*/ protected $mImages; /** * @var bool Whether to show the filesize in bytes in categories */ protected $mShowBytes; /** * @var bool Whether to show the dimensions in categories */ protected $mShowDimensions; /** * @var bool Whether to show the filename. Default: true */ protected $mShowFilename; /** * @var string Gallery mode. Default: traditional */ protected $mMode; /** * @var bool|string Gallery caption. Default: false */ protected $mCaption = false; /** * Length to truncate filename to in caption when using "showfilename". * A value of 'true' will truncate the filename to one line using CSS * and will be the behaviour after deprecation. * * @var bool|int */ protected $mCaptionLength = true; /** * @var bool Hide blacklisted images? */ protected $mHideBadImages; /** * @var Parser|false Registered parser object for output callbacks */ public $mParser; /** * @var Title|null Contextual title, used when images are being screened against * the bad image list */ protected $contextTitle = null; /** @var array */ protected $mAttribs = []; /** @var int */ protected $mPerRow; /** @var int */ protected $mWidths; /** @var int */ protected $mHeights; /** @var array */ private static $modeMapping; /** * Get a new image gallery. This is the method other callers * should use to get a gallery. * * @param string|bool $mode Mode to use. False to use the default * @param IContextSource|null $context * @return ImageGalleryBase * @throws MWException */ public static function factory( $mode = false, IContextSource $context = null ) { self::loadModes(); if ( !$context ) { $context = RequestContext::getMainAndWarn( __METHOD__ ); } if ( !$mode ) { $galleryOptions = $context->getConfig()->get( 'GalleryOptions' ); $mode = $galleryOptions['mode']; } $mode = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->lc( $mode ); if ( isset( self::$modeMapping[$mode] ) ) { $class = self::$modeMapping[$mode]; return new $class( $mode, $context ); } else { throw new MWException( "No gallery class registered for mode $mode" ); } } private static function loadModes() { if ( self::$modeMapping === null ) { self::$modeMapping = [ 'traditional' => TraditionalImageGallery::class, 'nolines' => NolinesImageGallery::class, 'packed' => PackedImageGallery::class, 'packed-hover' => PackedHoverImageGallery::class, 'packed-overlay' => PackedOverlayImageGallery::class, 'slideshow' => SlideshowImageGallery::class, ]; // Allow extensions to make a new gallery format. Hooks::runner()->onGalleryGetModes( self::$modeMapping ); } } /** * Create a new image gallery object. * * You should not call this directly, but instead use * ImageGalleryBase::factory(). * * @stable to call * @note constructors of subclasses must have a compatible signature * for use by the factory() method. * * @param string $mode * @param IContextSource|null $context */ public function __construct( $mode = 'traditional', IContextSource $context = null ) { if ( $context ) { $this->setContext( $context ); } $galleryOptions = $this->getConfig()->get( 'GalleryOptions' ); $this->mImages = []; $this->mShowBytes = $galleryOptions['showBytes']; $this->mShowDimensions = $galleryOptions['showDimensions']; $this->mShowFilename = true; $this->mParser = false; $this->mHideBadImages = false; $this->mPerRow = $galleryOptions['imagesPerRow']; $this->mWidths = $galleryOptions['imageWidth']; $this->mHeights = $galleryOptions['imageHeight']; $this->mCaptionLength = $galleryOptions['captionLength']; $this->mMode = $mode; } /** * Register a parser object. If you do not set this * and the output of this gallery ends up in parser * cache, the javascript will break! * * @note This also triggers using the page's target * language instead of the user language. * * @param Parser $parser */ public function setParser( $parser ) { $this->mParser = $parser; } /** * Set bad image flag * @param bool $flag */ public function setHideBadImages( $flag = true ) { $this->mHideBadImages = $flag; } /** * Set the caption (as plain text) * * @param string $caption */ public function setCaption( $caption ) { $this->mCaption = htmlspecialchars( $caption ); } /** * Set the caption (as HTML) * * @param string $caption */ public function setCaptionHtml( $caption ) { $this->mCaption = $caption; } /** * Set how many images will be displayed per row. * * @param int $num Integer >= 0; If perrow=0 the gallery layout will adapt * to screensize invalid numbers will be rejected */ public function setPerRow( $num ) { if ( $num >= 0 ) { $this->mPerRow = (int)$num; } } /** * Set how wide each image will be, in pixels. * * @param string $num Number. Unit other than 'px is invalid. Invalid numbers * and those below 0 are ignored. */ public function setWidths( $num ) { $parsed = Parser::parseWidthParam( $num, false ); if ( isset( $parsed['width'] ) && $parsed['width'] > 0 ) { $this->mWidths = $parsed['width']; } } /** * Set how high each image will be, in pixels. * * @param string $num Number. Unit other than 'px is invalid. Invalid numbers * and those below 0 are ignored. */ public function setHeights( $num ) { $parsed = Parser::parseWidthParam( $num, false ); if ( isset( $parsed['width'] ) && $parsed['width'] > 0 ) { $this->mHeights = $parsed['width']; } } /** * Allow setting additional options. This is meant * to allow extensions to add additional parameters to * parser tag. * * @stable to override * * @param array $options Attributes of gallery tag */ public function setAdditionalOptions( $options ) { } /** * Add an image to the gallery. * * @param Title $title Title object of the image that is added to the gallery * @param string $html Additional HTML text to be shown. The name and size * of the image are always shown. * @param string $alt Alt text for the image * @param string $link Override image link (optional) * @param array $handlerOpts Array of options for image handler (aka page number) * @param int $loading Sets loading attribute of the underlying (optional) */ public function add( $title, $html = '', $alt = '', $link = '', $handlerOpts = [], $loading = self::LOADING_DEFAULT ) { if ( $title instanceof File ) { // Old calling convention $title = $title->getTitle(); } $this->mImages[] = [ $title, $html, $alt, $link, $handlerOpts, $loading ]; wfDebug( 'ImageGallery::add ' . $title->getText() ); } /** * Add an image at the beginning of the gallery. * * @param Title $title Title object of the image that is added to the gallery * @param string $html Additional HTML text to be shown. The name and size * of the image are always shown. * @param string $alt Alt text for the image * @param string $link Override image link (optional) * @param array $handlerOpts Array of options for image handler (aka page number) * @param int $loading Sets loading attribute of the underlying (optional) */ public function insert( $title, $html = '', $alt = '', $link = '', $handlerOpts = [], $loading = self::LOADING_DEFAULT ) { if ( $title instanceof File ) { // Old calling convention $title = $title->getTitle(); } array_unshift( $this->mImages, [ &$title, $html, $alt, $link, $handlerOpts, $loading ] ); } /** * Returns the list of images this gallery contains * @return array[] * @phan-return array */ public function getImages() { return $this->mImages; } /** * isEmpty() returns true if the gallery contains no images * @return bool */ public function isEmpty() { return empty( $this->mImages ); } /** * Enable/Disable showing of the dimensions of an image in the gallery. * Enabled by default. * * @param bool $f Set to false to disable */ public function setShowDimensions( $f ) { $this->mShowDimensions = (bool)$f; } /** * Enable/Disable showing of the file size of an image in the gallery. * Enabled by default. * * @param bool $f Set to false to disable */ public function setShowBytes( $f ) { $this->mShowBytes = (bool)$f; } /** * Enable/Disable showing of the filename of an image in the gallery. * Enabled by default. * * @param bool $f Set to false to disable */ public function setShowFilename( $f ) { $this->mShowFilename = (bool)$f; } /** * Set arbitrary attributes to go on the HTML gallery output element. * Should be suitable for a