(write start time, list of DBs involved) */ protected $dbTrxHoldingLocks = []; /** * @var array[][] transaction ID => list of (query name, start time, end time) * @phan-var array> */ protected $dbTrxMethodTimes = []; /** @var array */ protected $hits = [ 'writes' => 0, 'queries' => 0, 'conns' => 0, 'masterConns' => 0 ]; /** @var array */ protected $expect = [ 'writes' => INF, 'queries' => INF, 'conns' => INF, 'masterConns' => INF, 'maxAffected' => INF, 'readQueryRows' => INF, 'readQueryTime' => INF, 'writeQueryTime' => INF ]; /** @var array */ protected $expectBy = []; /** * @var LoggerInterface */ private $logger; public function __construct() { $this->setLogger( new NullLogger() ); } public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @param bool $value * @return bool Old value * @since 1.28 */ public function setSilenced( $value ) { $old = $this->silenced; $this->silenced = $value; return $old; } /** * Set performance expectations * * With conflicting expectations, the most narrow ones will be used * * @param string $event (writes,queries,conns,mConns) * @param int $value Maximum count of the event * @param string $fname Caller * @since 1.25 */ public function setExpectation( $event, $value, $fname ) { $this->expect[$event] = isset( $this->expect[$event] ) ? min( $this->expect[$event], $value ) : $value; if ( $this->expect[$event] == $value ) { $this->expectBy[$event] = $fname; } } /** * Set one or multiple performance expectations * * With conflicting expectations, the most narrow ones will be used * * Use this to initialize expectations or make them stricter mid-request * * @param array $expects Map of (event => limit) * @param string $fname * @since 1.26 */ public function setExpectations( array $expects, $fname ) { foreach ( $expects as $event => $value ) { $this->setExpectation( $event, $value, $fname ); } } /** * Reset all performance expectations and hit counters * * Use this for unit testing or before applying a totally different set of expectations * for a different part of the request, such as during "post-send" (execution after HTTP * response completion) * * @since 1.25 */ public function resetExpectations() { foreach ( $this->hits as &$val ) { $val = 0; } unset( $val ); foreach ( $this->expect as &$val ) { $val = INF; } unset( $val ); $this->expectBy = []; } /** * Clear all expectations and hit counters and set new performance expectations * * Use this to apply a totally different set of expectations for a different part * of the request, such as during "post-send" (execution after HTTP response completion) * * @param array $expects Map of (event => limit) * @param string $fname * @since 1.33 */ public function redefineExpectations( array $expects, $fname ) { $this->resetExpectations(); $this->setExpectations( $expects, $fname ); } /** * Mark a DB as having been connected to with a new handle * * Note that there can be multiple connections to a single DB. * * @param string $server DB server * @param string $db DB name * @param bool $isMaster */ public function recordConnection( $server, $db, $isMaster ) { // Report when too many connections happen... if ( $this->hits['conns']++ >= $this->expect['conns'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'conns', "[connect to $server ($db)]", $this->hits['conns'] ); } if ( $isMaster && $this->hits['masterConns']++ >= $this->expect['masterConns'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'masterConns', "[connect to $server ($db)]", $this->hits['masterConns'] ); } } /** * Mark a DB as in a transaction with one or more writes pending * * Note that there can be multiple connections to a single DB. * * @param string $server DB server * @param string $db DB name * @param string $id ID string of transaction */ public function transactionWritingIn( $server, $db, $id ) { $name = "{$server} ({$db}) (TRX#$id)"; if ( isset( $this->dbTrxHoldingLocks[$name] ) ) { $this->logger->warning( "Nested transaction for '$name' - out of sync." ); } $this->dbTrxHoldingLocks[$name] = [ 'start' => microtime( true ), 'conns' => [], // all connections involved ]; $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name] = []; foreach ( $this->dbTrxHoldingLocks as $name => &$info ) { // Track all DBs in transactions for this transaction $info['conns'][$name] = 1; } } /** * Register the name and time of a method for slow DB trx detection * * This assumes that all queries are synchronous (non-overlapping) * * @param string|GeneralizedSql $query Function name or generalized SQL * @param float $sTime Starting UNIX wall time * @param bool $isWrite Whether this is a write query * @param int $n Number of affected/read rows */ public function recordQueryCompletion( $query, $sTime, $isWrite = false, $n = 0 ) { $eTime = microtime( true ); $elapsed = ( $eTime - $sTime ); if ( $isWrite && $n > $this->expect['maxAffected'] ) { $this->logger->warning( "Query affected $n row(s):\n" . self::queryString( $query ) . "\n" . ( new RuntimeException() )->getTraceAsString() ); } elseif ( !$isWrite && $n > $this->expect['readQueryRows'] ) { $this->logger->warning( "Query returned $n row(s):\n" . self::queryString( $query ) . "\n" . ( new RuntimeException() )->getTraceAsString() ); } // Report when too many writes/queries happen... if ( $this->hits['queries']++ >= $this->expect['queries'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'queries', $query, $this->hits['queries'] ); } if ( $isWrite && $this->hits['writes']++ >= $this->expect['writes'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'writes', $query, $this->hits['writes'] ); } // Report slow queries... if ( !$isWrite && $elapsed > $this->expect['readQueryTime'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'readQueryTime', $query, $elapsed ); } if ( $isWrite && $elapsed > $this->expect['writeQueryTime'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'writeQueryTime', $query, $elapsed ); } if ( !$this->dbTrxHoldingLocks ) { // Short-circuit return; } elseif ( !$isWrite && $elapsed < $this->eventThreshold ) { // Not an important query nor slow enough return; } foreach ( $this->dbTrxHoldingLocks as $name => $info ) { $lastQuery = end( $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name] ); if ( $lastQuery ) { // Additional query in the trx... $lastEnd = $lastQuery[2]; if ( $sTime >= $lastEnd ) { // sanity check if ( ( $sTime - $lastEnd ) > $this->eventThreshold ) { // Add an entry representing the time spent doing non-queries $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name][] = [ '...delay...', $lastEnd, $sTime ]; } $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name][] = [ $query, $sTime, $eTime ]; } } else { // First query in the trx... if ( $sTime >= $info['start'] ) { // sanity check $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name][] = [ $query, $sTime, $eTime ]; } } } } /** * Mark a DB as no longer in a transaction * * This will check if locks are possibly held for longer than * needed and log any affected transactions to a special DB log. * Note that there can be multiple connections to a single DB. * * @param string $server DB server * @param string $db DB name * @param string $id ID string of transaction * @param float $writeTime Time spent in write queries * @param int $affected Number of rows affected by writes */ public function transactionWritingOut( $server, $db, $id, $writeTime = 0.0, $affected = 0 ) { $name = "{$server} ({$db}) (TRX#$id)"; if ( !isset( $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name] ) ) { $this->logger->warning( "Detected no transaction for '$name' - out of sync." ); return; } $slow = false; // Warn if too much time was spend writing... if ( $writeTime > $this->expect['writeQueryTime'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'writeQueryTime', "[transaction $id writes to {$server} ({$db})]", $writeTime ); $slow = true; } // Warn if too many rows were changed... if ( $affected > $this->expect['maxAffected'] ) { $this->reportExpectationViolated( 'maxAffected', "[transaction $id writes to {$server} ({$db})]", $affected ); } // Fill in the last non-query period... $lastQuery = end( $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name] ); if ( $lastQuery ) { $now = microtime( true ); $lastEnd = $lastQuery[2]; if ( ( $now - $lastEnd ) > $this->eventThreshold ) { $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name][] = [ '...delay...', $lastEnd, $now ]; } } // Check for any slow queries or non-query periods... foreach ( $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name] as $info ) { $elapsed = ( $info[2] - $info[1] ); if ( $elapsed >= $this->dbLockThreshold ) { $slow = true; break; } } if ( $slow ) { $trace = ''; foreach ( $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name] as $i => $info ) { list( $query, $sTime, $end ) = $info; $trace .= sprintf( "%d\t%.6f\t%s\n", $i, ( $end - $sTime ), self::queryString( $query ) ); } $this->logger->warning( "Sub-optimal transaction on DB(s) [{dbs}]: \n{trace}", [ 'dbs' => implode( ', ', array_keys( $this->dbTrxHoldingLocks[$name]['conns'] ) ), 'trace' => $trace ] ); } unset( $this->dbTrxHoldingLocks[$name] ); unset( $this->dbTrxMethodTimes[$name] ); } /** * @param string $expect * @param string|GeneralizedSql $query * @param string|float|int $actual */ protected function reportExpectationViolated( $expect, $query, $actual ) { if ( $this->silenced ) { return; } $this->logger->warning( "Expectation ({measure} <= {max}) by {by} not met (actual: {actual}):\n{query}\n" . ( new RuntimeException() )->getTraceAsString(), [ 'measure' => $expect, 'max' => $this->expect[$expect], 'by' => $this->expectBy[$expect], 'actual' => $actual, 'query' => self::queryString( $query ) ] ); } /** * @param GeneralizedSql|string $query * @return string */ private static function queryString( $query ) { return $query instanceof GeneralizedSql ? $query->stringify() : $query; } }