getRepoGroup(); } /** * @deprecated since 1.34, use MediaWikiTestCase::overrideMwServices() or similar. This will * cause bugs if you don't reset all other services that depend on this one at the same time. */ public static function destroySingleton() { MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->resetServiceForTesting( 'RepoGroup' ); } /** * @deprecated since 1.34, use MediaWikiTestCase::setService, this can mess up state of other * tests * @param RepoGroup $instance */ public static function setSingleton( $instance ) { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $services->disableService( 'RepoGroup' ); $services->redefineService( 'RepoGroup', function () use ( $instance ) { return $instance; } ); } /** * Construct a group of file repositories. Do not call this -- use * MediaWikiServices::getRepoGroup. * * @param array $localInfo Associative array for local repo's info * @param array $foreignInfo Array of repository info arrays. * Each info array is an associative array with the 'class' member * giving the class name. The entire array is passed to the repository * constructor as the first parameter. * @param WANObjectCache $wanCache */ public function __construct( $localInfo, $foreignInfo, $wanCache ) { $this->localInfo = $localInfo; $this->foreignInfo = $foreignInfo; $this->cache = new MapCacheLRU( self::MAX_CACHE_SIZE ); $this->wanCache = $wanCache; } /** * Search repositories for an image. * * @param Title|string $title Title object or string * @param array $options Associative array of options: * time: requested time for an archived image, or false for the * current version. An image object will be returned which was * created at the specified time. * ignoreRedirect: If true, do not follow file redirects * private: If true, return restricted (deleted) files if the current * user is allowed to view them. Otherwise, such files will not * be found. * latest: If true, load from the latest available data into File objects * @phan-param array{time?:mixed,ignoreRedirect?:bool,private?:bool,latest?:bool} $options * @return File|bool False if title is not found */ public function findFile( $title, $options = [] ) { if ( !is_array( $options ) ) { // MW 1.15 compat $options = [ 'time' => $options ]; } if ( isset( $options['bypassCache'] ) ) { $options['latest'] = $options['bypassCache']; // b/c } $options += [ 'time' => false ]; if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } $title = File::normalizeTitle( $title ); if ( !$title ) { return false; } # Check the cache $dbkey = $title->getDBkey(); $timeKey = is_string( $options['time'] ) ? $options['time'] : ''; if ( empty( $options['ignoreRedirect'] ) && empty( $options['private'] ) && empty( $options['latest'] ) ) { if ( $this->cache->hasField( $dbkey, $timeKey, 60 ) ) { return $this->cache->getField( $dbkey, $timeKey ); } $useCache = true; } else { $useCache = false; } # Check the local repo $image = $this->localRepo->findFile( $title, $options ); # Check the foreign repos if ( !$image ) { foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { $image = $repo->findFile( $title, $options ); if ( $image ) { break; } } } $image = $image instanceof File ? $image : false; // type sanity # Cache file existence or non-existence if ( $useCache && ( !$image || $image->isCacheable() ) ) { $this->cache->setField( $dbkey, $timeKey, $image ); } return $image; } /** * Search repositories for many files at once. * * @param array $inputItems An array of titles, or an array of findFile() options with * the "title" option giving the title. Example: * * $findItem = [ 'title' => $title, 'private' => true ]; * $findBatch = [ $findItem ]; * $repo->findFiles( $findBatch ); * * No title should appear in $items twice, as the result use titles as keys * @param int $flags Supports: * - FileRepo::NAME_AND_TIME_ONLY : return a (search title => (title,timestamp)) map. * The search title uses the input titles; the other is the final post-redirect title. * All titles are returned as string DB keys and the inner array is associative. * @return array Map of (file name => File objects) for matches */ public function findFiles( array $inputItems, $flags = 0 ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } $items = []; foreach ( $inputItems as $item ) { if ( !is_array( $item ) ) { $item = [ 'title' => $item ]; } $item['title'] = File::normalizeTitle( $item['title'] ); if ( $item['title'] ) { $items[$item['title']->getDBkey()] = $item; } } $images = $this->localRepo->findFiles( $items, $flags ); foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { // Remove found files from $items foreach ( $images as $name => $image ) { unset( $items[$name] ); } $images = array_merge( $images, $repo->findFiles( $items, $flags ) ); } return $images; } /** * Interface for FileRepo::checkRedirect() * @param Title $title * @return bool|Title */ public function checkRedirect( Title $title ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } $redir = $this->localRepo->checkRedirect( $title ); if ( $redir ) { return $redir; } foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { $redir = $repo->checkRedirect( $title ); if ( $redir ) { return $redir; } } return false; } /** * Find an instance of the file with this key, created at the specified time * Returns false if the file does not exist. * * @param string $hash Base 36 SHA-1 hash * @param array $options Option array, same as findFile() * @return File|bool File object or false if it is not found */ public function findFileFromKey( $hash, $options = [] ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } $file = $this->localRepo->findFileFromKey( $hash, $options ); if ( !$file ) { foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { $file = $repo->findFileFromKey( $hash, $options ); if ( $file ) { break; } } } return $file; } /** * Find all instances of files with this key * * @param string $hash Base 36 SHA-1 hash * @return File[] */ public function findBySha1( $hash ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } $result = $this->localRepo->findBySha1( $hash ); foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { $result = array_merge( $result, $repo->findBySha1( $hash ) ); } usort( $result, 'File::compare' ); return $result; } /** * Find all instances of files with this keys * * @param array $hashes Base 36 SHA-1 hashes * @return array Array of array of File objects */ public function findBySha1s( array $hashes ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } $result = $this->localRepo->findBySha1s( $hashes ); foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { $result = array_merge_recursive( $result, $repo->findBySha1s( $hashes ) ); } // sort the merged (and presorted) sublist of each hash foreach ( $result as $hash => $files ) { usort( $result[$hash], 'File::compare' ); } return $result; } /** * Get the repo instance with a given key. * @param string|int $index * @return bool|FileRepo */ public function getRepo( $index ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } if ( $index === 'local' ) { return $this->localRepo; } return $this->foreignRepos[$index] ?? false; } /** * Get the repo instance by its name * @param string $name * @return FileRepo|bool */ public function getRepoByName( $name ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { if ( $repo->name == $name ) { return $repo; } } return false; } /** * Get the local repository, i.e. the one corresponding to the local image * table. Files are typically uploaded to the local repository. * * @return LocalRepo */ public function getLocalRepo() { /** @var LocalRepo $repo */ $repo = $this->getRepo( 'local' ); return $repo; } /** * Call a function for each foreign repo, with the repo object as the * first parameter. * * @param callable $callback The function to call * @param array $params Optional additional parameters to pass to the function * @return bool */ public function forEachForeignRepo( $callback, $params = [] ) { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } foreach ( $this->foreignRepos as $repo ) { if ( $callback( $repo, ...$params ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Does the installation have any foreign repos set up? * @return bool */ public function hasForeignRepos() { if ( !$this->reposInitialised ) { $this->initialiseRepos(); } return (bool)$this->foreignRepos; } /** * Initialise the $repos array */ public function initialiseRepos() { if ( $this->reposInitialised ) { return; } $this->reposInitialised = true; $this->localRepo = $this->newRepo( $this->localInfo ); $this->foreignRepos = []; foreach ( $this->foreignInfo as $key => $info ) { $this->foreignRepos[$key] = $this->newRepo( $info ); } } /** * Create a repo class based on an info structure * @param array $info * @return FileRepo */ protected function newRepo( $info ) { $class = $info['class']; $info['wanCache'] = $this->wanCache; return new $class( $info ); } /** * Split a virtual URL into repo, zone and rel parts * @param string $url * @throws MWException * @return string[] Containing repo, zone and rel */ private function splitVirtualUrl( $url ) { if ( substr( $url, 0, 9 ) != 'mwrepo://' ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': unknown protocol' ); } $bits = explode( '/', substr( $url, 9 ), 3 ); if ( count( $bits ) != 3 ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": invalid mwrepo URL: $url" ); } return $bits; } /** * @param string $fileName * @return array */ public function getFileProps( $fileName ) { if ( FileRepo::isVirtualUrl( $fileName ) ) { list( $repoName, /* $zone */, /* $rel */ ) = $this->splitVirtualUrl( $fileName ); if ( $repoName === '' ) { $repoName = 'local'; } $repo = $this->getRepo( $repoName ); return $repo->getFileProps( $fileName ); } else { $mwProps = new MWFileProps( MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMimeAnalyzer() ); return $mwProps->getPropsFromPath( $fileName, true ); } } /** * Clear RepoGroup process cache used for finding a file * @param Title|null $title Title of the file or null to clear all files */ public function clearCache( Title $title = null ) { if ( $title == null ) { $this->cache->clear(); } else { $this->cache->clear( $title->getDBkey() ); } } }