baseLoadBalancerParams( $this->getOwnershipId() ), $conf ) ); $this->initLoadBalancer( $lb ); $this->lb = $lb; } /** * @param IDatabase $db Live connection handle * @param array $params Parameter map to LBFactorySingle::__constructs() * @return LBFactorySingle * @since 1.28 */ public static function newFromConnection( IDatabase $db, array $params = [] ) { return new static( array_merge( [ 'localDomain' => $db->getDomainID() ], $params, [ 'connection' => $db ] ) ); } public function newMainLB( $domain = false, $owner = null ) { throw new BadMethodCallException( "Method is not supported." ); } public function getMainLB( $domain = false ) { return $this->lb; } public function newExternalLB( $cluster, $owner = null ) { throw new BadMethodCallException( "Method is not supported." ); } public function getExternalLB( $cluster ) { throw new BadMethodCallException( "Method is not supported." ); } public function getAllMainLBs() { return [ 'DEFAULT' => $this->lb ]; } public function getAllExternalLBs() { return []; } public function forEachLB( $callback, array $params = [] ) { if ( isset( $this->lb ) ) { // may not be set during _destruct() $callback( $this->lb, ...$params ); } } }