. XHProf can be installed via PECL. * * @copyright © 2014 Wikimedia Foundation and contributors * @since 1.28 */ class XhprofData { /** * @var array */ protected $config; /** * Hierarchical profiling data returned by xhprof. * @var array[] */ protected $hieraData; /** * Per-function inclusive data. * @var array[][] */ protected $inclusive; /** * Per-function inclusive and exclusive data. * @var array[] */ protected $complete; /** * Configuration data can contain: * - include: Array of function names to include in profiling. * - sort: Key to sort per-function reports on. * * @param array $data Xhprof profiling data, as returned by xhprof_disable() * @param array $config */ public function __construct( array $data, array $config = [] ) { $this->config = array_merge( [ 'include' => null, 'sort' => 'wt', ], $config ); $this->hieraData = $this->pruneData( $data ); } /** * Get raw data collected by xhprof. * * Each key in the returned array is an edge label for the call graph in * the form "caller==>callee". There is once special case edge labled * simply "main()" which represents the global scope entry point of the * application. * * XHProf will collect different data depending on the flags that are used: * - ct: Number of matching events seen. * - wt: Inclusive elapsed wall time for this event in microseconds. * - cpu: Inclusive elapsed cpu time for this event in microseconds. * (XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU) * - mu: Delta of memory usage from start to end of callee in bytes. * (XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY) * - pmu: Delta of peak memory usage from start to end of callee in * bytes. (XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY) * - alloc: Delta of amount memory requested from malloc() by the callee, * in bytes. (XHPROF_FLAGS_MALLOC) * - free: Delta of amount of memory passed to free() by the callee, in * bytes. (XHPROF_FLAGS_MALLOC) * * @return array * @see getInclusiveMetrics() * @see getCompleteMetrics() */ public function getRawData() { return $this->hieraData; } /** * Convert an xhprof data key into an array of ['parent', 'child'] * function names. * * The resulting array is left padded with nulls, so a key * with no parent (eg 'main()') will return [null, 'function']. * * @param string $key * @return array */ public static function splitKey( $key ) { return array_pad( explode( '==>', $key, 2 ), -2, null ); } /** * Remove data for functions that are not included in the 'include' * configuration array. * * @param array[] $data Raw xhprof data * @return array[] */ protected function pruneData( $data ) { if ( !$this->config['include'] ) { return $data; } $want = array_fill_keys( $this->config['include'], true ); $want['main()'] = true; $keep = []; foreach ( $data as $key => $stats ) { list( $parent, $child ) = self::splitKey( $key ); if ( isset( $want[$parent] ) || isset( $want[$child] ) ) { $keep[$key] = $stats; } } return $keep; } /** * Get the inclusive metrics for each function call. Inclusive metrics * for given function include the metrics for all functions that were * called from that function during the measurement period. * * See getRawData() for a description of the metric that are returned for * each funcition call. The values for the wt, cpu, mu and pmu metrics are * arrays with these values: * - total: Cumulative value * - min: Minimum value * - mean: Mean (average) value * - max: Maximum value * - variance: Variance (spread) of the values * * @return array[][] * @see getRawData() * @see getCompleteMetrics() */ public function getInclusiveMetrics() { if ( $this->inclusive === null ) { $main = $this->hieraData['main()']; $hasCpu = isset( $main['cpu'] ); $hasMu = isset( $main['mu'] ); $hasAlloc = isset( $main['alloc'] ); $inclusive = []; foreach ( $this->hieraData as $key => $stats ) { list( $parent, $child ) = self::splitKey( $key ); if ( !isset( $inclusive[$child] ) ) { $inclusive[$child] = [ 'ct' => 0, 'wt' => new RunningStat(), ]; if ( $hasCpu ) { $inclusive[$child]['cpu'] = new RunningStat(); } if ( $hasMu ) { $inclusive[$child]['mu'] = new RunningStat(); $inclusive[$child]['pmu'] = new RunningStat(); } if ( $hasAlloc ) { $inclusive[$child]['alloc'] = new RunningStat(); $inclusive[$child]['free'] = new RunningStat(); } } $inclusive[$child]['ct'] += $stats['ct']; foreach ( $stats as $stat => $value ) { if ( $stat === 'ct' ) { continue; } if ( !isset( $inclusive[$child][$stat] ) ) { // Ignore unknown stats continue; } for ( $i = 0; $i < $stats['ct']; $i++ ) { $inclusive[$child][$stat]->addObservation( $value / $stats['ct'] ); } } } // Convert RunningStat instances to static arrays and add // percentage stats. foreach ( $inclusive as $func => $stats ) { foreach ( $stats as $name => $value ) { if ( $value instanceof RunningStat ) { $total = $value->getMean() * $value->getCount(); $percent = ( isset( $main[$name] ) && $main[$name] ) ? 100 * $total / $main[$name] : 0; $inclusive[$func][$name] = [ 'total' => $total, 'min' => $value->min, 'mean' => $value->getMean(), 'max' => $value->max, 'variance' => $value->m2, 'percent' => $percent, ]; } } } uasort( $inclusive, self::makeSortFunction( $this->config['sort'], 'total' ) ); $this->inclusive = $inclusive; } return $this->inclusive; } /** * Get the inclusive and exclusive metrics for each function call. * * In addition to the normal data contained in the inclusive metrics, the * metrics have an additional 'exclusive' measurement which is the total * minus the totals of all child function calls. * * @return array[] * @see getRawData() * @see getInclusiveMetrics() */ public function getCompleteMetrics() { if ( $this->complete === null ) { // Start with inclusive data $this->complete = $this->getInclusiveMetrics(); foreach ( $this->complete as $func => $stats ) { foreach ( $stats as $stat => $value ) { if ( $stat === 'ct' ) { continue; } // Initialize exclusive data with inclusive totals $this->complete[$func][$stat]['exclusive'] = $value['total']; } // Add sapce for call tree information to be filled in later $this->complete[$func]['calls'] = []; $this->complete[$func]['subcalls'] = []; } foreach ( $this->hieraData as $key => $stats ) { list( $parent, $child ) = self::splitKey( $key ); if ( $parent !== null ) { // Track call tree information $this->complete[$child]['calls'][$parent] = $stats; $this->complete[$parent]['subcalls'][$child] = $stats; } if ( isset( $this->complete[$parent] ) ) { // Deduct child inclusive data from exclusive data foreach ( $stats as $stat => $value ) { if ( $stat === 'ct' ) { continue; } if ( !isset( $this->complete[$parent][$stat] ) ) { // Ignore unknown stats continue; } $this->complete[$parent][$stat]['exclusive'] -= $value; } } } uasort( $this->complete, self::makeSortFunction( $this->config['sort'], 'exclusive' ) ); } return $this->complete; } /** * Get a list of all callers of a given function. * * @param string $function Function name * @return array * @see getEdges() */ public function getCallers( $function ) { $edges = $this->getCompleteMetrics(); if ( isset( $edges[$function]['calls'] ) ) { return array_keys( $edges[$function]['calls'] ); } else { return []; } } /** * Get a list of all callees from a given function. * * @param string $function Function name * @return array * @see getEdges() */ public function getCallees( $function ) { $edges = $this->getCompleteMetrics(); if ( isset( $edges[$function]['subcalls'] ) ) { return array_keys( $edges[$function]['subcalls'] ); } else { return []; } } /** * Find the critical path for the given metric. * * @param string $metric Metric to find critical path for * @return array */ public function getCriticalPath( $metric = 'wt' ) { $func = 'main()'; $path = [ $func => $this->hieraData[$func], ]; while ( $func ) { $callees = $this->getCallees( $func ); $maxCallee = null; $maxCall = null; foreach ( $callees as $callee ) { $call = "{$func}==>{$callee}"; if ( $maxCall === null || $this->hieraData[$call][$metric] > $this->hieraData[$maxCall][$metric] ) { $maxCallee = $callee; $maxCall = $call; } } if ( $maxCall !== null ) { $path[$maxCall] = $this->hieraData[$maxCall]; } $func = $maxCallee; } return $path; } /** * Make a closure to use as a sort function. The resulting function will * sort by descending numeric values (largest value first). * * @param string $key Data key to sort on * @param string $sub Sub key to sort array values on * @return Closure */ public static function makeSortFunction( $key, $sub ) { return function ( $a, $b ) use ( $key, $sub ) { if ( isset( $a[$key] ) && isset( $b[$key] ) ) { // Descending sort: larger values will be first in result. // Values for 'main()' will not have sub keys $valA = is_array( $a[$key] ) ? $a[$key][$sub] : $a[$key]; $valB = is_array( $b[$key] ) ? $b[$key][$sub] : $b[$key]; return $valB <=> $valA; } else { // Sort datum with the key before those without return isset( $a[$key] ) ? -1 : 1; } }; } }