setFunctionHook( $func, [ __CLASS__, $func ], Parser::SFH_NO_HASH ); } $parser->setFunctionHook( 'namespace', [ __CLASS__, 'mwnamespace' ], Parser::SFH_NO_HASH ); $parser->setFunctionHook( 'int', [ __CLASS__, 'intFunction' ], Parser::SFH_NO_HASH ); $parser->setFunctionHook( 'special', [ __CLASS__, 'special' ] ); $parser->setFunctionHook( 'speciale', [ __CLASS__, 'speciale' ] ); $parser->setFunctionHook( 'tag', [ __CLASS__, 'tagObj' ], Parser::SFH_OBJECT_ARGS ); $parser->setFunctionHook( 'formatdate', [ __CLASS__, 'formatDate' ] ); if ( $wgAllowDisplayTitle ) { $parser->setFunctionHook( 'displaytitle', [ __CLASS__, 'displaytitle' ], Parser::SFH_NO_HASH ); } if ( $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions ) { $parser->setFunctionHook( 'pagesinnamespace', [ __CLASS__, 'pagesinnamespace' ], Parser::SFH_NO_HASH ); } } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $part1 Message key * @param mixed ...$params To pass to wfMessage() * @return array */ public static function intFunction( $parser, $part1 = '', ...$params ) { if ( strval( $part1 ) !== '' ) { $message = wfMessage( $part1, $params ) ->inLanguage( $parser->getOptions()->getUserLangObj() ); return [ $message->plain(), 'noparse' => false ]; } else { return [ 'found' => false ]; } } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $date * @param string|null $defaultPref * * @return string */ public static function formatDate( $parser, $date, $defaultPref = null ) { $lang = $parser->getFunctionLang(); $df = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDateFormatterFactory()->get( $lang ); $date = trim( $date ); $pref = $parser->getOptions()->getDateFormat(); // Specify a different default date format other than the normal default // if the user has 'default' for their setting if ( $pref == 'default' && $defaultPref ) { $pref = $defaultPref; } $date = $df->reformat( $pref, $date, [ 'match-whole' ] ); return $date; } public static function ns( $parser, $part1 = '' ) { if ( intval( $part1 ) || $part1 == "0" ) { $index = intval( $part1 ); } else { $index = $parser->getContentLanguage()->getNsIndex( str_replace( ' ', '_', $part1 ) ); } if ( $index !== false ) { return $parser->getContentLanguage()->getFormattedNsText( $index ); } else { return [ 'found' => false ]; } } public static function nse( $parser, $part1 = '' ) { $ret = self::ns( $parser, $part1 ); if ( is_string( $ret ) ) { $ret = wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $ret ) ); } return $ret; } /** * urlencodes a string according to one of three patterns: (T24474) * * By default (for HTTP "query" strings), spaces are encoded as '+'. * Or to encode a value for the HTTP "path", spaces are encoded as '%20'. * For links to "wiki"s, or similar software, spaces are encoded as '_', * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $s The text to encode. * @param string|null $arg (optional): The type of encoding. * @return string */ public static function urlencode( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) { static $magicWords = null; if ( $magicWords === null ) { $magicWords = $parser->getMagicWordFactory()->newArray( [ 'url_path', 'url_query', 'url_wiki' ] ); } switch ( $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $arg ) ) { // Encode as though it's a wiki page, '_' for ' '. case 'url_wiki': $func = 'wfUrlencode'; $s = str_replace( ' ', '_', $s ); break; // Encode for an HTTP Path, '%20' for ' '. case 'url_path': $func = 'rawurlencode'; break; // Encode for HTTP query, '+' for ' '. case 'url_query': default: $func = 'urlencode'; } // See T105242, where the choice to kill markers and various // other options were discussed. return $func( $parser->killMarkers( $s ) ); } public static function lcfirst( $parser, $s = '' ) { return $parser->getContentLanguage()->lcfirst( $s ); } public static function ucfirst( $parser, $s = '' ) { return $parser->getContentLanguage()->ucfirst( $s ); } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $s * @return string */ public static function lc( $parser, $s = '' ) { return $parser->markerSkipCallback( $s, [ $parser->getContentLanguage(), 'lc' ] ); } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $s * @return string */ public static function uc( $parser, $s = '' ) { return $parser->markerSkipCallback( $s, [ $parser->getContentLanguage(), 'uc' ] ); } public static function localurl( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) { return self::urlFunction( 'getLocalURL', $s, $arg ); } public static function localurle( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) { $temp = self::urlFunction( 'getLocalURL', $s, $arg ); if ( !is_string( $temp ) ) { return $temp; } else { return htmlspecialchars( $temp ); } } public static function fullurl( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) { return self::urlFunction( 'getFullURL', $s, $arg ); } public static function fullurle( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) { $temp = self::urlFunction( 'getFullURL', $s, $arg ); if ( !is_string( $temp ) ) { return $temp; } else { return htmlspecialchars( $temp ); } } public static function canonicalurl( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) { return self::urlFunction( 'getCanonicalURL', $s, $arg ); } public static function canonicalurle( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) { $temp = self::urlFunction( 'getCanonicalURL', $s, $arg ); if ( !is_string( $temp ) ) { return $temp; } else { return htmlspecialchars( $temp ); } } public static function urlFunction( $func, $s = '', $arg = null ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $s ); # Due to order of execution of a lot of bits, the values might be encoded # before arriving here; if that's true, then the title can't be created # and the variable will fail. If we can't get a decent title from the first # attempt, url-decode and try for a second. if ( $title === null ) { $title = Title::newFromURL( urldecode( $s ) ); } if ( $title !== null ) { # Convert NS_MEDIA -> NS_FILE if ( $title->inNamespace( NS_MEDIA ) ) { $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $title->getDBkey() ); } if ( $arg !== null ) { $text = $title->$func( $arg ); } else { $text = $title->$func(); } return $text; } else { return [ 'found' => false ]; } } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $num * @param string|null $arg * @return string */ public static function formatnum( $parser, $num = '', $arg = null ) { if ( self::matchAgainstMagicword( $parser->getMagicWordFactory(), 'rawsuffix', $arg ) ) { $func = [ $parser->getFunctionLang(), 'parseFormattedNumber' ]; } elseif ( self::matchAgainstMagicword( $parser->getMagicWordFactory(), 'nocommafysuffix', $arg ) ) { $func = [ $parser->getFunctionLang(), 'formatNumNoSeparators' ]; } else { $func = [ $parser->getFunctionLang(), 'formatNum' ]; } return $parser->markerSkipCallback( $num, $func ); } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $case * @param string $word * @return string */ public static function grammar( $parser, $case = '', $word = '' ) { $word = $parser->killMarkers( $word ); return $parser->getFunctionLang()->convertGrammar( $word, $case ); } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $username * @param string ...$forms What to output for each gender * @return string */ public static function gender( $parser, $username, ...$forms ) { // Some shortcuts to avoid loading user data unnecessarily if ( count( $forms ) === 0 ) { return ''; } elseif ( count( $forms ) === 1 ) { return $forms[0]; } $username = trim( $username ); $gender = User::getDefaultOption( 'gender' ); // allow prefix and normalize (e.g. "*foo" -> "*foo" ). $title = Title::newFromText( $username, NS_USER ); if ( $title && $title->inNamespace( NS_USER ) ) { $username = $title->getText(); } // check parameter, or use the ParserOptions if in interface message $user = User::newFromName( $username ); $genderCache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getGenderCache(); if ( $user ) { $gender = $genderCache->getGenderOf( $user, __METHOD__ ); } elseif ( $username === '' && $parser->getOptions()->getInterfaceMessage() ) { $gender = $genderCache->getGenderOf( $parser->getOptions()->getUser(), __METHOD__ ); } $ret = $parser->getFunctionLang()->gender( $gender, $forms ); return $ret; } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $text * @param string ...$forms What to output for each number (singular, dual, plural, etc.) * @return string */ public static function plural( $parser, $text = '', ...$forms ) { $text = $parser->getFunctionLang()->parseFormattedNumber( $text ); settype( $text, ctype_digit( $text ) ? 'int' : 'float' ); return $parser->getFunctionLang()->convertPlural( $text, $forms ); } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $text * @return string */ public static function bidi( $parser, $text = '' ) { return $parser->getFunctionLang()->embedBidi( $text ); } /** * Shorthand for getting a Language Converter for Target language * @param Parser $parser Parent parser * @return ILanguageConverter */ private static function getTargetLanguageConverter( Parser $parser ) : ILanguageConverter { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageConverterFactory() ->getLanguageConverter( $parser->getTargetLanguage() ); } /** * Override the title of the page when viewed, provided we've been given a * title which will normalise to the canonical title * * @param Parser $parser Parent parser * @param string $text Desired title text * @param string $uarg * @return string */ public static function displaytitle( $parser, $text = '', $uarg = '' ) { global $wgRestrictDisplayTitle; static $magicWords = null; if ( $magicWords === null ) { $magicWords = $parser->getMagicWordFactory()->newArray( [ 'displaytitle_noerror', 'displaytitle_noreplace' ] ); } $arg = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $uarg ); // parse a limited subset of wiki markup (just the single quote items) $text = $parser->doQuotes( $text ); // remove stripped text (e.g. the UNIQ-QINU stuff) that was generated by tag extensions/whatever $text = $parser->killMarkers( $text ); // list of disallowed tags for DISPLAYTITLE // these will be escaped even though they are allowed in normal wiki text $bad = [ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'div', 'blockquote', 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'hr', 'table', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'dl', 'dd', 'caption', 'p', 'ruby', 'rb', 'rt', 'rtc', 'rp', 'br' ]; // disallow some styles that could be used to bypass $wgRestrictDisplayTitle if ( $wgRestrictDisplayTitle ) { $htmlTagsCallback = function ( &$params ) { $decoded = Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes( $params ); if ( isset( $decoded['style'] ) ) { // this is called later anyway, but we need it right now for the regexes below to be safe // calling it twice doesn't hurt $decoded['style'] = Sanitizer::checkCss( $decoded['style'] ); if ( preg_match( '/(display|user-select|visibility)\s*:/i', $decoded['style'] ) ) { $decoded['style'] = '/* attempt to bypass $wgRestrictDisplayTitle */'; } } $params = Sanitizer::safeEncodeTagAttributes( $decoded ); }; } else { $htmlTagsCallback = null; } // only requested titles that normalize to the actual title are allowed through // if $wgRestrictDisplayTitle is true (it is by default) // mimic the escaping process that occurs in OutputPage::setPageTitle $text = Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences( Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags( $text, $htmlTagsCallback, [], [], $bad ) ); $title = Title::newFromText( Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $text ) ); if ( !$wgRestrictDisplayTitle || ( $title instanceof Title && !$title->hasFragment() && $title->equals( $parser->getTitle() ) ) ) { $old = $parser->mOutput->getProperty( 'displaytitle' ); if ( $old === false || $arg !== 'displaytitle_noreplace' ) { $parser->mOutput->setDisplayTitle( $text ); } if ( $old !== false && $old !== $text && !$arg ) { $converter = self::getTargetLanguageConverter( $parser ); return '' . wfMessage( 'duplicate-displaytitle', // Message should be parsed, but these params should only be escaped. $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $old ) ), $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $text ) ) )->inContentLanguage()->text() . ''; } else { return ''; } } else { $parser->getOutput()->addWarning( wfMessage( 'restricted-displaytitle', // Message should be parsed, but this param should only be escaped. wfEscapeWikiText( $text ) )->text() ); $parser->addTrackingCategory( 'restricted-displaytitle-ignored' ); } } /** * Matches the given value against the value of given magic word * * @param MagicWordFactory $magicWordFactory A factory to get the word from, e.g., from * $parser->getMagicWordFactory() * @param string $magicword Magic word key * @param string $value Value to match * @return bool True on successful match */ private static function matchAgainstMagicword( MagicWordFactory $magicWordFactory, $magicword, $value ) { $value = trim( strval( $value ) ); if ( $value === '' ) { return false; } $mwObject = $magicWordFactory->get( $magicword ); return $mwObject->matchStartToEnd( $value ); } /** * Formats a number according to a language. * * @param int|float $num * @param string $raw * @param Language|StubUserLang $language * @param MagicWordFactory|null $magicWordFactory To evaluate $raw * @return string */ public static function formatRaw( $num, $raw, $language, MagicWordFactory $magicWordFactory = null ) { if ( $raw !== null && !$magicWordFactory ) { $magicWordFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMagicWordFactory(); } if ( $raw !== null && self::matchAgainstMagicword( $magicWordFactory, 'rawsuffix', $raw ) ) { return $num; } else { return $language->formatNum( $num ); } } public static function numberofpages( $parser, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::pages(), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function numberofusers( $parser, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::users(), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function numberofactiveusers( $parser, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::activeUsers(), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function numberofarticles( $parser, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::articles(), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function numberoffiles( $parser, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::images(), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function numberofadmins( $parser, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::numberingroup( 'sysop' ), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function numberofedits( $parser, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::edits(), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function pagesinnamespace( $parser, $namespace = 0, $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::pagesInNs( intval( $namespace ) ), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } public static function numberingroup( $parser, $name = '', $raw = null ) { return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::numberingroup( strtolower( $name ) ), $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } /** * Given a title, return the namespace name that would be given by the * corresponding magic word * Note: function name changed to "mwnamespace" rather than "namespace" * to not break PHP 5.3 * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title * @return mixed|string */ public static function mwnamespace( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return str_replace( '_', ' ', $t->getNsText() ); } public static function namespacee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfUrlencode( $t->getNsText() ); } public static function namespacenumber( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return $t->getNamespace(); } public static function talkspace( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null || !$t->canHaveTalkPage() ) { return ''; } return str_replace( '_', ' ', $t->getTalkNsText() ); } public static function talkspacee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null || !$t->canHaveTalkPage() ) { return ''; } return wfUrlencode( $t->getTalkNsText() ); } public static function subjectspace( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return str_replace( '_', ' ', $t->getSubjectNsText() ); } public static function subjectspacee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfUrlencode( $t->getSubjectNsText() ); } /** * Functions to get and normalize pagenames, corresponding to the magic words * of the same names * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title * @return string */ public static function pagename( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getText() ); } public static function pagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getPartialURL() ); } public static function fullpagename( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null || !$t->canHaveTalkPage() ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getPrefixedText() ); } public static function fullpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null || !$t->canHaveTalkPage() ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getPrefixedURL() ); } public static function subpagename( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubpageText() ); } public static function subpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubpageUrlForm() ); } public static function rootpagename( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getRootText() ); } public static function rootpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $t->getRootText() ) ) ); } public static function basepagename( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getBaseText() ); } public static function basepagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $t->getBaseText() ) ) ); } public static function talkpagename( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null || !$t->canHaveTalkPage() ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getTalkPage()->getPrefixedText() ); } public static function talkpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null || !$t->canHaveTalkPage() ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getTalkPage()->getPrefixedURL() ); } public static function subjectpagename( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubjectPage()->getPrefixedText() ); } public static function subjectpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubjectPage()->getPrefixedURL() ); } /** * Return the number of pages, files or subcats in the given category, * or 0 if it's nonexistent. This is an expensive parser function and * can't be called too many times per page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string $name * @param string|null $arg1 * @param string|null $arg2 * @return string */ public static function pagesincategory( $parser, $name = '', $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null ) { static $magicWords = null; if ( $magicWords === null ) { $magicWords = $parser->getMagicWordFactory()->newArray( [ 'pagesincategory_all', 'pagesincategory_pages', 'pagesincategory_subcats', 'pagesincategory_files' ] ); } static $cache = []; // split the given option to its variable if ( self::matchAgainstMagicword( $parser->getMagicWordFactory(), 'rawsuffix', $arg1 ) ) { // {{pagesincategory:|raw[|type]}} $raw = $arg1; $type = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $arg2 ); } else { // {{pagesincategory:[|type[|raw]]}} $type = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $arg1 ); $raw = $arg2; } if ( !$type ) { // backward compatibility $type = 'pagesincategory_all'; } $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $name ); if ( !$title ) { # invalid title return self::formatRaw( 0, $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } $parser->getContentLanguage()->findVariantLink( $name, $title, true ); // Normalize name for cache $name = $title->getDBkey(); if ( !isset( $cache[$name] ) ) { $category = Category::newFromTitle( $title ); $allCount = $subcatCount = $fileCount = $pagesCount = 0; if ( $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) { // $allCount is the total number of cat members, // not the count of how many members are normal pages. $allCount = (int)$category->getPageCount(); $subcatCount = (int)$category->getSubcatCount(); $fileCount = (int)$category->getFileCount(); $pagesCount = $allCount - $subcatCount - $fileCount; } $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_all'] = $allCount; $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_pages'] = $pagesCount; $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_subcats'] = $subcatCount; $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_files'] = $fileCount; } $count = $cache[$name][$type]; return self::formatRaw( $count, $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } /** * Return the size of the given page, or 0 if it's nonexistent. This is an * expensive parser function and can't be called too many times per page. * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $page Name of page to check (Default: empty string) * @param string|null $raw Should number be human readable with commas or just number * @return string */ public static function pagesize( $parser, $page = '', $raw = null ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $page ); if ( !is_object( $title ) ) { return self::formatRaw( 0, $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $title, 'vary-revision-sha1' ); $length = $rev ? $rev->getSize() : 0; if ( $length === null ) { // We've had bugs where rev_len was not being recorded for empty pages, see T135414 $length = 0; } return self::formatRaw( $length, $raw, $parser->getFunctionLang() ); } /** * Returns the requested protection level for the current page. This * is an expensive parser function and can't be called too many times * per page, unless the protection levels/expiries for the given title * have already been retrieved * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $type * @param string $title * * @return string */ public static function protectionlevel( $parser, $type = '', $title = '' ) { $titleObject = Title::newFromText( $title ) ?? $parser->getTitle(); if ( $titleObject->areRestrictionsLoaded() || $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) { $restrictions = $titleObject->getRestrictions( strtolower( $type ) ); # Title::getRestrictions returns an array, its possible it may have # multiple values in the future return implode( ',', $restrictions ); } return ''; } /** * Returns the requested protection expiry for the current page. This * is an expensive parser function and can't be called too many times * per page, unless the protection levels/expiries for the given title * have already been retrieved * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $type * @param string $title * * @return string */ public static function protectionexpiry( $parser, $type = '', $title = '' ) { $titleObject = Title::newFromText( $title ) ?? $parser->getTitle(); if ( $titleObject->areRestrictionsLoaded() || $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) { $expiry = $titleObject->getRestrictionExpiry( strtolower( $type ) ); // getRestrictionExpiry() returns false on invalid type; trying to // match protectionlevel() function that returns empty string instead if ( $expiry === false ) { $expiry = ''; } return $expiry; } return ''; } /** * Gives language names. * @param Parser $parser * @param string $code Language code (of which to get name) * @param string $inLanguage Language code (in which to get name) * @return string */ public static function language( $parser, $code = '', $inLanguage = '' ) { $code = strtolower( $code ); $inLanguage = strtolower( $inLanguage ); $lang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getLanguageNameUtils() ->getLanguageName( $code, $inLanguage ); return $lang !== '' ? $lang : LanguageCode::bcp47( $code ); } /** * Unicode-safe str_pad with the restriction that $length is forced to be <= 500 * @param Parser $parser * @param string $string * @param string $length * @param string $padding * @param int $direction * @return string */ public static function pad( $parser, $string, $length, $padding = '0', $direction = STR_PAD_RIGHT ) { $padding = $parser->killMarkers( $padding ); $lengthOfPadding = mb_strlen( $padding ); if ( $lengthOfPadding == 0 ) { return $string; } # The remaining length to add counts down to 0 as padding is added $length = min( (int)$length, 500 ) - mb_strlen( $string ); if ( $length <= 0 ) { // Nothing to add return $string; } # $finalPadding is just $padding repeated enough times so that # mb_strlen( $string ) + mb_strlen( $finalPadding ) == $length $finalPadding = ''; while ( $length > 0 ) { # If $length < $lengthofPadding, truncate $padding so we get the # exact length desired. $finalPadding .= mb_substr( $padding, 0, $length ); $length -= $lengthOfPadding; } if ( $direction == STR_PAD_LEFT ) { return $finalPadding . $string; } else { return $string . $finalPadding; } } public static function padleft( $parser, $string = '', $length = 0, $padding = '0' ) { return self::pad( $parser, $string, $length, $padding, STR_PAD_LEFT ); } public static function padright( $parser, $string = '', $length = 0, $padding = '0' ) { return self::pad( $parser, $string, $length, $padding ); } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $text * @return string */ public static function anchorencode( $parser, $text ) { $text = $parser->killMarkers( $text ); $section = (string)substr( $parser->guessSectionNameFromWikiText( $text ), 1 ); return Sanitizer::safeEncodeAttribute( $section ); } public static function special( $parser, $text ) { list( $page, $subpage ) = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSpecialPageFactory()-> resolveAlias( $text ); if ( $page ) { $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $page, $subpage ); return $title->getPrefixedText(); } else { // unknown special page, just use the given text as its title, if at all possible $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_SPECIAL, $text ); return $title ? $title->getPrefixedText() : self::special( $parser, 'Badtitle' ); } } public static function speciale( $parser, $text ) { return wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', self::special( $parser, $text ) ) ); } /** * @param Parser $parser * @param string $text The sortkey to use * @param string $uarg Either "noreplace" or "noerror" (in en) * both suppress errors, and noreplace does nothing if * a default sortkey already exists. * @return string */ public static function defaultsort( $parser, $text, $uarg = '' ) { static $magicWords = null; if ( $magicWords === null ) { $magicWords = $parser->getMagicWordFactory()->newArray( [ 'defaultsort_noerror', 'defaultsort_noreplace' ] ); } $arg = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $uarg ); $text = trim( $text ); if ( strlen( $text ) == 0 ) { return ''; } $old = $parser->getCustomDefaultSort(); if ( $old === false || $arg !== 'defaultsort_noreplace' ) { $parser->setDefaultSort( $text ); } if ( $old === false || $old == $text || $arg ) { return ''; } else { $converter = $parser->getTargetLanguage()->getConverter(); return '' . wfMessage( 'duplicate-defaultsort', // Message should be parsed, but these params should only be escaped. $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $old ) ), $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $text ) ) )->inContentLanguage()->text() . ''; } } /** * Usage {{filepath|300}}, {{filepath|nowiki}}, {{filepath|nowiki|300}} * or {{filepath|300|nowiki}} or {{filepath|300px}}, {{filepath|200x300px}}, * {{filepath|nowiki|200x300px}}, {{filepath|200x300px|nowiki}}. * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $name * @param string $argA * @param string $argB * @return array|string */ public static function filepath( $parser, $name = '', $argA = '', $argB = '' ) { $file = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()->findFile( $name ); if ( $argA == 'nowiki' ) { // {{filepath: | option [| size] }} $isNowiki = true; $parsedWidthParam = Parser::parseWidthParam( $argB ); } else { // {{filepath: [| size [|option]] }} $parsedWidthParam = Parser::parseWidthParam( $argA ); $isNowiki = ( $argB == 'nowiki' ); } if ( $file ) { $url = $file->getFullUrl(); // If a size is requested... if ( count( $parsedWidthParam ) ) { $mto = $file->transform( $parsedWidthParam ); // ... and we can if ( $mto && !$mto->isError() ) { // ... change the URL to point to a thumbnail. $url = wfExpandUrl( $mto->getUrl(), PROTO_RELATIVE ); } } if ( $isNowiki ) { return [ $url, 'nowiki' => true ]; } return $url; } else { return ''; } } /** * Parser function to extension tag adaptor * @param Parser $parser * @param PPFrame $frame * @param PPNode[] $args * @return string */ public static function tagObj( $parser, $frame, $args ) { if ( !count( $args ) ) { return ''; } $tagName = strtolower( trim( $frame->expand( array_shift( $args ) ) ) ); if ( count( $args ) ) { $inner = $frame->expand( array_shift( $args ) ); } else { $inner = null; } $attributes = []; foreach ( $args as $arg ) { $bits = $arg->splitArg(); if ( strval( $bits['index'] ) === '' ) { $name = trim( $frame->expand( $bits['name'], PPFrame::STRIP_COMMENTS ) ); $value = trim( $frame->expand( $bits['value'] ) ); if ( preg_match( '/^(?:["\'](.+)["\']|""|\'\')$/s', $value, $m ) ) { $value = $m[1] ?? ''; } $attributes[$name] = $value; } } $stripList = $parser->getStripList(); if ( !in_array( $tagName, $stripList ) ) { // we can't handle this tag (at least not now), so just re-emit it as an ordinary tag $attrText = ''; foreach ( $attributes as $name => $value ) { $attrText .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars( $name ) . '="' . htmlspecialchars( $value ) . '"'; } if ( $inner === null ) { return "<$tagName$attrText/>"; } return "<$tagName$attrText>$inner"; } $params = [ 'name' => $tagName, 'inner' => $inner, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'close' => "", ]; return $parser->extensionSubstitution( $params, $frame ); } /** * Fetched the current revision of the given title and return this. * Will increment the expensive function count and * add a template link to get the value refreshed on changes. * For a given title, which is equal to the current parser title, * the revision object from the parser is used, when that is the current one * * @param Parser $parser * @param Title $title * @param string $vary ParserOuput vary-* flag * @return RevisionRecord|null * @since 1.23 */ private static function getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $title, $vary ) { if ( !$title ) { return null; } $revisionRecord = null; $isSelfReferential = $title->equals( $parser->getTitle() ); if ( $isSelfReferential ) { // Revision is for the same title that is currently being parsed. Only use the last // saved revision, regardless of Parser::getRevisionId() or fake revision injection // callbacks against the current title. $parserRevisionRecord = $parser->getRevisionRecordObject(); if ( $parserRevisionRecord && $parserRevisionRecord->isCurrent() ) { $revisionRecord = $parserRevisionRecord; } } $parserOutput = $parser->getOutput(); if ( !$revisionRecord ) { if ( !$parser->isCurrentRevisionOfTitleCached( $title ) && !$parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) { return null; // not allowed } // Get the current revision, ignoring Parser::getRevisionId() being null/old $revisionRecord = $parser->fetchCurrentRevisionRecordOfTitle( $title ); if ( !$revisionRecord ) { // Convert `false` error return to `null` $revisionRecord = null; } // Register dependency in templatelinks $parserOutput->addTemplate( $title, $revisionRecord ? $revisionRecord->getPageId() : 0, $revisionRecord ? $revisionRecord->getId() : 0 ); } if ( $isSelfReferential ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": used current revision, setting $vary" ); // Upon page save, the result of the parser function using this might change $parserOutput->setFlag( $vary ); if ( $vary === 'vary-revision-sha1' && $revisionRecord ) { try { $sha1 = $revisionRecord->getSha1(); } catch ( RevisionAccessException $e ) { $sha1 = null; } $parserOutput->setRevisionUsedSha1Base36( $sha1 ); } } return $revisionRecord; } /** * Get the pageid of a specified page * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the pageid from * @return int|null|string * @since 1.23 */ public static function pageid( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( !$t ) { return ''; } elseif ( !$t->canExist() || $t->isExternal() ) { return 0; // e.g. special page or interwiki link } $parserOutput = $parser->getOutput(); if ( $t->equals( $parser->getTitle() ) ) { // Revision is for the same title that is currently being parsed. // Use the title from Parser in case a new page ID was injected into it. $parserOutput->setFlag( 'vary-page-id' ); $id = $parser->getTitle()->getArticleID(); if ( $id ) { $parserOutput->setSpeculativePageIdUsed( $id ); } return $id; } // Check the link cache for the title $linkCache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkCache(); $pdbk = $t->getPrefixedDBkey(); $id = $linkCache->getGoodLinkID( $pdbk ); if ( $id != 0 || $linkCache->isBadLink( $pdbk ) ) { $parserOutput->addLink( $t, $id ); return $id; } // We need to load it from the DB, so mark expensive if ( $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) { $id = $t->getArticleID(); $parserOutput->addLink( $t, $id ); return $id; } return null; } /** * Get the id from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the id from * @return int|null|string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisionid( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); if ( $t->equals( $parser->getTitle() ) && $services->getMainConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) && !$parser->getOptions()->getInterfaceMessage() && // @TODO: disallow this word on all namespaces (T235957) $services->getNamespaceInfo()->isSubject( $t->getNamespace() ) ) { // Use a stub result instead of the actual revision ID in order to avoid // double parses on page save but still allow preview detection (T137900) if ( $parser->getRevisionId() || $parser->getOptions()->getSpeculativeRevId() ) { return '-'; } else { $parser->getOutput()->setFlag( 'vary-revision-exists' ); return ''; } } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-revision-id' ); return $rev ? $rev->getId() : ''; } /** * Get the day from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the day from * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisionday( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-revision-timestamp' ); return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'j' ) : ''; } /** * Get the day with leading zeros from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the day from * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisionday2( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-revision-timestamp' ); return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'd' ) : ''; } /** * Get the month with leading zeros from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the month from * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisionmonth( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-revision-timestamp' ); return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'm' ) : ''; } /** * Get the month from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the month from * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisionmonth1( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-revision-timestamp' ); return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'n' ) : ''; } /** * Get the year from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the year from * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisionyear( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-revision-timestamp' ); return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'Y' ) : ''; } /** * Get the timestamp from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the timestamp from * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisiontimestamp( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-revision-timestamp' ); return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'YmdHis' ) : ''; } /** * Get the user from the last revision of a specified page. * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $title Title to get the user from * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function revisionuser( $parser, $title = null ) { $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); if ( $t === null ) { return ''; } // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t, 'vary-user' ); if ( $rev === null ) { return ''; } $user = $rev->getUser(); return $user ? $user->getName() : ''; } /** * Returns the sources of any cascading protection acting on a specified page. * Pages will not return their own title unless they transclude themselves. * This is an expensive parser function and can't be called too many times per page, * unless cascading protection sources for the page have already been loaded. * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $title * * @return string * @since 1.23 */ public static function cascadingsources( $parser, $title = '' ) { $titleObject = Title::newFromText( $title ) ?? $parser->getTitle(); if ( $titleObject->areCascadeProtectionSourcesLoaded() || $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) { $names = []; $sources = $titleObject->getCascadeProtectionSources(); foreach ( $sources[0] as $sourceTitle ) { $names[] = $sourceTitle->getPrefixedText(); } return implode( '|', $names ); } return ''; } }