<?php /** * Advanced generator of database load balancing objects for database farms. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Database */ namespace Wikimedia\Rdbms; use InvalidArgumentException; use UnexpectedValueException; /** * A multi-database, multi-master factory for Wikimedia and similar installations. * Ignores the old configuration globals. * * @ingroup Database */ class LBFactoryMulti extends LBFactory { /** @var LoadBalancer[] Tracked main load balancer instances */ private $mainLBs = []; /** @var LoadBalancer[] Tracked external load balancer instances */ private $externalLBs = []; /** @var string[] Map of (hostname => IP address) */ private $hostsByName; /** @var string[] Map of (database name => section name) */ private $sectionsByDB; /** @var int[][][] Map of (section => group => host => load ratio) */ private $groupLoadsBySection; /** @var int[][][] Map of (database => group => host => load ratio) */ private $groupLoadsByDB; /** @var int[][] Map of (cluster => host => load ratio) */ private $externalLoads; /** @var array Server config map ("host", "hostName", "load", and "groupLoads" are ignored) */ private $serverTemplate; /** @var array Server config map overriding "serverTemplate" for external storage */ private $externalTemplateOverrides; /** @var array[] Map of (section => server config map overrides) */ private $templateOverridesBySection; /** @var array[] Map of (cluster => server config map overrides) for external storage */ private $templateOverridesByCluster; /** @var array Server config override map for all main and external master servers */ private $masterTemplateOverrides; /** @var array[] Map of (host => server config map overrides) for main and external servers */ private $templateOverridesByServer; /** @var string[]|bool[] A map of section name to read-only message */ private $readOnlyBySection; /** @var array Configuration for the LoadMonitor to use within LoadBalancer instances */ private $loadMonitorConfig; /** * Template override precedence (highest => lowest): * - templateOverridesByServer * - masterTemplateOverrides * - templateOverridesBySection/templateOverridesByCluster * - externalTemplateOverrides * - serverTemplate * Overrides only work on top level keys (so nested values will not be merged). * * Server config maps should be of the format Database::factory() requires. * Additionally, a 'max lag' key should also be set on server maps, indicating how stale the * data can be before the load balancer tries to avoid using it. The map can have 'is static' * set to disable blocking replication sync checks (intended for archive servers with * unchanging data). * * @see LBFactory::__construct() * @param array $conf Additional parameters include: * - hostsByName: map of (hostname => IP address). [optional] * - sectionsByDB: map of (database => section name). The database name "DEFAULT" is * interpeted as a catch-all for all databases not otherwise mentioned. [optional] * - sectionLoads: map of (section => host => load ratio); the first host listed in * each section is the master server for that section. [optional] * - groupLoadsBySection: map of (section => group => host => group load ratio). * Any ILoadBalancer::GROUP_GENERIC group will be ignored. [optional] * - groupLoadsByDB: map of (database => group => host => load ratio) map. [optional] * - externalLoads: map of (cluster => host => load ratio) map. [optional] * - serverTemplate: server config map for Database::factory(). * Note that "host", "hostName" and "load" entries will be overridden by * "groupLoadsBySection" and "hostsByName". [optional] * - externalTemplateOverrides: server config map overrides for external stores; * respects the override precedence described above. [optional] * - templateOverridesBySection: map of (section => server config map overrides); * respects the override precedence described above. [optional] * - templateOverridesByCluster: map of (external cluster => server config map overrides); * respects the override precedence described above. [optional] * - masterTemplateOverrides: server config map overrides for masters; * respects the override precedence described above. [optional] * - templateOverridesByServer: map of (host => server config map overrides); * respects the override precedence described above and applies to both core * and external storage. [optional] * - loadMonitor: LoadMonitor::__construct() parameters with "class" field. [optional] * - readOnlyBySection: map of (section name => message text or false). * String values make sections read only, whereas anything else does not * restrict read/write mode. [optional] */ public function __construct( array $conf ) { parent::__construct( $conf ); $this->hostsByName = $conf['hostsByName'] ?? []; $this->sectionsByDB = $conf['sectionsByDB']; $this->groupLoadsBySection = $conf['groupLoadsBySection'] ?? []; foreach ( ( $conf['sectionLoads'] ?? [] ) as $section => $loadByHost ) { $this->groupLoadsBySection[$section][ILoadBalancer::GROUP_GENERIC] = $loadByHost; } $this->groupLoadsByDB = $conf['groupLoadsByDB'] ?? []; $this->externalLoads = $conf['externalLoads'] ?? []; $this->serverTemplate = $conf['serverTemplate'] ?? []; $this->externalTemplateOverrides = $conf['externalTemplateOverrides'] ?? []; $this->templateOverridesBySection = $conf['templateOverridesBySection'] ?? []; $this->templateOverridesByCluster = $conf['templateOverridesByCluster'] ?? []; $this->masterTemplateOverrides = $conf['masterTemplateOverrides'] ?? []; $this->templateOverridesByServer = $conf['templateOverridesByServer'] ?? []; $this->readOnlyBySection = $conf['readOnlyBySection'] ?? []; if ( isset( $conf['loadMonitor'] ) ) { $this->loadMonitorConfig = $conf['loadMonitor']; } elseif ( isset( $conf['loadMonitorClass'] ) ) { // b/c $this->loadMonitorConfig = [ 'class' => $conf['loadMonitorClass'] ]; } else { $this->loadMonitorConfig = [ 'class' => LoadMonitor::class ]; } } public function newMainLB( $domain = false, $owner = null ) { $domainInstance = $this->resolveDomainInstance( $domain ); $database = $domainInstance->getDatabase(); $section = $this->getSectionFromDatabase( $database ); if ( !isset( $this->groupLoadsBySection[$section][ILoadBalancer::GROUP_GENERIC] ) ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Section '$section' has no hosts defined." ); } $dbGroupLoads = $this->groupLoadsByDB[$database] ?? []; unset( $dbGroupLoads[ILoadBalancer::GROUP_GENERIC] ); // cannot override return $this->newLoadBalancer( array_merge( $this->serverTemplate, $this->templateOverridesBySection[$section] ?? [] ), array_merge( $this->groupLoadsBySection[$section], $dbGroupLoads ), // Use the LB-specific read-only reason if everything isn't already read-only is_string( $this->readOnlyReason ) ? $this->readOnlyReason : ( $this->readOnlyBySection[$section] ?? false ), $owner ); } public function getMainLB( $domain = false ) { $domainInstance = $this->resolveDomainInstance( $domain ); $section = $this->getSectionFromDatabase( $domainInstance->getDatabase() ); if ( !isset( $this->mainLBs[$section] ) ) { $this->mainLBs[$section] = $this->newMainLB( $domain, $this->getOwnershipId() ); } return $this->mainLBs[$section]; } public function newExternalLB( $cluster, $owner = null ) { if ( !isset( $this->externalLoads[$cluster] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown cluster '$cluster'" ); } return $this->newLoadBalancer( array_merge( $this->serverTemplate, $this->externalTemplateOverrides, $this->templateOverridesByCluster[$cluster] ?? [] ), [ ILoadBalancer::GROUP_GENERIC => $this->externalLoads[$cluster] ], $this->readOnlyReason, $owner ); } public function getExternalLB( $cluster ) { if ( !isset( $this->externalLBs[$cluster] ) ) { $this->externalLBs[$cluster] = $this->newExternalLB( $cluster, $this->getOwnershipId() ); } return $this->externalLBs[$cluster]; } public function getAllMainLBs() { $lbs = []; foreach ( $this->sectionsByDB as $db => $section ) { if ( !isset( $lbs[$section] ) ) { $lbs[$section] = $this->getMainLB( $db ); } } return $lbs; } public function getAllExternalLBs() { $lbs = []; foreach ( $this->externalLoads as $cluster => $unused ) { $lbs[$cluster] = $this->getExternalLB( $cluster ); } return $lbs; } public function forEachLB( $callback, array $params = [] ) { foreach ( $this->mainLBs as $lb ) { $callback( $lb, ...$params ); } foreach ( $this->externalLBs as $lb ) { $callback( $lb, ...$params ); } } /** * Make a new load balancer object based on template and load array * * @param array $serverTemplate * @param array $groupLoads * @param string|bool $readOnlyReason * @param int|null $owner * @return LoadBalancer */ private function newLoadBalancer( $serverTemplate, $groupLoads, $readOnlyReason, $owner ) { $lb = new LoadBalancer( array_merge( $this->baseLoadBalancerParams( $owner ), [ 'servers' => $this->makeServerConfigArrays( $serverTemplate, $groupLoads ), 'loadMonitor' => $this->loadMonitorConfig, 'readOnlyReason' => $readOnlyReason ] ) ); $this->initLoadBalancer( $lb ); return $lb; } /** * Make a server array as expected by LoadBalancer::__construct() * * @param array $serverTemplate Server config map * @param int[][] $groupLoads Map of (group => host => load) * @return array[] List of server config maps */ private function makeServerConfigArrays( array $serverTemplate, array $groupLoads ) { // The master server is the first host explicitly listed in the generic load group if ( !$groupLoads[ILoadBalancer::GROUP_GENERIC] ) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Empty generic load array; no master defined." ); } $groupLoadsByHost = $this->reindexGroupLoadsByHost( $groupLoads ); // Get the ordered map of (host => load); the master server is first $genericLoads = $groupLoads[ILoadBalancer::GROUP_GENERIC]; // Implictly append any hosts that only appear in custom load groups $genericLoads += array_fill_keys( array_keys( $groupLoadsByHost ), 0 ); $servers = []; foreach ( $genericLoads as $host => $load ) { $servers[] = array_merge( $serverTemplate, $servers ? [] : $this->masterTemplateOverrides, $this->templateOverridesByServer[$host] ?? [], [ 'host' => $this->hostsByName[$host] ?? $host, 'hostName' => $host, 'load' => $load, 'groupLoads' => $groupLoadsByHost[$host] ?? [] ] ); } return $servers; } /** * Take a group load array indexed by group then server, and reindex it by server then group * @param int[][] $groupLoads Map of (group => host => load) * @return int[][] Map of (host => group => load) */ private function reindexGroupLoadsByHost( $groupLoads ) { $groupLoadsByHost = []; foreach ( $groupLoads as $group => $loadByHost ) { foreach ( $loadByHost as $host => $load ) { $groupLoadsByHost[$host][$group] = $load; } } return $groupLoadsByHost; } /** * @param string $database * @return string Section name */ private function getSectionFromDatabase( $database ) { return $this->sectionsByDB[$database] ?? 'DEFAULT'; } }