', 'idoptions', $wikiPage->getId() ); } /** * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @since 1.28 */ public function deleteOptionsKey( WikiPage $wikiPage ) { $this->cache->delete( $this->getOptionsKey( $wikiPage ) ); } /** * Provides an E-Tag suitable for the whole page. Note that $wikiPage * is just the main wikitext. The E-Tag has to be unique to the whole * page, even if the article itself is the same, so it uses the * complete set of user options. We don't want to use the preference * of a different user on a message just because it wasn't used in * $wikiPage. For example give a Chinese interface to a user with * English preferences. That's why we take into account *all* user * options. (r70809 CR) * * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param ParserOptions $popts * @return string */ public function getETag( WikiPage $wikiPage, $popts ) { return 'W/"' . $this->getParserOutputKey( $wikiPage, $popts->optionsHash( ParserOptions::allCacheVaryingOptions(), $wikiPage->getTitle() ) ) . "--" . $wikiPage->getTouched() . '"'; } /** * Retrieve the ParserOutput from ParserCache, even if it's outdated. * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param ParserOptions $popts * @return ParserOutput|bool False on failure */ public function getDirty( WikiPage $wikiPage, $popts ) { $value = $this->get( $wikiPage, $popts, true ); return is_object( $value ) ? $value : false; } /** * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param string $metricSuffix */ private function incrementStats( WikiPage $wikiPage, $metricSuffix ) { $contentModel = str_replace( '.', '_', $wikiPage->getContentModel() ); $metricSuffix = str_replace( '.', '_', $metricSuffix ); $this->stats->increment( 'pcache.' . $contentModel . '.' . $metricSuffix ); } /** * Generates a key for caching the given page considering * the given parser options. * * @note Which parser options influence the cache key * is controlled via ParserOutput::recordOption() or * ParserOptions::addExtraKey(). * * @note Used by Article to provide a unique id for the PoolCounter. * It would be preferable to have this code in get() * instead of having Article looking in our internals. * * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param ParserOptions $popts * @param int|bool $useOutdated One of the USE constants. For backwards * compatibility, boolean false is treated as USE_CURRENT_ONLY and * boolean true is treated as USE_ANYTHING. * @return bool|mixed|string * @since 1.30 Changed $useOutdated to an int and added the non-boolean values */ public function getKey( WikiPage $wikiPage, $popts, $useOutdated = self::USE_ANYTHING ) { if ( is_bool( $useOutdated ) ) { $useOutdated = $useOutdated ? self::USE_ANYTHING : self::USE_CURRENT_ONLY; } if ( $popts instanceof User ) { wfWarn( "Use of outdated prototype ParserCache::getKey( &\$wikiPage, &\$user )\n" ); $popts = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $popts ); } // Determine the options which affect this article $optionsKey = $this->cache->get( $this->getOptionsKey( $wikiPage ), BagOStuff::READ_VERIFIED ); if ( $optionsKey instanceof CacheTime ) { if ( $useOutdated < self::USE_EXPIRED && $optionsKey->expired( $wikiPage->getTouched() ) ) { $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, "miss.expired" ); $cacheTime = $optionsKey->getCacheTime(); wfDebugLog( "ParserCache", "Parser options key expired, touched {$wikiPage->getTouched()}" . ", epoch {$this->cacheEpoch}, cached $cacheTime" ); return false; } elseif ( $useOutdated < self::USE_OUTDATED && $optionsKey->isDifferentRevision( $wikiPage->getLatest() ) ) { $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, "miss.revid" ); $revId = $wikiPage->getLatest(); $cachedRevId = $optionsKey->getCacheRevisionId(); wfDebugLog( "ParserCache", "ParserOutput key is for an old revision, latest $revId, cached $cachedRevId" ); return false; } // $optionsKey->mUsedOptions is set by save() by calling ParserOutput::getUsedOptions() $usedOptions = $optionsKey->mUsedOptions; wfDebug( "Parser cache options found." ); } else { if ( $useOutdated < self::USE_ANYTHING ) { return false; } $usedOptions = ParserOptions::allCacheVaryingOptions(); } return $this->getParserOutputKey( $wikiPage, $popts->optionsHash( $usedOptions, $wikiPage->getTitle() ) ); } /** * Retrieve the ParserOutput from ParserCache. * false if not found or outdated. * * @param WikiPage|Article|Page $wikiPage Article is hard deprecated since 1.35 * @param ParserOptions $popts * @param bool $useOutdated (default false) * * @return ParserOutput|bool False on failure */ public function get( Page $wikiPage, $popts, $useOutdated = false ) { if ( $wikiPage instanceof Article ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ . ' with Article parameter', 1.35 ); $wikiPage = $wikiPage->getPage(); } $canCache = $wikiPage->checkTouched(); if ( !$canCache ) { // It's a redirect now return false; } $touched = $wikiPage->getTouched(); $parserOutputKey = $this->getKey( $wikiPage, $popts, $useOutdated ? self::USE_OUTDATED : self::USE_CURRENT_ONLY ); if ( $parserOutputKey === false ) { $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, 'miss.absent' ); return false; } $casToken = null; /** @var ParserOutput $value */ $value = $this->cache->get( $parserOutputKey, BagOStuff::READ_VERIFIED ); if ( !$value ) { wfDebug( "ParserOutput cache miss." ); $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, "miss.absent" ); return false; } wfDebug( "ParserOutput cache found." ); if ( !$useOutdated && $value->expired( $touched ) ) { $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, "miss.expired" ); $cacheTime = $value->getCacheTime(); wfDebugLog( "ParserCache", "ParserOutput key expired, touched $touched, " . "epoch {$this->cacheEpoch}, cached $cacheTime" ); $value = false; } elseif ( !$useOutdated && $value->isDifferentRevision( $wikiPage->getLatest() ) ) { $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, "miss.revid" ); $revId = $wikiPage->getLatest(); $cachedRevId = $value->getCacheRevisionId(); wfDebugLog( "ParserCache", "ParserOutput key is for an old revision, latest $revId, cached $cachedRevId" ); $value = false; } elseif ( $this->hookRunner->onRejectParserCacheValue( $value, $wikiPage, $popts ) === false ) { $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, 'miss.rejected' ); wfDebugLog( "ParserCache", "ParserOutput key valid, but rejected by RejectParserCacheValue hook handler." ); $value = false; } else { $this->incrementStats( $wikiPage, "hit" ); } return $value; } /** * @param ParserOutput $parserOutput * @param WikiPage $wikiPage * @param ParserOptions $popts * @param string|null $cacheTime TS_MW timestamp when the cache was generated * @param int|null $revId Revision ID that was parsed */ public function save( ParserOutput $parserOutput, WikiPage $wikiPage, $popts, $cacheTime = null, $revId = null ) { if ( !$parserOutput->hasText() ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Attempt to cache a ParserOutput with no text set!' ); } $expire = $parserOutput->getCacheExpiry(); if ( $expire > 0 && !$this->cache instanceof EmptyBagOStuff ) { $cacheTime = $cacheTime ?: wfTimestampNow(); if ( !$revId ) { $revision = $wikiPage->getRevisionRecord(); $revId = $revision ? $revision->getId() : null; } $optionsKey = new CacheTime; $optionsKey->mUsedOptions = $parserOutput->getUsedOptions(); $optionsKey->updateCacheExpiry( $expire ); $optionsKey->setCacheTime( $cacheTime ); $parserOutput->setCacheTime( $cacheTime ); $optionsKey->setCacheRevisionId( $revId ); $parserOutput->setCacheRevisionId( $revId ); $parserOutputKey = $this->getParserOutputKey( $wikiPage, $popts->optionsHash( $optionsKey->mUsedOptions, $wikiPage->getTitle() ) ); // Save the timestamp so that we don't have to load the revision row on view $parserOutput->setTimestamp( $wikiPage->getTimestamp() ); $msg = "Saved in parser cache with key $parserOutputKey" . " and timestamp $cacheTime" . " and revision id $revId"; $parserOutput->mText .= "\n\n"; wfDebug( $msg ); // Save the parser output $this->cache->set( $parserOutputKey, $parserOutput, $expire, BagOStuff::WRITE_ALLOW_SEGMENTS ); // ...and its pointer $this->cache->set( $this->getOptionsKey( $wikiPage ), $optionsKey, $expire ); $this->hookRunner->onParserCacheSaveComplete( $this, $parserOutput, $wikiPage->getTitle(), $popts, $revId ); } elseif ( $expire <= 0 ) { wfDebug( "Parser output was marked as uncacheable and has not been saved." ); } } /** * Get the backend BagOStuff instance that * powers the parser cache * * @since 1.30 * @return BagOStuff */ public function getCacheStorage() { return $this->cache; } }