file = $file; $this->target = $target; $this->oldHash = $this->file->repo->getHashPath( $this->file->getName() ); $this->newHash = $this->file->repo->getHashPath( $this->target->getDBkey() ); $this->oldName = $this->file->getName(); $this->newName = $this->file->repo->getNameFromTitle( $this->target ); $this->oldRel = $this->oldHash . $this->oldName; $this->newRel = $this->newHash . $this->newName; $this->db = $file->getRepo()->getMasterDB(); } /** * Add the current image to the batch */ public function addCurrent() { $this->cur = [ $this->oldRel, $this->newRel ]; } /** * Add the old versions of the image to the batch * @return string[] List of archive names from old versions */ public function addOlds() { $archiveBase = 'archive'; $this->olds = []; $this->oldCount = 0; $archiveNames = []; $result = $this->db->select( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_archive_name', 'oi_deleted' ], [ 'oi_name' => $this->oldName ], __METHOD__, [ 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ] // ignore snapshot ); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $archiveNames[] = $row->oi_archive_name; $oldName = $row->oi_archive_name; $bits = explode( '!', $oldName, 2 ); if ( count( $bits ) != 2 ) { wfDebug( "Old file name missing !: '$oldName'" ); continue; } list( $timestamp, $filename ) = $bits; if ( $this->oldName != $filename ) { wfDebug( "Old file name doesn't match: '$oldName'" ); continue; } $this->oldCount++; // Do we want to add those to oldCount? if ( $row->oi_deleted & File::DELETED_FILE ) { continue; } $this->olds[] = [ "{$archiveBase}/{$this->oldHash}{$oldName}", "{$archiveBase}/{$this->newHash}{$timestamp}!{$this->newName}" ]; } return $archiveNames; } /** * Perform the move. * @return Status */ public function execute() { $repo = $this->file->repo; $status = $repo->newGood(); $destFile = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()->getLocalRepo() ->newFile( $this->target ); $this->file->lock(); $destFile->lock(); // quickly fail if destination is not available $triplets = $this->getMoveTriplets(); $checkStatus = $this->removeNonexistentFiles( $triplets ); if ( !$checkStatus->isGood() ) { $destFile->unlock(); $this->file->unlock(); $status->merge( $checkStatus ); // couldn't talk to file backend return $status; } $triplets = $checkStatus->value; // Verify the file versions metadata in the DB. $statusDb = $this->verifyDBUpdates(); if ( !$statusDb->isGood() ) { $destFile->unlock(); $this->file->unlock(); $statusDb->setOK( false ); return $statusDb; } if ( !$repo->hasSha1Storage() ) { // Copy the files into their new location. // If a prior process fataled copying or cleaning up files we tolerate any // of the existing files if they are identical to the ones being stored. $statusMove = $repo->storeBatch( $triplets, FileRepo::OVERWRITE_SAME ); wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Moved files for {$this->file->getName()}: " . "{$statusMove->successCount} successes, {$statusMove->failCount} failures" ); if ( !$statusMove->isGood() ) { // Delete any files copied over (while the destination is still locked) $this->cleanupTarget( $triplets ); $destFile->unlock(); $this->file->unlock(); wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Error in moving files: " . $statusMove->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ) ); $statusMove->setOK( false ); return $statusMove; } $status->merge( $statusMove ); } // Rename the file versions metadata in the DB. $this->doDBUpdates(); wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Renamed {$this->file->getName()} in database: " . "{$statusDb->successCount} successes, {$statusDb->failCount} failures" ); $destFile->unlock(); $this->file->unlock(); // Everything went ok, remove the source files $this->cleanupSource( $triplets ); $status->merge( $statusDb ); return $status; } /** * Verify the database updates and return a new Status indicating how * many rows would be updated. * * @return Status */ protected function verifyDBUpdates() { $repo = $this->file->repo; $status = $repo->newGood(); $dbw = $this->db; $hasCurrent = $dbw->lockForUpdate( 'image', [ 'img_name' => $this->oldName ], __METHOD__ ); $oldRowCount = $dbw->lockForUpdate( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_name' => $this->oldName ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $hasCurrent ) { $status->successCount++; } else { $status->failCount++; } $status->successCount += $oldRowCount; // T36934: oldCount is based on files that actually exist. // There may be more DB rows than such files, in which case $affected // can be greater than $total. We use max() to avoid negatives here. $status->failCount += max( 0, $this->oldCount - $oldRowCount ); if ( $status->failCount ) { $status->error( 'imageinvalidfilename' ); } return $status; } /** * Do the database updates and return a new Status indicating how * many rows where updated. */ protected function doDBUpdates() { $dbw = $this->db; // Update current image $dbw->update( 'image', [ 'img_name' => $this->newName ], [ 'img_name' => $this->oldName ], __METHOD__ ); // Update old images $dbw->update( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_name' => $this->newName, 'oi_archive_name = ' . $dbw->strreplace( 'oi_archive_name', $dbw->addQuotes( $this->oldName ), $dbw->addQuotes( $this->newName ) ), ], [ 'oi_name' => $this->oldName ], __METHOD__ ); } /** * Generate triplets for FileRepo::storeBatch(). * @return array[] */ protected function getMoveTriplets() { $moves = array_merge( [ $this->cur ], $this->olds ); $triplets = []; // The format is: (srcUrl, destZone, destUrl) foreach ( $moves as $move ) { // $move: (oldRelativePath, newRelativePath) $srcUrl = $this->file->repo->getVirtualUrl() . '/public/' . rawurlencode( $move[0] ); $triplets[] = [ $srcUrl, 'public', $move[1] ]; wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "Generated move triplet for {$this->file->getName()}: {$srcUrl} :: public :: {$move[1]}" ); } return $triplets; } /** * Removes non-existent files from move batch. * @param array[] $triplets * @return Status */ protected function removeNonexistentFiles( $triplets ) { $files = []; foreach ( $triplets as $file ) { $files[$file[0]] = $file[0]; } $result = $this->file->repo->fileExistsBatch( $files ); if ( in_array( null, $result, true ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'backend-fail-internal', $this->file->repo->getBackend()->getName() ); } $filteredTriplets = []; foreach ( $triplets as $file ) { if ( $result[$file[0]] ) { $filteredTriplets[] = $file; } else { wfDebugLog( 'imagemove', "File {$file[0]} does not exist" ); } } return Status::newGood( $filteredTriplets ); } /** * Cleanup a partially moved array of triplets by deleting the target * files. Called if something went wrong half way. * @param array[] $triplets */ protected function cleanupTarget( $triplets ) { // Create dest pairs from the triplets $pairs = []; foreach ( $triplets as $triplet ) { // $triplet: (old source virtual URL, dst zone, dest rel) $pairs[] = [ $triplet[1], $triplet[2] ]; } $this->file->repo->cleanupBatch( $pairs ); } /** * Cleanup a fully moved array of triplets by deleting the source files. * Called at the end of the move process if everything else went ok. * @param array[] $triplets */ protected function cleanupSource( $triplets ) { // Create source file names from the triplets $files = []; foreach ( $triplets as $triplet ) { $files[] = $triplet[0]; } $this->file->repo->cleanupBatch( $files ); } }