backend = $backend; $this->logger = $logger; list( $required, $optional, $paths ) = $this->allowedParams(); foreach ( $required as $name ) { if ( isset( $params[$name] ) ) { $this->params[$name] = $params[$name]; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "File operation missing parameter '$name'." ); } } foreach ( $optional as $name ) { if ( isset( $params[$name] ) ) { $this->params[$name] = $params[$name]; } } foreach ( $paths as $name ) { if ( isset( $this->params[$name] ) ) { // Normalize paths so the paths to the same file have the same string $this->params[$name] = self::normalizeIfValidStoragePath( $this->params[$name] ); } } } /** * Normalize a string if it is a valid storage path * * @param string $path * @return string */ protected static function normalizeIfValidStoragePath( $path ) { if ( FileBackend::isStoragePath( $path ) ) { $res = FileBackend::normalizeStoragePath( $path ); return $res ?? $path; } return $path; } /** * Set the batch UUID this operation belongs to * * @param string $batchId */ final public function setBatchId( $batchId ) { $this->batchId = $batchId; } /** * Get the value of the parameter with the given name * * @param string $name * @return mixed Returns null if the parameter is not set */ final public function getParam( $name ) { return $this->params[$name] ?? null; } /** * Check if this operation failed precheck() or attempt() * * @return bool */ final public function failed() { return $this->failed; } /** * Get a new empty predicates array for precheck() * * @return array */ final public static function newPredicates() { return [ self::ASSUMED_EXISTS => [], self::ASSUMED_SHA1 => [], self::ASSUMED_SIZE => [] ]; } /** * Get a new empty dependency tracking array for paths read/written to * * @return array */ final public static function newDependencies() { return [ 'read' => [], 'write' => [] ]; } /** * Update a dependency tracking array to account for this operation * * @param array $deps Prior path reads/writes; format of FileOp::newPredicates() * @return array */ final public function applyDependencies( array $deps ) { $deps['read'] += array_fill_keys( $this->storagePathsRead(), 1 ); $deps['write'] += array_fill_keys( $this->storagePathsChanged(), 1 ); return $deps; } /** * Check if this operation changes files listed in $paths * * @param array $deps Prior path reads/writes; format of FileOp::newPredicates() * @return bool */ final public function dependsOn( array $deps ) { foreach ( $this->storagePathsChanged() as $path ) { if ( isset( $deps['read'][$path] ) || isset( $deps['write'][$path] ) ) { return true; // "output" or "anti" dependency } } foreach ( $this->storagePathsRead() as $path ) { if ( isset( $deps['write'][$path] ) ) { return true; // "flow" dependency } } return false; } /** * Get the file journal entries for this file operation * * @param array $oPredicates Pre-op info about files (format of FileOp::newPredicates) * @param array $nPredicates Post-op info about files (format of FileOp::newPredicates) * @return array */ final public function getJournalEntries( array $oPredicates, array $nPredicates ) { if ( $this->cancelled ) { return []; // this is a no-op } $nullEntries = []; $updateEntries = []; $deleteEntries = []; foreach ( $this->storagePathsReadOrChanged() as $path ) { $nullEntries[] = [ // assertion for recovery 'op' => 'null', 'path' => $path, 'newSha1' => $this->fileSha1( $path, $oPredicates ) ]; } foreach ( $this->storagePathsChanged() as $path ) { if ( $nPredicates[self::ASSUMED_SHA1][$path] === false ) { // deleted $deleteEntries[] = [ 'op' => 'delete', 'path' => $path, 'newSha1' => '' ]; } else { // created/updated $updateEntries[] = [ 'op' => $this->fileExists( $path, $oPredicates ) ? 'update' : 'create', 'path' => $path, 'newSha1' => $nPredicates[self::ASSUMED_SHA1][$path] ]; } } return array_merge( $nullEntries, $updateEntries, $deleteEntries ); } /** * Check preconditions of the operation without writing anything. * This must update $predicates for each path that the op can change * except when a failing StatusValue object is returned. * * @param array &$predicates * @return StatusValue */ final public function precheck( array &$predicates ) { if ( $this->state !== self::STATE_NEW ) { return StatusValue::newFatal( 'fileop-fail-state', self::STATE_NEW, $this->state ); } $this->state = self::STATE_CHECKED; $status = StatusValue::newGood(); foreach ( $this->storagePathsReadOrChanged() as $path ) { if ( !$this->backend->isPathUsableInternal( $path ) ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-usable', $path ); } } if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; } $status = $this->doPrecheck( $predicates ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->failed = true; } return $status; } /** * @param array &$predicates * @return StatusValue */ protected function doPrecheck( array &$predicates ) { return StatusValue::newGood(); } /** * Attempt the operation * * @return StatusValue */ final public function attempt() { if ( $this->state !== self::STATE_CHECKED ) { return StatusValue::newFatal( 'fileop-fail-state', self::STATE_CHECKED, $this->state ); } elseif ( $this->failed ) { // failed precheck return StatusValue::newFatal( 'fileop-fail-attempt-precheck' ); } $this->state = self::STATE_ATTEMPTED; if ( $this->cancelled ) { $status = StatusValue::newGood(); // no-op } else { $status = $this->doAttempt(); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->failed = true; $this->logFailure( 'attempt' ); } } return $status; } /** * @return StatusValue */ protected function doAttempt() { return StatusValue::newGood(); } /** * Attempt the operation in the background * * @return StatusValue */ final public function attemptAsync() { $this->async = true; $result = $this->attempt(); $this->async = false; return $result; } /** * Attempt the operation without regards to prechecks * * @return StatusValue */ final public function attemptQuick() { $this->state = self::STATE_CHECKED; // bypassed return $this->attempt(); } /** * Attempt the operation in the background without regards to prechecks * * @return StatusValue */ final public function attemptAsyncQuick() { $this->state = self::STATE_CHECKED; // bypassed return $this->attemptAsync(); } /** * Get the file operation parameters * * @return array (required params list, optional params list, list of params that are paths) */ protected function allowedParams() { return [ [], [], [] ]; } /** * Adjust params to FileBackendStore internal file calls * * @param array $params * @return array (required params list, optional params list) */ protected function setFlags( array $params ) { return [ 'async' => $this->async ] + $params; } /** * Get a list of storage paths read from for this operation * * @return array */ public function storagePathsRead() { return []; } /** * Get a list of storage paths written to for this operation * * @return array */ public function storagePathsChanged() { return []; } /** * Get a list of storage paths read from or written to for this operation * * @return array */ final public function storagePathsReadOrChanged() { return array_values( array_unique( array_merge( $this->storagePathsRead(), $this->storagePathsChanged() ) ) ); } /** * Check for errors with regards to the destination file already existing. * Also set destExists, overwriteSameCase, sourceSize, and sourceSha1 member variables. * A bad StatusValue will be returned if there is no chance it can be overwritten. * * @param array $predicates * @return StatusValue */ protected function precheckDestExistence( array $predicates ) { $status = StatusValue::newGood(); // Record the size of source file/string $this->sourceSize = $this->getSourceSize(); // FS file or data string if ( $this->sourceSize === null ) { // file in storage? $this->sourceSize = $this->fileSize( $this->params['src'], $predicates ); } // Record the hash of source file/string $this->sourceSha1 = $this->getSourceSha1Base36(); // FS file or data string if ( $this->sourceSha1 === null ) { // file in storage? $this->sourceSha1 = $this->fileSha1( $this->params['src'], $predicates ); } // Record the existence of destination file $this->destExists = $this->fileExists( $this->params['dst'], $predicates ); // Check if an incompatible file exists at the destination $this->overwriteSameCase = false; if ( $this->destExists ) { if ( $this->getParam( 'overwrite' ) ) { return $status; // OK, no conflict } elseif ( $this->getParam( 'overwriteSame' ) ) { // Operation does nothing other than return an OK or bad status $dhash = $this->fileSha1( $this->params['dst'], $predicates ); $dsize = $this->fileSize( $this->params['dst'], $predicates ); // Check if hashes are valid and match each other... if ( !strlen( $this->sourceSha1 ) || !strlen( $dhash ) ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-hashes' ); } elseif ( !is_int( $this->sourceSize ) || !is_int( $dsize ) ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-sizes' ); } elseif ( $this->sourceSha1 !== $dhash || $this->sourceSize !== $dsize ) { // Give an error if the files are not identical $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-notsame', $this->params['dst'] ); } else { $this->overwriteSameCase = true; // OK } } else { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-alreadyexists', $this->params['dst'] ); } } elseif ( $this->destExists === FileBackend::EXISTENCE_ERROR ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-stat', $this->params['dst'] ); } return $status; } /** * precheckDestExistence() helper function to get the source file size. * Subclasses should overwrite this if the source is not in storage. * * @return string|bool Returns false on failure */ protected function getSourceSize() { return null; // N/A } /** * precheckDestExistence() helper function to get the source file SHA-1. * Subclasses should overwrite this if the source is not in storage. * * @return string|bool Returns false on failure */ protected function getSourceSha1Base36() { return null; // N/A } /** * Check if a file will exist in storage when this operation is attempted * * Ideally, the file stat entry should already be preloaded via preloadFileStat(). * Otherwise, this will query the backend. * * @param string $source Storage path * @param array $predicates * @return bool|null Whether the file will exist or null on error */ final protected function fileExists( $source, array $predicates ) { if ( isset( $predicates[self::ASSUMED_EXISTS][$source] ) ) { return $predicates[self::ASSUMED_EXISTS][$source]; // previous op assures this } else { $params = [ 'src' => $source, 'latest' => true ]; return $this->backend->fileExists( $params ); } } /** * Get the size a file in storage will have when this operation is attempted * * Ideally, file the stat entry should already be preloaded via preloadFileStat() and * the backend tracks hashes as extended attributes. Otherwise, this will query the backend. * Get the size of a file in storage when this operation is attempted * * @param string $source Storage path * @param array $predicates * @return int False on failure */ final protected function fileSize( $source, array $predicates ) { if ( isset( $predicates[self::ASSUMED_SIZE][$source] ) ) { return $predicates[self::ASSUMED_SIZE][$source]; // previous op assures this } elseif ( isset( $predicates[self::ASSUMED_EXISTS][$source] ) && !$predicates[self::ASSUMED_EXISTS][$source] ) { return false; // previous op assures this } else { $params = [ 'src' => $source, 'latest' => true ]; return $this->backend->getFileSize( $params ); } } /** * Get the SHA-1 of a file in storage when this operation is attempted * * @param string $source Storage path * @param array $predicates * @return string|bool The SHA-1 hash the file will have or false if non-existent or on error */ final protected function fileSha1( $source, array $predicates ) { if ( isset( $predicates[self::ASSUMED_SHA1][$source] ) ) { return $predicates[self::ASSUMED_SHA1][$source]; // previous op assures this } elseif ( isset( $predicates[self::ASSUMED_EXISTS][$source] ) && !$predicates[self::ASSUMED_EXISTS][$source] ) { return false; // previous op assures this } else { $params = [ 'src' => $source, 'latest' => true ]; return $this->backend->getFileSha1Base36( $params ); } } /** * Get the backend this operation is for * * @return FileBackendStore */ public function getBackend() { return $this->backend; } /** * Log a file operation failure and preserve any temp files * * @param string $action */ final public function logFailure( $action ) { $params = $this->params; $params['failedAction'] = $action; try { $this->logger->error( static::class . " failed (batch #{$this->batchId}): " . FormatJson::encode( $params ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // bad config? debug log error? } } }