assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS ); $this->options = $options; $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer ); } /** * Checks whether any localisation is available for that language tag in MediaWiki * (MessagesXx.php or xx.json exists). * * @param string $code Language tag (in lower case) * @return bool Whether language is supported */ public function isSupportedLanguage( string $code ) : bool { if ( !$this->isValidBuiltInCode( $code ) ) { return false; } if ( $code === 'qqq' ) { // Special code for internal use, not supported even though there is a qqq.json return false; } return is_readable( $this->getMessagesFileName( $code ) ) || is_readable( $this->getJsonMessagesFileName( $code ) ); } /** * Returns true if a language code string is of a valid form, whether or not it exists. This * includes codes which are used solely for customisation via the MediaWiki namespace. * * @param string $code * * @return bool */ public function isValidCode( string $code ) : bool { if ( !isset( $this->validCodeCache[$code] ) ) { // People think language codes are HTML-safe, so enforce it. Ideally we should only // allow a-zA-Z0-9- but .+ and other chars are often used for {{int:}} hacks. See bugs // T39564, T39587, T38938. $this->validCodeCache[$code] = // Protect against path traversal strcspn( $code, ":/\\\000&<>'\"" ) === strlen( $code ) && !preg_match( MediaWikiTitleCodec::getTitleInvalidRegex(), $code ); } return $this->validCodeCache[$code]; } /** * Returns true if a language code is of a valid form for the purposes of internal customisation * of MediaWiki, via Messages*.php or *.json. * * @param string $code * @return bool */ public function isValidBuiltInCode( string $code ) : bool { return (bool)preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9-]{2,}$/', $code ); } /** * Returns true if a language code is an IETF tag known to MediaWiki. * * @param string $tag * * @return bool */ public function isKnownLanguageTag( string $tag ) : bool { // Quick escape for invalid input to avoid exceptions down the line when code tries to // process tags which are not valid at all. if ( !$this->isValidBuiltInCode( $tag ) ) { return false; } if ( isset( Data\Names::$names[$tag] ) || $this->getLanguageName( $tag, $tag ) !== '' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get an array of language names, indexed by code. * @param null|string $inLanguage Code of language in which to return the names * Use self::AUTONYMS for autonyms (native names) * @param string $include One of: * self::ALL all available languages * self::DEFINED only if the language is defined in MediaWiki or wgExtraLanguageNames * (default) * self::SUPPORTED only if the language is in self::DEFINED *and* has a message file * @return array Language code => language name (sorted by key) */ public function getLanguageNames( $inLanguage = self::AUTONYMS, $include = self::DEFINED ) { $cacheKey = $inLanguage === self::AUTONYMS ? 'null' : $inLanguage; $cacheKey .= ":$include"; if ( !$this->languageNameCache ) { $this->languageNameCache = new HashBagOStuff( [ 'maxKeys' => 20 ] ); } $ret = $this->languageNameCache->get( $cacheKey ); if ( !$ret ) { $ret = $this->getLanguageNamesUncached( $inLanguage, $include ); $this->languageNameCache->set( $cacheKey, $ret ); } return $ret; } /** * Uncached helper for getLanguageNames * @param null|string $inLanguage As getLanguageNames * @param string $include As getLanguageNames * @return array Language code => language name (sorted by key) */ private function getLanguageNamesUncached( $inLanguage, $include ) { // If passed an invalid language code to use, fallback to en if ( $inLanguage !== self::AUTONYMS && !$this->isValidCode( $inLanguage ) ) { $inLanguage = 'en'; } $names = []; if ( $inLanguage !== self::AUTONYMS ) { # TODO: also include for self::AUTONYMS, when this code is more efficient $this->hookRunner->onLanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames( $names, $inLanguage ); } $mwNames = $this->options->get( 'ExtraLanguageNames' ) + Data\Names::$names; if ( $this->options->get( 'UsePigLatinVariant' ) ) { // Pig Latin (for variant development) $mwNames['en-x-piglatin'] = 'Igpay Atinlay'; } foreach ( $mwNames as $mwCode => $mwName ) { # - Prefer own MediaWiki native name when not using the hook # - For other names just add if not added through the hook if ( $mwCode === $inLanguage || !isset( $names[$mwCode] ) ) { $names[$mwCode] = $mwName; } } if ( $include === self::ALL ) { ksort( $names ); return $names; } $returnMw = []; $coreCodes = array_keys( $mwNames ); foreach ( $coreCodes as $coreCode ) { $returnMw[$coreCode] = $names[$coreCode]; } if ( $include === self::SUPPORTED ) { $namesMwFile = []; # We do this using a foreach over the codes instead of a directory loop so that messages # files in extensions will work correctly. foreach ( $returnMw as $code => $value ) { if ( is_readable( $this->getMessagesFileName( $code ) ) || is_readable( $this->getJsonMessagesFileName( $code ) ) ) { $namesMwFile[$code] = $names[$code]; } } ksort( $namesMwFile ); return $namesMwFile; } ksort( $returnMw ); # self::DEFINED option; default if it's not one of the other two options # (self::ALL/self::SUPPORTED) return $returnMw; } /** * @param string $code The code of the language for which to get the name * @param null|string $inLanguage Code of language in which to return the name (self::AUTONYMS * for autonyms) * @param string $include See getLanguageNames(), except this defaults to self::ALL instead of * self::DEFINED * @return string Language name or empty * @since 1.20 */ public function getLanguageName( $code, $inLanguage = self::AUTONYMS, $include = self::ALL ) { $code = strtolower( $code ); $array = $this->getLanguageNames( $inLanguage, $include ); return $array[$code] ?? ''; } /** * Get the name of a file for a certain language code * @param string $prefix Prepend this to the filename * @param string $code Language code * @param string $suffix Append this to the filename * @throws MWException * @return string $prefix . $mangledCode . $suffix */ public function getFileName( $prefix, $code, $suffix = '.php' ) { if ( !$this->isValidBuiltInCode( $code ) ) { throw new MWException( "Invalid language code \"$code\"" ); } return $prefix . str_replace( '-', '_', ucfirst( $code ) ) . $suffix; } /** * @param string $code * @return string */ public function getMessagesFileName( $code ) { global $IP; $file = $this->getFileName( "$IP/languages/messages/Messages", $code, '.php' ); $this->hookRunner->onLanguage__getMessagesFileName( $code, $file ); return $file; } /** * @param string $code * @return string * @throws MWException */ public function getJsonMessagesFileName( $code ) { global $IP; if ( !$this->isValidBuiltInCode( $code ) ) { throw new MWException( "Invalid language code \"$code\"" ); } return "$IP/languages/i18n/$code.json"; } }