db = $db; if ( $result instanceof self ) { $this->result = $result->result; } elseif ( $result !== null ) { $this->result = $result; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Null result resource provided" ); } } /** * Get the underlying RDBMS driver-specific result resource * * The result resource field should not be accessed from non-Database related classes. * It is database class specific and is stored here to associate iterators with queries. * * @param self|mixed &$res * @return mixed * @since 1.34 */ public static function &unwrap( &$res ) { if ( $res instanceof self ) { if ( $res->result === null ) { throw new RuntimeException( "The result resource was already freed" ); } return $res->result; } else { return $res; } } public function numRows() { return $this->getDB()->numRows( $this ); } public function fetchObject() { return $this->getDB()->fetchObject( $this ); } public function fetchRow() { return $this->getDB()->fetchRow( $this ); } public function seek( $pos ) { $this->getDB()->dataSeek( $this, $pos ); $this->pos = $pos; } public function free() { $this->db = null; $this->result = null; } public function rewind() { if ( $this->numRows() ) { $this->getDB()->dataSeek( $this, 0 ); } $this->pos = 0; $this->currentRow = null; } public function current() { if ( $this->currentRow === null ) { $this->currentRow = $this->fetchObject(); } return $this->currentRow; } public function key() { return $this->pos; } public function next() { $this->pos++; $this->currentRow = $this->fetchObject(); return $this->currentRow; } public function valid() { return $this->current() !== false; } /** * @return IDatabase * @throws RuntimeException */ private function getDB() { if ( !$this->db ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Database handle was already freed" ); } return $this->db; } } /** * @deprecated since 1.29 */ class_alias( ResultWrapper::class, 'ResultWrapper' );