debug = $debug; } /** * @param LoggerInterface $logger * @return void * @deprecated since 1.35. Rely on the logger passed in the constructor. */ public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.35' ); $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Calling this directly is deprecated. * Obtain an instance via MediaWikiServices instead. * @param ServiceOptions|LoggerInterface|null $serviceOptions * @param ILBFactory|null $lbFactory * @param JobQueueGroup|null $jobQueueGroup The JobQueueGroup for this wiki * @param ReadOnlyMode|null $readOnlyMode * @param LinkCache|null $linkCache * @param StatsdDataFactoryInterface|null $statsdDataFactory * @param LoggerInterface|null $logger */ public function __construct( $serviceOptions = null, ILBFactory $lbFactory = null, JobQueueGroup $jobQueueGroup = null, ReadOnlyMode $readOnlyMode = null, LinkCache $linkCache = null, StatsdDataFactoryInterface $statsdDataFactory = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null ) { if ( !$serviceOptions || $serviceOptions instanceof LoggerInterface ) { // TODO: wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ . 'called directly. Use MediaWikiServices instead', '1.35' ); $logger = $serviceOptions; $serviceOptions = new ServiceOptions( static::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS, MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig() ); } $this->options = $serviceOptions; $this->lbFactory = $lbFactory ?? MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $this->jobQueueGroup = $jobQueueGroup ?? JobQueueGroup::singleton(); $this->readOnlyMode = $readOnlyMode ?: MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getReadOnlyMode(); $this->linkCache = $linkCache ?? MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkCache(); $this->stats = $statsdDataFactory ?? MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory(); $this->logger = $logger ?? LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'runJobs' ); } /** * Run jobs of the specified number/type for the specified time * * The response map has a 'job' field that lists status of each job, including: * - type : the job/queue type * - status : ok/failed * - error : any error message string * - time : the job run time in ms * The response map also has: * - backoffs : the (job/queue type => seconds) map of backoff times * - elapsed : the total time spent running tasks in ms * - reached : the reason the script finished, one of (none-ready, job-limit, time-limit, * memory-limit) * * This method outputs status information only if a debug handler was set. * Any exceptions are caught and logged, but are not reported as output. * * @param array $options Map of parameters: * - type : specified job/queue type (or false for the default types) * - maxJobs : maximum number of jobs to run * - maxTime : maximum time in seconds before stopping * - throttle : whether to respect job backoff configuration * @return array Summary response that can easily be JSON serialized * @throws JobQueueError */ public function run( array $options ) { $type = $options['type'] ?? false; $maxJobs = $options['maxJobs'] ?? false; $maxTime = $options['maxTime'] ?? false; $throttle = $options['throttle'] ?? true; $jobClasses = $this->options->get( 'JobClasses' ); $profilerLimits = $this->options->get( 'TrxProfilerLimits' ); $response = [ 'jobs' => [], 'reached' => 'none-ready' ]; if ( $type !== false && !isset( $jobClasses[$type] ) ) { // Invalid job type specified $response['reached'] = 'none-possible'; return $response; } if ( $this->readOnlyMode->isReadOnly() ) { // Any jobs popped off the queue might fail to run and thus might end up lost $response['reached'] = 'read-only'; return $response; } list( , $maxLag ) = $this->lbFactory->getMainLB()->getMaxLag(); if ( $maxLag >= self::MAX_ALLOWED_LAG ) { // DB lag is already too high; caller can immediately try other wikis if applicable $response['reached'] = 'replica-lag-limit'; return $response; } // Narrow DB query expectations for this HTTP request $this->lbFactory->getTransactionProfiler() ->setExpectations( $profilerLimits['JobRunner'], __METHOD__ ); // Error out if an explicit DB transaction round is somehow active if ( $this->lbFactory->hasTransactionRound() ) { throw new LogicException( __METHOD__ . ' called with an active transaction round.' ); } // Some jobs types should not run until a certain timestamp $backoffs = []; // map of (type => UNIX expiry) $backoffDeltas = []; // map of (type => seconds) $wait = 'wait'; // block to read backoffs the first time $loopStartTime = microtime( true ); $jobsPopped = 0; $timeMsTotal = 0; $lastSyncTime = 1; // initialize "last sync check timestamp" to "ages ago" // Keep popping and running jobs until there are no more... do { // Sync the persistent backoffs with concurrent runners $backoffs = $this->syncBackoffDeltas( $backoffs, $backoffDeltas, $wait ); $blacklist = $throttle ? array_keys( $backoffs ) : []; $wait = 'nowait'; // less important now if ( $type === false ) { // Treat the default job type queues as a single queue and pop off a job $job = $this->jobQueueGroup ->pop( JobQueueGroup::TYPE_DEFAULT, JobQueueGroup::USE_CACHE, $blacklist ); } else { // Pop off a job from the specified job type queue unless the execution of // that type of job is currently rate-limited by the back-off blacklist $job = in_array( $type, $blacklist ) ? false : $this->jobQueueGroup->pop( $type ); } if ( $job ) { ++$jobsPopped; $jType = $job->getType(); // Back off of certain jobs for a while (for throttling and for errors) $ttw = $this->getBackoffTimeToWait( $job ); if ( $ttw > 0 ) { // Always add the delta for other runners in case the time running the // job negated the backoff for each individually but not collectively. $backoffDeltas[$jType] = ( $backoffDeltas[$jType] ?? 0 ) + $ttw; $backoffs = $this->syncBackoffDeltas( $backoffs, $backoffDeltas, $wait ); } $info = $this->executeJob( $job ); // Mark completed or "one shot only" jobs as resolved if ( $info['status'] !== false || !$job->allowRetries() ) { $this->jobQueueGroup->ack( $job ); } // Back off of certain jobs for a while (for throttling and for errors) if ( $info['status'] === false && mt_rand( 0, 49 ) == 0 ) { $ttw = max( $ttw, $this->getErrorBackoffTTL( $info['caught'] ) ); $backoffDeltas[$jType] = isset( $backoffDeltas[$jType] ) ? $backoffDeltas[$jType] + $ttw : $ttw; } $response['jobs'][] = [ 'type' => $jType, 'status' => ( $info['status'] === false ) ? 'failed' : 'ok', 'error' => $info['error'], 'time' => $info['timeMs'] ]; $timeMsTotal += $info['timeMs']; // Break out if we hit the job count or wall time limits if ( $maxJobs && $jobsPopped >= $maxJobs ) { $response['reached'] = 'job-limit'; break; } elseif ( $maxTime && ( microtime( true ) - $loopStartTime ) > $maxTime ) { $response['reached'] = 'time-limit'; break; } // Don't let any of the main DB replica DBs get backed up. // This only waits for so long before exiting and letting // other wikis in the farm (on different masters) get a chance. $timePassed = microtime( true ) - $lastSyncTime; if ( $timePassed >= self::LAG_CHECK_PERIOD || $timePassed < 0 ) { $opts = [ 'ifWritesSince' => $lastSyncTime, 'timeout' => self::SYNC_TIMEOUT ]; if ( !$this->lbFactory->waitForReplication( $opts ) ) { $response['reached'] = 'replica-lag-limit'; break; } $lastSyncTime = microtime( true ); } // Abort if nearing OOM to avoid erroring out in the middle of a job if ( !$this->checkMemoryOK() ) { $response['reached'] = 'memory-limit'; break; } } } while ( $job ); // Sync the persistent backoffs for the next runJobs.php pass if ( $backoffDeltas ) { $this->syncBackoffDeltas( $backoffs, $backoffDeltas, 'wait' ); } $response['backoffs'] = $backoffs; $response['elapsed'] = $timeMsTotal; return $response; } /** * Run a specific job in a manner appropriate for mass use by job dispatchers * * Wraps the job's run() and tearDown() methods into appropriate transaction rounds. * During execution, SPI-based logging will use the ID of the HTTP request that spawned * the job (instead of the current one). Large DB write transactions will be subject to * $wgJobSerialCommitThreshold and $wgMaxJobDBWriteDuration. * * This should never be called if there are explicit transaction rounds or pending DB writes * * @param RunnableJob $job * @return array Map of: * - status: boolean; whether the job succeed * - error: error string; empty if there was no error specified * - caught: list of FQCNs corresponding to any exceptions caught * - timeMs: float; job execution time in milliseconds * @since 1.35 */ public function executeJob( RunnableJob $job ) { $oldRequestId = WebRequest::getRequestId(); // Temporarily inherit the original ID of the web request that spawned this job WebRequest::overrideRequestId( $job->getRequestId() ); // Use an appropriate timeout to balance lag avoidance and job progress $oldTimeout = $this->lbFactory->setDefaultReplicationWaitTimeout( self::SYNC_TIMEOUT ); try { return $this->doExecuteJob( $job ); } finally { $this->lbFactory->setDefaultReplicationWaitTimeout( $oldTimeout ); WebRequest::overrideRequestId( $oldRequestId ); } } /** * @param RunnableJob $job * @return array Map of: * - status: boolean; whether the job succeed * - error: error string; empty if there was no error specified * - caught: list of FQCNs corresponding to any exceptions caught * - timeMs: float; job execution time in milliseconds */ private function doExecuteJob( RunnableJob $job ) { $jType = $job->getType(); $msg = $job->toString() . " STARTING"; $this->logger->debug( $msg, [ 'job_type' => $job->getType() ] ); $this->debugCallback( $msg ); // Clear out title cache data from prior snapshots // (e.g. from before JobRunner was invoked in this process) $this->linkCache->clear(); // Run the job... $caught = []; $rssStart = $this->getMaxRssKb(); $jobStartTime = microtime( true ); try { $fnameTrxOwner = get_class( $job ) . '::run'; // give run() outer scope // Flush any pending changes left over from an implicit transaction round if ( $job->hasExecutionFlag( $job::JOB_NO_EXPLICIT_TRX_ROUND ) ) { $this->lbFactory->commitMasterChanges( $fnameTrxOwner ); // new implicit round } else { $this->lbFactory->beginMasterChanges( $fnameTrxOwner ); // new explicit round } // Clear any stale REPEATABLE-READ snapshots from replica DB connections $this->lbFactory->flushReplicaSnapshots( $fnameTrxOwner ); $status = $job->run(); $error = $job->getLastError(); // Commit all pending changes from this job $this->commitMasterChanges( $job, $fnameTrxOwner ); // Run any deferred update tasks; doUpdates() manages transactions itself DeferredUpdates::doUpdates(); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { MWExceptionHandler::rollbackMasterChangesAndLog( $e ); $status = false; $error = get_class( $e ) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(); $caught[] = get_class( $e ); } // Always attempt to call teardown(), even if Job throws exception try { $job->tearDown( $status ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { MWExceptionHandler::logException( $e ); } $timeMs = intval( ( microtime( true ) - $jobStartTime ) * 1000 ); $rssEnd = $this->getMaxRssKb(); // Record how long jobs wait before getting popped $readyTs = $job->getReadyTimestamp(); if ( $readyTs ) { $pickupDelay = max( 0, $jobStartTime - $readyTs ); $this->stats->timing( 'jobqueue.pickup_delay.all', 1000 * $pickupDelay ); $this->stats->timing( "jobqueue.pickup_delay.$jType", 1000 * $pickupDelay ); } // Record root job age for jobs being run $rootTimestamp = $job->getRootJobParams()['rootJobTimestamp']; if ( $rootTimestamp ) { $age = max( 0, $jobStartTime - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $rootTimestamp ) ); $this->stats->timing( "jobqueue.pickup_root_age.$jType", 1000 * $age ); } // Track the execution time for jobs $this->stats->timing( "$jType", $timeMs ); // Track RSS increases for jobs (in case of memory leaks) if ( $rssStart && $rssEnd ) { $this->stats->updateCount( "jobqueue.rss_delta.$jType", $rssEnd - $rssStart ); } if ( $status === false ) { $msg = $job->toString() . " t={job_duration} error={job_error}"; $this->logger->error( $msg, [ 'job_type' => $job->getType(), 'job_duration' => $timeMs, 'job_error' => $error, ] ); $msg = $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs error={$error}"; $this->debugCallback( $msg ); } else { $msg = $job->toString() . " t={job_duration} good"; $this->logger->info( $msg, [ 'job_type' => $job->getType(), 'job_duration' => $timeMs, ] ); $msg = $job->toString() . " t=$timeMs good"; $this->debugCallback( $msg ); } return [ 'status' => $status, 'error' => $error, 'caught' => $caught, 'timeMs' => $timeMs ]; } /** * @param string[] $caught List of FQCNs corresponding to any exceptions caught * @return int TTL in seconds */ private function getErrorBackoffTTL( array $caught ) { return in_array( DBReadOnlyError::class, $caught ) ? self::READONLY_BACKOFF_TTL : self::ERROR_BACKOFF_TTL; } /** * @return int|null Max memory RSS in kilobytes */ private function getMaxRssKb() { $info = getrusage( 0 /* RUSAGE_SELF */ ); // see return isset( $info['ru_maxrss'] ) ? (int)$info['ru_maxrss'] : null; } /** * @param RunnableJob $job * @return int Seconds for this runner to avoid doing more jobs of this type * @see $wgJobBackoffThrottling */ private function getBackoffTimeToWait( RunnableJob $job ) { $throttling = $this->options->get( 'JobBackoffThrottling' ); if ( !isset( $throttling[$job->getType()] ) || $job instanceof DuplicateJob ) { return 0; // not throttled } $itemsPerSecond = $throttling[$job->getType()]; if ( $itemsPerSecond <= 0 ) { return 0; // not throttled } $seconds = 0; if ( $job->workItemCount() > 0 ) { $exactSeconds = $job->workItemCount() / $itemsPerSecond; // use randomized rounding $seconds = floor( $exactSeconds ); $remainder = $exactSeconds - $seconds; $seconds += ( mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() < $remainder ) ? 1 : 0; } return (int)$seconds; } /** * Get the previous backoff expiries from persistent storage * On I/O or lock acquisition failure this returns the original $backoffs. * * @param array $backoffs Map of (job type => UNIX timestamp) * @param string $mode Lock wait mode - "wait" or "nowait" * @return array Map of (job type => backoff expiry timestamp) */ private function loadBackoffs( array $backoffs, $mode = 'wait' ) { $file = wfTempDir() . '/mw-runJobs-backoffs.json'; if ( is_file( $file ) ) { $noblock = ( $mode === 'nowait' ) ? LOCK_NB : 0; $handle = fopen( $file, 'rb' ); if ( !flock( $handle, LOCK_SH | $noblock ) ) { fclose( $handle ); return $backoffs; // don't wait on lock } $content = stream_get_contents( $handle ); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); fclose( $handle ); $ctime = microtime( true ); $cBackoffs = json_decode( $content, true ) ?: []; foreach ( $cBackoffs as $type => $timestamp ) { if ( $timestamp < $ctime ) { unset( $cBackoffs[$type] ); } } } else { $cBackoffs = []; } return $cBackoffs; } /** * Merge the current backoff expiries from persistent storage * * The $deltas map is set to an empty array on success. * On I/O or lock acquisition failure this returns the original $backoffs. * * @param array $backoffs Map of (job type => UNIX timestamp) * @param array &$deltas Map of (job type => seconds) * @param string $mode Lock wait mode - "wait" or "nowait" * @return array The new backoffs account for $backoffs and the latest file data */ private function syncBackoffDeltas( array $backoffs, array &$deltas, $mode = 'wait' ) { if ( !$deltas ) { return $this->loadBackoffs( $backoffs, $mode ); } $noblock = ( $mode === 'nowait' ) ? LOCK_NB : 0; $file = wfTempDir() . '/mw-runJobs-backoffs.json'; $handle = fopen( $file, 'wb+' ); if ( !flock( $handle, LOCK_EX | $noblock ) ) { fclose( $handle ); return $backoffs; // don't wait on lock } $ctime = microtime( true ); $content = stream_get_contents( $handle ); $cBackoffs = json_decode( $content, true ) ?: []; foreach ( $deltas as $type => $seconds ) { $cBackoffs[$type] = isset( $cBackoffs[$type] ) && $cBackoffs[$type] >= $ctime ? $cBackoffs[$type] + $seconds : $ctime + $seconds; } foreach ( $cBackoffs as $type => $timestamp ) { if ( $timestamp < $ctime ) { unset( $cBackoffs[$type] ); } } ftruncate( $handle, 0 ); fwrite( $handle, json_encode( $cBackoffs ) ); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); fclose( $handle ); $deltas = []; return $cBackoffs; } /** * Make sure that this script is not too close to the memory usage limit. * It is better to die in between jobs than OOM right in the middle of one. * @return bool */ private function checkMemoryOK() { static $maxBytes = null; if ( $maxBytes === null ) { $m = []; if ( preg_match( '!^(\d+)(k|m|g|)$!i', ini_get( 'memory_limit' ), $m ) ) { list( , $num, $unit ) = $m; $conv = [ 'g' => 1073741824, 'm' => 1048576, 'k' => 1024, '' => 1 ]; $maxBytes = $num * $conv[strtolower( $unit )]; } else { $maxBytes = 0; } } $usedBytes = memory_get_usage(); if ( $maxBytes && $usedBytes >= 0.95 * $maxBytes ) { $msg = "Detected excessive memory usage ({used_bytes}/{max_bytes})."; $this->logger->error( $msg, [ 'used_bytes' => $usedBytes, 'max_bytes' => $maxBytes, ] ); $msg = "Detected excessive memory usage ($usedBytes/$maxBytes)."; $this->debugCallback( $msg ); return false; } return true; } /** * Log the job message * @param string $msg The message to log */ private function debugCallback( $msg ) { if ( $this->debug ) { call_user_func_array( $this->debug, [ wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) . " $msg\n" ] ); } } /** * Issue a commit on all masters who are currently in a transaction and have * made changes to the database. It also supports sometimes waiting for the * local wiki's replica DBs to catch up. See the documentation for * $wgJobSerialCommitThreshold for more. * * @param RunnableJob $job * @param string $fnameTrxOwner * @throws DBError */ private function commitMasterChanges( RunnableJob $job, $fnameTrxOwner ) { $syncThreshold = $this->options->get( 'JobSerialCommitThreshold' ); $time = false; $lb = $this->lbFactory->getMainLB(); if ( $syncThreshold !== false && $lb->hasStreamingReplicaServers() ) { // Generally, there is one master connection to the local DB $dbwSerial = $lb->getAnyOpenConnection( $lb->getWriterIndex() ); // We need natively blocking fast locks if ( $dbwSerial && $dbwSerial->namedLocksEnqueue() ) { $time = $dbwSerial->pendingWriteQueryDuration( $dbwSerial::ESTIMATE_DB_APPLY ); if ( $time < $syncThreshold ) { $dbwSerial = false; } } else { $dbwSerial = false; } } else { // There are no replica DBs or writes are all to foreign DB (we don't handle that) $dbwSerial = false; } if ( !$dbwSerial ) { $this->lbFactory->commitMasterChanges( $fnameTrxOwner, // Abort if any transaction was too big [ 'maxWriteDuration' => $this->options->get( 'MaxJobDBWriteDuration' ) ] ); return; } $ms = intval( 1000 * $time ); $msg = $job->toString() . " COMMIT ENQUEUED [{job_commit_write_ms}ms of writes]"; $this->logger->info( $msg, [ 'job_type' => $job->getType(), 'job_commit_write_ms' => $ms, ] ); $msg = $job->toString() . " COMMIT ENQUEUED [{$ms}ms of writes]"; $this->debugCallback( $msg ); // Wait for an exclusive lock to commit if ( !$dbwSerial->lock( 'jobrunner-serial-commit', $fnameTrxOwner, 30 ) ) { // This will trigger a rollback in the main loop throw new DBError( $dbwSerial, "Timed out waiting on commit queue." ); } $unlocker = new ScopedCallback( function () use ( $dbwSerial, $fnameTrxOwner ) { $dbwSerial->unlock( 'jobrunner-serial-commit', $fnameTrxOwner ); } ); // Wait for the replica DBs to catch up $pos = $lb->getMasterPos(); if ( $pos ) { $lb->waitForAll( $pos ); } // Actually commit the DB master changes $this->lbFactory->commitMasterChanges( $fnameTrxOwner, // Abort if any transaction was too big [ 'maxWriteDuration' => $this->options->get( 'MaxJobDBWriteDuration' ) ] ); ScopedCallback::consume( $unlocker ); } }