entry->getSubtype(); if ( $subtype === 'move_prot' ) { $params = $this->extractParameters(); return [ Title::newFromText( $params[3] ) ]; } return []; } protected function getMessageKey() { $key = parent::getMessageKey(); $params = $this->extractParameters(); if ( isset( $params[4] ) && $params[4] ) { // Messages: logentry-protect-protect-cascade, logentry-protect-modify-cascade $key .= '-cascade'; } return $key; } protected function getMessageParameters() { $params = parent::getMessageParameters(); $subtype = $this->entry->getSubtype(); if ( $subtype === 'protect' || $subtype === 'modify' ) { $rawParams = $this->entry->getParameters(); if ( isset( $rawParams['details'] ) ) { $params[3] = $this->createProtectDescription( $rawParams['details'] ); } elseif ( isset( $params[3] ) ) { // Old way of Restrictions and expiries $params[3] = $this->context->getLanguage()->getDirMark() . $params[3]; } else { // Very old way (nothing set) $params[3] = ''; } // Cascading flag if ( isset( $params[4] ) ) { // handled in getMessageKey unset( $params[4] ); } } elseif ( $subtype === 'move_prot' ) { $oldname = $this->makePageLink( Title::newFromText( $params[3] ), [ 'redirect' => 'no' ] ); $params[3] = Message::rawParam( $oldname ); } return $params; } public function getActionLinks() { $linkRenderer = $this->getLinkRenderer(); $subtype = $this->entry->getSubtype(); if ( $this->entry->isDeleted( LogPage::DELETED_ACTION ) // Action is hidden || $subtype === 'move_prot' // the move log entry has the right action link ) { return ''; } // Show history link for pages that exist otherwise show nothing $title = $this->entry->getTarget(); $links = []; if ( $title->exists() ) { $links [] = $linkRenderer->makeLink( $title, $this->msg( 'hist' )->text(), [], [ 'action' => 'history', 'offset' => $this->entry->getTimestamp(), ] ); } // Show change protection link if ( MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getPermissionManager() ->userHasRight( $this->context->getUser(), 'protect' ) ) { $links[] = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $title, $this->msg( 'protect_change' )->text(), [], [ 'action' => 'protect' ] ); } if ( empty( $links ) ) { return ''; } else { return $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $this->context->getLanguage()->pipeList( $links ) )->escaped(); } } protected function getParametersForApi() { $entry = $this->entry; $subtype = $this->entry->getSubtype(); $params = $entry->getParameters(); $map = []; if ( $subtype === 'protect' || $subtype === 'modify' ) { $map = [ '4::description', '5:bool:cascade', 'details' => ':array:details', ]; } elseif ( $subtype === 'move_prot' ) { $map = [ '4:title:oldtitle', '4::oldtitle' => '4:title:oldtitle', ]; } foreach ( $map as $index => $key ) { if ( isset( $params[$index] ) ) { $params[$key] = $params[$index]; unset( $params[$index] ); } } // Change string to explicit boolean if ( isset( $params['5:bool:cascade'] ) && is_string( $params['5:bool:cascade'] ) ) { $params['5:bool:cascade'] = $params['5:bool:cascade'] === 'cascade'; } return $params; } public function formatParametersForApi() { $ret = parent::formatParametersForApi(); if ( isset( $ret['details'] ) && is_array( $ret['details'] ) ) { $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); foreach ( $ret['details'] as &$detail ) { if ( isset( $detail['expiry'] ) ) { $detail['expiry'] = $contLang-> formatExpiry( $detail['expiry'], TS_ISO_8601, 'infinite' ); } } } return $ret; } /** * Create the protect description to show in the log formatter * * @param array[] $details * @return string */ public function createProtectDescription( array $details ) { $protectDescription = ''; foreach ( $details as $param ) { $expiryText = $this->formatExpiry( $param['expiry'] ); // Messages: restriction-edit, restriction-move, restriction-create, // restriction-upload $action = $this->context->msg( 'restriction-' . $param['type'] )->escaped(); $protectionLevel = $param['level']; // Messages: protect-level-autoconfirmed, protect-level-sysop $message = $this->context->msg( 'protect-level-' . $protectionLevel ); if ( $message->isDisabled() ) { // Require "$1" permission $restrictions = $this->context->msg( "protect-fallback", $protectionLevel )->parse(); } else { $restrictions = $message->escaped(); } if ( $protectDescription !== '' ) { $protectDescription .= $this->context->msg( 'word-separator' )->escaped(); } $protectDescription .= $this->context->msg( 'protect-summary-desc' ) ->params( $action, $restrictions, $expiryText )->escaped(); } return $protectDescription; } private function formatExpiry( $expiry ) { if ( wfIsInfinity( $expiry ) ) { return $this->context->msg( 'protect-expiry-indefinite' )->text(); } $lang = $this->context->getLanguage(); $user = $this->context->getUser(); return $this->context->msg( 'protect-expiring-local', $lang->userTimeAndDate( $expiry, $user ), $lang->userDate( $expiry, $user ), $lang->userTime( $expiry, $user ) )->text(); } }