mParams['disabled-options'] ) === false ) { $this->mParams['disabled-options'] = []; } if ( isset( $params['dropdown'] ) ) { $this->mClass .= ' mw-htmlform-dropdown'; } if ( isset( $params['flatlist'] ) ) { $this->mClass .= ' mw-htmlform-flatlist'; } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function validate( $value, $alldata ) { $p = parent::validate( $value, $alldata ); if ( $p !== true ) { return $p; } if ( !is_array( $value ) ) { return false; } # If all options are valid, array_intersect of the valid options # and the provided options will return the provided options. $validOptions = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $this->getOptions() ); $validValues = array_intersect( $value, $validOptions ); if ( count( $validValues ) == count( $value ) ) { return true; } else { return $this->msg( 'htmlform-select-badoption' ); } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function getInputHTML( $value ) { if ( isset( $this->mParams['dropdown'] ) ) { $this->mParent->getOutput()->addModules( 'jquery.chosen' ); } $value = HTMLFormField::forceToStringRecursive( $value ); $html = $this->formatOptions( $this->getOptions(), $value ); return $html; } /** * @stable to override * * @param array $options * @param mixed $value * * @return string * @throws MWException */ public function formatOptions( $options, $value ) { $html = ''; $attribs = $this->getAttributes( [ 'disabled', 'tabindex' ] ); foreach ( $options as $label => $info ) { if ( is_array( $info ) ) { $html .= Html::rawElement( 'h1', [], $label ) . "\n"; $html .= $this->formatOptions( $info, $value ); } else { $thisAttribs = [ 'id' => "{$this->mID}-$info", 'value' => $info, ]; if ( in_array( $info, $this->mParams['disabled-options'], true ) ) { $thisAttribs['disabled'] = 'disabled'; } $checked = in_array( $info, $value, true ); $checkbox = $this->getOneCheckbox( $checked, $attribs + $thisAttribs, $label ); $html .= ' ' . Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-htmlform-flatlist-item' ], $checkbox ); } } return $html; } protected function getOneCheckbox( $checked, $attribs, $label ) { if ( $this->mParent instanceof OOUIHTMLForm ) { throw new MWException( 'HTMLMultiSelectField#getOneCheckbox() is not supported' ); } else { $elementFunc = [ Html::class, $this->mOptionsLabelsNotFromMessage ? 'rawElement' : 'element' ]; $checkbox = Xml::check( "{$this->mName}[]", $checked, $attribs ) . "\u{00A0}" . call_user_func( $elementFunc, 'label', [ 'for' => $attribs['id'] ], $label ); if ( $this->mParent->getConfig()->get( 'UseMediaWikiUIEverywhere' ) ) { $checkbox = Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'mw-ui-checkbox' ] ) . $checkbox . Html::closeElement( 'div' ); } return $checkbox; } } /** * Get options and make them into arrays suitable for OOUI. * @stable to override * @throws MWException */ public function getOptionsOOUI() { // Sections make this difficult. See getInputOOUI(). throw new MWException( 'HTMLMultiSelectField#getOptionsOOUI() is not supported' ); } /** * Get the OOUI version of this field. * * Returns OOUI\CheckboxMultiselectInputWidget for fields that only have one section, * string otherwise. * * @stable to override * @since 1.28 * @param string[] $value * @return string|OOUI\CheckboxMultiselectInputWidget * @suppress PhanParamSignatureMismatch */ public function getInputOOUI( $value ) { $this->mParent->getOutput()->addModules( 'oojs-ui-widgets' ); $hasSections = false; $optionsOouiSections = []; $options = $this->getOptions(); // If the options are supposed to be split into sections, each section becomes a separate // CheckboxMultiselectInputWidget. foreach ( $options as $label => $section ) { if ( is_array( $section ) ) { $optionsOouiSections[ $label ] = Xml::listDropDownOptionsOoui( $section ); unset( $options[$label] ); $hasSections = true; } } // If anything remains in the array, they are sectionless options. Put them in a separate widget // at the beginning. if ( $options ) { $optionsOouiSections = array_merge( [ '' => Xml::listDropDownOptionsOoui( $options ) ], $optionsOouiSections ); } '@phan-var array[][] $optionsOouiSections'; $out = []; foreach ( $optionsOouiSections as $sectionLabel => $optionsOoui ) { $attr = []; $attr['name'] = "{$this->mName}[]"; $attr['value'] = $value; $options = $optionsOoui; foreach ( $options as &$option ) { $option['disabled'] = in_array( $option['data'], $this->mParams['disabled-options'], true ); } if ( $this->mOptionsLabelsNotFromMessage ) { foreach ( $options as &$option ) { $option['label'] = new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $option['label'] ); } } unset( $option ); $attr['options'] = $options; $attr += OOUI\Element::configFromHtmlAttributes( $this->getAttributes( [ 'disabled', 'tabindex' ] ) ); if ( $this->mClass !== '' ) { $attr['classes'] = [ $this->mClass ]; } $widget = new OOUI\CheckboxMultiselectInputWidget( $attr ); if ( $sectionLabel ) { $out[] = new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( [ 'items' => [ $widget ], 'label' => new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $sectionLabel ), ] ); } else { $out[] = $widget; } } if ( !$hasSections && $out ) { // Directly return the only OOUI\CheckboxMultiselectInputWidget. // This allows it to be made infusable and later tweaked by JS code. return $out[ 0 ]; } return implode( '', $out ); } /** * @stable to override * @param WebRequest $request * * @return string|array */ public function loadDataFromRequest( $request ) { $fromRequest = $request->getArray( $this->mName, [] ); // Fetch the value in either one of the two following case: // - we have a valid submit attempt (form was just submitted) // - we have a value (an URL manually built by the user, or GET form with no wpFormIdentifier) if ( $this->isSubmitAttempt( $request ) || $fromRequest ) { // Checkboxes are just not added to the request arrays if they're not checked, // so it's perfectly possible for there not to be an entry at all return $fromRequest; } else { // That's ok, the user has not yet submitted the form, so show the defaults return $this->getDefault(); } } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function getDefault() { return $this->mDefault ?? []; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ public function filterDataForSubmit( $data ) { $data = HTMLFormField::forceToStringRecursive( $data ); $options = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $this->getOptions() ); $res = []; foreach ( $options as $opt ) { $res["$opt"] = in_array( $opt, $data, true ); } return $res; } /** * @inheritDoc * @stable to override */ protected function needsLabel() { return false; } }