, PhiLiP */ /** * The rules used for language conversion, this processes the rules * extracted by Parser from the `-{ }-` wikitext syntax. * * @ingroup Language */ class ConverterRule { /** * @var string original text in -{text}- */ public $mText; /** * @var LanguageConverter */ public $mConverter; public $mRuleDisplay = ''; public $mRuleTitle = false; /** * @var string the text of the rules */ public $mRules = ''; public $mRulesAction = 'none'; public $mFlags = []; public $mVariantFlags = []; public $mConvTable = []; /** * @var array of the translation in each variant */ public $mBidtable = []; /** * @var array of the translation in each variant */ public $mUnidtable = []; /** * @param string $text The text between -{ and }- * @param LanguageConverter $converter */ public function __construct( $text, LanguageConverter $converter ) { $this->mText = $text; $this->mConverter = $converter; } /** * Check if variants array in convert array. * * @param array|string $variants Variant language code * @return string Translated text */ public function getTextInBidtable( $variants ) { $variants = (array)$variants; if ( !$variants ) { return false; } foreach ( $variants as $variant ) { if ( isset( $this->mBidtable[$variant] ) ) { return $this->mBidtable[$variant]; } } return false; } /** * Parse flags with syntax -{FLAG| ... }- */ private function parseFlags() { $text = $this->mText; $flags = []; $variantFlags = []; $sepPos = strpos( $text, '|' ); if ( $sepPos !== false ) { $validFlags = $this->mConverter->mFlags; $f = StringUtils::explode( ';', substr( $text, 0, $sepPos ) ); foreach ( $f as $ff ) { $ff = trim( $ff ); if ( isset( $validFlags[$ff] ) ) { $flags[$validFlags[$ff]] = true; } } $text = strval( substr( $text, $sepPos + 1 ) ); } if ( !$flags ) { $flags['S'] = true; } elseif ( isset( $flags['R'] ) ) { // remove other flags $flags = [ 'R' => true ]; } elseif ( isset( $flags['N'] ) ) { // remove other flags $flags = [ 'N' => true ]; } elseif ( isset( $flags['-'] ) ) { // remove other flags $flags = [ '-' => true ]; } elseif ( count( $flags ) === 1 && isset( $flags['T'] ) ) { $flags['H'] = true; } elseif ( isset( $flags['H'] ) ) { // replace A flag, and remove other flags except T $temp = [ '+' => true, 'H' => true ]; if ( isset( $flags['T'] ) ) { $temp['T'] = true; } if ( isset( $flags['D'] ) ) { $temp['D'] = true; } $flags = $temp; } else { if ( isset( $flags['A'] ) ) { $flags['+'] = true; $flags['S'] = true; } if ( isset( $flags['D'] ) ) { unset( $flags['S'] ); } // try to find flags like "zh-hans", "zh-hant" // allow syntaxes like "-{zh-hans;zh-hant|XXXX}-" $variantFlags = array_intersect( array_keys( $flags ), $this->mConverter->getVariants() ); if ( $variantFlags ) { $variantFlags = array_flip( $variantFlags ); $flags = []; } } $this->mVariantFlags = $variantFlags; $this->mRules = $text; $this->mFlags = $flags; } /** * Generate conversion table. */ private function parseRules() { $rules = $this->mRules; $bidtable = []; $unidtable = []; $varsep_pattern = $this->mConverter->getVarSeparatorPattern(); // Split according to $varsep_pattern, but ignore semicolons from HTML entities $rules = preg_replace( '/(&[#a-zA-Z0-9]+);/', "$1\x01", $rules ); $choice = preg_split( $varsep_pattern, $rules ); $choice = str_replace( "\x01", ';', $choice ); foreach ( $choice as $c ) { $v = explode( ':', $c, 2 ); if ( count( $v ) !== 2 ) { // syntax error, skip continue; } $to = trim( $v[1] ); $v = trim( $v[0] ); $u = explode( '=>', $v, 2 ); $vv = $this->mConverter->validateVariant( $v ); // if $to is empty (which is also used as $from in bidtable), // strtr() could return a wrong result. if ( count( $u ) === 1 && $to !== '' && $vv ) { $bidtable[$vv] = $to; } elseif ( count( $u ) === 2 ) { $from = trim( $u[0] ); $v = trim( $u[1] ); $vv = $this->mConverter->validateVariant( $v ); // if $from is empty, strtr() could return a wrong result. if ( array_key_exists( $vv, $unidtable ) && !is_array( $unidtable[$vv] ) && $from !== '' && $vv ) { $unidtable[$vv] = [ $from => $to ]; } elseif ( $from !== '' && $vv ) { $unidtable[$vv][$from] = $to; } } // syntax error, pass if ( !isset( $this->mConverter->mVariantNames[$vv] ) ) { $bidtable = []; $unidtable = []; break; } } $this->mBidtable = $bidtable; $this->mUnidtable = $unidtable; } /** * @return string */ private function getRulesDesc() { $codesep = $this->mConverter->mDescCodeSep; $varsep = $this->mConverter->mDescVarSep; $text = ''; foreach ( $this->mBidtable as $k => $v ) { $text .= $this->mConverter->mVariantNames[$k] . "$codesep$v$varsep"; } foreach ( $this->mUnidtable as $k => $a ) { foreach ( $a as $from => $to ) { $text .= $from . '⇒' . $this->mConverter->mVariantNames[$k] . "$codesep$to$varsep"; } } return $text; } /** * Parse rules conversion. * * @param string $variant * * @return string */ private function getRuleConvertedStr( $variant ) { $bidtable = $this->mBidtable; $unidtable = $this->mUnidtable; if ( count( $bidtable ) + count( $unidtable ) === 0 ) { return $this->mRules; } // display current variant in bidirectional array $disp = $this->getTextInBidtable( $variant ); // or display current variant in fallbacks if ( $disp === false ) { $disp = $this->getTextInBidtable( $this->mConverter->getVariantFallbacks( $variant ) ); } // or display current variant in unidirectional array if ( $disp === false && array_key_exists( $variant, $unidtable ) ) { $disp = array_values( $unidtable[$variant] )[0]; } // or display first text under disable manual convert if ( $disp === false && $this->mConverter->mManualLevel[$variant] === 'disable' ) { if ( count( $bidtable ) > 0 ) { $disp = array_values( $bidtable )[0]; } else { $disp = array_values( array_values( $unidtable )[0] )[0]; } } return $disp; } /** * Similar to getRuleConvertedStr(), but this prefers to use original * page title if $variant === $this->mConverter->mMainLanguageCode * and may return false in this case (so this title conversion rule * will be ignored and the original title is shown). * * @since 1.22 * @param string $variant The variant code to display page title in * @return string|bool The converted title or false if just page name */ private function getRuleConvertedTitle( $variant ) { if ( $variant === $this->mConverter->mMainLanguageCode ) { // If a string targeting exactly this variant is set, // use it. Otherwise, just return false, so the real // page name can be shown (and because variant === main, // there'll be no further automatic conversion). $disp = $this->getTextInBidtable( $variant ); if ( $disp ) { return $disp; } if ( array_key_exists( $variant, $this->mUnidtable ) ) { $disp = array_values( $this->mUnidtable[$variant] )[0]; } // Assigned above or still false. return $disp; } return $this->getRuleConvertedStr( $variant ); } /** * Generate conversion table for all text. */ private function generateConvTable() { // Special case optimisation if ( !$this->mBidtable && !$this->mUnidtable ) { $this->mConvTable = []; return; } $bidtable = $this->mBidtable; $unidtable = $this->mUnidtable; $manLevel = $this->mConverter->mManualLevel; $vmarked = []; foreach ( $this->mConverter->mVariants as $v ) { /* for bidirectional array fill in the missing variants, if any, with fallbacks */ if ( !isset( $bidtable[$v] ) ) { $variantFallbacks = $this->mConverter->getVariantFallbacks( $v ); $vf = $this->getTextInBidtable( $variantFallbacks ); if ( $vf ) { $bidtable[$v] = $vf; } } if ( isset( $bidtable[$v] ) ) { foreach ( $vmarked as $vo ) { // use syntax: -{A|zh:WordZh;zh-tw:WordTw}- // or -{H|zh:WordZh;zh-tw:WordTw}- // or -{-|zh:WordZh;zh-tw:WordTw}- // to introduce a custom mapping between // words WordZh and WordTw in the whole text if ( $manLevel[$v] === 'bidirectional' ) { $this->mConvTable[$v][$bidtable[$vo]] = $bidtable[$v]; } if ( $manLevel[$vo] === 'bidirectional' ) { $this->mConvTable[$vo][$bidtable[$v]] = $bidtable[$vo]; } } $vmarked[] = $v; } /* for unidirectional array fill to convert tables */ if ( ( $manLevel[$v] === 'bidirectional' || $manLevel[$v] === 'unidirectional' ) && isset( $unidtable[$v] ) ) { if ( isset( $this->mConvTable[$v] ) ) { $this->mConvTable[$v] = $unidtable[$v] + $this->mConvTable[$v]; } else { $this->mConvTable[$v] = $unidtable[$v]; } } } } /** * Parse rules and flags. * @param string|null $variant Variant language code */ public function parse( $variant = null ) { if ( !$variant ) { $variant = $this->mConverter->getPreferredVariant(); } $this->parseFlags(); $flags = $this->mFlags; // convert to specified variant // syntax: -{zh-hans;zh-hant[;...]|}- if ( $this->mVariantFlags ) { // check if current variant in flags if ( isset( $this->mVariantFlags[$variant] ) ) { // then convert to current language $this->mRules = $this->mConverter->autoConvert( $this->mRules, $variant ); } else { // if current variant no in flags, // then we check its fallback variants. $variantFallbacks = $this->mConverter->getVariantFallbacks( $variant ); if ( is_array( $variantFallbacks ) ) { foreach ( $variantFallbacks as $variantFallback ) { // if current variant's fallback exist in flags if ( isset( $this->mVariantFlags[$variantFallback] ) ) { // then convert to fallback language $this->mRules = $this->mConverter->autoConvert( $this->mRules, $variantFallback ); break; } } } } $this->mFlags = $flags = [ 'R' => true ]; } if ( !isset( $flags['R'] ) && !isset( $flags['N'] ) ) { // decode => HTML entities modified by Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags $this->mRules = str_replace( '=>', '=>', $this->mRules ); $this->parseRules(); } $rules = $this->mRules; if ( !$this->mBidtable && !$this->mUnidtable ) { if ( isset( $flags['+'] ) || isset( $flags['-'] ) ) { // fill all variants if text in -{A/H/-|text}- is non-empty but without rules if ( $rules !== '' ) { foreach ( $this->mConverter->mVariants as $v ) { $this->mBidtable[$v] = $rules; } } } elseif ( !isset( $flags['N'] ) && !isset( $flags['T'] ) ) { $this->mFlags = $flags = [ 'R' => true ]; } } $this->mRuleDisplay = false; foreach ( $flags as $flag => $unused ) { switch ( $flag ) { case 'R': // if we don't do content convert, still strip the -{}- tags $this->mRuleDisplay = $rules; break; case 'N': // process N flag: output current variant name $ruleVar = trim( $rules ); $this->mRuleDisplay = $this->mConverter->mVariantNames[$ruleVar] ?? ''; break; case 'D': // process D flag: output rules description $this->mRuleDisplay = $this->getRulesDesc(); break; case 'H': // process H,- flag or T only: output nothing $this->mRuleDisplay = ''; break; case '-': $this->mRulesAction = 'remove'; $this->mRuleDisplay = ''; break; case '+': $this->mRulesAction = 'add'; $this->mRuleDisplay = ''; break; case 'S': $this->mRuleDisplay = $this->getRuleConvertedStr( $variant ); break; case 'T': $this->mRuleTitle = $this->getRuleConvertedTitle( $variant ); $this->mRuleDisplay = ''; break; default: // ignore unknown flags (but see error case below) } } if ( $this->mRuleDisplay === false ) { $this->mRuleDisplay = '' . wfMessage( 'converter-manual-rule-error' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped() . ''; } $this->generateConvTable(); } /** * Checks if there are conversion rules. * @return bool */ public function hasRules() { return $this->mRules !== ''; } /** * Get display text on markup -{...}- * @return string */ public function getDisplay() { return $this->mRuleDisplay; } /** * Get converted title. * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->mRuleTitle; } /** * Return how deal with conversion rules. * @return string */ public function getRulesAction() { return $this->mRulesAction; } /** * Get conversion table. (bidirectional and unidirectional * conversion table) * @return array */ public function getConvTable() { return $this->mConvTable; } /** * Get conversion rules string. * @return string */ public function getRules() { return $this->mRules; } /** * Get conversion flags. * @return array */ public function getFlags() { return $this->mFlags; } }