doTable( $table ) ) { return true; } /** @var MySQLField $fieldInfo */ $fieldInfo = $this->db->fieldInfo( $table, $field ); if ( $fieldInfo->isBinary() ) { $this->output( "...$table table has correct $field encoding.\n" ); } else { $this->applyPatch( $patchFile, false, "Fixing $field encoding on $table table" ); } } /** * Check whether an index contain a field * * @param string $table Table name * @param string $index Index name to check * @param string $field Field that should be in the index * @return bool */ protected function indexHasField( $table, $index, $field ) { if ( !$this->doTable( $table ) ) { return true; } $info = $this->db->indexInfo( $table, $index, __METHOD__ ); if ( $info ) { foreach ( $info as $row ) { if ( $row->Column_name == $field ) { $this->output( "...index $index on table $table includes field $field.\n" ); return true; } } } $this->output( "...index $index on table $table has no field $field; added.\n" ); return false; } /** * Check that interwiki table exists; if it doesn't source it */ protected function doInterwikiUpdate() { global $IP; if ( !$this->doTable( 'interwiki' ) ) { return; } if ( $this->db->tableExists( "interwiki", __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "...already have interwiki table\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-interwiki.sql', false, 'Creating interwiki table' ); $this->applyPatch( "$IP/maintenance/interwiki.sql", true, 'Adding default interwiki definitions' ); } /** * Check that proper indexes are in place */ protected function doIndexUpdate() { $meta = $this->db->fieldInfo( 'recentchanges', 'rc_timestamp' ); if ( $meta === false ) { throw new MWException( 'Missing rc_timestamp field of recentchanges table. Should not happen.' ); } if ( $meta->isMultipleKey() ) { $this->output( "...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-indexes.sql', true, "Updating indexes to 20031107" ); } protected function doOldLinksUpdate() { $cl = $this->maintenance->runChild( ConvertLinks::class ); $cl->execute(); } protected function doFixAncientImagelinks() { $info = $this->db->fieldInfo( 'imagelinks', 'il_from' ); if ( !$info || $info->type() !== 'string' ) { $this->output( "...il_from OK\n" ); return; } $applied = $this->applyPatch( 'patch-fix-il_from.sql', false, 'Fixing ancient broken imagelinks table.' ); if ( $applied ) { $this->output( "NOTE: you will have to run maintenance/refreshLinks.php after this." ); } } /** * Check if we need to add talk page rows to the watchlist */ protected function doWatchlistUpdate() { global $wgUpdateRowsPerQuery; $sql = $this->db->unionQueries( [ // Missing talk page rows (corresponding subject page row exists) $this->db->selectSQLText( [ 'wlsubject' => 'watchlist', 'wltalk' => 'watchlist' ], [ 'wl_user' => 'wlsubject.wl_user', 'wl_namespace' => 'wlsubject.wl_namespace | 1', 'wl_title' => 'wlsubject.wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => 'wlsubject.wl_notificationtimestamp' ], [ 'NOT (wlsubject.wl_namespace & 1)', 'wltalk.wl_namespace IS NULL' ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'wltalk' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'wltalk.wl_user = wlsubject.wl_user', 'wltalk.wl_namespace = (wlsubject.wl_namespace | 1)', 'wltalk.wl_title = wlsubject.wl_title' ] ] ] ), // Missing subject page rows (corresponding talk page row exists) $this->db->selectSQLText( [ 'wltalk' => 'watchlist', 'wlsubject' => 'watchlist' ], [ 'wl_user' => 'wltalk.wl_user', 'wl_namespace' => 'wltalk.wl_namespace & ~1', 'wl_title' => 'wltalk.wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' => 'wltalk.wl_notificationtimestamp' ], [ 'wltalk.wl_namespace & 1', 'wlsubject.wl_namespace IS NULL' ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'wlsubject' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'wlsubject.wl_user = wltalk.wl_user', 'wlsubject.wl_namespace = (wltalk.wl_namespace & ~1)', 'wlsubject.wl_title = wltalk.wl_title' ] ] ] ) ], true // use a non-distinct UNION to avoid overhead ); $res = $this->db->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); if ( !$res->numRows() ) { $this->output( "...watchlist talk page rows already present.\n" ); return; } $this->output( "Adding missing corresponding talk/subject watchlist page rows... " ); $rowBatch = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $rowBatch[] = (array)$row; if ( count( $rowBatch ) >= $wgUpdateRowsPerQuery ) { $this->db->insert( 'watchlist', $rowBatch, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); $rowBatch = []; } } $this->db->insert( 'watchlist', $rowBatch, __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); $this->output( "done.\n" ); } protected function doSchemaRestructuring() { if ( $this->db->tableExists( 'page', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( " table already exists.\n" ); return; } $this->output( "...converting from cur/old to page/revision/text DB structure.\n" ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......checking for duplicate entries.\n" ); list( $cur, $old, $page, $revision, $text ) = $this->db->tableNamesN( 'cur', 'old', 'page', 'revision', 'text' ); $rows = $this->db->query( " SELECT cur_title, cur_namespace, COUNT(cur_namespace) AS c FROM $cur GROUP BY cur_title, cur_namespace HAVING c>1", __METHOD__ ); if ( $rows->numRows() > 0 ) { $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Found duplicate entries\n" ); $this->output( sprintf( " %-60s %3s %5s\n", 'Title', 'NS', 'Count' ) ); $duplicate = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( !isset( $duplicate[$row->cur_namespace] ) ) { $duplicate[$row->cur_namespace] = []; } $duplicate[$row->cur_namespace][] = $row->cur_title; $this->output( sprintf( " %-60s %3s %5s\n", $row->cur_title, $row->cur_namespace, $row->c ) ); } $sql = "SELECT cur_title, cur_namespace, cur_id, cur_timestamp FROM $cur WHERE "; $dupeTitles = []; foreach ( $duplicate as $ns => $titles ) { $dupeTitles[] = "( cur_namespace = {$ns} AND cur_title in (" . $this->db->makeList( $titles ) . ") ) \n"; } $sql .= $this->db->makeList( $dupeTitles, IDatabase::LIST_OR ); # By sorting descending, the most recent entry will be the first in the list. # All following entries will be deleted by the next while-loop. $sql .= 'ORDER BY cur_namespace, cur_title, cur_timestamp DESC'; $rows = $this->db->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); $prev_title = $prev_namespace = false; $deleteId = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( $prev_title == $row->cur_title && $prev_namespace == $row->cur_namespace ) { $deleteId[] = (int)$row->cur_id; } $prev_title = $row->cur_title; $prev_namespace = $row->cur_namespace; } $sql = "DELETE FROM $cur WHERE cur_id IN ( " . implode( ',', $deleteId ) . ')'; $this->db->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Deleted " . $this->db->affectedRows() . " records.\n" ); } $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Creating tables.\n" ); $this->db->query( "CREATE TABLE $page ( page_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, page_namespace int NOT NULL, page_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL, page_restrictions tinyblob NOT NULL, page_is_redirect tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_is_new tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', page_random real unsigned NOT NULL, page_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', page_latest int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, page_len int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY page_id (page_id), UNIQUE INDEX name_title (page_namespace,page_title), INDEX (page_random), INDEX (page_len) ) ENGINE=InnoDB", __METHOD__ ); $this->db->query( "CREATE TABLE $revision ( rev_id int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, rev_page int(8) unsigned NOT NULL, rev_comment tinyblob NOT NULL, rev_user int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', rev_timestamp char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', rev_minor_edit tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_deleted tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', rev_len int(8) unsigned, rev_parent_id int(8) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY rev_page_id (rev_page, rev_id), UNIQUE INDEX rev_id (rev_id), INDEX rev_timestamp (rev_timestamp), INDEX page_timestamp (rev_page,rev_timestamp), INDEX user_timestamp (rev_user,rev_timestamp), INDEX usertext_timestamp (rev_user_text,rev_timestamp) ) ENGINE=InnoDB", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Locking tables.\n" ); $this->db->query( "LOCK TABLES $page WRITE, $revision WRITE, $old WRITE, $cur WRITE", __METHOD__ ); $maxold = intval( $this->db->selectField( 'old', 'max(old_id)', '', __METHOD__ ) ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......maxold is {$maxold}\n" ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); global $wgLegacySchemaConversion; if ( $wgLegacySchemaConversion ) { // Create HistoryBlobCurStub entries. // Text will be pulled from the leftover 'cur' table at runtime. $this->output( "......Moving metadata from cur; using blob references to text in cur table.\n" ); $cur_text = "concat('O:18:\"historyblobcurstub\":1:{s:6:\"mCurId\";i:',cur_id,';}')"; $cur_flags = "'object'"; } else { // Copy all cur text in immediately: this may take longer but avoids // having to keep an extra table around. $this->output( "......Moving text from cur.\n" ); $cur_text = 'cur_text'; $cur_flags = "''"; } $this->db->query( "INSERT INTO $old (old_namespace, old_title, old_text, old_comment, old_user, old_user_text, old_timestamp, old_minor_edit, old_flags) SELECT cur_namespace, cur_title, $cur_text, cur_comment, cur_user, cur_user_text, cur_timestamp, cur_minor_edit, $cur_flags FROM $cur", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Setting up revision table.\n" ); $this->db->query( "INSERT INTO $revision (rev_id, rev_page, rev_comment, rev_user, rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_minor_edit) SELECT old_id, cur_id, old_comment, old_user, old_user_text, old_timestamp, old_minor_edit FROM $old,$cur WHERE old_namespace=cur_namespace AND old_title=cur_title", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Setting up page table.\n" ); $this->db->query( "INSERT INTO $page (page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_restrictions, page_is_redirect, page_is_new, page_random, page_touched, page_latest, page_len) SELECT cur_id, cur_namespace, cur_title, cur_restrictions, cur_is_redirect, cur_is_new, cur_random, cur_touched, rev_id, LENGTH(cur_text) FROM $cur,$revision WHERE cur_id=rev_page AND rev_timestamp=cur_timestamp AND rev_id > {$maxold}", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Unlocking tables.\n" ); $this->db->query( "UNLOCK TABLES", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "......Renaming old.\n" ); $this->db->query( "ALTER TABLE $old RENAME TO $text", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( wfTimestamp( TS_DB ) ); $this->output( "...done.\n" ); } protected function doNamespaceSize() { $tables = [ 'page' => 'page', 'archive' => 'ar', 'recentchanges' => 'rc', 'watchlist' => 'wl', 'querycache' => 'qc', 'logging' => 'log', ]; foreach ( $tables as $table => $prefix ) { $field = $prefix . '_namespace'; $tablename = $this->db->tableName( $table ); $result = $this->db->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tablename LIKE '$field'", __METHOD__ ); $info = $this->db->fetchObject( $result ); if ( substr( $info->Type, 0, 3 ) == 'int' ) { $this->output( "...$field is already a full int ($info->Type).\n" ); } else { $this->output( "Promoting $field from $info->Type to int... " ); $this->db->query( "ALTER TABLE $tablename MODIFY $field int NOT NULL", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( "done.\n" ); } } } protected function doPagelinksUpdate() { if ( $this->db->tableExists( 'pagelinks', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "...already have pagelinks table.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-pagelinks.sql', false, 'Converting links and brokenlinks tables to pagelinks' ); foreach ( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->getNamespaces() as $ns => $name ) { if ( $ns == 0 ) { continue; } $this->output( "Cleaning up broken links for namespace $ns... " ); $this->db->update( 'pagelinks', [ 'pl_namespace' => $ns, "pl_title = TRIM(LEADING {$this->db->addQuotes( "$name:" )} FROM pl_title)", ], [ 'pl_namespace' => 0, 'pl_title' . $this->db->buildLike( "$name:", $this->db->anyString() ), ], __METHOD__ ); $this->output( "done.\n" ); } } protected function doUserUniqueUpdate() { if ( !$this->doTable( 'user' ) ) { return true; } $duper = new UserDupes( $this->db, [ $this, 'output' ] ); if ( $duper->hasUniqueIndex() ) { $this->output( "...already have unique user_name index.\n" ); return; } if ( !$duper->clearDupes() ) { $this->output( "WARNING: This next step will probably fail due to unfixed duplicates...\n" ); } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-user_nameindex.sql', false, "Adding unique index on user_name" ); } protected function doUserGroupsUpdate() { if ( !$this->doTable( 'user_groups' ) ) { return true; } if ( $this->db->tableExists( 'user_groups', __METHOD__ ) ) { $info = $this->db->fieldInfo( 'user_groups', 'ug_group' ); if ( $info->type() == 'int' ) { $oldug = $this->db->tableName( 'user_groups' ); $newug = $this->db->tableName( 'user_groups_bogus' ); $this->output( "user_groups table exists but is in bogus intermediate " . "format. Renaming to $newug... " ); $this->db->query( "ALTER TABLE $oldug RENAME TO $newug", __METHOD__ ); $this->output( "done.\n" ); $this->applyPatch( 'patch-user_groups.sql', false, "Re-adding fresh user_groups table" ); $this->output( "***\n" ); $this->output( "*** WARNING: You will need to manually fix up user " . "permissions in the user_groups\n" ); $this->output( "*** table. Old 1.5 alpha versions did some pretty funky stuff...\n" ); $this->output( "***\n" ); } else { $this->output( "...user_groups table exists and is in current format.\n" ); } return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-user_groups.sql', false, "Adding user_groups table" ); if ( !$this->db->tableExists( 'user_rights', __METHOD__ ) ) { if ( $this->db->fieldExists( 'user', 'user_rights', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->applyPatch( 'patch-user_rights.sql', false, 'Upgrading from a 1.3 or older database? Breaking out user_rights for conversion' ); } else { $this->output( "*** WARNING: couldn't locate user_rights table or field for upgrade.\n" ); $this->output( "*** You may need to manually configure some sysops by manipulating\n" ); $this->output( "*** the user_groups table.\n" ); return; } } $this->output( "Converting user_rights table to user_groups... " ); $result = $this->db->select( 'user_rights', [ 'ur_user', 'ur_rights' ], [ "ur_rights != ''" ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $groups = array_unique( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $row->ur_rights ) ) ); foreach ( $groups as $group ) { $this->db->insert( 'user_groups', [ 'ug_user' => $row->ur_user, 'ug_group' => $group ], __METHOD__ ); } } $this->output( "done.\n" ); } /** * Make sure wl_notificationtimestamp can be NULL, * and update old broken items. */ protected function doWatchlistNull() { $info = $this->db->fieldInfo( 'watchlist', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ); if ( !$info ) { return; } if ( $info->isNullable() ) { $this->output( "...wl_notificationtimestamp is already nullable.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-watchlist-null.sql', false, 'Making wl_notificationtimestamp nullable' ); } /** * Set page_random field to a random value where it is equals to 0. * * @see T5946 */ protected function doPageRandomUpdate() { $page = $this->db->tableName( 'page' ); $this->db->query( "UPDATE $page SET page_random = RAND() WHERE page_random = 0", __METHOD__ ); $rows = $this->db->affectedRows(); if ( $rows ) { $this->output( "Set page_random to a random value on $rows rows where it was set to 0\n" ); } else { $this->output( " page_random rows needed to be set\n" ); } } protected function doTemplatelinksUpdate() { if ( $this->db->tableExists( 'templatelinks', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "...templatelinks table already exists\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-templatelinks.sql', false, "Creating templatelinks table" ); $this->output( "Populating...\n" ); $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); if ( $services->getDBLoadBalancer()->getServerCount() > 1 ) { // Slow, replication-friendly update $res = $this->db->select( 'pagelinks', [ 'pl_from', 'pl_namespace', 'pl_title' ], [ 'pl_namespace' => NS_TEMPLATE ], __METHOD__ ); $count = 0; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $count = ( $count + 1 ) % 100; if ( $count == 0 ) { $lbFactory = $services->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $lbFactory->waitForReplication( [ 'domain' => $lbFactory->getLocalDomainID(), 'timeout' => self::REPLICATION_WAIT_TIMEOUT ] ); } $this->db->insert( 'templatelinks', [ 'tl_from' => $row->pl_from, 'tl_namespace' => $row->pl_namespace, 'tl_title' => $row->pl_title, ], __METHOD__ ); } } else { // Fast update $this->db->insertSelect( 'templatelinks', 'pagelinks', [ 'tl_from' => 'pl_from', 'tl_namespace' => 'pl_namespace', 'tl_title' => 'pl_title' ], [ 'pl_namespace' => 10 ], __METHOD__, [ 'NO_AUTO_COLUMNS' ] // There's no "tl_id" auto-increment field ); } $this->output( "Done. Please run maintenance/refreshLinks.php for a more " . "thorough templatelinks update.\n" ); } protected function doBacklinkingIndicesUpdate() { if ( !$this->indexHasField( 'pagelinks', 'pl_namespace', 'pl_from' ) || !$this->indexHasField( 'templatelinks', 'tl_namespace', 'tl_from' ) || !$this->indexHasField( 'imagelinks', 'il_to', 'il_from' ) ) { $this->applyPatch( 'patch-backlinkindexes.sql', false, "Updating backlinking indices" ); } } /** * Adding page_restrictions table, obsoleting page.page_restrictions. * Migrating old restrictions to new table * -- Andrew Garrett, January 2007. */ protected function doRestrictionsUpdate() { if ( $this->db->tableExists( 'page_restrictions', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "...page_restrictions table already exists.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-page_restrictions.sql', false, 'Creating page_restrictions table (1/2)' ); $this->applyPatch( 'patch-page_restrictions_sortkey.sql', false, 'Creating page_restrictions table (2/2)' ); $this->output( "done.\n" ); $this->output( "Migrating old restrictions to new table...\n" ); $task = $this->maintenance->runChild( UpdateRestrictions::class ); $task->execute(); } protected function doCategorylinksIndicesUpdate() { if ( !$this->indexHasField( 'categorylinks', 'cl_sortkey', 'cl_from' ) ) { $this->applyPatch( 'patch-categorylinksindex.sql', false, "Updating categorylinks Indices" ); } } protected function doCategoryPopulation() { if ( $this->updateRowExists( 'populate category' ) ) { $this->output( "...category table already populated.\n" ); return; } $this->output( "Populating category table, printing progress markers. " . "For large databases, you\n" . "may want to hit Ctrl-C and do this manually with maintenance/\n" . "populateCategory.php.\n" ); $task = $this->maintenance->runChild( PopulateCategory::class ); $task->execute(); $this->output( "Done populating category table.\n" ); } protected function doPopulateParentId() { if ( !$this->updateRowExists( 'populate rev_parent_id' ) ) { $this->output( "Populating rev_parent_id fields, printing progress markers. For large\n" . "databases, you may want to hit Ctrl-C and do this manually with\n" . "maintenance/populateParentId.php.\n" ); $task = $this->maintenance->runChild( PopulateParentId::class ); $task->execute(); } } protected function doFilearchiveIndicesUpdate() { $info = $this->db->indexInfo( 'filearchive', 'fa_user_timestamp', __METHOD__ ); if ( !$info ) { $this->applyPatch( 'patch-filearchive-user-index.sql', false, "Updating filearchive indices" ); } return true; } protected function doNonUniquePlTlIl() { $info = $this->db->indexInfo( 'pagelinks', 'pl_namespace', __METHOD__ ); if ( is_array( $info ) && $info[0]->Non_unique ) { $this->output( "...pl_namespace, tl_namespace, il_to indices are already non-UNIQUE.\n" ); return true; } if ( $this->skipSchema ) { $this->output( "...skipping schema change (making pl_namespace, tl_namespace " . "and il_to indices non-UNIQUE).\n" ); return false; } return $this->applyPatch( 'patch-pl-tl-il-nonunique.sql', false, 'Making pl_namespace, tl_namespace and il_to indices non-UNIQUE' ); } protected function doUpdateMimeMinorField() { if ( $this->updateRowExists( 'mime_minor_length' ) ) { $this->output( "...*_mime_minor fields are already long enough.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-mime_minor_length.sql', false, 'Altering all *_mime_minor fields to 100 bytes in size' ); } protected function doClFieldsUpdate() { if ( $this->updateRowExists( 'cl_fields_update' ) ) { $this->output( "...categorylinks up-to-date.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-categorylinks-better-collation2.sql', false, 'Updating categorylinks (again)' ); } protected function doLanguageLinksLengthSync() { $sync = [ [ 'table' => 'l10n_cache', 'field' => 'lc_lang' ], [ 'table' => 'langlinks', 'field' => 'll_lang' ], [ 'table' => 'sites', 'field' => 'site_language' ], ]; foreach ( $sync as $s ) { $table = $this->db->tableName( $s['table'] ); $field = $s['field']; $res = $this->db->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE '$field'", __METHOD__ ); $row = $this->db->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row && $row->Type !== "varbinary(35)" ) { $this->applyPatch( "patch-{$s['table']}-$field-35.sql", false, "Updating length of $field in $table" ); } else { $this->output( "...$field is up-to-date.\n" ); } } } protected function doFixIpbAddressUniqueIndex() { if ( !$this->indexHasField( 'ipblocks', 'ipb_address_unique', 'ipb_anon_only' ) ) { $this->output( "...ipb_address_unique index up-to-date.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-ipblocks-fix-ipb_address_unique.sql', false, 'Removing ipb_anon_only column from ipb_address_unique index' ); } protected function doUserNewTalkTimestampNotNull() { if ( !$this->doTable( 'user_newtalk' ) ) { return true; } $info = $this->db->fieldInfo( 'user_newtalk', 'user_last_timestamp' ); if ( $info === false ) { return; } if ( $info->isNullable() ) { $this->output( "...user_last_timestamp is already nullable.\n" ); return; } $this->applyPatch( 'patch-user-newtalk-timestamp-null.sql', false, 'Making user_last_timestamp nullable' ); } protected function doIwlinksIndexNonUnique() { $info = $this->db->indexInfo( 'iwlinks', 'iwl_prefix_title_from', __METHOD__ ); if ( is_array( $info ) && $info[0]->Non_unique ) { $this->output( "...iwl_prefix_title_from index is already non-UNIQUE.\n" ); return true; } if ( $this->skipSchema ) { $this->output( "...skipping schema change (making iwl_prefix_title_from index non-UNIQUE).\n" ); return false; } return $this->applyPatch( 'patch-iwl_prefix_title_from-non-unique.sql', false, 'Making iwl_prefix_title_from index non-UNIQUE' ); } protected function doUnsignedSyncronisation() { $sync = [ [ 'table' => 'bot_passwords', 'field' => 'bp_user' ], [ 'table' => 'change_tag', 'field' => 'ct_log_id' ], [ 'table' => 'change_tag', 'field' => 'ct_rev_id' ], [ 'table' => 'page_restrictions', 'field' => 'pr_user' ], [ 'table' => 'user_newtalk', 'field' => 'user_id' ], [ 'table' => 'user_properties', 'field' => 'up_user' ], ]; foreach ( $sync as $s ) { if ( !$this->doTable( $s['table'] ) ) { continue; } $info = $this->db->fieldInfo( $s['table'], $s['field'] ); if ( $info === false ) { continue; } $fullName = "{$s['table']}.{$s['field']}"; if ( $info->isUnsigned() ) { $this->output( "...$fullName is already unsigned int.\n" ); continue; } $this->applyPatch( "patch-{$s['table']}-{$s['field']}-unsigned.sql", false, "Making $fullName into an unsigned int" ); } return true; } protected function doRevisionPageRevIndexNonUnique() { if ( !$this->doTable( 'revision' ) ) { return true; } elseif ( !$this->db->indexExists( 'revision', 'rev_page_id', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "...rev_page_id index not found on revision.\n" ); return true; } if ( !$this->db->indexUnique( 'revision', 'rev_page_id', __METHOD__ ) ) { $this->output( "...rev_page_id index already non-unique.\n" ); return true; } return $this->applyPatch( 'patch-revision-page-rev-index-nonunique.sql', false, 'Making rev_page_id index non-unique' ); } protected function doExtendCommentLengths() { $table = $this->db->tableName( 'revision' ); $res = $this->db->query( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE 'rev_comment'", __METHOD__ ); $row = $this->db->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row && ( $row->Type !== "varbinary(767)" || $row->Default !== "" ) ) { $this->applyPatch( 'patch-editsummary-length.sql', false, 'Extending edit summary lengths (and setting defaults)' ); } else { $this->output( "...comment fields are up to date.\n" ); } } public function getSchemaVars() { global $wgDBTableOptions; $vars = []; $vars['wgDBTableOptions'] = str_replace( 'TYPE', 'ENGINE', $wgDBTableOptions ); $vars['wgDBTableOptions'] = str_replace( 'CHARSET=mysql4', 'CHARSET=binary', $vars['wgDBTableOptions'] ); return $vars; } }