 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * @file
 * @ingroup Installer

use Wikimedia\IPUtils;

class WebInstallerOptions extends WebInstallerPage {

	 * @return string|null
	public function execute() {
		global $wgLang;

		if ( $this->getVar( '_SkipOptional' ) == 'skip' ) {
			return 'skip';
		if ( $this->parent->request->wasPosted() && $this->submit() ) {
			return 'continue';

		$emailwrapperStyle = $this->getVar( 'wgEnableEmail' ) ? '' : 'display: none';
			# User Rights
			// getRadioSet() builds a set of labeled radio buttons.
			// For grep: The following messages are used as the item labels:
			// config-profile-wiki, config-profile-no-anon, config-profile-fishbowl, config-profile-private
			$this->parent->getRadioSet( [
				'var' => '_RightsProfile',
				'label' => 'config-profile',
				'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-profile-',
				'values' => array_keys( $this->parent->rightsProfiles ),
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getInfoBox( wfMessage( 'config-profile-help' )->plain() ) .

			# Licensing
			// getRadioSet() builds a set of labeled radio buttons.
			// For grep: The following messages are used as the item labels:
			// config-license-cc-by, config-license-cc-by-sa, config-license-cc-by-nc-sa,
			// config-license-cc-0, config-license-pd, config-license-gfdl,
			// config-license-none, config-license-cc-choose
			$this->parent->getRadioSet( [
				'var' => '_LicenseCode',
				'label' => 'config-license',
				'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-license-',
				'values' => array_keys( $this->parent->licenses ),
				'commonAttribs' => [ 'class' => 'licenseRadio' ],
			] ) .
			$this->getCCChooser() .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-license-help' ) .

			# E-mail
			$this->getFieldsetStart( 'config-email-settings' ) .
			$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
				'var' => 'wgEnableEmail',
				'label' => 'config-enable-email',
				'attribs' => [ 'class' => 'showHideRadio', 'rel' => 'emailwrapper' ],
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-enable-email-help' ) .
			"<div id=\"emailwrapper\" style=\"$emailwrapperStyle\">" .
			$this->parent->getTextBox( [
				'var' => 'wgPasswordSender',
				'label' => 'config-email-sender'
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-sender-help' ) .
			$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
				'var' => 'wgEnableUserEmail',
				'label' => 'config-email-user',
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-user-help' ) .
			$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
				'var' => 'wgEnotifUserTalk',
				'label' => 'config-email-usertalk',
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-usertalk-help' ) .
			$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
				'var' => 'wgEnotifWatchlist',
				'label' => 'config-email-watchlist',
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-watchlist-help' ) .
			$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
				'var' => 'wgEmailAuthentication',
				'label' => 'config-email-auth',
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-email-auth-help' ) .
			"</div>" .

		$skins = $this->parent->findExtensions( 'skins' )->value;
		'@phan-var array[] $skins';
		$skinHtml = $this->getFieldsetStart( 'config-skins' );

		$skinNames = array_map( 'strtolower', array_keys( $skins ) );
		$chosenSkinName = $this->getVar( 'wgDefaultSkin', $this->parent->getDefaultSkin( $skinNames ) );

		if ( $skins ) {
			$radioButtons = $this->parent->getRadioElements( [
				'var' => 'wgDefaultSkin',
				'itemLabels' => array_fill_keys( $skinNames, 'config-skins-use-as-default' ),
				'values' => $skinNames,
				'value' => $chosenSkinName,
			] );

			foreach ( $skins as $skin => $info ) {
				if ( isset( $info['screenshots'] ) ) {
					$screenshotText = $this->makeScreenshotsLink( $skin, $info['screenshots'] );
				} else {
					$screenshotText = htmlspecialchars( $skin );
				$skinHtml .=
					'<div class="config-skins-item">' .
					$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
						'var' => "skin-$skin",
						'rawtext' => $screenshotText,
						'value' => $this->getVar( "skin-$skin", true ), // all found skins enabled by default
					] ) .
					'<div class="config-skins-use-as-default">' . $radioButtons[strtolower( $skin )] . '</div>' .
		} else {
			$skinHtml .=
				Html::warningBox( wfMessage( 'config-skins-missing' )->plain(), 'config-warning-box' ) .
				Html::hidden( 'config_wgDefaultSkin', $chosenSkinName );

		$skinHtml .= $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-skins-help' ) .
		$this->addHTML( $skinHtml );

		$extensions = $this->parent->findExtensions()->value;
		'@phan-var array[] $extensions';
		$dependencyMap = [];

		if ( $extensions ) {
			$extHtml = $this->getFieldsetStart( 'config-extensions' );

			$extByType = [];
			$types = SpecialVersion::getExtensionTypes();
			// Sort by type first
			foreach ( $extensions as $ext => $info ) {
				if ( !isset( $info['type'] ) || !isset( $types[$info['type']] ) ) {
					// We let extensions normally define custom types, but
					// since we aren't loading extensions, we'll have to
					// categorize them under other
					$info['type'] = 'other';
				$extByType[$info['type']][$ext] = $info;

			foreach ( $types as $type => $message ) {
				if ( !isset( $extByType[$type] ) ) {
				$extHtml .= Html::element( 'h2', [], $message );
				foreach ( $extByType[$type] as $ext => $info ) {
					$urlText = '';
					if ( isset( $info['url'] ) ) {
						$urlText = ' ' . Html::element( 'a', [ 'href' => $info['url'] ], '(more information)' );
					$attribs = [
						'data-name' => $ext,
						'class' => 'config-ext-input'
					$labelAttribs = [];
					$fullDepList = [];
					if ( isset( $info['requires']['extensions'] ) ) {
						$dependencyMap[$ext]['extensions'] = $info['requires']['extensions'];
						$labelAttribs['class'] = 'mw-ext-with-dependencies';
					if ( isset( $info['requires']['skins'] ) ) {
						$dependencyMap[$ext]['skins'] = $info['requires']['skins'];
						$labelAttribs['class'] = 'mw-ext-with-dependencies';
					if ( isset( $dependencyMap[$ext] ) ) {
						$links = [];
						// For each dependency, link to the checkbox for each
						// extension/skin that is required
						if ( isset( $dependencyMap[$ext]['extensions'] ) ) {
							foreach ( $dependencyMap[$ext]['extensions'] as $name ) {
								$links[] = Html::element(
									[ 'href' => "#config_ext-$name" ],
						if ( isset( $dependencyMap[$ext]['skins'] ) ) {
							foreach ( $dependencyMap[$ext]['skins'] as $name ) {
								$links[] = Html::element(
									[ 'href' => "#config_skin-$name" ],

						$text = wfMessage( 'config-extensions-requires' )
							->rawParams( $ext, $wgLang->commaList( $links ) )
					} else {
						$text = $ext;
					$extHtml .= $this->parent->getCheckBox( [
						'var' => "ext-$ext",
						'rawtext' => $text,
						'attribs' => $attribs,
						'labelAttribs' => $labelAttribs,
					] );

			$extHtml .= $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-extensions-help' ) .
			$this->addHTML( $extHtml );
			// Push the dependency map to the client side
			$this->addHTML( Html::inlineScript(
				'var extDependencyMap = ' . Xml::encodeJsVar( $dependencyMap )
			) );

		// Having / in paths in Windows looks funny :)
		$this->setVar( 'wgDeletedDirectory',
				$this->getVar( 'wgDeletedDirectory' )

		$uploadwrapperStyle = $this->getVar( 'wgEnableUploads' ) ? '' : 'display: none';
			# Uploading
			$this->getFieldsetStart( 'config-upload-settings' ) .
			$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
				'var' => 'wgEnableUploads',
				'label' => 'config-upload-enable',
				'attribs' => [ 'class' => 'showHideRadio', 'rel' => 'uploadwrapper' ],
				'help' => $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-upload-help' )
			] ) .
			'<div id="uploadwrapper" style="' . $uploadwrapperStyle . '">' .
			$this->parent->getTextBox( [
				'var' => 'wgDeletedDirectory',
				'label' => 'config-upload-deleted',
				'attribs' => [ 'dir' => 'ltr' ],
				'help' => $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-upload-deleted-help' )
			] ) .
			'</div>' .
			$this->parent->getTextBox( [
				'var' => '_Logo',
				'label' => 'config-logo',
				'attribs' => [ 'dir' => 'ltr' ],
				'help' => $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-logo-help' )
			] )
			$this->parent->getCheckBox( [
				'var' => 'wgUseInstantCommons',
				'label' => 'config-instantcommons',
				'help' => $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-instantcommons-help' )
			] ) .

		$caches = [ 'none' ];
		$cachevalDefault = 'none';

		if ( count( $this->getVar( '_Caches' ) ) ) {
			// A CACHE_ACCEL implementation is available
			$caches[] = 'accel';
			$cachevalDefault = 'accel';
		$caches[] = 'memcached';

		// We'll hide/show this on demand when the value changes, see config.js.
		$cacheval = $this->getVar( '_MainCacheType' );
		if ( !$cacheval ) {
			// We need to set a default here; but don't hardcode it
			// or we lose it every time we reload the page for validation
			// or going back!
			$cacheval = $cachevalDefault;
		$hidden = ( $cacheval == 'memcached' ) ? '' : 'display: none';
			# Advanced settings
			$this->getFieldsetStart( 'config-advanced-settings' ) .
			# Object cache settings
			// getRadioSet() builds a set of labeled radio buttons.
			// For grep: The following messages are used as the item labels:
			// config-cache-none, config-cache-accel, config-cache-memcached
			$this->parent->getRadioSet( [
				'var' => '_MainCacheType',
				'label' => 'config-cache-options',
				'itemLabelPrefix' => 'config-cache-',
				'values' => $caches,
				'value' => $cacheval,
			] ) .
			$this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-cache-help' ) .
			"<div id=\"config-memcachewrapper\" style=\"$hidden\">" .
			$this->parent->getTextArea( [
				'var' => '_MemCachedServers',
				'label' => 'config-memcached-servers',
				'help' => $this->parent->getHelpBox( 'config-memcached-help' )
			] ) .
			'</div>' .

		return null;

	 * @param string $name
	 * @param array $screenshots
	 * @return string HTML
	private function makeScreenshotsLink( $name, $screenshots ) {
		global $wgLang;
		if ( count( $screenshots ) > 1 ) {
			$links = [];
			$counter = 1;

			foreach ( $screenshots as $shot ) {
				$links[] = Html::element(
					[ 'href' => $shot, 'target' => '_blank' ],
					$wgLang->formatNum( $counter++ )
			return wfMessage( 'config-skins-screenshots' )
				->rawParams( $name, $wgLang->commaList( $links ) )
		} else {
			$link = Html::element(
				[ 'href' => $screenshots[0], 'target' => '_blank' ],
				wfMessage( 'config-screenshot' )->text()
			return wfMessage( 'config-skins-screenshot', $name )->rawParams( $link )->escaped();

	 * @return string
	public function getCCPartnerUrl() {
		$server = $this->getVar( 'wgServer' );
		$exitUrl = $server . $this->parent->getUrl( [
			'page' => 'Options',
			'SubmitCC' => 'indeed',
			'config__LicenseCode' => 'cc',
			'config_wgRightsUrl' => '[license_url]',
			'config_wgRightsText' => '[license_name]',
			'config_wgRightsIcon' => '[license_button]',
		] );
		$styleUrl = $server . dirname( dirname( $this->parent->getUrl() ) ) .
		$iframeUrl = 'https://creativecommons.org/license/?' .
			wfArrayToCgi( [
				'partner' => 'MediaWiki',
				'exit_url' => $exitUrl,
				'lang' => $this->getVar( '_UserLang' ),
				'stylesheet' => $styleUrl,
			] );

		return $iframeUrl;

	 * @return string
	public function getCCChooser() {
		$iframeAttribs = [
			'class' => 'config-cc-iframe',
			'name' => 'config-cc-iframe',
			'id' => 'config-cc-iframe',
			'frameborder' => 0,
			'width' => '100%',
			'height' => '100%',
		if ( $this->getVar( '_CCDone' ) ) {
			$iframeAttribs['src'] = $this->parent->getUrl( [ 'ShowCC' => 'yes' ] );
		} else {
			$iframeAttribs['src'] = $this->getCCPartnerUrl();
		$wrapperStyle = ( $this->getVar( '_LicenseCode' ) == 'cc-choose' ) ? '' : 'display: none';

		return "<div class=\"config-cc-wrapper\" id=\"config-cc-wrapper\" style=\"$wrapperStyle\">\n" .
			Html::element( 'iframe', $iframeAttribs ) .

	 * @return string
	public function getCCDoneBox() {
		$js = "parent.document.getElementById('config-cc-wrapper').style.height = '$1';";
		// If you change this height, also change it in config.css
		$expandJs = str_replace( '$1', '54em', $js );
		$reduceJs = str_replace( '$1', '70px', $js );

		return '<p>' .
			Html::element( 'img', [ 'src' => $this->getVar( 'wgRightsIcon' ) ] ) .
			"\u{00A0}\u{00A0}" .
			htmlspecialchars( $this->getVar( 'wgRightsText' ) ) .
			"</p>\n" .
			"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">" .
			Html::element( 'a',
					'href' => $this->getCCPartnerUrl(),
					'onclick' => $expandJs,
				wfMessage( 'config-cc-again' )->text()
			) .
			"</p>\n" .
			"<script>\n" .
			# Reduce the wrapper div height
			htmlspecialchars( $reduceJs ) .
			"\n" .

	public function submitCC() {
		$newValues = $this->parent->setVarsFromRequest(
			[ 'wgRightsUrl', 'wgRightsText', 'wgRightsIcon' ] );
		if ( count( $newValues ) != 3 ) {
			$this->parent->showError( 'config-cc-error' );

		$this->setVar( '_CCDone', true );
		$this->addHTML( $this->getCCDoneBox() );

	 * If the user skips this installer page, we still need to set up the default skins, but ignore
	 * everything else.
	 * @return bool
	public function submitSkins() {
		$skins = array_keys( $this->parent->findExtensions( 'skins' )->value );
		$this->parent->setVar( '_Skins', $skins );

		if ( $skins ) {
			$skinNames = array_map( 'strtolower', $skins );
			$this->parent->setVar( 'wgDefaultSkin', $this->parent->getDefaultSkin( $skinNames ) );

		return true;

	 * @return bool
	public function submit() {
		$this->parent->setVarsFromRequest( [ '_RightsProfile', '_LicenseCode',
			'wgEnableEmail', 'wgPasswordSender', 'wgEnableUploads', '_Logo',
			'wgEnableUserEmail', 'wgEnotifUserTalk', 'wgEnotifWatchlist',
			'wgEmailAuthentication', '_MainCacheType', '_MemCachedServers',
			'wgUseInstantCommons', 'wgDefaultSkin' ] );

		$retVal = true;

		if ( !array_key_exists( $this->getVar( '_RightsProfile' ), $this->parent->rightsProfiles ) ) {
			reset( $this->parent->rightsProfiles );
			$this->setVar( '_RightsProfile', key( $this->parent->rightsProfiles ) );

		// If this is empty, either the default got lost internally
		// or the user blanked it
		if ( strval( $this->getVar( '_Logo' ) ) === '' ) {
			$this->parent->showError( 'config-install-logo-blank' );
			$retVal = false;

		$code = $this->getVar( '_LicenseCode' );
		if ( $code == 'cc-choose' ) {
			if ( !$this->getVar( '_CCDone' ) ) {
				$this->parent->showError( 'config-cc-not-chosen' );
				$retVal = false;
		} elseif ( array_key_exists( $code, $this->parent->licenses ) ) {
			// Messages:
			// config-license-cc-by, config-license-cc-by-sa, config-license-cc-by-nc-sa,
			// config-license-cc-0, config-license-pd, config-license-gfdl, config-license-none,
			// config-license-cc-choose
			$entry = $this->parent->licenses[$code];
			$this->setVar( 'wgRightsText',
				$entry['text'] ?? wfMessage( 'config-license-' . $code )->text() );
			$this->setVar( 'wgRightsUrl', $entry['url'] );
			$this->setVar( 'wgRightsIcon', $entry['icon'] );
		} else {
			$this->setVar( 'wgRightsText', '' );
			$this->setVar( 'wgRightsUrl', '' );
			$this->setVar( 'wgRightsIcon', '' );

		$skinsAvailable = array_keys( $this->parent->findExtensions( 'skins' )->value );
		$skinsToInstall = [];
		foreach ( $skinsAvailable as $skin ) {
			$this->parent->setVarsFromRequest( [ "skin-$skin" ] );
			if ( $this->getVar( "skin-$skin" ) ) {
				$skinsToInstall[] = $skin;
		$this->parent->setVar( '_Skins', $skinsToInstall );

		if ( !$skinsToInstall && $skinsAvailable ) {
			$this->parent->showError( 'config-skins-must-enable-some' );
			$retVal = false;
		$defaultSkin = $this->getVar( 'wgDefaultSkin' );
		$skinsToInstallLowercase = array_map( 'strtolower', $skinsToInstall );
		if ( $skinsToInstall && array_search( $defaultSkin, $skinsToInstallLowercase ) === false ) {
			$this->parent->showError( 'config-skins-must-enable-default' );
			$retVal = false;

		$extsAvailable = array_keys( $this->parent->findExtensions()->value );
		$extsToInstall = [];
		foreach ( $extsAvailable as $ext ) {
			$this->parent->setVarsFromRequest( [ "ext-$ext" ] );
			if ( $this->getVar( "ext-$ext" ) ) {
				$extsToInstall[] = $ext;
		$this->parent->setVar( '_Extensions', $extsToInstall );

		if ( $this->getVar( '_MainCacheType' ) == 'memcached' ) {
			$memcServers = explode( "\n", $this->getVar( '_MemCachedServers' ) );
			if ( !$memcServers ) {
				$this->parent->showError( 'config-memcache-needservers' );
				$retVal = false;

			foreach ( $memcServers as $server ) {
				$memcParts = explode( ":", $server, 2 );
				if ( !isset( $memcParts[0] )
					|| ( !IPUtils::isValid( $memcParts[0] )
						&& ( gethostbyname( $memcParts[0] ) == $memcParts[0] ) )
				) {
					$this->parent->showError( 'config-memcache-badip', $memcParts[0] );
					$retVal = false;
				} elseif ( !isset( $memcParts[1] ) ) {
					$this->parent->showError( 'config-memcache-noport', $memcParts[0] );
					$retVal = false;
				} elseif ( $memcParts[1] < 1 || $memcParts[1] > 65535 ) {
					$this->parent->showError( 'config-memcache-badport', 1, 65535 );
					$retVal = false;

		return $retVal;
