16; IPv6 => 32. * * @stable to extend * @since 1.26 */ class HTMLUserTextField extends HTMLTextField { /* * @stable to call */ public function __construct( $params ) { $params = wfArrayPlus2d( $params, [ 'exists' => false, 'ipallowed' => false, 'iprange' => false, 'iprangelimits' => [ 'IPv4' => '16', 'IPv6' => '32', ], ] ); parent::__construct( $params ); } public function validate( $value, $alldata ) { // If the value is null, reset it to an empty string which is what is expected by the parent. if ( $value === null ) { $value = ''; } // If the value is empty, there are no additional checks that can be performed. if ( $value === '' ) { return parent::validate( $value, $alldata ); } // check, if a user exists with the given username $user = User::newFromName( $value, false ); $rangeError = null; if ( !$user ) { return $this->msg( 'htmlform-user-not-valid', $value ); } elseif ( // check, if the user exists, if requested ( $this->mParams['exists'] && $user->getId() === 0 ) && // check, if the username is a valid IP address, otherwise save the error message !( $this->mParams['ipallowed'] && IPUtils::isValid( $value ) ) && // check, if the username is a valid IP range, otherwise save the error message !( $this->mParams['iprange'] && ( $rangeError = $this->isValidIPRange( $value ) ) === true ) ) { if ( is_string( $rangeError ) ) { return $rangeError; } return $this->msg( 'htmlform-user-not-exists', $user->getName() ); } return parent::validate( $value, $alldata ); } protected function isValidIPRange( $value ) { $cidrIPRanges = $this->mParams['iprangelimits']; if ( !IPUtils::isValidRange( $value ) ) { return false; } list( $ip, $range ) = explode( '/', $value, 2 ); if ( ( IPUtils::isIPv4( $ip ) && $cidrIPRanges['IPv4'] == 32 ) || ( IPUtils::isIPv6( $ip ) && $cidrIPRanges['IPv6'] == 128 ) ) { // Range block effectively disabled return $this->msg( 'ip_range_toolow' )->parse(); } if ( ( IPUtils::isIPv4( $ip ) && $range > 32 ) || ( IPUtils::isIPv6( $ip ) && $range > 128 ) ) { // Dodgy range return $this->msg( 'ip_range_invalid' )->parse(); } if ( IPUtils::isIPv4( $ip ) && $range < $cidrIPRanges['IPv4'] ) { return $this->msg( 'ip_range_exceeded', $cidrIPRanges['IPv4'] )->parse(); } if ( IPUtils::isIPv6( $ip ) && $range < $cidrIPRanges['IPv6'] ) { return $this->msg( 'ip_range_exceeded', $cidrIPRanges['IPv6'] )->parse(); } return true; } protected function getInputWidget( $params ) { return new UserInputWidget( $params ); } protected function shouldInfuseOOUI() { return true; } protected function getOOUIModules() { return [ 'mediawiki.widgets.UserInputWidget' ]; } public function getInputHtml( $value ) { // add the required module and css class for user suggestions in non-OOUI mode $this->mParent->getOutput()->addModules( 'mediawiki.userSuggest' ); $this->mClass .= ' mw-autocomplete-user'; // return parent html return parent::getInputHTML( $value ); } }