syncChecks = $config['syncChecks'] ?? self::CHECK_SIZE; $this->autoResync = $config['autoResync'] ?? false; $this->asyncWrites = isset( $config['replication'] ) && $config['replication'] === 'async'; // Construct backends here rather than via registration // to keep these backends hidden from outside the proxy. $namesUsed = []; foreach ( $config['backends'] as $index => $config ) { $name = $config['name']; if ( isset( $namesUsed[$name] ) ) { // don't break FileOp predicates throw new LogicException( "Two or more backends defined with the name $name." ); } $namesUsed[$name] = 1; // Alter certain sub-backend settings for sanity unset( $config['readOnly'] ); // use proxy backend setting unset( $config['fileJournal'] ); // use proxy backend journal unset( $config['lockManager'] ); // lock under proxy backend $config['domainId'] = $this->domainId; // use the proxy backend wiki ID if ( !empty( $config['isMultiMaster'] ) ) { if ( $this->masterIndex >= 0 ) { throw new LogicException( 'More than one master backend defined.' ); } $this->masterIndex = $index; // this is the "master" $config['fileJournal'] = $this->fileJournal; // log under proxy backend } if ( !empty( $config['readAffinity'] ) ) { $this->readIndex = $index; // prefer this for reads } // Create sub-backend object if ( !isset( $config['class'] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'No class given for a backend config.' ); } $class = $config['class']; $this->backends[$index] = new $class( $config ); } if ( $this->masterIndex < 0 ) { // need backends and must have a master throw new LogicException( 'No master backend defined.' ); } if ( $this->readIndex < 0 ) { $this->readIndex = $this->masterIndex; // default } } final protected function doOperationsInternal( array $ops, array $opts ) { $status = $this->newStatus(); $mbe = $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]; // convenience // Acquire any locks as needed $scopeLock = null; if ( empty( $opts['nonLocking'] ) ) { $scopeLock = $this->getScopedLocksForOps( $ops, $status ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; // abort } } // Get the list of paths to read/write $relevantPaths = $this->fileStoragePathsForOps( $ops ); // Clear any cache entries (after locks acquired) $this->clearCache( $relevantPaths ); $opts['preserveCache'] = true; // only locked files are cached // Check if the paths are valid and accessible on all backends $status->merge( $this->accessibilityCheck( $relevantPaths ) ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; // abort } // Do a consistency check to see if the backends are consistent $syncStatus = $this->consistencyCheck( $relevantPaths ); if ( !$syncStatus->isOK() ) { $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ": failed sync check: " . FormatJson::encode( $relevantPaths ) ); // Try to resync the clone backends to the master on the spot if ( $this->autoResync === false || !$this->resyncFiles( $relevantPaths, $this->autoResync )->isOK() ) { $status->merge( $syncStatus ); return $status; // abort } } // Actually attempt the operation batch on the master backend $realOps = $this->substOpBatchPaths( $ops, $mbe ); $masterStatus = $mbe->doOperations( $realOps, $opts ); $status->merge( $masterStatus ); // Propagate the operations to the clone backends if there were no unexpected errors // and everything didn't fail due to predicted errors. If $ops only had one operation, // this might avoid backend sync inconsistencies. if ( $masterStatus->isOK() && $masterStatus->successCount > 0 ) { foreach ( $this->backends as $index => $backend ) { if ( $index === $this->masterIndex ) { continue; // done already } $realOps = $this->substOpBatchPaths( $ops, $backend ); if ( $this->asyncWrites && !$this->hasVolatileSources( $ops ) ) { // Bind $scopeLock to the callback to preserve locks DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $backend, $realOps, $opts, $scopeLock, $relevantPaths ) { $this->logger->error( "'{$backend->getName()}' async replication; paths: " . FormatJson::encode( $relevantPaths ) ); $backend->doOperations( $realOps, $opts ); } ); } else { $this->logger->error( "'{$backend->getName()}' sync replication; paths: " . FormatJson::encode( $relevantPaths ) ); $status->merge( $backend->doOperations( $realOps, $opts ) ); } } } // Make 'success', 'successCount', and 'failCount' fields reflect // the overall operation, rather than all the batches for each backend. // Do this by only using success values from the master backend's batch. $status->success = $masterStatus->success; $status->successCount = $masterStatus->successCount; $status->failCount = $masterStatus->failCount; return $status; } /** * Check that a set of files are consistent across all internal backends * * This method should only be called if the files are locked or the backend * is in read-only mode * * @param array $paths List of storage paths * @return StatusValue */ public function consistencyCheck( array $paths ) { $status = $this->newStatus(); if ( $this->syncChecks == 0 || count( $this->backends ) <= 1 ) { return $status; // skip checks } // Preload all of the stat info in as few round trips as possible foreach ( $this->backends as $backend ) { $realPaths = $this->substPaths( $paths, $backend ); $backend->preloadFileStat( [ 'srcs' => $realPaths, 'latest' => true ] ); } foreach ( $paths as $path ) { $params = [ 'src' => $path, 'latest' => true ]; // Get the state of the file on the master backend $masterBackend = $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]; $masterParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $masterBackend ); $masterStat = $masterBackend->getFileStat( $masterParams ); if ( $masterStat === self::STAT_ERROR ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-stat', $path ); continue; } if ( $this->syncChecks & self::CHECK_SHA1 ) { $masterSha1 = $masterBackend->getFileSha1Base36( $masterParams ); if ( ( $masterSha1 !== false ) !== (bool)$masterStat ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-hash', $path ); continue; } } else { $masterSha1 = null; // unused } // Check if all clone backends agree with the master... foreach ( $this->backends as $index => $cloneBackend ) { if ( $index === $this->masterIndex ) { continue; // master } // Get the state of the file on the clone backend $cloneParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $cloneBackend ); $cloneStat = $cloneBackend->getFileStat( $cloneParams ); if ( $masterStat ) { // File exists in the master backend if ( !$cloneStat ) { // File is missing from the clone backend $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-synced', $path ); } elseif ( ( $this->syncChecks & self::CHECK_SIZE ) && $cloneStat['size'] !== $masterStat['size'] ) { // File in the clone backend is different $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-synced', $path ); } elseif ( ( $this->syncChecks & self::CHECK_TIME ) && abs( ConvertibleTimestamp::convert( TS_UNIX, $masterStat['mtime'] ) - ConvertibleTimestamp::convert( TS_UNIX, $cloneStat['mtime'] ) ) > 30 ) { // File in the clone backend is significantly newer or older $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-synced', $path ); } elseif ( ( $this->syncChecks & self::CHECK_SHA1 ) && $cloneBackend->getFileSha1Base36( $cloneParams ) !== $masterSha1 ) { // File in the clone backend is different $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-synced', $path ); } } else { // File does not exist in the master backend if ( $cloneStat ) { // Stray file exists in the clone backend $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-synced', $path ); } } } } return $status; } /** * Check that a set of file paths are usable across all internal backends * * @param array $paths List of storage paths * @return StatusValue */ public function accessibilityCheck( array $paths ) { $status = $this->newStatus(); if ( count( $this->backends ) <= 1 ) { return $status; // skip checks } foreach ( $paths as $path ) { foreach ( $this->backends as $backend ) { $realPath = $this->substPaths( $path, $backend ); if ( !$backend->isPathUsableInternal( $realPath ) ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-usable', $path ); } } } return $status; } /** * Check that a set of files are consistent across all internal backends * and re-synchronize those files against the "multi master" if needed. * * This method should only be called if the files are locked * * @param array $paths List of storage paths * @param string|bool $resyncMode False, True, or "conservative"; see __construct() * @return StatusValue */ public function resyncFiles( array $paths, $resyncMode = true ) { $status = $this->newStatus(); $fname = __METHOD__; foreach ( $paths as $path ) { $params = [ 'src' => $path, 'latest' => true ]; // Get the state of the file on the master backend $masterBackend = $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]; $masterParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $masterBackend ); $masterPath = $masterParams['src']; $masterStat = $masterBackend->getFileStat( $masterParams ); if ( $masterStat === self::STAT_ERROR ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-stat', $path ); $this->logger->error( "$fname: file '$masterPath' is not available" ); continue; } $masterSha1 = $masterBackend->getFileSha1Base36( $masterParams ); if ( ( $masterSha1 !== false ) !== (bool)$masterStat ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-hash', $path ); $this->logger->error( "$fname: file '$masterPath' hash does not match stat" ); continue; } // Check of all clone backends agree with the master... foreach ( $this->backends as $index => $cloneBackend ) { if ( $index === $this->masterIndex ) { continue; // master } // Get the state of the file on the clone backend $cloneParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $cloneBackend ); $clonePath = $cloneParams['src']; $cloneStat = $cloneBackend->getFileStat( $cloneParams ); if ( $cloneStat === self::STAT_ERROR ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-stat', $path ); $this->logger->error( "$fname: file '$clonePath' is not available" ); continue; } $cloneSha1 = $cloneBackend->getFileSha1Base36( $cloneParams ); if ( ( $cloneSha1 !== false ) !== (bool)$cloneStat ) { $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-hash', $path ); $this->logger->error( "$fname: file '$clonePath' hash does not match stat" ); continue; } if ( $masterSha1 === $cloneSha1 ) { // File is either the same in both backends or absent from both backends $this->logger->debug( "$fname: file '$clonePath' matches '$masterPath'" ); } elseif ( $masterSha1 !== false ) { // File is either missing from or different in the clone backend if ( $resyncMode === 'conservative' && $cloneStat && // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable $cloneStat['mtime'] > $masterStat['mtime'] ) { // Do not replace files with older ones; reduces the risk of data loss $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-synced', $path ); } else { // Copy the master backend file to the clone backend in overwrite mode $fsFile = $masterBackend->getLocalReference( $masterParams ); $status->merge( $cloneBackend->quickStore( [ 'src' => $fsFile, 'dst' => $clonePath ] ) ); } } elseif ( $masterStat === false ) { // Stray file exists in the clone backend if ( $resyncMode === 'conservative' ) { // Do not delete stray files; reduces the risk of data loss $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-synced', $path ); } else { // Delete the stay file from the clone backend $status->merge( $cloneBackend->quickDelete( [ 'src' => $clonePath ] ) ); } } } } if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->logger->error( "$fname: failed to resync: " . FormatJson::encode( $paths ) ); } return $status; } /** * Get a list of file storage paths to read or write for a list of operations * * @param array $ops Same format as doOperations() * @return array List of storage paths to files (does not include directories) */ protected function fileStoragePathsForOps( array $ops ) { $paths = []; foreach ( $ops as $op ) { if ( isset( $op['src'] ) ) { // For things like copy/move/delete with "ignoreMissingSource" and there // is no source file, nothing should happen and there should be no errors. if ( empty( $op['ignoreMissingSource'] ) || $this->fileExists( [ 'src' => $op['src'] ] ) ) { $paths[] = $op['src']; } } if ( isset( $op['srcs'] ) ) { $paths = array_merge( $paths, $op['srcs'] ); } if ( isset( $op['dst'] ) ) { $paths[] = $op['dst']; } } return array_values( array_unique( array_filter( $paths, 'FileBackend::isStoragePath' ) ) ); } /** * Substitute the backend name in storage path parameters * for a set of operations with that of a given internal backend. * * @param array $ops List of file operation arrays * @param FileBackendStore $backend * @return array */ protected function substOpBatchPaths( array $ops, FileBackendStore $backend ) { $newOps = []; // operations foreach ( $ops as $op ) { $newOp = $op; // operation foreach ( [ 'src', 'srcs', 'dst', 'dir' ] as $par ) { if ( isset( $newOp[$par] ) ) { // string or array $newOp[$par] = $this->substPaths( $newOp[$par], $backend ); } } $newOps[] = $newOp; } return $newOps; } /** * Same as substOpBatchPaths() but for a single operation * * @param array $ops File operation array * @param FileBackendStore $backend * @return array */ protected function substOpPaths( array $ops, FileBackendStore $backend ) { $newOps = $this->substOpBatchPaths( [ $ops ], $backend ); return $newOps[0]; } /** * Substitute the backend of storage paths with an internal backend's name * * @param array|string $paths List of paths or single string path * @param FileBackendStore $backend * @return string[]|string */ protected function substPaths( $paths, FileBackendStore $backend ) { return preg_replace( '!^mwstore://' . preg_quote( $this->name, '!' ) . '/!', StringUtils::escapeRegexReplacement( "mwstore://{$backend->getName()}/" ), $paths // string or array ); } /** * Substitute the backend of internal storage paths with the proxy backend's name * * @param array|string $paths List of paths or single string path * @param FileBackendStore $backend internal storage backend * @return string[]|string */ protected function unsubstPaths( $paths, FileBackendStore $backend ) { return preg_replace( '!^mwstore://' . preg_quote( $backend->getName(), '!' ) . '/!', StringUtils::escapeRegexReplacement( "mwstore://{$this->name}/" ), $paths // string or array ); } /** * @param array[] $ops File operations for FileBackend::doOperations() * @return bool Whether there are file path sources with outside lifetime/ownership */ protected function hasVolatileSources( array $ops ) { foreach ( $ops as $op ) { if ( $op['op'] === 'store' && !isset( $op['srcRef'] ) ) { return true; // source file might be deleted anytime after do*Operations() } } return false; } protected function doQuickOperationsInternal( array $ops, array $opts ) { $status = $this->newStatus(); // Do the operations on the master backend; setting StatusValue fields $realOps = $this->substOpBatchPaths( $ops, $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ); $masterStatus = $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->doQuickOperations( $realOps ); $status->merge( $masterStatus ); // Propagate the operations to the clone backends... foreach ( $this->backends as $index => $backend ) { if ( $index === $this->masterIndex ) { continue; // done already } $realOps = $this->substOpBatchPaths( $ops, $backend ); if ( $this->asyncWrites && !$this->hasVolatileSources( $ops ) ) { DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $backend, $realOps ) { $backend->doQuickOperations( $realOps ); } ); } else { $status->merge( $backend->doQuickOperations( $realOps ) ); } } // Make 'success', 'successCount', and 'failCount' fields reflect // the overall operation, rather than all the batches for each backend. // Do this by only using success values from the master backend's batch. $status->success = $masterStatus->success; $status->successCount = $masterStatus->successCount; $status->failCount = $masterStatus->failCount; return $status; } protected function doPrepare( array $params ) { return $this->doDirectoryOp( 'prepare', $params ); } protected function doSecure( array $params ) { return $this->doDirectoryOp( 'secure', $params ); } protected function doPublish( array $params ) { return $this->doDirectoryOp( 'publish', $params ); } protected function doClean( array $params ) { return $this->doDirectoryOp( 'clean', $params ); } /** * @param string $method One of (doPrepare,doSecure,doPublish,doClean) * @param array $params Method arguments * @return StatusValue */ protected function doDirectoryOp( $method, array $params ) { $status = $this->newStatus(); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ); $masterStatus = $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->$method( $realParams ); $status->merge( $masterStatus ); foreach ( $this->backends as $index => $backend ) { if ( $index === $this->masterIndex ) { continue; // already done } $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $backend ); if ( $this->asyncWrites ) { DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $backend, $method, $realParams ) { $backend->$method( $realParams ); } ); } else { $status->merge( $backend->$method( $realParams ) ); } } return $status; } public function concatenate( array $params ) { $status = $this->newStatus(); // We are writing to an FS file, so we don't need to do this per-backend $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); $status->merge( $this->backends[$index]->concatenate( $realParams ) ); return $status; } public function fileExists( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->fileExists( $realParams ); } public function getFileTimestamp( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->getFileTimestamp( $realParams ); } public function getFileSize( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->getFileSize( $realParams ); } public function getFileStat( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->getFileStat( $realParams ); } public function getFileXAttributes( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->getFileXAttributes( $realParams ); } public function getFileContentsMulti( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); $contentsM = $this->backends[$index]->getFileContentsMulti( $realParams ); $contents = []; // (path => FSFile) mapping using the proxy backend's name foreach ( $contentsM as $path => $data ) { $contents[$this->unsubstPaths( $path, $this->backends[$index] )] = $data; } return $contents; } public function getFileSha1Base36( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->getFileSha1Base36( $realParams ); } public function getFileProps( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->getFileProps( $realParams ); } public function streamFile( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->streamFile( $realParams ); } public function getLocalReferenceMulti( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); $fsFilesM = $this->backends[$index]->getLocalReferenceMulti( $realParams ); $fsFiles = []; // (path => FSFile) mapping using the proxy backend's name foreach ( $fsFilesM as $path => $fsFile ) { $fsFiles[$this->unsubstPaths( $path, $this->backends[$index] )] = $fsFile; } return $fsFiles; } public function getLocalCopyMulti( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); $tempFilesM = $this->backends[$index]->getLocalCopyMulti( $realParams ); $tempFiles = []; // (path => TempFSFile) mapping using the proxy backend's name foreach ( $tempFilesM as $path => $tempFile ) { $tempFiles[$this->unsubstPaths( $path, $this->backends[$index] )] = $tempFile; } return $tempFiles; } public function getFileHttpUrl( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->getFileHttpUrl( $realParams ); } public function directoryExists( array $params ) { $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ); return $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->directoryExists( $realParams ); } public function getDirectoryList( array $params ) { $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ); return $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->getDirectoryList( $realParams ); } public function getFileList( array $params ) { $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ); return $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->getFileList( $realParams ); } public function getFeatures() { return $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->getFeatures(); } public function clearCache( array $paths = null ) { foreach ( $this->backends as $backend ) { $realPaths = is_array( $paths ) ? $this->substPaths( $paths, $backend ) : null; $backend->clearCache( $realPaths ); } } public function preloadCache( array $paths ) { $realPaths = $this->substPaths( $paths, $this->backends[$this->readIndex] ); $this->backends[$this->readIndex]->preloadCache( $realPaths ); } public function preloadFileStat( array $params ) { $index = $this->getReadIndexFromParams( $params ); $realParams = $this->substOpPaths( $params, $this->backends[$index] ); return $this->backends[$index]->preloadFileStat( $realParams ); } public function getScopedLocksForOps( array $ops, StatusValue $status ) { $realOps = $this->substOpBatchPaths( $ops, $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ); $fileOps = $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->getOperationsInternal( $realOps ); // Get the paths to lock from the master backend $paths = $this->backends[$this->masterIndex]->getPathsToLockForOpsInternal( $fileOps ); // Get the paths under the proxy backend's name $pbPaths = [ LockManager::LOCK_UW => $this->unsubstPaths( $paths[LockManager::LOCK_UW], $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ), LockManager::LOCK_EX => $this->unsubstPaths( $paths[LockManager::LOCK_EX], $this->backends[$this->masterIndex] ) ]; // Actually acquire the locks return $this->getScopedFileLocks( $pbPaths, 'mixed', $status ); } /** * @param array $params * @return int The master or read affinity backend index, based on $params['latest'] */ protected function getReadIndexFromParams( array $params ) { return !empty( $params['latest'] ) ? $this->masterIndex : $this->readIndex; } }