(uses RFC 3986) * - headers :
* - body : source to get the HTTP request body from; * this can simply be a string (always), a resource for * PUT requests, and a field/value array for POST request; * array bodies are encoded as multipart/form-data and strings * use application/x-www-form-urlencoded (headers sent automatically) * - stream : resource to stream the HTTP response body to * Request maps can use integer index 0 instead of 'method' and 1 instead of 'url'. * * @since 1.23 */ class VirtualRESTServiceClient { /** @var MultiHttpClient */ private $http; /** @var array Map of (prefix => VirtualRESTService|array) */ private $instances = []; private const VALID_MOUNT_REGEX = '#^/[0-9a-z]+/([0-9a-z]+/)*$#'; /** * @param MultiHttpClient $http */ public function __construct( MultiHttpClient $http ) { $this->http = $http; } /** * Map a prefix to service handler * * If $instance is in array, it must have these keys: * - class : string; fully qualified VirtualRESTService class name * - config : array; map of parameters that is the first __construct() argument * * @param string $prefix Virtual path * @param VirtualRESTService|array $instance Service or info to yield the service */ public function mount( $prefix, $instance ) { if ( !preg_match( self::VALID_MOUNT_REGEX, $prefix ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Invalid service mount point '$prefix'." ); } elseif ( isset( $this->instances[$prefix] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "A service is already mounted on '$prefix'." ); } if ( !( $instance instanceof VirtualRESTService ) ) { if ( !isset( $instance['class'] ) || !isset( $instance['config'] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Missing 'class' or 'config' ('$prefix')." ); } } $this->instances[$prefix] = $instance; } /** * Unmap a prefix to service handler * * @param string $prefix Virtual path */ public function unmount( $prefix ) { if ( !preg_match( self::VALID_MOUNT_REGEX, $prefix ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Invalid service mount point '$prefix'." ); } elseif ( !isset( $this->instances[$prefix] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "No service is mounted on '$prefix'." ); } unset( $this->instances[$prefix] ); } /** * Get the prefix and service that a virtual path is serviced by * * @param string $path * @return array (prefix,VirtualRESTService) or (null,null) if none found */ public function getMountAndService( $path ) { $cmpFunc = function ( $a, $b ) { $al = substr_count( $a, '/' ); $bl = substr_count( $b, '/' ); return $bl <=> $al; // largest prefix first }; $matches = []; // matching prefixes (mount points) foreach ( $this->instances as $prefix => $unused ) { if ( strpos( $path, $prefix ) === 0 ) { $matches[] = $prefix; } } usort( $matches, $cmpFunc ); // Return the most specific prefix and corresponding service // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanRedundantCondition return $matches ? [ $matches[0], $this->getInstance( $matches[0] ) ] : [ null, null ]; } /** * Execute a virtual HTTP(S) request * * This method returns a response map of: * - code : HTTP response code or 0 if there was a serious cURL error * - reason : HTTP response reason (empty if there was a serious cURL error) * - headers :
* - body : HTTP response body or resource (if "stream" was set) * - error : Any cURL error string * The map also stores integer-indexed copies of these values. This lets callers do: * @code * list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $client->run( $req ); * @endcode * @param array $req Virtual HTTP request maps * @return array Response array for request */ public function run( array $req ) { return $this->runMulti( [ $req ] )[0]; } /** * Execute a set of virtual HTTP(S) requests concurrently * * A map of requests keys to response maps is returned. Each response map has: * - code : HTTP response code or 0 if there was a serious cURL error * - reason : HTTP response reason (empty if there was a serious cURL error) * - headers :
* - body : HTTP response body or resource (if "stream" was set) * - error : Any cURL error string * The map also stores integer-indexed copies of these values. This lets callers do: * @code * list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $responses[0]; * @endcode * * @param array[] $reqs Map of Virtual HTTP request maps * @return array $reqs Map of corresponding response values with the same keys/order * @throws Exception */ public function runMulti( array $reqs ) { foreach ( $reqs as $index => &$req ) { if ( isset( $req[0] ) ) { $req['method'] = $req[0]; // short-form unset( $req[0] ); } if ( isset( $req[1] ) ) { $req['url'] = $req[1]; // short-form unset( $req[1] ); } $req['chain'] = []; // chain or list of replaced requests } unset( $req ); // don't assign over this by accident $curUniqueId = 0; $armoredIndexMap = []; // (original index => new index) $doneReqs = []; // (index => request) $executeReqs = []; // (index => request) $replaceReqsByService = []; // (prefix => index => request) $origPending = []; // (index => 1) for original requests foreach ( $reqs as $origIndex => $req ) { // Re-index keys to consecutive integers (they will be swapped back later) $index = $curUniqueId++; $armoredIndexMap[$origIndex] = $index; $origPending[$index] = 1; if ( preg_match( '#^(http|ftp)s?://#', $req['url'] ) ) { // Absolute FTP/HTTP(S) URL, run it as normal $executeReqs[$index] = $req; } else { // Must be a virtual HTTP URL; resolve it list( $prefix, $service ) = $this->getMountAndService( $req['url'] ); if ( !$service ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Path '{$req['url']}' has no service." ); } // Set the URL to the mount-relative portion $req['url'] = substr( $req['url'], strlen( $prefix ) ); $replaceReqsByService[$prefix][$index] = $req; } } // Function to get IDs that won't collide with keys in $armoredIndexMap $idFunc = function () use ( &$curUniqueId ) { return $curUniqueId++; }; $rounds = 0; do { if ( ++$rounds > 5 ) { // sanity throw new Exception( "Too many replacement rounds detected. Aborting." ); } // Track requests executed this round that have a prefix/service. // Note that this also includes requests where 'response' was forced. $checkReqIndexesByPrefix = []; // Resolve the virtual URLs valid and qualified HTTP(S) URLs // and add any required authentication headers for the backend. // Services can also replace requests with new ones, either to // defer the original or to set a proxy response to the original. $newReplaceReqsByService = []; foreach ( $replaceReqsByService as $prefix => $servReqs ) { $service = $this->getInstance( $prefix ); foreach ( $service->onRequests( $servReqs, $idFunc ) as $index => $req ) { // Services use unique IDs for replacement requests if ( isset( $servReqs[$index] ) || isset( $origPending[$index] ) ) { // A current or original request which was not modified } else { // Replacement request that will convert to original requests $newReplaceReqsByService[$prefix][$index] = $req; } if ( isset( $req['response'] ) ) { // Replacement requests with pre-set responses should not execute unset( $executeReqs[$index] ); unset( $origPending[$index] ); $doneReqs[$index] = $req; } else { // Original or mangled request included $executeReqs[$index] = $req; } $checkReqIndexesByPrefix[$prefix][$index] = 1; } } // Expand protocol-relative URLs foreach ( $executeReqs as $index => &$req ) { if ( preg_match( '#^//#', $req['url'] ) ) { $req['url'] = wfExpandUrl( $req['url'], PROTO_CURRENT ); } } // Run the actual work HTTP requests foreach ( $this->http->runMulti( $executeReqs ) as $index => $ranReq ) { $doneReqs[$index] = $ranReq; unset( $origPending[$index] ); } $executeReqs = []; // Services can also replace requests with new ones, either to // defer the original or to set a proxy response to the original. // Any replacement requests executed above will need to be replaced // with new requests (eventually the original). The responses can be // forced by setting 'response' rather than actually be sent over the wire. $newReplaceReqsByService = []; foreach ( $checkReqIndexesByPrefix as $prefix => $servReqIndexes ) { $service = $this->getInstance( $prefix ); // $doneReqs actually has the requests (with 'response' set) $servReqs = array_intersect_key( $doneReqs, $servReqIndexes ); foreach ( $service->onResponses( $servReqs, $idFunc ) as $index => $req ) { // Services use unique IDs for replacement requests if ( isset( $servReqs[$index] ) || isset( $origPending[$index] ) ) { // A current or original request which was not modified } else { // Replacement requests with pre-set responses should not execute $newReplaceReqsByService[$prefix][$index] = $req; } if ( isset( $req['response'] ) ) { // Replacement requests with pre-set responses should not execute unset( $origPending[$index] ); $doneReqs[$index] = $req; } else { // Update the request in case it was mangled $executeReqs[$index] = $req; } } } // Update index of requests to inspect for replacement $replaceReqsByService = $newReplaceReqsByService; } while ( count( $origPending ) ); $responses = []; // Update $reqs to include 'response' and normalized request 'headers'. // This maintains the original order of $reqs. foreach ( $reqs as $origIndex => $req ) { $index = $armoredIndexMap[$origIndex]; if ( !isset( $doneReqs[$index] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Response for request '$index' is NULL." ); } $responses[$origIndex] = $doneReqs[$index]['response']; } return $responses; } /** * @param string $prefix * @return VirtualRESTService */ private function getInstance( $prefix ) { if ( !isset( $this->instances[$prefix] ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( "No service registered at prefix '{$prefix}'." ); } if ( !( $this->instances[$prefix] instanceof VirtualRESTService ) ) { $config = $this->instances[$prefix]['config']; $class = $this->instances[$prefix]['class']; $service = new $class( $config ); if ( !( $service instanceof VirtualRESTService ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Registered service has the wrong class." ); } $this->instances[$prefix] = $service; } return $this->instances[$prefix]; } }