(dbname, schema, prefix) map) */ protected $tableAliases = []; /** @var string[] Current map of (index alias => index) */ protected $indexAliases = []; /** @var array|null Current variables use for schema element placeholders */ protected $schemaVars; /** @var string|bool|null Stashed value of html_errors INI setting */ private $htmlErrors; /** @var int[] Prior flags member variable values */ private $priorFlags = []; /** @var array Map of (name => 1) for locks obtained via lock() */ protected $sessionNamedLocks = []; /** @var array Map of (table name => 1) for current TEMPORARY tables */ protected $sessionTempTables = []; /** @var array Map of (table name => 1) for current TEMPORARY tables */ protected $sessionDirtyTempTables = []; /** @var string ID of the active transaction or the empty string otherwise */ private $trxShortId = ''; /** @var int Transaction status */ private $trxStatus = self::STATUS_TRX_NONE; /** @var Exception|null The last error that caused the status to become STATUS_TRX_ERROR */ private $trxStatusCause; /** @var array|null Error details of the last statement-only rollback */ private $trxStatusIgnoredCause; /** @var float|null UNIX timestamp at the time of BEGIN for the last transaction */ private $trxTimestamp = null; /** @var float Replication lag estimate at the time of BEGIN for the last transaction */ private $trxReplicaLag = null; /** @var string Name of the function that start the last transaction */ private $trxFname = null; /** @var bool Whether possible write queries were done in the last transaction started */ private $trxDoneWrites = false; /** @var bool Whether the current transaction was started implicitly due to DBO_TRX */ private $trxAutomatic = false; /** @var int Counter for atomic savepoint identifiers (reset with each transaction) */ private $trxAtomicCounter = 0; /** @var array List of (name, unique ID, savepoint ID) for each active atomic section level */ private $trxAtomicLevels = []; /** @var bool Whether the current transaction was started implicitly by startAtomic() */ private $trxAutomaticAtomic = false; /** @var string[] Write query callers of the current transaction */ private $trxWriteCallers = []; /** @var float Seconds spent in write queries for the current transaction */ private $trxWriteDuration = 0.0; /** @var int Number of write queries for the current transaction */ private $trxWriteQueryCount = 0; /** @var int Number of rows affected by write queries for the current transaction */ private $trxWriteAffectedRows = 0; /** @var float Like trxWriteQueryCount but excludes lock-bound, easy to replicate, queries */ private $trxWriteAdjDuration = 0.0; /** @var int Number of write queries counted in trxWriteAdjDuration */ private $trxWriteAdjQueryCount = 0; /** @var array[] List of (callable, method name, atomic section id) */ private $trxIdleCallbacks = []; /** @var array[] List of (callable, method name, atomic section id) */ private $trxPreCommitCallbacks = []; /** * @var array[] List of (callable, method name, atomic section id) * @phan-var array */ private $trxEndCallbacks = []; /** @var array[] List of (callable, method name, atomic section id) */ private $trxSectionCancelCallbacks = []; /** @var callable[] Map of (name => callable) */ private $trxRecurringCallbacks = []; /** @var bool Whether to suppress triggering of transaction end callbacks */ private $trxEndCallbacksSuppressed = false; /** @var integer|null Rows affected by the last query to query() or its CRUD wrappers */ protected $affectedRowCount; /** @var float UNIX timestamp */ private $lastPing = 0.0; /** @var string The last SQL query attempted */ private $lastQuery = ''; /** @var float|bool UNIX timestamp of last write query */ private $lastWriteTime = false; /** @var string|bool */ private $lastPhpError = false; /** @var float Query round trip time estimate */ private $lastRoundTripEstimate = 0.0; /** @var int|null Integer ID of the managing LBFactory instance or null if none */ private $ownerId; /** @var string Whether the database is a file on disk */ public const ATTR_DB_IS_FILE = 'db-is-file'; /** @var string Lock granularity is on the level of the entire database */ public const ATTR_DB_LEVEL_LOCKING = 'db-level-locking'; /** @var string The SCHEMA keyword refers to a grouping of tables in a database */ public const ATTR_SCHEMAS_AS_TABLE_GROUPS = 'supports-schemas'; /** @var int New Database instance will not be connected yet when returned */ public const NEW_UNCONNECTED = 0; /** @var int New Database instance will already be connected when returned */ public const NEW_CONNECTED = 1; /** @var int Transaction is in a error state requiring a full or savepoint rollback */ public const STATUS_TRX_ERROR = 1; /** @var int Transaction is active and in a normal state */ public const STATUS_TRX_OK = 2; /** @var int No transaction is active */ public const STATUS_TRX_NONE = 3; /** @var string Idiom used when a cancelable atomic section started the transaction */ private static $NOT_APPLICABLE = 'n/a'; /** @var string Prefix to the atomic section counter used to make savepoint IDs */ private static $SAVEPOINT_PREFIX = 'wikimedia_rdbms_atomic'; /** @var int Writes to this temporary table do not affect lastDoneWrites() */ private static $TEMP_NORMAL = 1; /** @var int Writes to this temporary table effect lastDoneWrites() */ private static $TEMP_PSEUDO_PERMANENT = 2; /** @var int Number of times to re-try an operation in case of deadlock */ private static $DEADLOCK_TRIES = 4; /** @var int Minimum time to wait before retry, in microseconds */ private static $DEADLOCK_DELAY_MIN = 500000; /** @var int Maximum time to wait before retry */ private static $DEADLOCK_DELAY_MAX = 1500000; /** @var int How long before it is worth doing a dummy query to test the connection */ private static $PING_TTL = 1.0; /** @var string Dummy SQL query */ private static $PING_QUERY = 'SELECT 1 AS ping'; /** @var float Guess of how many seconds it takes to replicate a small insert */ private static $TINY_WRITE_SEC = 0.010; /** @var float Consider a write slow if it took more than this many seconds */ private static $SLOW_WRITE_SEC = 0.500; /** @var float Assume an insert of this many rows or less should be fast to replicate */ private static $SMALL_WRITE_ROWS = 100; /** @var string[] List of DBO_* flags that can be changed after connection */ protected static $MUTABLE_FLAGS = [ 'DBO_DEBUG', 'DBO_NOBUFFER', 'DBO_TRX', 'DBO_DDLMODE', ]; /** @var int Bit field of all DBO_* flags that can be changed after connection */ protected static $DBO_MUTABLE = ( self::DBO_DEBUG | self::DBO_NOBUFFER | self::DBO_TRX | self::DBO_DDLMODE ); /** * @note exceptions for missing libraries/drivers should be thrown in initConnection() * @stable to call * @param array $params Parameters passed from Database::factory() */ public function __construct( array $params ) { $this->connectionParams = [ 'host' => strlen( $params['host'] ) ? $params['host'] : null, 'user' => strlen( $params['user'] ) ? $params['user'] : null, 'dbname' => strlen( $params['dbname'] ) ? $params['dbname'] : null, 'schema' => strlen( $params['schema'] ) ? $params['schema'] : null, 'password' => is_string( $params['password'] ) ? $params['password'] : null, 'tablePrefix' => (string)$params['tablePrefix'] ]; $this->lbInfo = $params['lbInfo'] ?? []; $this->lazyMasterHandle = $params['lazyMasterHandle'] ?? null; $this->connectionVariables = $params['variables'] ?? []; $this->flags = (int)$params['flags']; $this->cliMode = (bool)$params['cliMode']; $this->agent = (string)$params['agent']; $this->topologyRole = (string)$params['topologyRole']; $this->topologyRootMaster = (string)$params['topologicalMaster']; $this->nonNativeInsertSelectBatchSize = $params['nonNativeInsertSelectBatchSize'] ?? 10000; $this->srvCache = $params['srvCache']; $this->profiler = is_callable( $params['profiler'] ) ? $params['profiler'] : null; $this->trxProfiler = $params['trxProfiler']; $this->connLogger = $params['connLogger']; $this->queryLogger = $params['queryLogger']; $this->replLogger = $params['replLogger']; $this->errorLogger = $params['errorLogger']; $this->deprecationLogger = $params['deprecationLogger']; // Set initial dummy domain until open() sets the final DB/prefix $this->currentDomain = new DatabaseDomain( $params['dbname'] != '' ? $params['dbname'] : null, $params['schema'] != '' ? $params['schema'] : null, $params['tablePrefix'] ); $this->ownerId = $params['ownerId'] ?? null; } /** * Initialize the connection to the database over the wire (or to local files) * * @throws LogicException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws DBConnectionError * @since 1.31 */ final public function initConnection() { if ( $this->isOpen() ) { throw new LogicException( __METHOD__ . ': already connected' ); } // Establish the connection $this->doInitConnection(); } /** * Actually connect to the database over the wire (or to local files) * * @throws DBConnectionError * @since 1.31 */ protected function doInitConnection() { $this->open( $this->connectionParams['host'], $this->connectionParams['user'], $this->connectionParams['password'], $this->connectionParams['dbname'], $this->connectionParams['schema'], $this->connectionParams['tablePrefix'] ); } /** * Open a new connection to the database (closing any existing one) * * @param string|null $server Database server host * @param string|null $user Database user name * @param string|null $password Database user password * @param string|null $dbName Database name * @param string|null $schema Database schema name * @param string $tablePrefix Table prefix * @throws DBConnectionError */ abstract protected function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $schema, $tablePrefix ); /** * Construct a Database subclass instance given a database type and parameters * * This also connects to the database immediately upon object construction * * @param string $type A possible DB type (sqlite, mysql, postgres,...) * @param array $params Parameter map with keys: * - host : The hostname of the DB server * - user : The name of the database user the client operates under * - password : The password for the database user * - dbname : The name of the database to use where queries do not specify one. * The database must exist or an error might be thrown. Setting this to the empty string * will avoid any such errors and make the handle have no implicit database scope. This is * useful for queries like SHOW STATUS, CREATE DATABASE, or DROP DATABASE. Note that a * "database" in Postgres is rougly equivalent to an entire MySQL server. This the domain * in which user names and such are defined, e.g. users are database-specific in Postgres. * - schema : The database schema to use (if supported). A "schema" in Postgres is roughly * equivalent to a "database" in MySQL. Note that MySQL and SQLite do not use schemas. * - tablePrefix : Optional table prefix that is implicitly added on to all table names * recognized in queries. This can be used in place of schemas for handle site farms. * - flags : Optional bit field of DBO_* constants that define connection, protocol, * buffering, and transaction behavior. It is STRONGLY adviced to leave the DBO_DEFAULT * flag in place UNLESS this this database simply acts as a key/value store. * - driver: Optional name of a specific DB client driver. For MySQL, there is only the * 'mysqli' driver; the old one 'mysql' has been removed. * - variables: Optional map of session variables to set after connecting. This can be * used to adjust lock timeouts or encoding modes and the like. * - topologyRole: Optional IDatabase::ROLE_* constant for the server. * - topologicalMaster: Optional name of the master server within the replication topology. * - lbInfo: Optional map of field/values for the managing load balancer instance. * The "master" and "replica" fields are used to flag the replication role of this * database server and whether methods like getLag() should actually issue queries. * - lazyMasterHandle: lazy-connecting IDatabase handle to the master DB for the cluster * that this database belongs to. This is used for replication status purposes. * - connLogger: Optional PSR-3 logger interface instance. * - queryLogger: Optional PSR-3 logger interface instance. * - profiler : Optional callback that takes a section name argument and returns * a ScopedCallback instance that ends the profile section in its destructor. * These will be called in query(), using a simplified version of the SQL that * also includes the agent as a SQL comment. * - trxProfiler: Optional TransactionProfiler instance. * - errorLogger: Optional callback that takes an Exception and logs it. * - deprecationLogger: Optional callback that takes a string and logs it. * - cliMode: Whether to consider the execution context that of a CLI script. * - agent: Optional name used to identify the end-user in query profiling/logging. * - srvCache: Optional BagOStuff instance to an APC-style cache. * - nonNativeInsertSelectBatchSize: Optional batch size for non-native INSERT SELECT. * - ownerId: Optional integer ID of a LoadBalancer instance that manages this instance. * @param int $connect One of the class constants (NEW_CONNECTED, NEW_UNCONNECTED) [optional] * @return Database|null If the database driver or extension cannot be found * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the database driver or extension cannot be found * @since 1.18 */ final public static function factory( $type, $params = [], $connect = self::NEW_CONNECTED ) { $class = self::getClass( $type, $params['driver'] ?? null ); if ( class_exists( $class ) && is_subclass_of( $class, IDatabase::class ) ) { $params += [ // Default configuration 'host' => null, 'user' => null, 'password' => null, 'dbname' => null, 'schema' => null, 'tablePrefix' => '', 'flags' => 0, 'variables' => [], 'lbInfo' => [], 'cliMode' => ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg' ), 'agent' => '', 'ownerId' => null, 'topologyRole' => null, 'topologicalMaster' => null, // Objects and callbacks 'lazyMasterHandle' => $params['lazyMasterHandle'] ?? null, 'srvCache' => $params['srvCache'] ?? new HashBagOStuff(), 'profiler' => $params['profiler'] ?? null, 'trxProfiler' => $params['trxProfiler'] ?? new TransactionProfiler(), 'connLogger' => $params['connLogger'] ?? new NullLogger(), 'queryLogger' => $params['queryLogger'] ?? new NullLogger(), 'replLogger' => $params['replLogger'] ?? new NullLogger(), 'errorLogger' => $params['errorLogger'] ?? function ( Throwable $e ) { trigger_error( get_class( $e ) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING ); }, 'deprecationLogger' => $params['deprecationLogger'] ?? function ( $msg ) { trigger_error( $msg, E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } ]; /** @var Database $conn */ $conn = new $class( $params ); if ( $connect === self::NEW_CONNECTED ) { $conn->initConnection(); } } else { $conn = null; } return $conn; } /** * @param string $dbType A possible DB type (sqlite, mysql, postgres,...) * @param string|null $driver Optional name of a specific DB client driver * @return array Map of (Database::ATTR_* constant => value) for all such constants * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @since 1.31 */ final public static function attributesFromType( $dbType, $driver = null ) { static $defaults = [ self::ATTR_DB_IS_FILE => false, self::ATTR_DB_LEVEL_LOCKING => false, self::ATTR_SCHEMAS_AS_TABLE_GROUPS => false ]; $class = self::getClass( $dbType, $driver ); return call_user_func( [ $class, 'getAttributes' ] ) + $defaults; } /** * @param string $dbType A possible DB type (sqlite, mysql, postgres,...) * @param string|null $driver Optional name of a specific DB client driver * @return string Database subclass name to use * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private static function getClass( $dbType, $driver = null ) { // For database types with built-in support, the below maps type to IDatabase // implementations. For types with multiple driver implementations (PHP extensions), // an array can be used, keyed by extension name. In case of an array, the // optional 'driver' parameter can be used to force a specific driver. Otherwise, // we auto-detect the first available driver. For types without built-in support, // an class named "Database" us used, eg. DatabaseFoo for type 'foo'. static $builtinTypes = [ 'mysql' => [ 'mysqli' => DatabaseMysqli::class ], 'sqlite' => DatabaseSqlite::class, 'postgres' => DatabasePostgres::class, ]; $dbType = strtolower( $dbType ); $class = false; if ( isset( $builtinTypes[$dbType] ) ) { $possibleDrivers = $builtinTypes[$dbType]; if ( is_string( $possibleDrivers ) ) { $class = $possibleDrivers; } elseif ( (string)$driver !== '' ) { if ( !isset( $possibleDrivers[$driver] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . " type '$dbType' does not support driver '{$driver}'" ); } $class = $possibleDrivers[$driver]; } else { foreach ( $possibleDrivers as $posDriver => $possibleClass ) { if ( extension_loaded( $posDriver ) ) { $class = $possibleClass; break; } } } } else { $class = 'Database' . ucfirst( $dbType ); } if ( $class === false ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . " no viable database extension found for type '$dbType'" ); } return $class; } /** * @stable to override * @return array Map of (Database::ATTR_* constant => value) * @since 1.31 */ protected static function getAttributes() { return []; } /** * Set the PSR-3 logger interface to use for query logging. (The logger * interfaces for connection logging and error logging can be set with the * constructor.) * * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->queryLogger = $logger; } public function getServerInfo() { return $this->getServerVersion(); } public function getTopologyRole() { return $this->topologyRole; } public function getTopologyRootMaster() { return $this->topologyRootMaster; } final public function trxLevel() { return ( $this->trxShortId != '' ) ? 1 : 0; } public function trxTimestamp() { return $this->trxLevel() ? $this->trxTimestamp : null; } /** * @return int One of the STATUS_TRX_* class constants * @since 1.31 */ public function trxStatus() { return $this->trxStatus; } public function tablePrefix( $prefix = null ) { $old = $this->currentDomain->getTablePrefix(); if ( $prefix !== null ) { $this->currentDomain = new DatabaseDomain( $this->currentDomain->getDatabase(), $this->currentDomain->getSchema(), $prefix ); } return $old; } public function dbSchema( $schema = null ) { if ( strlen( $schema ) && $this->getDBname() === null ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot set schema to '$schema'; no database set" ); } $old = $this->currentDomain->getSchema(); if ( $schema !== null ) { $this->currentDomain = new DatabaseDomain( $this->currentDomain->getDatabase(), // DatabaseDomain uses null for unspecified schemas strlen( $schema ) ? $schema : null, $this->currentDomain->getTablePrefix() ); } return (string)$old; } /** * @stable to override * @return string Schema to use to qualify relations in queries */ protected function relationSchemaQualifier() { return $this->dbSchema(); } public function getLBInfo( $name = null ) { if ( $name === null ) { return $this->lbInfo; } if ( array_key_exists( $name, $this->lbInfo ) ) { return $this->lbInfo[$name]; } return null; } public function setLBInfo( $nameOrArray, $value = null ) { if ( is_array( $nameOrArray ) ) { $this->lbInfo = $nameOrArray; } elseif ( is_string( $nameOrArray ) ) { if ( $value !== null ) { $this->lbInfo[$nameOrArray] = $value; } else { unset( $this->lbInfo[$nameOrArray] ); } } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Got non-string key" ); } } /** * Get a handle to the master server of the cluster to which this server belongs * * @return IDatabase|null * @since 1.27 */ protected function getLazyMasterHandle() { return $this->lazyMasterHandle; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function implicitOrderby() { return true; } public function lastQuery() { return $this->lastQuery; } public function lastDoneWrites() { return $this->lastWriteTime ?: false; } public function writesPending() { return $this->trxLevel() && $this->trxDoneWrites; } public function writesOrCallbacksPending() { return $this->trxLevel() && ( $this->trxDoneWrites || $this->trxIdleCallbacks || $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks || $this->trxEndCallbacks || $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks ); } public function preCommitCallbacksPending() { return $this->trxLevel() && $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks; } /** * @return string|null */ final protected function getTransactionRoundId() { // If transaction round participation is enabled, see if one is active if ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_TRX ) ) { $id = $this->getLBInfo( self::LB_TRX_ROUND_ID ); return is_string( $id ) ? $id : null; } return null; } public function pendingWriteQueryDuration( $type = self::ESTIMATE_TOTAL ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() ) { return false; } elseif ( !$this->trxDoneWrites ) { return 0.0; } switch ( $type ) { case self::ESTIMATE_DB_APPLY: return $this->pingAndCalculateLastTrxApplyTime(); default: // everything return $this->trxWriteDuration; } } /** * @return float Time to apply writes to replicas based on trxWrite* fields */ private function pingAndCalculateLastTrxApplyTime() { $this->ping( $rtt ); $rttAdjTotal = $this->trxWriteAdjQueryCount * $rtt; $applyTime = max( $this->trxWriteAdjDuration - $rttAdjTotal, 0 ); // For omitted queries, make them count as something at least $omitted = $this->trxWriteQueryCount - $this->trxWriteAdjQueryCount; $applyTime += self::$TINY_WRITE_SEC * $omitted; return $applyTime; } public function pendingWriteCallers() { return $this->trxLevel() ? $this->trxWriteCallers : []; } public function pendingWriteRowsAffected() { return $this->trxWriteAffectedRows; } /** * List the methods that have write queries or callbacks for the current transaction * * This method should not be used outside of Database/LoadBalancer * * @return string[] * @since 1.32 */ public function pendingWriteAndCallbackCallers() { $fnames = $this->pendingWriteCallers(); foreach ( [ $this->trxIdleCallbacks, $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks, $this->trxEndCallbacks, $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks ] as $callbacks ) { foreach ( $callbacks as $callback ) { $fnames[] = $callback[1]; } } return $fnames; } /** * @return string */ private function flatAtomicSectionList() { return array_reduce( $this->trxAtomicLevels, function ( $accum, $v ) { return $accum === null ? $v[0] : "$accum, " . $v[0]; } ); } public function isOpen() { return (bool)$this->conn; } public function setFlag( $flag, $remember = self::REMEMBER_NOTHING ) { if ( $flag & ~static::$DBO_MUTABLE ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got $flag (allowed: " . implode( ', ', static::$MUTABLE_FLAGS ) . ')' ); } if ( $remember === self::REMEMBER_PRIOR ) { array_push( $this->priorFlags, $this->flags ); } $this->flags |= $flag; } public function clearFlag( $flag, $remember = self::REMEMBER_NOTHING ) { if ( $flag & ~static::$DBO_MUTABLE ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got $flag (allowed: " . implode( ', ', static::$MUTABLE_FLAGS ) . ')' ); } if ( $remember === self::REMEMBER_PRIOR ) { array_push( $this->priorFlags, $this->flags ); } $this->flags &= ~$flag; } public function restoreFlags( $state = self::RESTORE_PRIOR ) { if ( !$this->priorFlags ) { return; } if ( $state === self::RESTORE_INITIAL ) { $this->flags = reset( $this->priorFlags ); $this->priorFlags = []; } else { $this->flags = array_pop( $this->priorFlags ); } } public function getFlag( $flag ) { return ( ( $this->flags & $flag ) === $flag ); } public function getDomainID() { return $this->currentDomain->getId(); } /** * Get information about an index into an object * * @stable to override * @param string $table Table name * @param string $index Index name * @param string $fname Calling function name * @return mixed Database-specific index description class or false if the index does not exist */ abstract public function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ); /** * Wrapper for addslashes() * * @stable to override * @param string $s String to be slashed. * @return string Slashed string. */ abstract public function strencode( $s ); /** * Set a custom error handler for logging errors during database connection */ protected function installErrorHandler() { $this->lastPhpError = false; $this->htmlErrors = ini_set( 'html_errors', '0' ); set_error_handler( [ $this, 'connectionErrorLogger' ] ); } /** * Restore the previous error handler and return the last PHP error for this DB * * @return bool|string */ protected function restoreErrorHandler() { restore_error_handler(); if ( $this->htmlErrors !== false ) { ini_set( 'html_errors', $this->htmlErrors ); } return $this->getLastPHPError(); } /** * @return string|bool Last PHP error for this DB (typically connection errors) */ protected function getLastPHPError() { if ( $this->lastPhpError ) { $error = preg_replace( '!\[\]!', '', $this->lastPhpError ); $error = preg_replace( '!^.*?:\s?(.*)$!', '$1', $error ); return $error; } return false; } /** * Error handler for logging errors during database connection * This method should not be used outside of Database classes * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr */ public function connectionErrorLogger( $errno, $errstr ) { $this->lastPhpError = $errstr; } /** * Create a log context to pass to PSR-3 logger functions. * * @param array $extras Additional data to add to context * @return array */ protected function getLogContext( array $extras = [] ) { return array_merge( [ 'db_server' => $this->server, 'db_name' => $this->getDBname(), 'db_user' => $this->user, ], $extras ); } final public function close( $fname = __METHOD__, $owner = null ) { $error = null; // error to throw after disconnecting $wasOpen = (bool)$this->conn; // This should mostly do nothing if the connection is already closed if ( $this->conn ) { // Roll back any dangling transaction first if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { if ( $this->trxAtomicLevels ) { // Cannot let incomplete atomic sections be committed $levels = $this->flatAtomicSectionList(); $error = "$fname: atomic sections $levels are still open"; } elseif ( $this->trxAutomatic ) { // Only the connection manager can commit non-empty DBO_TRX transactions // (empty ones we can silently roll back) if ( $this->writesOrCallbacksPending() ) { $error = "$fname: " . "expected mass rollback of all peer transactions (DBO_TRX set)"; } } else { // Manual transactions should have been committed or rolled // back, even if empty. $error = "$fname: transaction is still open (from {$this->trxFname})"; } if ( $this->trxEndCallbacksSuppressed && $error === null ) { $error = "$fname: callbacks are suppressed; cannot properly commit"; } // Rollback the changes and run any callbacks as needed $this->rollback( __METHOD__, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ); } // Close the actual connection in the binding handle $closed = $this->closeConnection(); } else { $closed = true; // already closed; nothing to do } $this->conn = null; // Log or throw any unexpected errors after having disconnected if ( $error !== null ) { // T217819, T231443: if this is probably just LoadBalancer trying to recover from // errors and shutdown, then log any problems and move on since the request has to // end one way or another. Throwing errors is not very useful at some point. if ( $this->ownerId !== null && $owner === $this->ownerId ) { $this->queryLogger->error( $error ); } else { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $error ); } } // Note that various subclasses call close() at the start of open(), which itself is // called by replaceLostConnection(). In that case, just because onTransactionResolution() // callbacks are pending does not mean that an exception should be thrown. Rather, they // will be executed after the reconnection step. if ( $wasOpen ) { // Sanity check that no callbacks are dangling $fnames = $this->pendingWriteAndCallbackCallers(); if ( $fnames ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Transaction callbacks are still pending: " . implode( ', ', $fnames ) ); } } return $closed; } /** * Make sure there is an open connection handle (alive or not) as a sanity check * * This guards against fatal errors to the binding handle not being defined * in cases where open() was never called or close() was already called * * @throws DBUnexpectedError */ final protected function assertHasConnectionHandle() { if ( !$this->isOpen() ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "DB connection was already closed" ); } } /** * Make sure that this server is not marked as a replica nor read-only as a sanity check * * @throws DBReadOnlyError */ protected function assertIsWritableMaster() { $info = $this->getReadOnlyReason(); if ( $info ) { list( $reason, $source ) = $info; if ( $source === 'role' ) { throw new DBReadOnlyRoleError( $this, "Database is read-only: $reason" ); } else { throw new DBReadOnlyError( $this, "Database is read-only: $reason" ); } } } /** * Closes underlying database connection * @return bool Whether connection was closed successfully * @since 1.20 */ abstract protected function closeConnection(); /** * Run a query and return a DBMS-dependent wrapper or boolean * * This is meant to handle the basic command of actually sending a query to the * server via the driver. No implicit transaction, reconnection, nor retry logic * should happen here. The higher level query() method is designed to handle those * sorts of concerns. This method should not trigger such higher level methods. * * The lastError() and lastErrno() methods should meaningfully reflect what error, * if any, occurred during the last call to this method. Methods like executeQuery(), * query(), select(), insert(), update(), delete(), and upsert() implement their calls * to doQuery() such that an immediately subsequent call to lastError()/lastErrno() * meaningfully reflects any error that occurred during that public query method call. * * For SELECT queries, this returns either: * - a) A driver-specific value/resource, only on success. This can be iterated * over by calling fetchObject()/fetchRow() until there are no more rows. * Alternatively, the result can be passed to resultObject() to obtain an * IResultWrapper instance which can then be iterated over via "foreach". * - b) False, on any query failure * * For non-SELECT queries, this returns either: * - a) A driver-specific value/resource, only on success * - b) True, only on success (e.g. no meaningful result other than "OK") * - c) False, on any query failure * * @param string $sql SQL query * @return mixed|bool An object, resource, or true on success; false on failure */ abstract protected function doQuery( $sql ); /** * Determine whether a query writes to the DB. When in doubt, this returns true. * * Main use cases: * * - Subsequent web requests should not need to wait for replication from * the master position seen by this web request, unless this request made * changes to the master. This is handled by ChronologyProtector by checking * doneWrites() at the end of the request. doneWrites() returns true if any * query set lastWriteTime; which query() does based on isWriteQuery(). * * - Reject write queries to replica DBs, in query(). * * @param string $sql * @param int $flags Query flags to query() * @return bool */ protected function isWriteQuery( $sql, $flags ) { if ( $this->fieldHasBit( $flags, self::QUERY_CHANGE_ROWS ) || $this->fieldHasBit( $flags, self::QUERY_CHANGE_SCHEMA ) ) { return true; } elseif ( $this->fieldHasBit( $flags, self::QUERY_CHANGE_NONE ) ) { return false; } // BEGIN and COMMIT queries are considered read queries here. // Database backends and drivers (MySQL, MariaDB, php-mysqli) generally // treat these as write queries, in that their results have "affected rows" // as meta data as from writes, instead of "num rows" as from reads. // But, we treat them as read queries because when reading data (from // either replica or master) we use transactions to enable repeatable-read // snapshots, which ensures we get consistent results from the same snapshot // for all queries within a request. Use cases: // - Treating these as writes would trigger ChronologyProtector (see method doc). // - We use this method to reject writes to replicas, but we need to allow // use of transactions on replicas for read snapshots. This is fine given // that transactions by themselves don't make changes, only actual writes // within the transaction matter, which we still detect. return !preg_match( '/^\s*(?:SELECT|BEGIN|ROLLBACK|COMMIT|SAVEPOINT|RELEASE|SET|SHOW|EXPLAIN|USE|\(SELECT)\b/i', $sql ); } /** * @param string $sql * @return string|null */ protected function getQueryVerb( $sql ) { return preg_match( '/^\s*([a-z]+)/i', $sql, $m ) ? strtoupper( $m[1] ) : null; } /** * Determine whether a SQL statement is sensitive to isolation level. * * A SQL statement is considered transactable if its result could vary * depending on the transaction isolation level. Operational commands * such as 'SET' and 'SHOW' are not considered to be transactable. * * Main purpose: Used by query() to decide whether to begin a transaction * before the current query (in DBO_TRX mode, on by default). * * @stable to override * @param string $sql * @return bool */ protected function isTransactableQuery( $sql ) { return !in_array( $this->getQueryVerb( $sql ), [ 'BEGIN', 'ROLLBACK', 'COMMIT', 'SET', 'SHOW', 'CREATE', 'ALTER', 'USE', 'SHOW' ], true ); } /** * @param string $sql SQL query * @param bool $pseudoPermanent Treat any table from CREATE TEMPORARY as pseudo-permanent * @return array[] List of change n-tuples with: * - int: self::TEMP_* constant for temp table operations * - string: SQL query verb from $sql * - string: Name of the temp table changed in $sql */ protected function getTempTableWrites( $sql, $pseudoPermanent ) { // Regexes for basic queries that can create/change/drop temporary tables. // For simplicity, this only looks for tables with sane, alphanumeric, names; // temporary tables only need simple programming names anyway. static $regexes = null; if ( $regexes === null ) { // Regex with a group for quoted table 0 and a group for quoted tables 1..N $qts = '(\w+|`\w+`|\'\w+\'|"\w+")(?:\s*,\s*(\w+|`\w+`|\'\w+\'|"\w+"))*'; // Regex to get query verb, table 0, and tables 1..N $regexes = [ // DML write queries "/^(INSERT|REPLACE)\s+(?:\w+\s+)*?INTO\s+$qts/i", "/^(UPDATE)(?:\s+OR\s+\w+|\s+IGNORE|\s+ONLY)?\s+$qts/i", "/^(DELETE)\s+(?:\w+\s+)*?FROM(?:\s+ONLY)?\s+$qts/i", // DDL write queries "/^(CREATE)\s+TEMPORARY\s+TABLE(?:\s+IF\s+NOT\s+EXISTS)?\s+$qts/i", "/^(DROP)\s+(?:TEMPORARY\s+)?TABLE(?:\s+IF\s+EXISTS)?\s+$qts/i", "/^(TRUNCATE)\s+(?:TEMPORARY\s+)?TABLE\s+$qts/i", "/^(ALTER)\s+TABLE\s+$qts/i" ]; } $queryVerb = null; $queryTables = []; foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) { if ( preg_match( $regex, $sql, $m, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ) ) { $queryVerb = $m[1]; $queryTables[] = trim( $m[2], "\"'`" ); foreach ( ( $m[3] ?? [] ) as $quotedTable ) { $queryTables[] = trim( $quotedTable, "\"'`" ); } break; } } $tempTableChanges = []; foreach ( $queryTables as $table ) { if ( $queryVerb === 'CREATE' ) { // Record the type of temporary table being created $tableType = $pseudoPermanent ? self::$TEMP_PSEUDO_PERMANENT : self::$TEMP_NORMAL; } else { $tableType = $this->sessionTempTables[$table] ?? null; } if ( $tableType !== null ) { $tempTableChanges[] = [ $tableType, $queryVerb, $table ]; } } return $tempTableChanges; } /** * @param IResultWrapper|bool $ret * @param array[] $changes List of change n-tuples with from getTempWrites() */ protected function registerTempWrites( $ret, array $changes ) { if ( $ret === false ) { return; } foreach ( $changes as list( $tmpTableType, $verb, $table ) ) { switch ( $verb ) { case 'CREATE': $this->sessionTempTables[$table] = $tmpTableType; break; case 'DROP': unset( $this->sessionTempTables[$table] ); unset( $this->sessionDirtyTempTables[$table] ); break; case 'TRUNCATE': unset( $this->sessionDirtyTempTables[$table] ); break; default: $this->sessionDirtyTempTables[$table] = 1; break; } } } /** * Check if the table is both a TEMPORARY table and has not yet received CRUD operations * * @param string $table * @return bool * @since 1.35 */ protected function isPristineTemporaryTable( $table ) { $rawTable = $this->tableName( $table, 'raw' ); return ( isset( $this->sessionTempTables[$rawTable] ) && !isset( $this->sessionDirtyTempTables[$rawTable] ) ); } public function query( $sql, $fname = __METHOD__, $flags = self::QUERY_NORMAL ) { $flags = (int)$flags; // b/c; this field used to be a bool // Sanity check that the SQL query is appropriate in the current context and is // allowed for an outside caller (e.g. does not break transaction/session tracking). $this->assertQueryIsCurrentlyAllowed( $sql, $fname ); // Send the query to the server and fetch any corresponding errors list( $ret, $err, $errno, $unignorable ) = $this->executeQuery( $sql, $fname, $flags ); if ( $ret === false ) { $ignoreErrors = $this->fieldHasBit( $flags, self::QUERY_SILENCE_ERRORS ); // Throw an error unless both the ignore flag was set and a rollback is not needed $this->reportQueryError( $err, $errno, $sql, $fname, $ignoreErrors && !$unignorable ); } return $this->resultObject( $ret ); } /** * Execute a query, retrying it if there is a recoverable connection loss * * This is similar to query() except: * - It does not prevent all non-ROLLBACK queries if there is a corrupted transaction * - It does not disallow raw queries that are supposed to use dedicated IDatabase methods * - It does not throw exceptions for common error cases * * This is meant for internal use with Database subclasses. * * @param string $sql Original SQL query * @param string $fname Name of the calling function * @param int $flags Bit field of class QUERY_* constants * @return array An n-tuple of: * - mixed|bool: An object, resource, or true on success; false on failure * - string: The result of calling lastError() * - int: The result of calling lastErrno() * - bool: Whether a rollback is needed to allow future non-rollback queries * @throws DBUnexpectedError */ final protected function executeQuery( $sql, $fname, $flags ) { $this->assertHasConnectionHandle(); $priorTransaction = $this->trxLevel(); if ( $this->isWriteQuery( $sql, $flags ) ) { // Do not treat temporary table writes as "meaningful writes" since they are only // visible to one session and are not permanent. Profile them as reads. Integration // tests can override this behavior via $flags. $pseudoPermanent = $this->fieldHasBit( $flags, self::QUERY_PSEUDO_PERMANENT ); $tempTableChanges = $this->getTempTableWrites( $sql, $pseudoPermanent ); $isPermWrite = !$tempTableChanges; foreach ( $tempTableChanges as list( $tmpType ) ) { $isPermWrite = $isPermWrite || ( $tmpType !== self::$TEMP_NORMAL ); } // Permit temporary table writes on replica DB connections // but require a writable master connection for any persistent writes. if ( $isPermWrite ) { $this->assertIsWritableMaster(); // DBConnRef uses QUERY_REPLICA_ROLE to enforce the replica role for raw SQL queries if ( $this->fieldHasBit( $flags, self::QUERY_REPLICA_ROLE ) ) { throw new DBReadOnlyRoleError( $this, "Cannot write; target role is DB_REPLICA" ); } } } else { // No permanent writes in this query $isPermWrite = false; // No temporary tables written to either $tempTableChanges = []; } // Add trace comment to the begin of the sql string, right after the operator. // Or, for one-word queries (like "BEGIN" or COMMIT") add it to the end (T44598). $encAgent = str_replace( '/', '-', $this->agent ); $commentedSql = preg_replace( '/\s|$/', " /* $fname $encAgent */ ", $sql, 1 ); // Send the query to the server and fetch any corresponding errors. // This also doubles as a "ping" to see if the connection was dropped. list( $ret, $err, $errno, $recoverableSR, $recoverableCL, $reconnected ) = $this->executeQueryAttempt( $sql, $commentedSql, $isPermWrite, $fname, $flags ); // Check if the query failed due to a recoverable connection loss $allowRetry = !$this->fieldHasBit( $flags, self::QUERY_NO_RETRY ); if ( $ret === false && $recoverableCL && $reconnected && $allowRetry ) { // Silently resend the query to the server since it is safe and possible list( $ret, $err, $errno, $recoverableSR, $recoverableCL ) = $this->executeQueryAttempt( $sql, $commentedSql, $isPermWrite, $fname, $flags ); } // Register creation and dropping of temporary tables $this->registerTempWrites( $ret, $tempTableChanges ); $corruptedTrx = false; if ( $ret === false ) { if ( $priorTransaction ) { if ( $recoverableSR ) { # We're ignoring an error that caused just the current query to be aborted. # But log the cause so we can log a deprecation notice if a caller actually # does ignore it. $this->trxStatusIgnoredCause = [ $err, $errno, $fname ]; } elseif ( !$recoverableCL ) { # Either the query was aborted or all queries after BEGIN where aborted. # In the first case, the only options going forward are (a) ROLLBACK, or # (b) ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT (if one was set). If the later case, the only # option is ROLLBACK, since the snapshots would have been released. $corruptedTrx = true; // cannot recover $this->trxStatus = self::STATUS_TRX_ERROR; $this->trxStatusCause = $this->getQueryException( $err, $errno, $sql, $fname ); $this->trxStatusIgnoredCause = null; } } } return [ $ret, $err, $errno, $corruptedTrx ]; } /** * Wrapper for doQuery() that handles DBO_TRX, profiling, logging, affected row count * tracking, and reconnects (without retry) on query failure due to connection loss * * @param string $sql Original SQL query * @param string $commentedSql SQL query with debugging/trace comment * @param bool $isPermWrite Whether the query is a (non-temporary table) write * @param string $fname Name of the calling function * @param int $flags Bit field of class QUERY_* constants * @return array An n-tuple of: * - mixed|bool: An object, resource, or true on success; false on failure * - string: The result of calling lastError() * - int: The result of calling lastErrno() * - bool: Whether a statement rollback error occurred * - bool: Whether a disconnect *both* happened *and* was recoverable * - bool: Whether a reconnection attempt was *both* made *and* succeeded * @throws DBUnexpectedError */ private function executeQueryAttempt( $sql, $commentedSql, $isPermWrite, $fname, $flags ) { $priorWritesPending = $this->writesOrCallbacksPending(); if ( ( $flags & self::QUERY_IGNORE_DBO_TRX ) == 0 ) { $this->beginIfImplied( $sql, $fname ); } // Keep track of whether the transaction has write queries pending if ( $isPermWrite ) { $this->lastWriteTime = microtime( true ); if ( $this->trxLevel() && !$this->trxDoneWrites ) { $this->trxDoneWrites = true; $this->trxProfiler->transactionWritingIn( $this->server, $this->getDomainID(), $this->trxShortId ); } } $prefix = $this->topologyRole ? 'query-m: ' : 'query: '; $generalizedSql = new GeneralizedSql( $sql, $this->trxShortId, $prefix ); $startTime = microtime( true ); $ps = $this->profiler ? ( $this->profiler )( $generalizedSql->stringify() ) : null; $this->affectedRowCount = null; $this->lastQuery = $sql; $ret = $this->doQuery( $commentedSql ); $lastError = $this->lastError(); $lastErrno = $this->lastErrno(); $this->affectedRowCount = $this->affectedRows(); unset( $ps ); // profile out (if set) $queryRuntime = max( microtime( true ) - $startTime, 0.0 ); $recoverableSR = false; // recoverable statement rollback? $recoverableCL = false; // recoverable connection loss? $reconnected = false; // reconnection both attempted and succeeded? if ( $ret !== false ) { $this->lastPing = $startTime; if ( $isPermWrite && $this->trxLevel() ) { $this->updateTrxWriteQueryTime( $sql, $queryRuntime, $this->affectedRows() ); $this->trxWriteCallers[] = $fname; } } elseif ( $this->wasConnectionError( $lastErrno ) ) { # Check if no meaningful session state was lost $recoverableCL = $this->canRecoverFromDisconnect( $sql, $priorWritesPending ); # Update session state tracking and try to restore the connection $reconnected = $this->replaceLostConnection( __METHOD__ ); } else { # Check if only the last query was rolled back $recoverableSR = $this->wasKnownStatementRollbackError(); } if ( $sql === self::$PING_QUERY ) { $this->lastRoundTripEstimate = $queryRuntime; } $this->trxProfiler->recordQueryCompletion( $generalizedSql, $startTime, $isPermWrite, $isPermWrite ? $this->affectedRows() : $this->numRows( $ret ) ); // Avoid the overhead of logging calls unless debug mode is enabled if ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_DEBUG ) ) { $this->queryLogger->debug( "{method} [{runtime}s] {db_host}: {sql}", [ 'method' => $fname, 'db_host' => $this->getServer(), 'sql' => $sql, 'domain' => $this->getDomainID(), 'runtime' => round( $queryRuntime, 3 ) ] ); } return [ $ret, $lastError, $lastErrno, $recoverableSR, $recoverableCL, $reconnected ]; } /** * Start an implicit transaction if DBO_TRX is enabled and no transaction is active * * @param string $sql * @param string $fname */ private function beginIfImplied( $sql, $fname ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() && $this->getFlag( self::DBO_TRX ) && $this->isTransactableQuery( $sql ) ) { $this->begin( __METHOD__ . " ($fname)", self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ); $this->trxAutomatic = true; } } /** * Update the estimated run-time of a query, not counting large row lock times * * LoadBalancer can be set to rollback transactions that will create huge replication * lag. It bases this estimate off of pendingWriteQueryDuration(). Certain simple * queries, like inserting a row can take a long time due to row locking. This method * uses some simple heuristics to discount those cases. * * @param string $sql A SQL write query * @param float $runtime Total runtime, including RTT * @param int $affected Affected row count */ private function updateTrxWriteQueryTime( $sql, $runtime, $affected ) { // Whether this is indicative of replica DB runtime (except for RBR or ws_repl) $indicativeOfReplicaRuntime = true; if ( $runtime > self::$SLOW_WRITE_SEC ) { $verb = $this->getQueryVerb( $sql ); // insert(), upsert(), replace() are fast unless bulky in size or blocked on locks if ( $verb === 'INSERT' ) { $indicativeOfReplicaRuntime = $this->affectedRows() > self::$SMALL_WRITE_ROWS; } elseif ( $verb === 'REPLACE' ) { $indicativeOfReplicaRuntime = $this->affectedRows() > self::$SMALL_WRITE_ROWS / 2; } } $this->trxWriteDuration += $runtime; $this->trxWriteQueryCount += 1; $this->trxWriteAffectedRows += $affected; if ( $indicativeOfReplicaRuntime ) { $this->trxWriteAdjDuration += $runtime; $this->trxWriteAdjQueryCount += 1; } } /** * Error out if the DB is not in a valid state for a query via query() * * @param string $sql * @param string $fname * @throws DBTransactionStateError */ private function assertQueryIsCurrentlyAllowed( $sql, $fname ) { $verb = $this->getQueryVerb( $sql ); if ( $verb === 'USE' ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got USE query; use selectDomain() instead" ); } if ( $verb === 'ROLLBACK' ) { // transaction/savepoint return; } if ( $this->trxStatus < self::STATUS_TRX_OK ) { throw new DBTransactionStateError( $this, "Cannot execute query from $fname while transaction status is ERROR", [], $this->trxStatusCause ); } elseif ( $this->trxStatus === self::STATUS_TRX_OK && $this->trxStatusIgnoredCause ) { list( $iLastError, $iLastErrno, $iFname ) = $this->trxStatusIgnoredCause; call_user_func( $this->deprecationLogger, "Caller from $fname ignored an error originally raised from $iFname: " . "[$iLastErrno] $iLastError" ); $this->trxStatusIgnoredCause = null; } } public function assertNoOpenTransactions() { if ( $this->explicitTrxActive() ) { throw new DBTransactionError( $this, "Explicit transaction still active. A caller may have caught an error. " . "Open transactions: " . $this->flatAtomicSectionList() ); } } /** * Determine whether it is safe to retry queries after a database connection is lost * * @param string $sql SQL query * @param bool $priorWritesPending Whether there is a transaction open with * possible write queries or transaction pre-commit/idle callbacks * waiting on it to finish. * @return bool True if it is safe to retry the query, false otherwise */ private function canRecoverFromDisconnect( $sql, $priorWritesPending ) { # Transaction dropped; this can mean lost writes, or REPEATABLE-READ snapshots. # Dropped connections also mean that named locks are automatically released. # Only allow error suppression in autocommit mode or when the lost transaction # didn't matter anyway (aside from DBO_TRX snapshot loss). if ( $this->sessionNamedLocks ) { return false; // possible critical section violation } elseif ( $this->sessionTempTables ) { return false; // tables might be queried latter } elseif ( $sql === 'COMMIT' ) { return !$priorWritesPending; // nothing written anyway? (T127428) } elseif ( $sql === 'ROLLBACK' ) { return true; // transaction lost...which is also what was requested :) } elseif ( $this->explicitTrxActive() ) { return false; // don't drop atomicity and explicit snapshots } elseif ( $priorWritesPending ) { return false; // prior writes lost from implicit transaction } return true; } /** * Clean things up after session (and thus transaction) loss before reconnect */ private function handleSessionLossPreconnect() { // Clean up tracking of session-level things... // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/implicit-commit.html // https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/sql-createtable.html (ignoring ON COMMIT) $this->sessionTempTables = []; $this->sessionDirtyTempTables = []; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_get-lock // https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/functions-admin.html#FUNCTIONS-ADVISORY-LOCKS $this->sessionNamedLocks = []; // Session loss implies transaction loss $oldTrxShortId = $this->consumeTrxShortId(); $this->trxAtomicCounter = 0; $this->trxIdleCallbacks = []; // T67263; transaction already lost $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks = []; // T67263; transaction already lost // Clear additional subclass fields $this->doHandleSessionLossPreconnect(); // @note: leave trxRecurringCallbacks in place if ( $this->trxDoneWrites ) { $this->trxProfiler->transactionWritingOut( $this->server, $this->getDomainID(), $oldTrxShortId, $this->pendingWriteQueryDuration( self::ESTIMATE_TOTAL ), $this->trxWriteAffectedRows ); } } /** * Reset any additional subclass trx* and session* fields * @stable to override */ protected function doHandleSessionLossPreconnect() { // no-op } /** * Clean things up after session (and thus transaction) loss after reconnect */ private function handleSessionLossPostconnect() { try { // Handle callbacks in trxEndCallbacks, e.g. onTransactionResolution(). // If callback suppression is set then the array will remain unhandled. $this->runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_ROLLBACK ); } catch ( Throwable $ex ) { // Already logged; move on... } try { // Handle callbacks in trxRecurringCallbacks, e.g. setTransactionListener() $this->runTransactionListenerCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_ROLLBACK ); } catch ( Throwable $ex ) { // Already logged; move on... } } /** * Reset the transaction ID and return the old one * * @return string The old transaction ID or the empty string if there wasn't one */ private function consumeTrxShortId() { $old = $this->trxShortId; $this->trxShortId = ''; return $old; } /** * Checks whether the cause of the error is detected to be a timeout. * * It returns false by default, and not all engines support detecting this yet. * If this returns false, it will be treated as a generic query error. * * @stable to override * @param string $error Error text * @param int $errno Error number * @return bool */ protected function wasQueryTimeout( $error, $errno ) { return false; } /** * Report a query error. Log the error, and if neither the object ignore * flag nor the $ignoreErrors flag is set, throw a DBQueryError. * * @param string $error * @param int $errno * @param string $sql * @param string $fname * @param bool $ignore * @throws DBQueryError */ public function reportQueryError( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $ignore = false ) { if ( $ignore ) { $this->queryLogger->debug( "SQL ERROR (ignored): $error" ); } else { throw $this->getQueryExceptionAndLog( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname ); } } /** * @param string $error * @param string|int $errno * @param string $sql * @param string $fname * @return DBError */ private function getQueryExceptionAndLog( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname ) { // Information that instances of the same problem have in common should // not be normalized (T255202). $this->queryLogger->error( "Error $errno from $fname, {error} {sql1line} {db_server}", $this->getLogContext( [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'errno' => $errno, 'error' => $error, 'sql1line' => mb_substr( str_replace( "\n", "\\n", $sql ), 0, 5 * 1024 ), 'fname' => $fname, 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ) ); return $this->getQueryException( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname ); } /** * @param string $error * @param string|int $errno * @param string $sql * @param string $fname * @return DBError */ private function getQueryException( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname ) { if ( $this->wasQueryTimeout( $error, $errno ) ) { return new DBQueryTimeoutError( $this, $error, $errno, $sql, $fname ); } elseif ( $this->wasConnectionError( $errno ) ) { return new DBQueryDisconnectedError( $this, $error, $errno, $sql, $fname ); } else { return new DBQueryError( $this, $error, $errno, $sql, $fname ); } } /** * @param string $error * @return DBConnectionError */ final protected function newExceptionAfterConnectError( $error ) { // Connection was not fully initialized and is not safe for use $this->conn = null; $this->connLogger->error( "Error connecting to {db_server} as user {db_user}: {error}", $this->getLogContext( [ 'error' => $error, 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ) ); return new DBConnectionError( $this, $error ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function freeResult( $res ) { } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function newSelectQueryBuilder() { return new SelectQueryBuilder( $this ); } public function selectField( $table, $var, $cond = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { if ( $var === '*' ) { // sanity throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot use a * field: got '$var'" ); } $options = $this->normalizeOptions( $options ); $options['LIMIT'] = 1; $res = $this->select( $table, $var, $cond, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); if ( $res === false ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got false from select()" ); } $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); if ( $row === false ) { return false; } return reset( $row ); } public function selectFieldValues( $table, $var, $cond = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { if ( $var === '*' ) { // sanity throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot use a * field" ); } elseif ( !is_string( $var ) ) { // sanity throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot use an array of fields" ); } $options = $this->normalizeOptions( $options ); $res = $this->select( $table, [ 'value' => $var ], $cond, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); if ( $res === false ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got false from select()" ); } $values = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $values[] = $row->value; } return $values; } /** * Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a * string to go at the end of the query. * * @see Database::select() * * @stable to override * @param array $options Associative array of options to be turned into * an SQL query, valid keys are listed in the function. * @return array */ protected function makeSelectOptions( array $options ) { $preLimitTail = $postLimitTail = ''; $startOpts = ''; $noKeyOptions = []; foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) { if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) { $noKeyOptions[$option] = true; } } $preLimitTail .= $this->makeGroupByWithHaving( $options ); $preLimitTail .= $this->makeOrderBy( $options ); if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) { $postLimitTail .= ' FOR UPDATE'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['LOCK IN SHARE MODE'] ) ) { $postLimitTail .= ' LOCK IN SHARE MODE'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCT'] ) || isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCTROW'] ) ) { $startOpts .= 'DISTINCT'; } # Various MySQL extensions if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['STRAIGHT_JOIN'] ) ) { $startOpts .= ' /*! STRAIGHT_JOIN */'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_BIG_RESULT'] ) ) { $startOpts .= ' SQL_BIG_RESULT'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_BUFFER_RESULT'] ) ) { $startOpts .= ' SQL_BUFFER_RESULT'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_SMALL_RESULT'] ) ) { $startOpts .= ' SQL_SMALL_RESULT'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'] ) ) { $startOpts .= ' SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'; } if ( isset( $options['USE INDEX'] ) && is_string( $options['USE INDEX'] ) ) { $useIndex = $this->useIndexClause( $options['USE INDEX'] ); } else { $useIndex = ''; } if ( isset( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) && is_string( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) ) { $ignoreIndex = $this->ignoreIndexClause( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ); } else { $ignoreIndex = ''; } return [ $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail, $ignoreIndex ]; } /** * Returns an optional GROUP BY with an optional HAVING * * @param array $options Associative array of options * @return string * @see Database::select() * @since 1.21 */ protected function makeGroupByWithHaving( $options ) { $sql = ''; if ( isset( $options['GROUP BY'] ) ) { $gb = is_array( $options['GROUP BY'] ) ? implode( ',', $options['GROUP BY'] ) : $options['GROUP BY']; $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $gb; } if ( isset( $options['HAVING'] ) ) { $having = is_array( $options['HAVING'] ) ? $this->makeList( $options['HAVING'], self::LIST_AND ) : $options['HAVING']; $sql .= ' HAVING ' . $having; } return $sql; } /** * Returns an optional ORDER BY * * @param array $options Associative array of options * @return string * @see Database::select() * @since 1.21 */ protected function makeOrderBy( $options ) { if ( isset( $options['ORDER BY'] ) ) { $ob = is_array( $options['ORDER BY'] ) ? implode( ',', $options['ORDER BY'] ) : $options['ORDER BY']; return ' ORDER BY ' . $ob; } return ''; } public function select( $table, $vars, $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { $sql = $this->selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); return $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_NONE ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { if ( is_array( $vars ) ) { $fields = implode( ',', $this->fieldNamesWithAlias( $vars ) ); } else { $fields = $vars; } $options = (array)$options; $useIndexes = ( isset( $options['USE INDEX'] ) && is_array( $options['USE INDEX'] ) ) ? $options['USE INDEX'] : []; $ignoreIndexes = ( isset( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) && is_array( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) ) ? $options['IGNORE INDEX'] : []; if ( $this->selectOptionsIncludeLocking( $options ) && $this->selectFieldsOrOptionsAggregate( $vars, $options ) ) { // Some DB types (e.g. postgres) disallow FOR UPDATE with aggregate // functions. Discourage use of such queries to encourage compatibility. call_user_func( $this->deprecationLogger, __METHOD__ . ": aggregation used with a locking SELECT ($fname)" ); } if ( is_array( $table ) ) { if ( count( $table ) === 0 ) { $from = ''; } else { $from = ' FROM ' . $this->tableNamesWithIndexClauseOrJOIN( $table, $useIndexes, $ignoreIndexes, $join_conds ); } } elseif ( $table != '' ) { $from = ' FROM ' . $this->tableNamesWithIndexClauseOrJOIN( [ $table ], $useIndexes, $ignoreIndexes, [] ); } else { $from = ''; } list( $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail, $ignoreIndex ) = $this->makeSelectOptions( $options ); if ( is_array( $conds ) ) { $conds = $this->makeList( $conds, self::LIST_AND ); } if ( $conds === null || $conds === false ) { $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . ' called from ' . $fname . ' with incorrect parameters: $conds must be a string or an array' ); $conds = ''; } if ( $conds === '' || $conds === '*' ) { $sql = "SELECT $startOpts $fields $from $useIndex $ignoreIndex $preLimitTail"; } elseif ( is_string( $conds ) ) { $sql = "SELECT $startOpts $fields $from $useIndex $ignoreIndex " . "WHERE $conds $preLimitTail"; } else { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ' called with incorrect parameters' ); } if ( isset( $options['LIMIT'] ) ) { $sql = $this->limitResult( $sql, $options['LIMIT'], $options['OFFSET'] ?? false ); } $sql = "$sql $postLimitTail"; if ( isset( $options['EXPLAIN'] ) ) { $sql = 'EXPLAIN ' . $sql; } return $sql; } public function selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { $options = (array)$options; $options['LIMIT'] = 1; $res = $this->select( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); if ( $res === false ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got false from select()" ); } if ( !$this->numRows( $res ) ) { return false; } return $this->fetchObject( $res ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function estimateRowCount( $tables, $var = '*', $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { $conds = $this->normalizeConditions( $conds, $fname ); $column = $this->extractSingleFieldFromList( $var ); if ( is_string( $column ) && !in_array( $column, [ '*', '1' ] ) ) { $conds[] = "$column IS NOT NULL"; } $res = $this->select( $tables, [ 'rowcount' => 'COUNT(*)' ], $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); $row = $res ? $this->fetchRow( $res ) : []; return isset( $row['rowcount'] ) ? (int)$row['rowcount'] : 0; } public function selectRowCount( $tables, $var = '*', $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { $conds = $this->normalizeConditions( $conds, $fname ); $column = $this->extractSingleFieldFromList( $var ); if ( is_string( $column ) && !in_array( $column, [ '*', '1' ] ) ) { $conds[] = "$column IS NOT NULL"; } $res = $this->select( [ 'tmp_count' => $this->buildSelectSubquery( $tables, '1', $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ) ], [ 'rowcount' => 'COUNT(*)' ], [], $fname ); $row = $res ? $this->fetchRow( $res ) : []; return isset( $row['rowcount'] ) ? (int)$row['rowcount'] : 0; } /** * @param string|array $options * @return bool */ private function selectOptionsIncludeLocking( $options ) { $options = (array)$options; foreach ( [ 'FOR UPDATE', 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ] as $lock ) { if ( in_array( $lock, $options, true ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param array|string $fields * @param array|string $options * @return bool */ private function selectFieldsOrOptionsAggregate( $fields, $options ) { foreach ( (array)$options as $key => $value ) { if ( is_string( $key ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/^(?:GROUP BY|HAVING)$/i', $key ) ) { return true; } } elseif ( is_string( $value ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/^(?:DISTINCT|DISTINCTROW)$/i', $value ) ) { return true; } } } $regex = '/^(?:COUNT|MIN|MAX|SUM|GROUP_CONCAT|LISTAGG|ARRAY_AGG)\s*\\(/i'; foreach ( (array)$fields as $field ) { if ( is_string( $field ) && preg_match( $regex, $field ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param array $rowOrRows A single (field => value) map or a list of such maps * @return array[] List of (field => value) maps * @since 1.35 */ final protected function normalizeRowArray( array $rowOrRows ) { if ( !$rowOrRows ) { $rows = []; } elseif ( isset( $rowOrRows[0] ) ) { $rows = $rowOrRows; } else { $rows = [ $rowOrRows ]; } foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( !is_array( $row ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got non-array in row array" ); } elseif ( !$row ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Got empty array in row array" ); } } return $rows; } /** * @param array|string $conds * @param string $fname * @return array * @since 1.31 */ final protected function normalizeConditions( $conds, $fname ) { if ( $conds === null || $conds === false ) { $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . ' called from ' . $fname . ' with incorrect parameters: $conds must be a string or an array' ); return []; } elseif ( $conds === '' ) { return []; } return is_array( $conds ) ? $conds : [ $conds ]; } /** * @param string|string[]|string[][] $uniqueKeys Unique indexes (first is identity key) * @return string[][] Unique indexes as column lists (first index is the identity key) * @since 1.35 */ final protected function normalizeUpsertKeys( $uniqueKeys ) { if ( is_string( $uniqueKeys ) ) { return [ [ $uniqueKeys ] ]; } if ( !is_array( $uniqueKeys ) || !$uniqueKeys ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Invalid or empty unique key array' ); } $oldStyle = false; $uniqueColumnSets = []; foreach ( $uniqueKeys as $i => $uniqueKey ) { if ( !is_int( $i ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Unique key array should be a list' ); } elseif ( is_string( $uniqueKey ) ) { $oldStyle = true; $uniqueColumnSets[] = [ $uniqueKey ]; } elseif ( is_array( $uniqueKey ) && $uniqueKey ) { $uniqueColumnSets[] = $uniqueKey; } else { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Invalid unique key array entry' ); } } if ( count( $uniqueColumnSets ) > 1 ) { // If an existing row conflicts with new row X on key A and new row Y on key B, // it is not well defined how many UPDATEs should apply to the existing row and // in what order the new rows are checked $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . " called with multiple unique keys", [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); } if ( $oldStyle ) { // Passing a list of strings for single-column unique keys is too // easily confused with passing the columns of composite unique key $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . " called with deprecated parameter style: " . "the unique key array should be a string or array of string arrays", [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); } return $uniqueColumnSets; } /** * @param string|array $options * @return array Combination option/value map and boolean option list * @since 1.35 */ final protected function normalizeOptions( $options ) { if ( is_array( $options ) ) { return $options; } elseif ( is_string( $options ) ) { return ( $options === '' ) ? [] : [ $options ]; } else { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ': expected string or array' ); } } /** * @param string $option Query option flag (e.g. "IGNORE" or "FOR UPDATE") * @param array $options Combination option/value map and boolean option list * @return bool Whether the option appears as an integer-keyed value in the options * @since 1.35 */ final protected function isFlagInOptions( $option, array $options ) { foreach ( array_keys( $options, $option, true ) as $k ) { if ( is_int( $k ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param array|string $var Field parameter in the style of select() * @return string|null Column name or null; ignores aliases */ final protected function extractSingleFieldFromList( $var ) { if ( is_array( $var ) ) { if ( !$var ) { $column = null; } elseif ( count( $var ) == 1 ) { $column = $var[0] ?? reset( $var ); } else { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ': got multiple columns' ); } } else { $column = $var; } return $column; } public function lockForUpdate( $table, $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() && !$this->getFlag( self::DBO_TRX ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ': no transaction is active nor is DBO_TRX set' ); } $options = (array)$options; $options[] = 'FOR UPDATE'; return $this->selectRowCount( $table, '*', $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); } public function fieldExists( $table, $field, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $info = $this->fieldInfo( $table, $field ); return (bool)$info; } public function indexExists( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$this->tableExists( $table, $fname ) ) { return null; } $info = $this->indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname ); if ( $info === null ) { return null; } else { return $info !== false; } } abstract public function tableExists( $table, $fname = __METHOD__ ); /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $indexInfo = $this->indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname ); if ( !$indexInfo ) { return null; } return !$indexInfo[0]->Non_unique; } public function insert( $table, $rows, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) { $rows = $this->normalizeRowArray( $rows ); if ( !$rows ) { return true; } $options = $this->normalizeOptions( $options ); if ( $this->isFlagInOptions( 'IGNORE', $options ) ) { $this->doInsertNonConflicting( $table, $rows, $fname ); } else { $this->doInsert( $table, $rows, $fname ); } return true; } /** * @see Database::insert() * @stable to override * @param string $table * @param array $rows Non-empty list of rows * @param string $fname * @since 1.35 */ protected function doInsert( $table, array $rows, $fname ) { $encTable = $this->tableName( $table ); list( $sqlColumns, $sqlTuples ) = $this->makeInsertLists( $rows ); $sql = "INSERT INTO $encTable ($sqlColumns) VALUES $sqlTuples"; $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_ROWS ); } /** * @see Database::insert() * @stable to override * @param string $table * @param array $rows Non-empty list of rows * @param string $fname * @since 1.35 */ protected function doInsertNonConflicting( $table, array $rows, $fname ) { $encTable = $this->tableName( $table ); list( $sqlColumns, $sqlTuples ) = $this->makeInsertLists( $rows ); list( $sqlVerb, $sqlOpts ) = $this->makeInsertNonConflictingVerbAndOptions(); $sql = rtrim( "$sqlVerb $encTable ($sqlColumns) VALUES $sqlTuples $sqlOpts" ); $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_ROWS ); } /** * @stable to override * @return string[] ("INSERT"-style SQL verb, "ON CONFLICT"-style clause or "") * @since 1.35 */ protected function makeInsertNonConflictingVerbAndOptions() { return [ 'INSERT IGNORE INTO', '' ]; } /** * Make SQL lists of columns, row tuples for INSERT/VALUES expressions * * The tuple column order is that of the columns of the first provided row. * The provided rows must have exactly the same keys and ordering thereof. * * @param array[] $rows Non-empty list of (column => value) maps * @return array (comma-separated columns, comma-separated tuples) * @since 1.35 */ protected function makeInsertLists( array $rows ) { $firstRow = $rows[0]; if ( !is_array( $firstRow ) || !$firstRow ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Got an empty row list or empty row' ); } // List of columns that define the value tuple ordering $tupleColumns = array_keys( $firstRow ); $valueTuples = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $rowColumns = array_keys( $row ); // VALUES(...) requires a uniform correspondance of (column => value) if ( $rowColumns !== $tupleColumns ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Got row columns (' . implode( ', ', $rowColumns ) . ') ' . 'instead of expected (' . implode( ', ', $tupleColumns ) . ')' ); } // Make the value tuple that defines this row $valueTuples[] = '(' . $this->makeList( $row, self::LIST_COMMA ) . ')'; } return [ $this->makeList( $tupleColumns, self::LIST_NAMES ), implode( ',', $valueTuples ) ]; } /** * Make UPDATE options array for Database::makeUpdateOptions * * @stable to override * @param array $options * @return array */ protected function makeUpdateOptionsArray( $options ) { $options = $this->normalizeOptions( $options ); $opts = []; if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ) ) { $opts[] = 'IGNORE'; } return $opts; } /** * Make UPDATE options for the Database::update function * * @stable to override * @param array $options The options passed to Database::update * @return string */ protected function makeUpdateOptions( $options ) { $opts = $this->makeUpdateOptionsArray( $options ); return implode( ' ', $opts ); } public function update( $table, $set, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) { $this->assertConditionIsNotEmpty( $conds, __METHOD__, true ); $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $opts = $this->makeUpdateOptions( $options ); $sql = "UPDATE $opts $table SET " . $this->makeList( $set, self::LIST_SET ); if ( $conds && $conds !== IDatabase::ALL_ROWS ) { if ( is_array( $conds ) ) { $conds = $this->makeList( $conds, self::LIST_AND ); } $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $conds; } $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_ROWS ); return true; } public function makeList( array $a, $mode = self::LIST_COMMA ) { $first = true; $list = ''; foreach ( $a as $field => $value ) { if ( !$first ) { if ( $mode == self::LIST_AND ) { $list .= ' AND '; } elseif ( $mode == self::LIST_OR ) { $list .= ' OR '; } else { $list .= ','; } } else { $first = false; } if ( ( $mode == self::LIST_AND || $mode == self::LIST_OR ) && is_numeric( $field ) ) { $list .= "($value)"; } elseif ( $mode == self::LIST_SET && is_numeric( $field ) ) { $list .= "$value"; } elseif ( ( $mode == self::LIST_AND || $mode == self::LIST_OR ) && is_array( $value ) ) { // Remove null from array to be handled separately if found $includeNull = false; foreach ( array_keys( $value, null, true ) as $nullKey ) { $includeNull = true; unset( $value[$nullKey] ); } if ( count( $value ) == 0 && !$includeNull ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ": empty input for field $field" ); } elseif ( count( $value ) == 0 ) { // only check if $field is null $list .= "$field IS NULL"; } else { // IN clause contains at least one valid element if ( $includeNull ) { // Group subconditions to ensure correct precedence $list .= '('; } if ( count( $value ) == 1 ) { // Special-case single values, as IN isn't terribly efficient // Don't necessarily assume the single key is 0; we don't // enforce linear numeric ordering on other arrays here. $value = array_values( $value )[0]; $list .= $field . " = " . $this->addQuotes( $value ); } else { $list .= $field . " IN (" . $this->makeList( $value ) . ") "; } // if null present in array, append IS NULL if ( $includeNull ) { $list .= " OR $field IS NULL)"; } } } elseif ( $value === null ) { if ( $mode == self::LIST_AND || $mode == self::LIST_OR ) { $list .= "$field IS "; } elseif ( $mode == self::LIST_SET ) { $list .= "$field = "; } $list .= 'NULL'; } else { if ( $mode == self::LIST_AND || $mode == self::LIST_OR || $mode == self::LIST_SET ) { $list .= "$field = "; } $list .= $mode == self::LIST_NAMES ? $value : $this->addQuotes( $value ); } } return $list; } public function makeWhereFrom2d( $data, $baseKey, $subKey ) { $conds = []; foreach ( $data as $base => $sub ) { if ( count( $sub ) ) { $conds[] = $this->makeList( [ $baseKey => $base, $subKey => array_map( 'strval', array_keys( $sub ) ) ], self::LIST_AND ); } } if ( $conds ) { return $this->makeList( $conds, self::LIST_OR ); } else { // Nothing to search for... return false; } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function aggregateValue( $valuedata, $valuename = 'value' ) { return $valuename; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function bitNot( $field ) { return "(~$field)"; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function bitAnd( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight ) { return "($fieldLeft & $fieldRight)"; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function bitOr( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight ) { return "($fieldLeft | $fieldRight)"; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildConcat( $stringList ) { return 'CONCAT(' . implode( ',', $stringList ) . ')'; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildGroupConcatField( $delim, $table, $field, $conds = '', $join_conds = [] ) { $fld = "GROUP_CONCAT($field SEPARATOR " . $this->addQuotes( $delim ) . ')'; return '(' . $this->selectSQLText( $table, $fld, $conds, null, [], $join_conds ) . ')'; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildGreatest( $fields, $values ) { return $this->buildSuperlative( 'GREATEST', $fields, $values ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildLeast( $fields, $values ) { return $this->buildSuperlative( 'LEAST', $fields, $values ); } /** * Build a superlative function statement comparing columns/values * * Integer and float values in $values will not be quoted * * If $fields is an array, then each value with a string key is treated as an expression * (which must be manually quoted); such string keys do not appear in the SQL and are only * descriptive aliases. * * @stable to override * @param string $sqlfunc Name of a SQL function * @param string|string[] $fields Name(s) of column(s) with values to compare * @param string|int|float|string[]|int[]|float[] $values Values to compare * @return mixed * @since 1.35 */ protected function buildSuperlative( $sqlfunc, $fields, $values ) { $fields = is_array( $fields ) ? $fields : [ $fields ]; $values = is_array( $values ) ? $values : [ $values ]; $encValues = []; foreach ( $fields as $alias => $field ) { if ( is_int( $alias ) ) { $encValues[] = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $field ); } else { $encValues[] = $field; // expression } } foreach ( $values as $value ) { if ( is_int( $value ) || is_float( $value ) ) { $encValues[] = $value; } elseif ( is_string( $value ) ) { $encValues[] = $this->addQuotes( $value ); } elseif ( $value === null ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Null value in superlative' ); } else { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'Unexpected value type in superlative' ); } } return $sqlfunc . '(' . implode( ',', $encValues ) . ')'; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildSubstring( $input, $startPosition, $length = null ) { $this->assertBuildSubstringParams( $startPosition, $length ); $functionBody = "$input FROM $startPosition"; if ( $length !== null ) { $functionBody .= " FOR $length"; } return 'SUBSTRING(' . $functionBody . ')'; } /** * Check type and bounds for parameters to self::buildSubstring() * * All supported databases have substring functions that behave the same for * positive $startPosition and non-negative $length, but behaviors differ when * given 0 or negative $startPosition or negative $length. The simplest * solution to that is to just forbid those values. * * @param int $startPosition * @param int|null $length * @since 1.31 */ protected function assertBuildSubstringParams( $startPosition, $length ) { if ( !is_int( $startPosition ) || $startPosition <= 0 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$startPosition must be a positive integer' ); } if ( !( is_int( $length ) && $length >= 0 || $length === null ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$length must be null or an integer greater than or equal to 0' ); } } /** * Check type and bounds conditions parameters for update * * In order to prevent possible performance or replication issues, * empty condition for 'update' queries isn't allowed * * @param array|string $conds conditions to be validated on emptiness * @param string $fname caller's function name to be passed to exception * @param bool $deprecate define the assertion type. If true then * wfDeprecated will be called, otherwise DBUnexpectedError will be * raised. * @since 1.35 */ protected function assertConditionIsNotEmpty( $conds, string $fname, bool $deprecate ) { $isCondValid = ( is_string( $conds ) || is_array( $conds ) ) && $conds; if ( !$isCondValid ) { if ( $deprecate ) { wfDeprecated( $fname . ' called with empty $conds', '1.35', false, 3 ); } else { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $fname . ' called with empty conditions' ); } } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildStringCast( $field ) { // In theory this should work for any standards-compliant // SQL implementation, although it may not be the best way to do it. return "CAST( $field AS CHARACTER )"; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildIntegerCast( $field ) { return 'CAST( ' . $field . ' AS INTEGER )'; } public function buildSelectSubquery( $table, $vars, $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { return new Subquery( $this->selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ) ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function databasesAreIndependent() { return false; } final public function selectDB( $db ) { $this->selectDomain( new DatabaseDomain( $db, $this->currentDomain->getSchema(), $this->currentDomain->getTablePrefix() ) ); return true; } final public function selectDomain( $domain ) { $this->doSelectDomain( DatabaseDomain::newFromId( $domain ) ); } /** * @stable to override * @param DatabaseDomain $domain * @throws DBConnectionError * @throws DBError * @since 1.32 */ protected function doSelectDomain( DatabaseDomain $domain ) { $this->currentDomain = $domain; } public function getDBname() { return $this->currentDomain->getDatabase(); } public function getServer() { return $this->server; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function tableName( $name, $format = 'quoted' ) { if ( $name instanceof Subquery ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ': got Subquery instance when expecting a string' ); } # Skip the entire process when we have a string quoted on both ends. # Note that we check the end so that we will still quote any use of # use of `database`.table. But won't break things if someone wants # to query a database table with a dot in the name. if ( $this->isQuotedIdentifier( $name ) ) { return $name; } # Lets test for any bits of text that should never show up in a table # name. Basically anything like JOIN or ON which are actually part of # SQL queries, but may end up inside of the table value to combine # sql. Such as how the API is doing. # Note that we use a whitespace test rather than a \b test to avoid # any remote case where a word like on may be inside of a table name # surrounded by symbols which may be considered word breaks. if ( preg_match( '/(^|\s)(DISTINCT|JOIN|ON|AS)(\s|$)/i', $name ) !== 0 ) { $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . ": use of subqueries is not supported this way", [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); return $name; } # Split database and table into proper variables. list( $database, $schema, $prefix, $table ) = $this->qualifiedTableComponents( $name ); # Quote $table and apply the prefix if not quoted. # $tableName might be empty if this is called from Database::replaceVars() $tableName = "{$prefix}{$table}"; if ( $format === 'quoted' && !$this->isQuotedIdentifier( $tableName ) && $tableName !== '' ) { $tableName = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $tableName ); } # Quote $schema and $database and merge them with the table name if needed $tableName = $this->prependDatabaseOrSchema( $schema, $tableName, $format ); $tableName = $this->prependDatabaseOrSchema( $database, $tableName, $format ); return $tableName; } /** * Get the table components needed for a query given the currently selected database * * @param string $name Table name in the form of db.schema.table, db.table, or table * @return array (DB name or "" for default, schema name, table prefix, table name) */ protected function qualifiedTableComponents( $name ) { # We reverse the explode so that database.table and table both output the correct table. $dbDetails = explode( '.', $name, 3 ); if ( count( $dbDetails ) == 3 ) { list( $database, $schema, $table ) = $dbDetails; # We don't want any prefix added in this case $prefix = ''; } elseif ( count( $dbDetails ) == 2 ) { list( $database, $table ) = $dbDetails; # We don't want any prefix added in this case $prefix = ''; # In dbs that support it, $database may actually be the schema # but that doesn't affect any of the functionality here $schema = ''; } else { list( $table ) = $dbDetails; if ( isset( $this->tableAliases[$table] ) ) { $database = $this->tableAliases[$table]['dbname']; $schema = is_string( $this->tableAliases[$table]['schema'] ) ? $this->tableAliases[$table]['schema'] : $this->relationSchemaQualifier(); $prefix = is_string( $this->tableAliases[$table]['prefix'] ) ? $this->tableAliases[$table]['prefix'] : $this->tablePrefix(); } else { $database = ''; $schema = $this->relationSchemaQualifier(); # Default schema $prefix = $this->tablePrefix(); # Default prefix } } return [ $database, $schema, $prefix, $table ]; } /** * @param string|null $namespace Database or schema * @param string $relation Name of table, view, sequence, etc... * @param string $format One of (raw, quoted) * @return string Relation name with quoted and merged $namespace as needed */ private function prependDatabaseOrSchema( $namespace, $relation, $format ) { if ( strlen( $namespace ) ) { if ( $format === 'quoted' && !$this->isQuotedIdentifier( $namespace ) ) { $namespace = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $namespace ); } $relation = $namespace . '.' . $relation; } return $relation; } public function tableNames( ...$tables ) { $retVal = []; foreach ( $tables as $name ) { $retVal[$name] = $this->tableName( $name ); } return $retVal; } public function tableNamesN( ...$tables ) { $retVal = []; foreach ( $tables as $name ) { $retVal[] = $this->tableName( $name ); } return $retVal; } /** * Get an aliased table name * * This returns strings like "tableName AS newTableName" for aliased tables * and "(SELECT * from tableA) newTablename" for subqueries (e.g. derived tables) * * @see Database::tableName() * @param string|Subquery $table Table name or object with a 'sql' field * @param string|bool $alias Table alias (optional) * @return string SQL name for aliased table. Will not alias a table to its own name */ protected function tableNameWithAlias( $table, $alias = false ) { if ( is_string( $table ) ) { $quotedTable = $this->tableName( $table ); } elseif ( $table instanceof Subquery ) { $quotedTable = (string)$table; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Table must be a string or Subquery" ); } if ( $alias === false || $alias === $table ) { if ( $table instanceof Subquery ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Subquery table missing alias" ); } return $quotedTable; } else { return $quotedTable . ' ' . $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $alias ); } } /** * Get an aliased field name * e.g. fieldName AS newFieldName * * @stable to override * @param string $name Field name * @param string|bool $alias Alias (optional) * @return string SQL name for aliased field. Will not alias a field to its own name */ protected function fieldNameWithAlias( $name, $alias = false ) { if ( !$alias || (string)$alias === (string)$name ) { return $name; } else { return $name . ' AS ' . $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $alias ); // PostgreSQL needs AS } } /** * Gets an array of aliased field names * * @param array $fields [ [alias] => field ] * @return string[] See fieldNameWithAlias() */ protected function fieldNamesWithAlias( $fields ) { $retval = []; foreach ( $fields as $alias => $field ) { if ( is_numeric( $alias ) ) { $alias = $field; } $retval[] = $this->fieldNameWithAlias( $field, $alias ); } return $retval; } /** * Get the aliased table name clause for a FROM clause * which might have a JOIN and/or USE INDEX or IGNORE INDEX clause * * @param array $tables ( [alias] => table ) * @param array $use_index Same as for select() * @param array $ignore_index Same as for select() * @param array $join_conds Same as for select() * @return string */ protected function tableNamesWithIndexClauseOrJOIN( $tables, $use_index = [], $ignore_index = [], $join_conds = [] ) { $ret = []; $retJOIN = []; $use_index = (array)$use_index; $ignore_index = (array)$ignore_index; $join_conds = (array)$join_conds; foreach ( $tables as $alias => $table ) { if ( !is_string( $alias ) ) { // No alias? Set it equal to the table name $alias = $table; } if ( is_array( $table ) ) { // A parenthesized group if ( count( $table ) > 1 ) { $joinedTable = '(' . $this->tableNamesWithIndexClauseOrJOIN( $table, $use_index, $ignore_index, $join_conds ) . ')'; } else { // Degenerate case $innerTable = reset( $table ); $innerAlias = key( $table ); $joinedTable = $this->tableNameWithAlias( $innerTable, is_string( $innerAlias ) ? $innerAlias : $innerTable ); } } else { $joinedTable = $this->tableNameWithAlias( $table, $alias ); } // Is there a JOIN clause for this table? if ( isset( $join_conds[$alias] ) ) { list( $joinType, $conds ) = $join_conds[$alias]; $tableClause = $joinType; $tableClause .= ' ' . $joinedTable; if ( isset( $use_index[$alias] ) ) { // has USE INDEX? $use = $this->useIndexClause( implode( ',', (array)$use_index[$alias] ) ); if ( $use != '' ) { $tableClause .= ' ' . $use; } } if ( isset( $ignore_index[$alias] ) ) { // has IGNORE INDEX? $ignore = $this->ignoreIndexClause( implode( ',', (array)$ignore_index[$alias] ) ); if ( $ignore != '' ) { $tableClause .= ' ' . $ignore; } } $on = $this->makeList( (array)$conds, self::LIST_AND ); if ( $on != '' ) { $tableClause .= ' ON (' . $on . ')'; } $retJOIN[] = $tableClause; } elseif ( isset( $use_index[$alias] ) ) { // Is there an INDEX clause for this table? $tableClause = $joinedTable; $tableClause .= ' ' . $this->useIndexClause( implode( ',', (array)$use_index[$alias] ) ); $ret[] = $tableClause; } elseif ( isset( $ignore_index[$alias] ) ) { // Is there an INDEX clause for this table? $tableClause = $joinedTable; $tableClause .= ' ' . $this->ignoreIndexClause( implode( ',', (array)$ignore_index[$alias] ) ); $ret[] = $tableClause; } else { $tableClause = $joinedTable; $ret[] = $tableClause; } } // We can't separate explicit JOIN clauses with ',', use ' ' for those $implicitJoins = implode( ',', $ret ); $explicitJoins = implode( ' ', $retJOIN ); // Compile our final table clause return implode( ' ', [ $implicitJoins, $explicitJoins ] ); } /** * Allows for index remapping in queries where this is not consistent across DBMS * * @param string $index * @return string */ protected function indexName( $index ) { return $this->indexAliases[$index] ?? $index; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function addQuotes( $s ) { if ( $s instanceof Blob ) { $s = $s->fetch(); } if ( $s === null ) { return 'NULL'; } elseif ( is_bool( $s ) ) { return (string)(int)$s; } elseif ( is_int( $s ) ) { return (string)$s; } else { return "'" . $this->strencode( $s ) . "'"; } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function addIdentifierQuotes( $s ) { return '"' . str_replace( '"', '""', $s ) . '"'; } /** * Returns if the given identifier looks quoted or not according to * the database convention for quoting identifiers * * @stable to override * @note Do not use this to determine if untrusted input is safe. * A malicious user can trick this function. * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function isQuotedIdentifier( $name ) { return $name[0] == '"' && substr( $name, -1, 1 ) == '"'; } /** * @stable to override * @param string $s * @param string $escapeChar * @return string */ protected function escapeLikeInternal( $s, $escapeChar = '`' ) { return str_replace( [ $escapeChar, '%', '_' ], [ "{$escapeChar}{$escapeChar}", "{$escapeChar}%", "{$escapeChar}_" ], $s ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function buildLike( $param, ...$params ) { if ( is_array( $param ) ) { $params = $param; } else { $params = func_get_args(); } $s = ''; // We use ` instead of \ as the default LIKE escape character, since addQuotes() // may escape backslashes, creating problems of double escaping. The ` // character has good cross-DBMS compatibility, avoiding special operators // in MS SQL like ^ and % $escapeChar = '`'; foreach ( $params as $value ) { if ( $value instanceof LikeMatch ) { $s .= $value->toString(); } else { $s .= $this->escapeLikeInternal( $value, $escapeChar ); } } return ' LIKE ' . $this->addQuotes( $s ) . ' ESCAPE ' . $this->addQuotes( $escapeChar ) . ' '; } public function anyChar() { return new LikeMatch( '_' ); } public function anyString() { return new LikeMatch( '%' ); } public function nextSequenceValue( $seqName ) { return null; } /** * USE INDEX clause. Unlikely to be useful for anything but MySQL. This * is only needed because a) MySQL must be as efficient as possible due to * its use on Wikipedia, and b) MySQL 4.0 is kind of dumb sometimes about * which index to pick. Anyway, other databases might have different * indexes on a given table. So don't bother overriding this unless you're * MySQL. * * @stable to override * @param string $index * @return string */ public function useIndexClause( $index ) { return ''; } /** * IGNORE INDEX clause. Unlikely to be useful for anything but MySQL. This * is only needed because a) MySQL must be as efficient as possible due to * its use on Wikipedia, and b) MySQL 4.0 is kind of dumb sometimes about * which index to pick. Anyway, other databases might have different * indexes on a given table. So don't bother overriding this unless you're * MySQL. * * @stable to override * @param string $index * @return string */ public function ignoreIndexClause( $index ) { return ''; } public function replace( $table, $uniqueKeys, $rows, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $rows = $this->normalizeRowArray( $rows ); if ( !$rows ) { return; } if ( $uniqueKeys ) { $uniqueKeys = $this->normalizeUpsertKeys( $uniqueKeys ); $this->doReplace( $table, $uniqueKeys, $rows, $fname ); } else { $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . " called with no unique keys", [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); $this->doInsert( $table, $rows, $fname ); } } /** * @see Database::replace() * @stable to override * @param string $table * @param string[][] $uniqueKeys Non-empty list of unique keys * @param array $rows Non-empty list of rows * @param string $fname * @since 1.35 */ protected function doReplace( $table, array $uniqueKeys, array $rows, $fname ) { $affectedRowCount = 0; $this->startAtomic( $fname, self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); try { foreach ( $rows as $row ) { // Delete any conflicting rows (including ones inserted from $rows) $sqlCondition = $this->makeConditionCollidesUponKeys( [ $row ], $uniqueKeys ); $this->delete( $table, [ $sqlCondition ], $fname ); $affectedRowCount += $this->affectedRows(); // Now insert the row $this->insert( $table, $row, $fname ); $affectedRowCount += $this->affectedRows(); } $this->endAtomic( $fname ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { $this->cancelAtomic( $fname ); throw $e; } $this->affectedRowCount = $affectedRowCount; } /** * @param array[] $rows Non-empty list of rows * @param string[] $uniqueKey List of columns that define a single unique index * @return string SQL conditions to filter existing rows to those with counterparts in $rows */ private function makeConditionCollidesUponKey( array $rows, array $uniqueKey ) { if ( !$rows ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Empty row array" ); } elseif ( !$uniqueKey ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Empty unique key array" ); } if ( count( $uniqueKey ) == 1 ) { // Use a simple IN(...) clause $column = reset( $uniqueKey ); $values = array_column( $rows, $column ); if ( count( $values ) !== count( $rows ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Missing values for unique key ($column)" ); } return $this->makeList( [ $column => $values ], self::LIST_AND ); } $disjunctions = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $rowKeyMap = array_intersect_key( $row, array_flip( $uniqueKey ) ); if ( count( $rowKeyMap ) != count( $uniqueKey ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Missing values for unique key (" . implode( ',', $uniqueKey ) . ")" ); } $disjunctions[] = $this->makeList( $rowKeyMap, self::LIST_AND ); } return count( $disjunctions ) > 1 ? $this->makeList( $disjunctions, self::LIST_OR ) : $disjunctions[0]; } /** * @param array[] $rows Non-empty list of rows * @param string[][] $uniqueKeys List of column lists that each define a unique index * @return string SQL conditions to filter existing rows to those with counterparts in $rows * @since 1.35 */ final protected function makeConditionCollidesUponKeys( array $rows, array $uniqueKeys ) { if ( !$uniqueKeys ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Empty unique key array" ); } $disjunctions = []; foreach ( $uniqueKeys as $uniqueKey ) { $disjunctions[] = $this->makeConditionCollidesUponKey( $rows, $uniqueKey ); } return count( $disjunctions ) > 1 ? $this->makeList( $disjunctions, self::LIST_OR ) : $disjunctions[0]; } public function upsert( $table, array $rows, $uniqueKeys, array $set, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $rows = $this->normalizeRowArray( $rows ); if ( !$rows ) { return true; } if ( $uniqueKeys ) { $uniqueKeys = $this->normalizeUpsertKeys( $uniqueKeys ); $this->doUpsert( $table, $rows, $uniqueKeys, $set, $fname ); } else { $this->queryLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . " called with no unique keys", [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); $this->doInsert( $table, $rows, $fname ); } return true; } /** * @see Database::upsert() * @stable to override * @param string $table * @param array[] $rows Non-empty list of rows * @param string[][] $uniqueKeys Non-empty list of unique keys * @param array $set * @param string $fname * @since 1.35 */ protected function doUpsert( $table, array $rows, array $uniqueKeys, array $set, $fname ) { $affectedRowCount = 0; $this->startAtomic( $fname, self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); try { foreach ( $rows as $row ) { // Update any existing conflicting rows (including ones inserted from $rows) $sqlConditions = $this->makeConditionCollidesUponKeys( [ $row ], $uniqueKeys ); $this->update( $table, $set, [ $sqlConditions ], $fname ); $rowsUpdated = $this->affectedRows(); $affectedRowCount += $rowsUpdated; if ( $rowsUpdated <= 0 ) { // Now insert the row if there are no conflicts $this->insert( $table, $row, $fname ); $affectedRowCount += $this->affectedRows(); } } $this->endAtomic( $fname ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { $this->cancelAtomic( $fname ); throw $e; } $this->affectedRowCount = $affectedRowCount; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function deleteJoin( $delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$conds ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ' called with empty $conds' ); } $delTable = $this->tableName( $delTable ); $joinTable = $this->tableName( $joinTable ); $sql = "DELETE FROM $delTable WHERE $delVar IN (SELECT $joinVar FROM $joinTable "; if ( $conds != '*' ) { $sql .= 'WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, self::LIST_AND ); } $sql .= ')'; $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_ROWS ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE \"$field\""; $res = $this->query( $sql, __METHOD__, self::QUERY_CHANGE_NONE ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); $m = []; if ( preg_match( '/\((.*)\)/', $row->Type, $m ) ) { $size = $m[1]; } else { $size = -1; } return $size; } public function delete( $table, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $this->assertConditionIsNotEmpty( $conds, __METHOD__, false ); $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table"; if ( $conds !== IDatabase::ALL_ROWS ) { if ( is_array( $conds ) ) { $conds = $this->makeList( $conds, self::LIST_AND ); } $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $conds; } $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_ROWS ); return true; } final public function insertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $insertOptions = [], $selectOptions = [], $selectJoinConds = [] ) { static $hints = [ 'NO_AUTO_COLUMNS' ]; $insertOptions = $this->normalizeOptions( $insertOptions ); $selectOptions = $this->normalizeOptions( $selectOptions ); if ( $this->cliMode && $this->isInsertSelectSafe( $insertOptions, $selectOptions ) ) { // For massive migrations with downtime, we don't want to select everything // into memory and OOM, so do all this native on the server side if possible. $this->doInsertSelectNative( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname, array_diff( $insertOptions, $hints ), $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ); } else { $this->doInsertSelectGeneric( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname, array_diff( $insertOptions, $hints ), $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ); } return true; } /** * @stable to override * @param array $insertOptions INSERT options * @param array $selectOptions SELECT options * @return bool Whether an INSERT SELECT with these options will be replication safe * @since 1.31 */ protected function isInsertSelectSafe( array $insertOptions, array $selectOptions ) { return true; } /** * Implementation of insertSelect() based on select() and insert() * * @see IDatabase::insertSelect() * @param string $destTable * @param string|array $srcTable * @param array $varMap * @param array $conds * @param string $fname * @param array $insertOptions * @param array $selectOptions * @param array $selectJoinConds * @since 1.35 */ protected function doInsertSelectGeneric( $destTable, $srcTable, array $varMap, $conds, $fname, array $insertOptions, array $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ) { // For web requests, do a locking SELECT and then INSERT. This puts the SELECT burden // on only the master (without needing row-based-replication). It also makes it easy to // know how big the INSERT is going to be. $fields = []; foreach ( $varMap as $dstColumn => $sourceColumnOrSql ) { $fields[] = $this->fieldNameWithAlias( $sourceColumnOrSql, $dstColumn ); } $res = $this->select( $srcTable, implode( ',', $fields ), $conds, $fname, array_merge( $selectOptions, [ 'FOR UPDATE' ] ), $selectJoinConds ); if ( !$res ) { return; } $affectedRowCount = 0; $this->startAtomic( $fname, self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); try { $rows = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $rows[] = (array)$row; } // Avoid inserts that are too huge $rowBatches = array_chunk( $rows, $this->nonNativeInsertSelectBatchSize ); foreach ( $rowBatches as $rows ) { $this->insert( $destTable, $rows, $fname, $insertOptions ); $affectedRowCount += $this->affectedRows(); } } catch ( Throwable $e ) { $this->cancelAtomic( $fname ); throw $e; } $this->endAtomic( $fname ); $this->affectedRowCount = $affectedRowCount; } /** * Native server-side implementation of insertSelect() for situations where * we don't want to select everything into memory * * @see IDatabase::insertSelect() * @param string $destTable * @param string|array $srcTable * @param array $varMap * @param array $conds * @param string $fname * @param array $insertOptions * @param array $selectOptions * @param array $selectJoinConds * @since 1.35 */ protected function doInsertSelectNative( $destTable, $srcTable, array $varMap, $conds, $fname, array $insertOptions, array $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ) { list( $sqlVerb, $sqlOpts ) = $this->isFlagInOptions( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ? $this->makeInsertNonConflictingVerbAndOptions() : [ 'INSERT INTO', '' ]; $encDstTable = $this->tableName( $destTable ); $sqlDstColumns = implode( ',', array_keys( $varMap ) ); $selectSql = $this->selectSQLText( $srcTable, array_values( $varMap ), $conds, $fname, $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ); $sql = rtrim( "$sqlVerb $encDstTable ($sqlDstColumns) $selectSql $sqlOpts" ); $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_ROWS ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset = false ) { if ( !is_numeric( $limit ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Invalid non-numeric limit passed to " . __METHOD__ ); } // This version works in MySQL and SQLite. It will very likely need to be // overridden for most other RDBMS subclasses. return "$sql LIMIT " . ( ( is_numeric( $offset ) && $offset != 0 ) ? "{$offset}," : "" ) . "{$limit} "; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function unionSupportsOrderAndLimit() { return true; // True for almost every DB supported } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function unionQueries( $sqls, $all ) { $glue = $all ? ') UNION ALL (' : ') UNION ('; return '(' . implode( $glue, $sqls ) . ')'; } public function unionConditionPermutations( $table, $vars, array $permute_conds, $extra_conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { // First, build the Cartesian product of $permute_conds $conds = [ [] ]; foreach ( $permute_conds as $field => $values ) { if ( !$values ) { // Skip empty $values continue; } $values = array_unique( $values ); // For sanity $newConds = []; foreach ( $conds as $cond ) { foreach ( $values as $value ) { $cond[$field] = $value; $newConds[] = $cond; // Arrays are by-value, not by-reference, so this works } } $conds = $newConds; } $extra_conds = $extra_conds === '' ? [] : (array)$extra_conds; // If there's just one condition and no subordering, hand off to // selectSQLText directly. if ( count( $conds ) === 1 && ( !isset( $options['INNER ORDER BY'] ) || !$this->unionSupportsOrderAndLimit() ) ) { return $this->selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds[0] + $extra_conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); } // Otherwise, we need to pull out the order and limit to apply after // the union. Then build the SQL queries for each set of conditions in // $conds. Then union them together (using UNION ALL, because the // product *should* already be distinct). $orderBy = $this->makeOrderBy( $options ); $limit = $options['LIMIT'] ?? null; $offset = $options['OFFSET'] ?? false; $all = empty( $options['NOTALL'] ) && !in_array( 'NOTALL', $options ); if ( !$this->unionSupportsOrderAndLimit() ) { unset( $options['ORDER BY'], $options['LIMIT'], $options['OFFSET'] ); } else { if ( array_key_exists( 'INNER ORDER BY', $options ) ) { $options['ORDER BY'] = $options['INNER ORDER BY']; } if ( $limit !== null && is_numeric( $offset ) && $offset != 0 ) { // We need to increase the limit by the offset rather than // using the offset directly, otherwise it'll skip incorrectly // in the subqueries. $options['LIMIT'] = $limit + $offset; unset( $options['OFFSET'] ); } } $sqls = []; foreach ( $conds as $cond ) { $sqls[] = $this->selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $cond + $extra_conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); } $sql = $this->unionQueries( $sqls, $all ) . $orderBy; if ( $limit !== null ) { $sql = $this->limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset ); } return $sql; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function conditional( $cond, $trueVal, $falseVal ) { if ( is_array( $cond ) ) { $cond = $this->makeList( $cond, self::LIST_AND ); } return " (CASE WHEN $cond THEN $trueVal ELSE $falseVal END) "; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function strreplace( $orig, $old, $new ) { return "REPLACE({$orig}, {$old}, {$new})"; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function getServerUptime() { return 0; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function wasDeadlock() { return false; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function wasLockTimeout() { return false; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function wasConnectionLoss() { return $this->wasConnectionError( $this->lastErrno() ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function wasReadOnlyError() { return false; } public function wasErrorReissuable() { return ( $this->wasDeadlock() || $this->wasLockTimeout() || $this->wasConnectionLoss() ); } /** * Do not use this method outside of Database/DBError classes * * @stable to override * @param int|string $errno * @return bool Whether the given query error was a connection drop */ public function wasConnectionError( $errno ) { return false; } /** * @stable to override * @return bool Whether it is known that the last query error only caused statement rollback * @note This is for backwards compatibility for callers catching DBError exceptions in * order to ignore problems like duplicate key errors or foriegn key violations * @since 1.31 */ protected function wasKnownStatementRollbackError() { return false; // don't know; it could have caused a transaction rollback } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function deadlockLoop( ...$args ) { $function = array_shift( $args ); $tries = self::$DEADLOCK_TRIES; $this->begin( __METHOD__ ); $retVal = null; /** @var Throwable $e */ $e = null; do { try { $retVal = $function( ...$args ); break; } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { if ( $this->wasDeadlock() ) { // Retry after a randomized delay usleep( mt_rand( self::$DEADLOCK_DELAY_MIN, self::$DEADLOCK_DELAY_MAX ) ); } else { // Throw the error back up throw $e; } } } while ( --$tries > 0 ); if ( $tries <= 0 ) { // Too many deadlocks; give up $this->rollback( __METHOD__ ); throw $e; } else { $this->commit( __METHOD__ ); return $retVal; } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function masterPosWait( DBMasterPos $pos, $timeout ) { # Real waits are implemented in the subclass. return 0; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function getReplicaPos() { # Stub return false; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function getMasterPos() { # Stub return false; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function serverIsReadOnly() { return false; } final public function onTransactionResolution( callable $callback, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "No transaction is active" ); } $this->trxEndCallbacks[] = [ $callback, $fname, $this->currentAtomicSectionId() ]; } final public function onTransactionCommitOrIdle( callable $callback, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() && $this->getTransactionRoundId() ) { // Start an implicit transaction similar to how query() does $this->begin( __METHOD__, self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ); $this->trxAutomatic = true; } $this->trxIdleCallbacks[] = [ $callback, $fname, $this->currentAtomicSectionId() ]; if ( !$this->trxLevel() ) { $this->runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_IDLE ); } } final public function onTransactionIdle( callable $callback, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $this->onTransactionCommitOrIdle( $callback, $fname ); } final public function onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( callable $callback, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() && $this->getTransactionRoundId() ) { // Start an implicit transaction similar to how query() does $this->begin( __METHOD__, self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ); $this->trxAutomatic = true; } if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks[] = [ $callback, $fname, $this->currentAtomicSectionId() ]; } else { // No transaction is active nor will start implicitly, so make one for this callback $this->startAtomic( __METHOD__, self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); try { $callback( $this ); $this->endAtomic( __METHOD__ ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { $this->cancelAtomic( __METHOD__ ); throw $e; } } } final public function onAtomicSectionCancel( callable $callback, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() || !$this->trxAtomicLevels ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "No atomic section is open (got $fname)" ); } $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks[] = [ $callback, $fname, $this->currentAtomicSectionId() ]; } /** * @return AtomicSectionIdentifier|null ID of the topmost atomic section level */ private function currentAtomicSectionId() { if ( $this->trxLevel() && $this->trxAtomicLevels ) { $levelInfo = end( $this->trxAtomicLevels ); return $levelInfo[1]; } return null; } /** * Hoist callback ownership for callbacks in a section to a parent section. * All callbacks should have an owner that is present in trxAtomicLevels. * @param AtomicSectionIdentifier $old * @param AtomicSectionIdentifier $new */ private function reassignCallbacksForSection( AtomicSectionIdentifier $old, AtomicSectionIdentifier $new ) { foreach ( $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks as $key => $info ) { if ( $info[2] === $old ) { $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks[$key][2] = $new; } } foreach ( $this->trxIdleCallbacks as $key => $info ) { if ( $info[2] === $old ) { $this->trxIdleCallbacks[$key][2] = $new; } } foreach ( $this->trxEndCallbacks as $key => $info ) { if ( $info[2] === $old ) { $this->trxEndCallbacks[$key][2] = $new; } } foreach ( $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks as $key => $info ) { if ( $info[2] === $old ) { $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks[$key][2] = $new; } } } /** * Update callbacks that were owned by cancelled atomic sections. * * Callbacks for "on commit" should never be run if they're owned by a * section that won't be committed. * * Callbacks for "on resolution" need to reflect that the section was * rolled back, even if the transaction as a whole commits successfully. * * Callbacks for "on section cancel" should already have been consumed, * but errors during the cancellation itself can prevent that while still * destroying the section. Hoist any such callbacks to the new top section, * which we assume will itself have to be cancelled or rolled back to * resolve the error. * * @param AtomicSectionIdentifier[] $sectionIds ID of an actual savepoint * @param AtomicSectionIdentifier|null $newSectionId New top section ID. * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ private function modifyCallbacksForCancel( array $sectionIds, AtomicSectionIdentifier $newSectionId = null ) { // Cancel the "on commit" callbacks owned by this savepoint $this->trxIdleCallbacks = array_filter( $this->trxIdleCallbacks, function ( $entry ) use ( $sectionIds ) { return !in_array( $entry[2], $sectionIds, true ); } ); $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks = array_filter( $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks, function ( $entry ) use ( $sectionIds ) { return !in_array( $entry[2], $sectionIds, true ); } ); // Make "on resolution" callbacks owned by this savepoint to perceive a rollback foreach ( $this->trxEndCallbacks as $key => $entry ) { if ( in_array( $entry[2], $sectionIds, true ) ) { $callback = $entry[0]; $this->trxEndCallbacks[$key][0] = function () use ( $callback ) { return $callback( self::TRIGGER_ROLLBACK, $this ); }; // This "on resolution" callback no longer belongs to a section. $this->trxEndCallbacks[$key][2] = null; } } // Hoist callback ownership for section cancel callbacks to the new top section foreach ( $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks as $key => $entry ) { if ( in_array( $entry[2], $sectionIds, true ) ) { $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks[$key][2] = $newSectionId; } } } final public function setTransactionListener( $name, callable $callback = null ) { if ( $callback ) { $this->trxRecurringCallbacks[$name] = $callback; } else { unset( $this->trxRecurringCallbacks[$name] ); } } /** * Whether to disable running of post-COMMIT/ROLLBACK callbacks * * This method should not be used outside of Database/LoadBalancer * * @param bool $suppress * @since 1.28 */ final public function setTrxEndCallbackSuppression( $suppress ) { $this->trxEndCallbacksSuppressed = $suppress; } /** * Actually consume and run any "on transaction idle/resolution" callbacks. * * This method should not be used outside of Database/LoadBalancer * * @param int $trigger IDatabase::TRIGGER_* constant * @return int Number of callbacks attempted * @since 1.20 * @throws Exception */ public function runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks( $trigger ) { if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { // sanity throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, __METHOD__ . ': a transaction is still open' ); } if ( $this->trxEndCallbacksSuppressed ) { return 0; } $count = 0; $autoTrx = $this->getFlag( self::DBO_TRX ); // automatic begin() enabled? /** @var Throwable $e */ $e = null; // first exception do { // callbacks may add callbacks :) $callbacks = array_merge( $this->trxIdleCallbacks, $this->trxEndCallbacks // include "transaction resolution" callbacks ); $this->trxIdleCallbacks = []; // consumed (and recursion guard) $this->trxEndCallbacks = []; // consumed (recursion guard) // Only run trxSectionCancelCallbacks on rollback, not commit. // But always consume them. if ( $trigger === self::TRIGGER_ROLLBACK ) { $callbacks = array_merge( $callbacks, $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks ); } $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks = []; // consumed (recursion guard) foreach ( $callbacks as $callback ) { ++$count; list( $phpCallback ) = $callback; $this->clearFlag( self::DBO_TRX ); // make each query its own transaction try { call_user_func( $phpCallback, $trigger, $this ); } catch ( Throwable $ex ) { call_user_func( $this->errorLogger, $ex ); $e = $e ?: $ex; // Some callbacks may use startAtomic/endAtomic, so make sure // their transactions are ended so other callbacks don't fail if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { $this->rollback( __METHOD__, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ); } } finally { if ( $autoTrx ) { $this->setFlag( self::DBO_TRX ); // restore automatic begin() } else { $this->clearFlag( self::DBO_TRX ); // restore auto-commit } } } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleConditionInLoop } while ( count( $this->trxIdleCallbacks ) ); if ( $e instanceof Throwable ) { throw $e; // re-throw any first exception } return $count; } /** * Actually consume and run any "on transaction pre-commit" callbacks. * * This method should not be used outside of Database/LoadBalancer * * @since 1.22 * @return int Number of callbacks attempted * @throws Exception */ public function runOnTransactionPreCommitCallbacks() { $count = 0; $e = null; // first exception do { // callbacks may add callbacks :) $callbacks = $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks; $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks = []; // consumed (and recursion guard) foreach ( $callbacks as $callback ) { try { ++$count; list( $phpCallback ) = $callback; // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredInvokeInCallable $phpCallback( $this ); } catch ( Throwable $ex ) { ( $this->errorLogger )( $ex ); $e = $e ?: $ex; } } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleConditionInLoop } while ( count( $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks ) ); if ( $e instanceof Throwable ) { throw $e; // re-throw any first exception } return $count; } /** * Actually run any "atomic section cancel" callbacks. * * @param int $trigger IDatabase::TRIGGER_* constant * @param AtomicSectionIdentifier[]|null $sectionIds Section IDs to cancel, * null on transaction rollback */ private function runOnAtomicSectionCancelCallbacks( $trigger, array $sectionIds = null ) { /** @var Throwable $e */ $e = null; // first exception $notCancelled = []; do { $callbacks = $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks; $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks = []; // consumed (recursion guard) foreach ( $callbacks as $entry ) { if ( $sectionIds === null || in_array( $entry[2], $sectionIds, true ) ) { try { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredInvokeInCallable $entry[0]( $trigger, $this ); } catch ( Throwable $ex ) { ( $this->errorLogger )( $ex ); $e = $e ?: $ex; } } else { $notCancelled[] = $entry; } } // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanImpossibleConditionInLoop } while ( count( $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks ) ); $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks = $notCancelled; if ( $e !== null ) { throw $e; // re-throw any first Throwable } } /** * Actually run any "transaction listener" callbacks. * * This method should not be used outside of Database/LoadBalancer * * @param int $trigger IDatabase::TRIGGER_* constant * @throws Exception * @since 1.20 */ public function runTransactionListenerCallbacks( $trigger ) { if ( $this->trxEndCallbacksSuppressed ) { return; } /** @var Throwable $e */ $e = null; // first exception foreach ( $this->trxRecurringCallbacks as $phpCallback ) { try { $phpCallback( $trigger, $this ); } catch ( Throwable $ex ) { ( $this->errorLogger )( $ex ); $e = $e ?: $ex; } } if ( $e instanceof Throwable ) { throw $e; // re-throw any first exception } } /** * Create a savepoint * * This is used internally to implement atomic sections. It should not be * used otherwise. * * @stable to override * @since 1.31 * @param string $identifier Identifier for the savepoint * @param string $fname Calling function name */ protected function doSavepoint( $identifier, $fname ) { $sql = 'SAVEPOINT ' . $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $identifier ); $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_TRX ); } /** * Release a savepoint * * This is used internally to implement atomic sections. It should not be * used otherwise. * * @stable to override * @since 1.31 * @param string $identifier Identifier for the savepoint * @param string $fname Calling function name */ protected function doReleaseSavepoint( $identifier, $fname ) { $sql = 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT ' . $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $identifier ); $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_TRX ); } /** * Rollback to a savepoint * * This is used internally to implement atomic sections. It should not be * used otherwise. * * @stable to override * @since 1.31 * @param string $identifier Identifier for the savepoint * @param string $fname Calling function name */ protected function doRollbackToSavepoint( $identifier, $fname ) { $sql = 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ' . $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $identifier ); $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_TRX ); } /** * @param string $fname * @return string */ private function nextSavepointId( $fname ) { $savepointId = self::$SAVEPOINT_PREFIX . ++$this->trxAtomicCounter; if ( strlen( $savepointId ) > 30 ) { // 30 == Oracle's identifier length limit (pre 12c) // With a 22 character prefix, that puts the highest number at 99999999. throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'There have been an excessively large number of atomic sections in a transaction' . " started by $this->trxFname (at $fname)" ); } return $savepointId; } final public function startAtomic( $fname = __METHOD__, $cancelable = self::ATOMIC_NOT_CANCELABLE ) { $savepointId = $cancelable === self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ? self::$NOT_APPLICABLE : null; if ( !$this->trxLevel() ) { $this->begin( $fname, self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ); // sets trxAutomatic // If DBO_TRX is set, a series of startAtomic/endAtomic pairs will result // in all changes being in one transaction to keep requests transactional. if ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_TRX ) ) { // Since writes could happen in between the topmost atomic sections as part // of the transaction, those sections will need savepoints. $savepointId = $this->nextSavepointId( $fname ); $this->doSavepoint( $savepointId, $fname ); } else { $this->trxAutomaticAtomic = true; } } elseif ( $cancelable === self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ) { $savepointId = $this->nextSavepointId( $fname ); $this->doSavepoint( $savepointId, $fname ); } $sectionId = new AtomicSectionIdentifier; $this->trxAtomicLevels[] = [ $fname, $sectionId, $savepointId ]; $this->queryLogger->debug( 'startAtomic: entering level ' . ( count( $this->trxAtomicLevels ) - 1 ) . " ($fname)" ); return $sectionId; } final public function endAtomic( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() || !$this->trxAtomicLevels ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "No atomic section is open (got $fname)" ); } // Check if the current section matches $fname $pos = count( $this->trxAtomicLevels ) - 1; list( $savedFname, $sectionId, $savepointId ) = $this->trxAtomicLevels[$pos]; $this->queryLogger->debug( "endAtomic: leaving level $pos ($fname)" ); if ( $savedFname !== $fname ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Invalid atomic section ended (got $fname but expected $savedFname)" ); } // Remove the last section (no need to re-index the array) array_pop( $this->trxAtomicLevels ); if ( !$this->trxAtomicLevels && $this->trxAutomaticAtomic ) { $this->commit( $fname, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ); } elseif ( $savepointId !== null && $savepointId !== self::$NOT_APPLICABLE ) { $this->doReleaseSavepoint( $savepointId, $fname ); } // Hoist callback ownership for callbacks in the section that just ended; // all callbacks should have an owner that is present in trxAtomicLevels. $currentSectionId = $this->currentAtomicSectionId(); if ( $currentSectionId ) { $this->reassignCallbacksForSection( $sectionId, $currentSectionId ); } } final public function cancelAtomic( $fname = __METHOD__, AtomicSectionIdentifier $sectionId = null ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() || !$this->trxAtomicLevels ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "No atomic section is open (got $fname)" ); } $excisedIds = []; $newTopSection = $this->currentAtomicSectionId(); try { $excisedFnames = []; if ( $sectionId !== null ) { // Find the (last) section with the given $sectionId $pos = -1; foreach ( $this->trxAtomicLevels as $i => list( $asFname, $asId, $spId ) ) { if ( $asId === $sectionId ) { $pos = $i; } } if ( $pos < 0 ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Atomic section not found (for $fname)" ); } // Remove all descendant sections and re-index the array $len = count( $this->trxAtomicLevels ); for ( $i = $pos + 1; $i < $len; ++$i ) { $excisedFnames[] = $this->trxAtomicLevels[$i][0]; $excisedIds[] = $this->trxAtomicLevels[$i][1]; } $this->trxAtomicLevels = array_slice( $this->trxAtomicLevels, 0, $pos + 1 ); $newTopSection = $this->currentAtomicSectionId(); } // Check if the current section matches $fname $pos = count( $this->trxAtomicLevels ) - 1; list( $savedFname, $savedSectionId, $savepointId ) = $this->trxAtomicLevels[$pos]; if ( $excisedFnames ) { $this->queryLogger->debug( "cancelAtomic: canceling level $pos ($savedFname) " . "and descendants " . implode( ', ', $excisedFnames ) ); } else { $this->queryLogger->debug( "cancelAtomic: canceling level $pos ($savedFname)" ); } if ( $savedFname !== $fname ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Invalid atomic section ended (got $fname but expected $savedFname)" ); } // Remove the last section (no need to re-index the array) array_pop( $this->trxAtomicLevels ); $excisedIds[] = $savedSectionId; $newTopSection = $this->currentAtomicSectionId(); if ( $savepointId !== null ) { // Rollback the transaction to the state just before this atomic section if ( $savepointId === self::$NOT_APPLICABLE ) { $this->rollback( $fname, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ); // Note: rollback() will run trxSectionCancelCallbacks } else { $this->doRollbackToSavepoint( $savepointId, $fname ); $this->trxStatus = self::STATUS_TRX_OK; // no exception; recovered $this->trxStatusIgnoredCause = null; // Run trxSectionCancelCallbacks now. $this->runOnAtomicSectionCancelCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_CANCEL, $excisedIds ); } } elseif ( $this->trxStatus > self::STATUS_TRX_ERROR ) { // Put the transaction into an error state if it's not already in one $this->trxStatus = self::STATUS_TRX_ERROR; $this->trxStatusCause = new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Uncancelable atomic section canceled (got $fname)" ); } } finally { // Fix up callbacks owned by the sections that were just cancelled. // All callbacks should have an owner that is present in trxAtomicLevels. $this->modifyCallbacksForCancel( $excisedIds, $newTopSection ); } $this->affectedRowCount = 0; // for the sake of consistency } final public function doAtomicSection( $fname, callable $callback, $cancelable = self::ATOMIC_NOT_CANCELABLE ) { $sectionId = $this->startAtomic( $fname, $cancelable ); try { $res = $callback( $this, $fname ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { $this->cancelAtomic( $fname, $sectionId ); throw $e; } $this->endAtomic( $fname ); return $res; } final public function begin( $fname = __METHOD__, $mode = self::TRANSACTION_EXPLICIT ) { static $modes = [ self::TRANSACTION_EXPLICIT, self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ]; if ( !in_array( $mode, $modes, true ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: invalid mode parameter '$mode'" ); } // Protect against mismatched atomic section, transaction nesting, and snapshot loss if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { if ( $this->trxAtomicLevels ) { $levels = $this->flatAtomicSectionList(); $msg = "$fname: got explicit BEGIN while atomic section(s) $levels are open"; throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $msg ); } elseif ( !$this->trxAutomatic ) { $msg = "$fname: explicit transaction already active (from {$this->trxFname})"; throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $msg ); } else { $msg = "$fname: implicit transaction already active (from {$this->trxFname})"; throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $msg ); } } elseif ( $this->getFlag( self::DBO_TRX ) && $mode !== self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ) { $msg = "$fname: implicit transaction expected (DBO_TRX set)"; throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $msg ); } $this->assertHasConnectionHandle(); $this->doBegin( $fname ); $this->trxShortId = sprintf( '%06x', mt_rand( 0, 0xffffff ) ); $this->trxStatus = self::STATUS_TRX_OK; $this->trxStatusIgnoredCause = null; $this->trxAtomicCounter = 0; $this->trxTimestamp = microtime( true ); $this->trxFname = $fname; $this->trxDoneWrites = false; $this->trxAutomaticAtomic = false; $this->trxAtomicLevels = []; $this->trxWriteDuration = 0.0; $this->trxWriteQueryCount = 0; $this->trxWriteAffectedRows = 0; $this->trxWriteAdjDuration = 0.0; $this->trxWriteAdjQueryCount = 0; $this->trxWriteCallers = []; // First SELECT after BEGIN will establish the snapshot in REPEATABLE-READ. // Get an estimate of the replication lag before any such queries. $this->trxReplicaLag = null; // clear cached value first $this->trxReplicaLag = $this->getApproximateLagStatus()['lag']; // T147697: make explicitTrxActive() return true until begin() finishes. This way, no // caller will think its OK to muck around with the transaction just because startAtomic() // has not yet completed (e.g. setting trxAtomicLevels). $this->trxAutomatic = ( $mode === self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ); } /** * Issues the BEGIN command to the database server. * * @see Database::begin() * @stable to override * @param string $fname * @throws DBError */ protected function doBegin( $fname ) { $this->query( 'BEGIN', $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_TRX ); } final public function commit( $fname = __METHOD__, $flush = self::FLUSHING_ONE ) { static $modes = [ self::FLUSHING_ONE, self::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ]; if ( !in_array( $flush, $modes, true ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: invalid flush parameter '$flush'" ); } if ( $this->trxLevel() && $this->trxAtomicLevels ) { // There are still atomic sections open; this cannot be ignored $levels = $this->flatAtomicSectionList(); throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: got COMMIT while atomic sections $levels are still open" ); } if ( $flush === self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL || $flush === self::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS ) { if ( !$this->trxLevel() ) { return; // nothing to do } elseif ( !$this->trxAutomatic ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: flushing an explicit transaction, getting out of sync" ); } } elseif ( !$this->trxLevel() ) { $this->queryLogger->error( "$fname: no transaction to commit, something got out of sync" ); return; // nothing to do } elseif ( $this->trxAutomatic ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: expected mass commit of all peer transactions (DBO_TRX set)" ); } $this->assertHasConnectionHandle(); $this->runOnTransactionPreCommitCallbacks(); $writeTime = $this->pendingWriteQueryDuration( self::ESTIMATE_DB_APPLY ); $this->doCommit( $fname ); $oldTrxShortId = $this->consumeTrxShortId(); $this->trxStatus = self::STATUS_TRX_NONE; if ( $this->trxDoneWrites ) { $this->lastWriteTime = microtime( true ); $this->trxProfiler->transactionWritingOut( $this->server, $this->getDomainID(), $oldTrxShortId, $writeTime, $this->trxWriteAffectedRows ); } // With FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS, callbacks will be explicitly run later if ( $flush !== self::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS ) { $this->runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_COMMIT ); $this->runTransactionListenerCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_COMMIT ); } } /** * Issues the COMMIT command to the database server. * * @stable to override * @see Database::commit() * @param string $fname * @throws DBError */ protected function doCommit( $fname ) { if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { $this->query( 'COMMIT', $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_TRX ); } } final public function rollback( $fname = __METHOD__, $flush = self::FLUSHING_ONE ) { $trxActive = $this->trxLevel(); if ( $flush !== self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL && $flush !== self::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS && $this->getFlag( self::DBO_TRX ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: Expected mass rollback of all peer transactions (DBO_TRX set)" ); } if ( $trxActive ) { $this->assertHasConnectionHandle(); $this->doRollback( $fname ); $oldTrxShortId = $this->consumeTrxShortId(); $this->trxStatus = self::STATUS_TRX_NONE; $this->trxAtomicLevels = []; // Estimate the RTT via a query now that trxStatus is OK $writeTime = $this->pingAndCalculateLastTrxApplyTime(); if ( $this->trxDoneWrites ) { $this->trxProfiler->transactionWritingOut( $this->server, $this->getDomainID(), $oldTrxShortId, $writeTime, $this->trxWriteAffectedRows ); } } // Clear any commit-dependant callbacks. They might even be present // only due to transaction rounds, with no SQL transaction being active $this->trxIdleCallbacks = []; $this->trxPreCommitCallbacks = []; // With FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS, callbacks will be explicitly run later if ( $trxActive && $flush !== self::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS ) { try { $this->runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_ROLLBACK ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { // already logged; finish and let LoadBalancer move on during mass-rollback } try { $this->runTransactionListenerCallbacks( self::TRIGGER_ROLLBACK ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { // already logged; let LoadBalancer move on during mass-rollback } $this->affectedRowCount = 0; // for the sake of consistency } } /** * Issues the ROLLBACK command to the database server. * * @stable to override * @see Database::rollback() * @param string $fname * @throws DBError */ protected function doRollback( $fname ) { if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { # Disconnects cause rollback anyway, so ignore those errors $this->query( 'ROLLBACK', $fname, self::QUERY_SILENCE_ERRORS | self::QUERY_CHANGE_TRX ); } } public function flushSnapshot( $fname = __METHOD__, $flush = self::FLUSHING_ONE ) { if ( $this->explicitTrxActive() ) { // Committing this transaction would break callers that assume it is still open throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: Cannot flush snapshot; " . "explicit transaction '{$this->trxFname}' is still open" ); } elseif ( $this->writesOrCallbacksPending() ) { // This only flushes transactions to clear snapshots, not to write data $fnames = implode( ', ', $this->pendingWriteAndCallbackCallers() ); throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: Cannot flush snapshot; " . "writes from transaction {$this->trxFname} are still pending ($fnames)" ); } elseif ( $this->trxLevel() && $this->getTransactionRoundId() && $flush !== self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL && $flush !== self::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS ) { $this->queryLogger->warning( "$fname: Expected mass snapshot flush of all peer transactions " . "in the explicit transactions round '{$this->getTransactionRoundId()}'", [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); } $this->commit( $fname, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ); } public function explicitTrxActive() { return $this->trxLevel() && ( $this->trxAtomicLevels || !$this->trxAutomatic ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { throw new RuntimeException( __METHOD__ . ' is not implemented in descendant class' ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function listTables( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { throw new RuntimeException( __METHOD__ . ' is not implemented in descendant class' ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function listViews( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { throw new RuntimeException( __METHOD__ . ' is not implemented in descendant class' ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function timestamp( $ts = 0 ) { $t = new ConvertibleTimestamp( $ts ); // Let errors bubble up to avoid putting garbage in the DB return $t->getTimestamp( TS_MW ); } public function timestampOrNull( $ts = null ) { if ( $ts === null ) { return null; } else { return $this->timestamp( $ts ); } } public function affectedRows() { return ( $this->affectedRowCount === null ) ? $this->fetchAffectedRowCount() // default to driver value : $this->affectedRowCount; } /** * @return int Number of retrieved rows according to the driver */ abstract protected function fetchAffectedRowCount(); /** * Take a query result and wrap it in an iterable result wrapper if necessary. * Booleans are passed through as-is to indicate success/failure of write queries. * * Once upon a time, Database::query() returned a bare MySQL result * resource, and it was necessary to call this function to convert it to * a wrapper. Nowadays, raw database objects are never exposed to external * callers, so this is unnecessary in external code. * * @param bool|IResultWrapper|resource $result * @return bool|IResultWrapper */ protected function resultObject( $result ) { if ( !$result ) { return false; // failed query } elseif ( $result instanceof IResultWrapper ) { return $result; } elseif ( $result === true ) { return $result; // successful write query } else { return new ResultWrapper( $this, $result ); } } public function ping( &$rtt = null ) { // Avoid hitting the server if it was hit recently if ( $this->isOpen() && ( microtime( true ) - $this->lastPing ) < self::$PING_TTL ) { if ( !func_num_args() || $this->lastRoundTripEstimate > 0 ) { $rtt = $this->lastRoundTripEstimate; return true; // don't care about $rtt } } // This will reconnect if possible or return false if not $flags = self::QUERY_IGNORE_DBO_TRX | self::QUERY_SILENCE_ERRORS | self::QUERY_CHANGE_NONE; $ok = ( $this->query( self::$PING_QUERY, __METHOD__, $flags ) !== false ); if ( $ok ) { $rtt = $this->lastRoundTripEstimate; } return $ok; } /** * Close any existing (dead) database connection and open a new connection * * @param string $fname * @return bool True if new connection is opened successfully, false if error */ protected function replaceLostConnection( $fname ) { $this->closeConnection(); $this->conn = null; $this->handleSessionLossPreconnect(); try { $this->open( $this->server, $this->user, $this->password, $this->currentDomain->getDatabase(), $this->currentDomain->getSchema(), $this->tablePrefix() ); $this->lastPing = microtime( true ); $ok = true; $this->connLogger->warning( $fname . ': lost connection to {dbserver}; reconnected', [ 'dbserver' => $this->getServer(), 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); } catch ( DBConnectionError $e ) { $ok = false; $this->connLogger->error( $fname . ': lost connection to {dbserver} permanently', [ 'dbserver' => $this->getServer() ] ); } $this->handleSessionLossPostconnect(); return $ok; } public function getSessionLagStatus() { return $this->getRecordedTransactionLagStatus() ?: $this->getApproximateLagStatus(); } /** * Get the replica DB lag when the current transaction started * * This is useful when transactions might use snapshot isolation * (e.g. REPEATABLE-READ in innodb), so the "real" lag of that data * is this lag plus transaction duration. If they don't, it is still * safe to be pessimistic. This returns null if there is no transaction. * * This returns null if the lag status for this transaction was not yet recorded. * * @return array|null ('lag': seconds or false on error, 'since': UNIX timestamp of BEGIN) * @since 1.27 */ final protected function getRecordedTransactionLagStatus() { return ( $this->trxLevel() && $this->trxReplicaLag !== null ) ? [ 'lag' => $this->trxReplicaLag, 'since' => $this->trxTimestamp() ] : null; } /** * Get a replica DB lag estimate for this server at the start of a transaction * * This is a no-op unless the server is known a priori to be a replica DB * * @stable to override * @return array ('lag': seconds or false on error, 'since': UNIX timestamp of estimate) * @since 1.27 */ protected function getApproximateLagStatus() { return [ 'lag' => ( $this->topologyRole === self::ROLE_STREAMING_REPLICA ) ? $this->getLag() : 0, 'since' => microtime( true ) ]; } /** * Merge the result of getSessionLagStatus() for several DBs * using the most pessimistic values to estimate the lag of * any data derived from them in combination * * This is information is useful for caching modules * * @see WANObjectCache::set() * @see WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback() * * @param IDatabase $db1 * @param IDatabase|null $db2 [optional] * @return array Map of values: * - lag: highest lag of any of the DBs or false on error (e.g. replication stopped) * - since: oldest UNIX timestamp of any of the DB lag estimates * - pending: whether any of the DBs have uncommitted changes * @throws DBError * @since 1.27 */ public static function getCacheSetOptions( IDatabase $db1, IDatabase $db2 = null ) { $res = [ 'lag' => 0, 'since' => INF, 'pending' => false ]; foreach ( func_get_args() as $db ) { /** @var IDatabase $db */ $status = $db->getSessionLagStatus(); if ( $status['lag'] === false ) { $res['lag'] = false; } elseif ( $res['lag'] !== false ) { $res['lag'] = max( $res['lag'], $status['lag'] ); } $res['since'] = min( $res['since'], $status['since'] ); $res['pending'] = $res['pending'] ?: $db->writesPending(); } return $res; } public function getLag() { if ( $this->topologyRole === self::ROLE_STREAMING_MASTER ) { return 0; // this is the master } elseif ( $this->topologyRole === self::ROLE_STATIC_CLONE ) { return 0; // static dataset } return $this->doGetLag(); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ protected function doGetLag() { return 0; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function maxListLen() { return 0; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function encodeBlob( $b ) { return $b; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function decodeBlob( $b ) { if ( $b instanceof Blob ) { $b = $b->fetch(); } return $b; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function setSessionOptions( array $options ) { } public function sourceFile( $filename, callable $lineCallback = null, callable $resultCallback = null, $fname = false, callable $inputCallback = null ) { AtEase::suppressWarnings(); $fp = fopen( $filename, 'r' ); AtEase::restoreWarnings(); if ( $fp === false ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not open \"{$filename}\"" ); } if ( !$fname ) { $fname = __METHOD__ . "( $filename )"; } try { $error = $this->sourceStream( $fp, $lineCallback, $resultCallback, $fname, $inputCallback ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { fclose( $fp ); throw $e; } fclose( $fp ); return $error; } public function setSchemaVars( $vars ) { $this->schemaVars = is_array( $vars ) ? $vars : null; } public function sourceStream( $fp, callable $lineCallback = null, callable $resultCallback = null, $fname = __METHOD__, callable $inputCallback = null ) { $delimiterReset = new ScopedCallback( function ( $delimiter ) { $this->delimiter = $delimiter; }, [ $this->delimiter ] ); $cmd = ''; while ( !feof( $fp ) ) { if ( $lineCallback ) { call_user_func( $lineCallback ); } $line = trim( fgets( $fp ) ); if ( $line == '' ) { continue; } if ( $line[0] == '-' && $line[1] == '-' ) { continue; } if ( $cmd != '' ) { $cmd .= ' '; } $done = $this->streamStatementEnd( $cmd, $line ); $cmd .= "$line\n"; if ( $done || feof( $fp ) ) { $cmd = $this->replaceVars( $cmd ); if ( $inputCallback ) { $callbackResult = $inputCallback( $cmd ); if ( is_string( $callbackResult ) || !$callbackResult ) { $cmd = $callbackResult; } } if ( $cmd ) { $res = $this->query( $cmd, $fname ); if ( $resultCallback ) { $resultCallback( $res, $this ); } if ( $res === false ) { $err = $this->lastError(); return "Query \"{$cmd}\" failed with error code \"$err\".\n"; } } $cmd = ''; } } ScopedCallback::consume( $delimiterReset ); return true; } /** * Called by sourceStream() to check if we've reached a statement end * * @stable to override * @param string &$sql SQL assembled so far * @param string &$newLine New line about to be added to $sql * @return bool Whether $newLine contains end of the statement */ public function streamStatementEnd( &$sql, &$newLine ) { if ( $this->delimiter ) { $prev = $newLine; $newLine = preg_replace( '/' . preg_quote( $this->delimiter, '/' ) . '$/', '', $newLine ); if ( $newLine != $prev ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Database independent variable replacement. Replaces a set of variables * in an SQL statement with their contents as given by $this->getSchemaVars(). * * Supports '{$var}' `{$var}` and / *$var* / (without the spaces) style variables. * * - '{$var}' should be used for text and is passed through the database's * addQuotes method. * - `{$var}` should be used for identifiers (e.g. table and database names). * It is passed through the database's addIdentifierQuotes method which * can be overridden if the database uses something other than backticks. * - / *_* / or / *$wgDBprefix* / passes the name that follows through the * database's tableName method. * - / *i* / passes the name that follows through the database's indexName method. * - In all other cases, / *$var* / is left unencoded. Except for table options, * its use should be avoided. In 1.24 and older, string encoding was applied. * * @stable to override * @param string $ins SQL statement to replace variables in * @return string The new SQL statement with variables replaced */ protected function replaceVars( $ins ) { $vars = $this->getSchemaVars(); return preg_replace_callback( '! /\* (\$wgDBprefix|[_i]) \*/ (\w*) | # 1-2. tableName, indexName \'\{\$ (\w+) }\' | # 3. addQuotes `\{\$ (\w+) }` | # 4. addIdentifierQuotes /\*\$ (\w+) \*/ # 5. leave unencoded !x', function ( $m ) use ( $vars ) { // Note: Because of , // check for both nonexistent keys *and* the empty string. if ( isset( $m[1] ) && $m[1] !== '' ) { if ( $m[1] === 'i' ) { return $this->indexName( $m[2] ); } else { return $this->tableName( $m[2] ); } } elseif ( isset( $m[3] ) && $m[3] !== '' && array_key_exists( $m[3], $vars ) ) { return $this->addQuotes( $vars[$m[3]] ); } elseif ( isset( $m[4] ) && $m[4] !== '' && array_key_exists( $m[4], $vars ) ) { return $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $vars[$m[4]] ); } elseif ( isset( $m[5] ) && $m[5] !== '' && array_key_exists( $m[5], $vars ) ) { return $vars[$m[5]]; } else { return $m[0]; } }, $ins ); } /** * Get schema variables. If none have been set via setSchemaVars(), then * use some defaults from the current object. * * @return array */ protected function getSchemaVars() { return $this->schemaVars ?? $this->getDefaultSchemaVars(); } /** * Get schema variables to use if none have been set via setSchemaVars(). * * Override this in derived classes to provide variables for tables.sql * and SQL patch files. * * @stable to override * @return array */ protected function getDefaultSchemaVars() { return []; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function lockIsFree( $lockName, $method ) { // RDBMs methods for checking named locks may or may not count this thread itself. // In MySQL, IS_FREE_LOCK() returns 0 if the thread already has the lock. This is // the behavior chosen by the interface for this method. return !isset( $this->sessionNamedLocks[$lockName] ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout = 5 ) { $this->sessionNamedLocks[$lockName] = 1; return true; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function unlock( $lockName, $method ) { unset( $this->sessionNamedLocks[$lockName] ); return true; } public function getScopedLockAndFlush( $lockKey, $fname, $timeout ) { if ( $this->writesOrCallbacksPending() ) { // This only flushes transactions to clear snapshots, not to write data $fnames = implode( ', ', $this->pendingWriteAndCallbackCallers() ); throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "$fname: Cannot flush pre-lock snapshot; " . "writes from transaction {$this->trxFname} are still pending ($fnames)" ); } if ( !$this->lock( $lockKey, $fname, $timeout ) ) { return null; } $unlocker = new ScopedCallback( function () use ( $lockKey, $fname ) { if ( $this->trxLevel() ) { // There is a good chance an exception was thrown, causing any early return // from the caller. Let any error handler get a chance to issue rollback(). // If there isn't one, let the error bubble up and trigger server-side rollback. $this->onTransactionResolution( function () use ( $lockKey, $fname ) { $this->unlock( $lockKey, $fname ); }, $fname ); } else { $this->unlock( $lockKey, $fname ); } } ); $this->commit( $fname, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ); return $unlocker; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function namedLocksEnqueue() { return false; } public function tableLocksHaveTransactionScope() { return true; } final public function lockTables( array $read, array $write, $method ) { if ( $this->writesOrCallbacksPending() ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Transaction writes or callbacks still pending" ); } if ( $this->tableLocksHaveTransactionScope() ) { $this->startAtomic( $method ); } return $this->doLockTables( $read, $write, $method ); } /** * Helper function for lockTables() that handles the actual table locking * * @stable to override * @param array $read Array of tables to lock for read access * @param array $write Array of tables to lock for write access * @param string $method Name of caller * @return true */ protected function doLockTables( array $read, array $write, $method ) { return true; } final public function unlockTables( $method ) { if ( $this->tableLocksHaveTransactionScope() ) { $this->endAtomic( $method ); return true; // locks released on COMMIT/ROLLBACK } return $this->doUnlockTables( $method ); } /** * Helper function for unlockTables() that handles the actual table unlocking * * @stable to override * @param string $method Name of caller * @return true */ protected function doUnlockTables( $method ) { return true; } public function dropTable( $table, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !$this->tableExists( $table, $fname ) ) { return false; } $this->doDropTable( $table, $fname ); return true; } /** * @see Database::dropTable() * @stable to override * @param string $table * @param string $fname */ protected function doDropTable( $table, $fname ) { // https://mariadb.com/kb/en/drop-table/ // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/drop-table.html // https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/sql-truncate.html $sql = "DROP TABLE " . $this->tableName( $table ) . " CASCADE"; $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_IGNORE_DBO_TRX ); } public function truncate( $tables, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $tables = is_array( $tables ) ? $tables : [ $tables ]; $tablesTruncate = []; foreach ( $tables as $table ) { // Skip TEMPORARY tables with no writes nor sequence updates detected. // This mostly is an optimization for integration testing. if ( !$this->isPristineTemporaryTable( $table ) ) { $tablesTruncate[] = $table; } } if ( $tablesTruncate ) { $this->doTruncate( $tablesTruncate, $fname ); } } /** * @see Database::truncate() * @stable to override * @param string[] $tables * @param string $fname */ protected function doTruncate( array $tables, $fname ) { foreach ( $tables as $table ) { $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE " . $this->tableName( $table ); $this->query( $sql, $fname, self::QUERY_CHANGE_SCHEMA ); } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function getInfinity() { return 'infinity'; } public function encodeExpiry( $expiry ) { return ( $expiry == '' || $expiry == 'infinity' || $expiry == $this->getInfinity() ) ? $this->getInfinity() : $this->timestamp( $expiry ); } public function decodeExpiry( $expiry, $format = TS_MW ) { if ( $expiry == '' || $expiry == 'infinity' || $expiry == $this->getInfinity() ) { return 'infinity'; } return ConvertibleTimestamp::convert( $format, $expiry ); } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function setBigSelects( $value = true ) { // no-op } public function isReadOnly() { return ( $this->getReadOnlyReason() !== false ); } /** * @return array|bool Tuple of (read-only reason, "role" or "lb") or false if it is not */ protected function getReadOnlyReason() { if ( $this->topologyRole === self::ROLE_STREAMING_REPLICA ) { return [ 'Server is configured as a read-only replica database.', 'role' ]; } elseif ( $this->topologyRole === self::ROLE_STATIC_CLONE ) { return [ 'Server is configured as a read-only static clone database.', 'role' ]; } $reason = $this->getLBInfo( self::LB_READ_ONLY_REASON ); if ( is_string( $reason ) ) { return [ $reason, 'lb' ]; } return false; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function setTableAliases( array $aliases ) { $this->tableAliases = $aliases; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function setIndexAliases( array $aliases ) { $this->indexAliases = $aliases; } /** * @param int $field * @param int $flags * @return bool * @since 1.34 */ final protected function fieldHasBit( $field, $flags ) { return ( ( $field & $flags ) === $flags ); } /** * Get the underlying binding connection handle * * Makes sure the connection resource is set (disconnects and ping() failure can unset it). * This catches broken callers than catch and ignore disconnection exceptions. * Unlike checking isOpen(), this is safe to call inside of open(). * * @stable to override * @return mixed * @throws DBUnexpectedError * @since 1.26 */ protected function getBindingHandle() { if ( !$this->conn ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'DB connection was already closed or the connection dropped' ); } return $this->conn; } public function __toString() { // spl_object_id is PHP >= 7.2 $id = function_exists( 'spl_object_id' ) ? spl_object_id( $this ) : spl_object_hash( $this ); $description = $this->getType() . ' object #' . $id; if ( is_resource( $this->conn ) ) { $description .= ' (' . (string)$this->conn . ')'; // "resource id #" } elseif ( is_object( $this->conn ) ) { // spl_object_id is PHP >= 7.2 $handleId = function_exists( 'spl_object_id' ) ? spl_object_id( $this->conn ) : spl_object_hash( $this->conn ); $description .= " (handle id #$handleId)"; } return $description; } /** * Make sure that copies do not share the same client binding handle * @throws DBConnectionError */ public function __clone() { $this->connLogger->warning( "Cloning " . static::class . " is not recommended; forking connection", [ 'exception' => new RuntimeException() ] ); if ( $this->isOpen() ) { // Open a new connection resource without messing with the old one $this->conn = null; $this->trxEndCallbacks = []; // don't copy $this->trxSectionCancelCallbacks = []; // don't copy $this->handleSessionLossPreconnect(); // no trx or locks anymore $this->open( $this->server, $this->user, $this->password, $this->currentDomain->getDatabase(), $this->currentDomain->getSchema(), $this->tablePrefix() ); $this->lastPing = microtime( true ); } } /** * Called by serialize. Throw an exception when DB connection is serialized. * This causes problems on some database engines because the connection is * not restored on unserialize. */ public function __sleep() { throw new RuntimeException( 'Database serialization may cause problems, since ' . 'the connection is not restored on wakeup' ); } /** * Run a few simple sanity checks and close dangling connections */ public function __destruct() { if ( $this->trxLevel() && $this->trxDoneWrites ) { trigger_error( "Uncommitted DB writes (transaction from {$this->trxFname})" ); } $danglingWriters = $this->pendingWriteAndCallbackCallers(); if ( $danglingWriters ) { $fnames = implode( ', ', $danglingWriters ); trigger_error( "DB transaction writes or callbacks still pending ($fnames)" ); } if ( $this->conn ) { // Avoid connection leaks for sanity. Normally, resources close at script completion. // The connection might already be closed in PHP by now, so suppress warnings. AtEase::suppressWarnings(); $this->closeConnection(); AtEase::restoreWarnings(); $this->conn = null; } } } /** * @deprecated since 1.28 */ class_alias( Database::class, 'DatabaseBase' ); /** * @deprecated since 1.29 */ class_alias( Database::class, 'Database' );