'RESTBagOStuff', * 'url' => 'http://localhost:7231/wikimedia.org/somepath/' * ); * @endcode * * Configuration for Kask (session storage): * @code * $wgObjectCaches['sessions'] = array( * 'class' => 'RESTBagOStuff', * 'url' => 'https://kaskhost:1234/sessions/v1/', * 'httpParams' => [ * 'readHeaders' => [], * 'writeHeaders' => [ 'content-type' => 'application/octet-stream' ], * 'deleteHeaders' => [], * 'writeMethod' => 'POST', * ], * 'serialization_type' => 'JSON', * 'extendedErrorBodyFields' => [ 'type', 'title', 'detail', 'instance' ] * ); * $wgSessionCacheType = 'sessions'; * @endcode */ class RESTBagOStuff extends MediumSpecificBagOStuff { /** * Default connection timeout in seconds. The kernel retransmits the SYN * packet after 1 second, so 1.2 seconds allows for 1 retransmit without * permanent failure. */ private const DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT = 1.2; /** * Default request timeout */ private const DEFAULT_REQ_TIMEOUT = 3.0; /** * @var MultiHttpClient */ private $client; /** * REST URL to use for storage. * @var string */ private $url; /** * @var array http parameters: readHeaders, writeHeaders, deleteHeaders, writeMethod */ private $httpParams; /** * Optional serialization type to use. Allowed values: "PHP", "JSON". * @var string */ private $serializationType; /** * Optional HMAC Key for protecting the serialized blob. If omitted no protection is done * @var string */ private $hmacKey; /** * @var array additional body fields to log on error, if possible */ private $extendedErrorBodyFields; public function __construct( $params ) { $params['segmentationSize'] = $params['segmentationSize'] ?? INF; if ( empty( $params['url'] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'URL parameter is required' ); } if ( empty( $params['client'] ) ) { // Pass through some params to the HTTP client. $clientParams = [ 'connTimeout' => $params['connTimeout'] ?? self::DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT, 'reqTimeout' => $params['reqTimeout'] ?? self::DEFAULT_REQ_TIMEOUT, ]; foreach ( [ 'caBundlePath', 'proxy' ] as $key ) { if ( isset( $params[$key] ) ) { $clientParams[$key] = $params[$key]; } } $this->client = new MultiHttpClient( $clientParams ); } else { $this->client = $params['client']; } $this->httpParams['writeMethod'] = $params['httpParams']['writeMethod'] ?? 'PUT'; $this->httpParams['readHeaders'] = $params['httpParams']['readHeaders'] ?? []; $this->httpParams['writeHeaders'] = $params['httpParams']['writeHeaders'] ?? []; $this->httpParams['deleteHeaders'] = $params['httpParams']['deleteHeaders'] ?? []; $this->extendedErrorBodyFields = $params['extendedErrorBodyFields'] ?? []; $this->serializationType = $params['serialization_type'] ?? 'PHP'; $this->hmacKey = $params['hmac_key'] ?? ''; // The parent constructor calls setLogger() which sets the logger in $this->client parent::__construct( $params ); // Make sure URL ends with / $this->url = rtrim( $params['url'], '/' ) . '/'; // Default config, R+W > N; no locks on reads though; writes go straight to state-machine $this->attrMap[self::ATTR_SYNCWRITES] = self::QOS_SYNCWRITES_QC; } public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { parent::setLogger( $logger ); $this->client->setLogger( $logger ); } protected function doGet( $key, $flags = 0, &$casToken = null ) { $casToken = null; $req = [ 'method' => 'GET', 'url' => $this->url . rawurlencode( $key ), 'headers' => $this->httpParams['readHeaders'], ]; list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->client->run( $req ); if ( $rcode === 200 ) { if ( is_string( $rbody ) ) { $value = $this->decodeBody( $rbody ); /// @FIXME: use some kind of hash or UUID header as CAS token $casToken = ( $value !== false ) ? $rbody : null; return $value; } return false; } if ( $rcode === 0 || ( $rcode >= 400 && $rcode != 404 ) ) { return $this->handleError( "Failed to fetch $key", $rcode, $rerr, $rhdrs, $rbody ); } return false; } protected function doSet( $key, $value, $exptime = 0, $flags = 0 ) { // @TODO: respect WRITE_SYNC (e.g. EACH_QUORUM) // @TODO: respect $exptime $req = [ 'method' => $this->httpParams['writeMethod'], 'url' => $this->url . rawurlencode( $key ), 'body' => $this->encodeBody( $value ), 'headers' => $this->httpParams['writeHeaders'], ]; list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->client->run( $req ); if ( $rcode === 200 || $rcode === 201 || $rcode === 204 ) { return true; } return $this->handleError( "Failed to store $key", $rcode, $rerr, $rhdrs, $rbody ); } protected function doAdd( $key, $value, $exptime = 0, $flags = 0 ) { // @TODO: make this atomic if ( $this->get( $key ) === false ) { return $this->set( $key, $value, $exptime, $flags ); } return false; // key already set } protected function doDelete( $key, $flags = 0 ) { // @TODO: respect WRITE_SYNC (e.g. EACH_QUORUM) $req = [ 'method' => 'DELETE', 'url' => $this->url . rawurlencode( $key ), 'headers' => $this->httpParams['deleteHeaders'], ]; list( $rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->client->run( $req ); if ( in_array( $rcode, [ 200, 204, 205, 404, 410 ] ) ) { return true; } return $this->handleError( "Failed to delete $key", $rcode, $rerr, $rhdrs, $rbody ); } public function incr( $key, $value = 1, $flags = 0 ) { // @TODO: make this atomic $n = $this->get( $key, self::READ_LATEST ); if ( $this->isInteger( $n ) ) { // key exists? $n = max( $n + (int)$value, 0 ); // @TODO: respect $exptime return $this->set( $key, $n ) ? $n : false; } return false; } public function decr( $key, $value = 1, $flags = 0 ) { return $this->incr( $key, -$value, $flags ); } /** * Processes the response body. * * @param string $body request body to process * @return mixed|bool the processed body, or false on error */ private function decodeBody( $body ) { $pieces = explode( '.', $body, 3 ); if ( count( $pieces ) !== 3 || $pieces[0] !== $this->serializationType ) { return false; } list( , $hmac, $serialized ) = $pieces; if ( $this->hmacKey !== '' ) { $checkHmac = hash_hmac( 'sha256', $serialized, $this->hmacKey, true ); if ( !hash_equals( $checkHmac, base64_decode( $hmac ) ) ) { return false; } } switch ( $this->serializationType ) { case 'JSON': $value = json_decode( $serialized, true ); return ( json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) ? $value : false; case 'PHP': return unserialize( $serialized ); default: throw new \DomainException( "Unknown serialization type: $this->serializationType" ); } } /** * Prepares the request body (the "value" portion of our key/value store) for transmission. * * @param string $body request body to prepare * @return string the prepared body * @throws LogicException */ private function encodeBody( $body ) { switch ( $this->serializationType ) { case 'JSON': $value = json_encode( $body ); if ( $value === false ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ": body could not be encoded." ); } break; case 'PHP': $value = serialize( $body ); break; default: throw new \DomainException( "Unknown serialization type: $this->serializationType" ); } if ( $this->hmacKey !== '' ) { $hmac = base64_encode( hash_hmac( 'sha256', $value, $this->hmacKey, true ) ); } else { $hmac = ''; } return $this->serializationType . '.' . $hmac . '.' . $value; } /** * Handle storage error * @param string $msg Error message * @param int $rcode Error code from client * @param string $rerr Error message from client * @param array $rhdrs Response headers * @param string $rbody Error body from client (if any) * @return false */ protected function handleError( $msg, $rcode, $rerr, $rhdrs, $rbody ) { $message = "$msg : ({code}) {error}"; $context = [ 'code' => $rcode, 'error' => $rerr ]; if ( $this->extendedErrorBodyFields !== [] ) { $body = $this->decodeBody( $rbody ); if ( $body ) { $extraFields = ''; foreach ( $this->extendedErrorBodyFields as $field ) { if ( isset( $body[$field] ) ) { $extraFields .= " : ({$field}) {$body[$field]}"; } } if ( $extraFields !== '' ) { $message .= " {extra_fields}"; $context['extra_fields'] = $extraFields; } } } $this->logger->error( $message, $context ); $this->setLastError( $rcode === 0 ? self::ERR_UNREACHABLE : self::ERR_UNEXPECTED ); return false; } }