/thumb". */ protected $thumbUrl; /** @var int The number of directory levels for hash-based division of files */ protected $hashLevels; /** @var int The number of directory levels for hash-based division of deleted files */ protected $deletedHashLevels; /** @var int File names over this size will use the short form of thumbnail * names. Short thumbnail names only have the width, parameters, and the * extension. */ protected $abbrvThreshold; /** @var string The URL of the repo's favicon, if any */ protected $favicon; /** @var bool Whether all zones should be private (e.g. private wiki repo) */ protected $isPrivate; /** @var callable Override these in the base class */ protected $fileFactory = [ UnregisteredLocalFile::class, 'newFromTitle' ]; /** @var callable|false Override these in the base class */ protected $oldFileFactory = false; /** @var callable|false Override these in the base class */ protected $fileFactoryKey = false; /** @var callable|false Override these in the base class */ protected $oldFileFactoryKey = false; /** @var string URL of where to proxy thumb.php requests to. * Example: */ protected $thumbProxyUrl; /** @var string Secret key to pass as an X-Swift-Secret header to the proxied thumb service */ protected $thumbProxySecret; /** @var WANObjectCache */ protected $wanCache; /** * @var string * @note Use $this->getName(). Public for back-compat only * @todo make protected */ public $name; /** * @see Documentation of info options at $wgLocalFileRepo * @param array|null $info * @throws MWException * @phan-assert array $info */ public function __construct( array $info = null ) { // Verify required settings presence if ( $info === null || !array_key_exists( 'name', $info ) || !array_key_exists( 'backend', $info ) ) { throw new MWException( __CLASS__ . " requires an array of options having both 'name' and 'backend' keys.\n" ); } // Required settings $this->name = $info['name']; if ( $info['backend'] instanceof FileBackend ) { $this->backend = $info['backend']; // useful for testing } else { $this->backend = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getFileBackendGroup()->get( $info['backend'] ); } // Optional settings that can have no value $optionalSettings = [ 'descBaseUrl', 'scriptDirUrl', 'articleUrl', 'fetchDescription', 'thumbScriptUrl', 'pathDisclosureProtection', 'descriptionCacheExpiry', 'favicon', 'thumbProxyUrl', 'thumbProxySecret', ]; foreach ( $optionalSettings as $var ) { if ( isset( $info[$var] ) ) { $this->$var = $info[$var]; } } // Optional settings that have a default $localCapitalLinks = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->isCapitalized( NS_FILE ); $this->initialCapital = $info['initialCapital'] ?? $localCapitalLinks; if ( $localCapitalLinks && !$this->initialCapital ) { // If the local wiki's file namespace requires an initial capital, but a foreign file // repo doesn't, complications will result. Linker code will want to auto-capitalize the // first letter of links to files, but those links might actually point to files on // foreign wikis with initial-lowercase names. This combination is not likely to be // used by anyone anyway, so we just outlaw it to save ourselves the bugs. If you want // to include a foreign file repo with initialCapital false, set your local file // namespace to not be capitalized either. throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'File repos with initial capital false are not allowed on wikis where the File ' . 'namespace has initial capital true' ); } $this->url = $info['url'] ?? false; // a subclass may set the URL (e.g. ForeignAPIRepo) if ( isset( $info['thumbUrl'] ) ) { $this->thumbUrl = $info['thumbUrl']; } else { $this->thumbUrl = $this->url ? "{$this->url}/thumb" : false; } $this->hashLevels = $info['hashLevels'] ?? 2; $this->deletedHashLevels = $info['deletedHashLevels'] ?? $this->hashLevels; $this->transformVia404 = !empty( $info['transformVia404'] ); $this->abbrvThreshold = $info['abbrvThreshold'] ?? 255; $this->isPrivate = !empty( $info['isPrivate'] ); // Give defaults for the basic zones... $this->zones = $info['zones'] ?? []; foreach ( [ 'public', 'thumb', 'transcoded', 'temp', 'deleted' ] as $zone ) { if ( !isset( $this->zones[$zone]['container'] ) ) { $this->zones[$zone]['container'] = "{$this->name}-{$zone}"; } if ( !isset( $this->zones[$zone]['directory'] ) ) { $this->zones[$zone]['directory'] = ''; } if ( !isset( $this->zones[$zone]['urlsByExt'] ) ) { $this->zones[$zone]['urlsByExt'] = []; } } $this->supportsSha1URLs = !empty( $info['supportsSha1URLs'] ); $this->wanCache = $info['wanCache'] ?? WANObjectCache::newEmpty(); } /** * Get the file backend instance. Use this function wisely. * * @return FileBackend */ public function getBackend() { return $this->backend; } /** * Get an explanatory message if this repo is read-only. * This checks if an administrator disabled writes to the backend. * * @return string|bool Returns false if the repo is not read-only */ public function getReadOnlyReason() { return $this->backend->getReadOnlyReason(); } /** * Check if a single zone or list of zones is defined for usage * * @param string[]|string $doZones Only do a particular zones * @throws MWException * @return Status */ protected function initZones( $doZones = [] ) { $status = $this->newGood(); foreach ( (array)$doZones as $zone ) { $root = $this->getZonePath( $zone ); if ( $root === null ) { throw new MWException( "No '$zone' zone defined in the {$this->name} repo." ); } } return $status; } /** * Determine if a string is an mwrepo:// URL * * @param string $url * @return bool */ public static function isVirtualUrl( $url ) { return substr( $url, 0, 9 ) == 'mwrepo://'; } /** * Get a URL referring to this repository, with the private mwrepo protocol. * The suffix, if supplied, is considered to be unencoded, and will be * URL-encoded before being returned. * * @param string|bool $suffix * @return string */ public function getVirtualUrl( $suffix = false ) { $path = 'mwrepo://' . $this->name; if ( $suffix !== false ) { $path .= '/' . rawurlencode( $suffix ); } return $path; } /** * Get the URL corresponding to one of the four basic zones * * @param string $zone One of: public, deleted, temp, thumb * @param string|null $ext Optional file extension * @return string|bool */ public function getZoneUrl( $zone, $ext = null ) { if ( in_array( $zone, [ 'public', 'thumb', 'transcoded' ] ) ) { // standard public zones if ( $ext !== null && isset( $this->zones[$zone]['urlsByExt'][$ext] ) ) { // custom URL for extension/zone return $this->zones[$zone]['urlsByExt'][$ext]; } elseif ( isset( $this->zones[$zone]['url'] ) ) { // custom URL for zone return $this->zones[$zone]['url']; } } switch ( $zone ) { case 'public': return $this->url; case 'temp': case 'deleted': return false; // no public URL case 'thumb': return $this->thumbUrl; case 'transcoded': return "{$this->url}/transcoded"; default: return false; } } /** * @return bool Whether non-ASCII path characters are allowed */ public function backendSupportsUnicodePaths() { return (bool)( $this->getBackend()->getFeatures() & FileBackend::ATTR_UNICODE_PATHS ); } /** * Get the backend storage path corresponding to a virtual URL. * Use this function wisely. * * @param string $url * @throws MWException * @return string */ public function resolveVirtualUrl( $url ) { if ( substr( $url, 0, 9 ) != 'mwrepo://' ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': unknown protocol' ); } $bits = explode( '/', substr( $url, 9 ), 3 ); if ( count( $bits ) != 3 ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": invalid mwrepo URL: $url" ); } list( $repo, $zone, $rel ) = $bits; if ( $repo !== $this->name ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": fetching from a foreign repo is not supported" ); } $base = $this->getZonePath( $zone ); if ( !$base ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": invalid zone: $zone" ); } return $base . '/' . rawurldecode( $rel ); } /** * The storage container and base path of a zone * * @param string $zone * @return array (container, base path) or (null, null) */ protected function getZoneLocation( $zone ) { if ( !isset( $this->zones[$zone] ) ) { return [ null, null ]; // bogus } return [ $this->zones[$zone]['container'], $this->zones[$zone]['directory'] ]; } /** * Get the storage path corresponding to one of the zones * * @param string $zone * @return string|null Returns null if the zone is not defined */ public function getZonePath( $zone ) { list( $container, $base ) = $this->getZoneLocation( $zone ); if ( $container === null || $base === null ) { return null; } $backendName = $this->backend->getName(); if ( $base != '' ) { // may not be set $base = "/{$base}"; } return "mwstore://$backendName/{$container}{$base}"; } /** * Create a new File object from the local repository * * @param Title|string $title Title object or string * @param bool|string $time Time at which the image was uploaded. If this * is specified, the returned object will be an instance of the * repository's old file class instead of a current file. Repositories * not supporting version control should return false if this parameter * is set. * @return File|null A File, or null if passed an invalid Title */ public function newFile( $title, $time = false ) { $title = File::normalizeTitle( $title ); if ( !$title ) { return null; } if ( $time ) { if ( $this->oldFileFactory ) { return call_user_func( $this->oldFileFactory, $title, $this, $time ); } else { return null; } } else { return call_user_func( $this->fileFactory, $title, $this ); } } /** * Find an instance of the named file created at the specified time * Returns false if the file does not exist. Repositories not supporting * version control should return false if the time is specified. * * @param Title|string $title Title object or string * @param array $options Associative array of options: * time: requested time for a specific file version, or false for the * current version. An image object will be returned which was * created at the specified time (which may be archived or current). * ignoreRedirect: If true, do not follow file redirects * private: If true, return restricted (deleted) files if the current * user is allowed to view them. Otherwise, such files will not * be found. If a User object, use that user instead of the current. * latest: If true, load from the latest available data into File objects * @return File|bool False on failure */ public function findFile( $title, $options = [] ) { $title = File::normalizeTitle( $title ); if ( !$title ) { return false; } if ( isset( $options['bypassCache'] ) ) { $options['latest'] = $options['bypassCache']; // b/c } $time = $options['time'] ?? false; $flags = !empty( $options['latest'] ) ? File::READ_LATEST : 0; # First try the current version of the file to see if it precedes the timestamp $img = $this->newFile( $title ); if ( !$img ) { return false; } $img->load( $flags ); if ( $img->exists() && ( !$time || $img->getTimestamp() == $time ) ) { return $img; } # Now try an old version of the file if ( $time !== false ) { $img = $this->newFile( $title, $time ); if ( $img ) { $img->load( $flags ); if ( $img->exists() ) { global $wgUser; if ( !$img->isDeleted( File::DELETED_FILE ) ) { return $img; // always OK } elseif ( !empty( $options['private'] ) && $img->userCan( File::DELETED_FILE, $options['private'] instanceof User ? $options['private'] : $wgUser ) ) { return $img; } } } } # Now try redirects if ( !empty( $options['ignoreRedirect'] ) ) { return false; } $redir = $this->checkRedirect( $title ); if ( $redir && $title->getNamespace() == NS_FILE ) { $img = $this->newFile( $redir ); if ( !$img ) { return false; } $img->load( $flags ); if ( $img->exists() ) { $img->redirectedFrom( $title->getDBkey() ); return $img; } } return false; } /** * Find many files at once. * * @param array $items An array of titles, or an array of findFile() options with * the "title" option giving the title. Example: * * $findItem = [ 'title' => $title, 'private' => true ]; * $findBatch = [ $findItem ]; * $repo->findFiles( $findBatch ); * * No title should appear in $items twice, as the result use titles as keys * @param int $flags Supports: * - FileRepo::NAME_AND_TIME_ONLY : return a (search title => (title,timestamp)) map. * The search title uses the input titles; the other is the final post-redirect title. * All titles are returned as string DB keys and the inner array is associative. * @return array Map of (file name => File objects) for matches */ public function findFiles( array $items, $flags = 0 ) { $result = []; foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $title = $item['title']; $options = $item; unset( $options['title'] ); } else { $title = $item; $options = []; } $file = $this->findFile( $title, $options ); if ( $file ) { $searchName = File::normalizeTitle( $title )->getDBkey(); // must be valid if ( $flags & self::NAME_AND_TIME_ONLY ) { $result[$searchName] = [ 'title' => $file->getTitle()->getDBkey(), 'timestamp' => $file->getTimestamp() ]; } else { $result[$searchName] = $file; } } } return $result; } /** * Find an instance of the file with this key, created at the specified time * Returns false if the file does not exist. Repositories not supporting * version control should return false if the time is specified. * * @param string $sha1 Base 36 SHA-1 hash * @param array $options Option array, same as findFile(). * @return File|bool False on failure */ public function findFileFromKey( $sha1, $options = [] ) { $time = $options['time'] ?? false; # First try to find a matching current version of a file... if ( !$this->fileFactoryKey ) { return false; // find-by-sha1 not supported } $img = call_user_func( $this->fileFactoryKey, $sha1, $this, $time ); if ( $img && $img->exists() ) { return $img; } # Now try to find a matching old version of a file... if ( $time !== false && $this->oldFileFactoryKey ) { // find-by-sha1 supported? $img = call_user_func( $this->oldFileFactoryKey, $sha1, $this, $time ); if ( $img && $img->exists() ) { global $wgUser; if ( !$img->isDeleted( File::DELETED_FILE ) ) { return $img; // always OK } elseif ( !empty( $options['private'] ) && $img->userCan( File::DELETED_FILE, $options['private'] instanceof User ? $options['private'] : $wgUser ) ) { return $img; } } } return false; } /** * Get an array or iterator of file objects for files that have a given * SHA-1 content hash. * * STUB * @param string $hash SHA-1 hash * @return File[] */ public function findBySha1( $hash ) { return []; } /** * Get an array of arrays or iterators of file objects for files that * have the given SHA-1 content hashes. * * @param string[] $hashes An array of hashes * @return array[] An Array of arrays or iterators of file objects and the hash as key */ public function findBySha1s( array $hashes ) { $result = []; foreach ( $hashes as $hash ) { $files = $this->findBySha1( $hash ); if ( count( $files ) ) { $result[$hash] = $files; } } return $result; } /** * Return an array of files where the name starts with $prefix. * * STUB * @param string $prefix The prefix to search for * @param int $limit The maximum amount of files to return * @return LocalFile[] */ public function findFilesByPrefix( $prefix, $limit ) { return []; } /** * Get the URL of thumb.php * * @return string */ public function getThumbScriptUrl() { return $this->thumbScriptUrl; } /** * Get the URL thumb.php requests are being proxied to * * @return string */ public function getThumbProxyUrl() { return $this->thumbProxyUrl; } /** * Get the secret key for the proxied thumb service * * @return string */ public function getThumbProxySecret() { return $this->thumbProxySecret; } /** * Returns true if the repository can transform files via a 404 handler * * @return bool */ public function canTransformVia404() { return $this->transformVia404; } /** * Get the name of a file from its title object * * @param Title $title * @return string */ public function getNameFromTitle( Title $title ) { if ( $this->initialCapital != MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo()->isCapitalized( NS_FILE ) ) { $name = $title->getDBkey(); if ( $this->initialCapital ) { $name = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->ucfirst( $name ); } } else { $name = $title->getDBkey(); } return $name; } /** * Get the public zone root storage directory of the repository * * @return string */ public function getRootDirectory() { return $this->getZonePath( 'public' ); } /** * Get a relative path including trailing slash, e.g. f/fa/ * If the repo is not hashed, returns an empty string * * @param string $name Name of file * @return string */ public function getHashPath( $name ) { return self::getHashPathForLevel( $name, $this->hashLevels ); } /** * Get a relative path including trailing slash, e.g. f/fa/ * If the repo is not hashed, returns an empty string * * @param string $suffix Basename of file from FileRepo::storeTemp() * @return string */ public function getTempHashPath( $suffix ) { $parts = explode( '!', $suffix, 2 ); // format is ! or just $name = $parts[1] ?? $suffix; // hash path is not based on timestamp return self::getHashPathForLevel( $name, $this->hashLevels ); } /** * @param string $name * @param int $levels * @return string */ protected static function getHashPathForLevel( $name, $levels ) { if ( $levels == 0 ) { return ''; } else { $hash = md5( $name ); $path = ''; for ( $i = 1; $i <= $levels; $i++ ) { $path .= substr( $hash, 0, $i ) . '/'; } return $path; } } /** * Get the number of hash directory levels * * @return int */ public function getHashLevels() { return $this->hashLevels; } /** * Get the name of this repository, as specified by $info['name]' to the constructor * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Make an url to this repo * * @param string|string[] $query Query string to append * @param string $entry Entry point; defaults to index * @return string|bool False on failure */ public function makeUrl( $query = '', $entry = 'index' ) { if ( isset( $this->scriptDirUrl ) ) { return wfAppendQuery( "{$this->scriptDirUrl}/{$entry}.php", $query ); } return false; } /** * Get the URL of an image description page. May return false if it is * unknown or not applicable. In general this should only be called by the * File class, since it may return invalid results for certain kinds of * repositories. Use File::getDescriptionUrl() in user code. * * In particular, it uses the article paths as specified to the repository * constructor, whereas local repositories use the local Title functions. * * @param string $name * @return string|false */ public function getDescriptionUrl( $name ) { $encName = wfUrlencode( $name ); if ( $this->descBaseUrl !== null ) { # "http://example.com/wiki/File:" return $this->descBaseUrl . $encName; } if ( $this->articleUrl !== null ) { # "http://example.com/wiki/$1" # We use "Image:" as the canonical namespace for # compatibility across all MediaWiki versions. return str_replace( '$1', "Image:$encName", $this->articleUrl ); } if ( $this->scriptDirUrl !== null ) { # "http://example.com/w" # We use "Image:" as the canonical namespace for # compatibility across all MediaWiki versions, # and just sort of hope index.php is right. ;) return $this->makeUrl( "title=Image:$encName" ); } return false; } /** * Get the URL of the content-only fragment of the description page. For * MediaWiki this means action=render. This should only be called by the * repository's file class, since it may return invalid results. User code * should use File::getDescriptionText(). * * @param string $name Name of image to fetch * @param string|null $lang Language to fetch it in, if any. * @return string|false */ public function getDescriptionRenderUrl( $name, $lang = null ) { $query = 'action=render'; if ( $lang !== null ) { $query .= '&uselang=' . urlencode( $lang ); } if ( isset( $this->scriptDirUrl ) ) { return $this->makeUrl( 'title=' . wfUrlencode( 'Image:' . $name ) . "&$query" ); } else { $descUrl = $this->getDescriptionUrl( $name ); if ( $descUrl ) { return wfAppendQuery( $descUrl, $query ); } else { return false; } } } /** * Get the URL of the stylesheet to apply to description pages * * @return string|bool False on failure */ public function getDescriptionStylesheetUrl() { if ( isset( $this->scriptDirUrl ) ) { // Must match canonical query parameter order for optimum caching // See Title::getCdnUrls return $this->makeUrl( 'title=MediaWiki:Filepage.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css' ); } return false; } /** * Store a file to a given destination. * * Using FSFile/TempFSFile can improve performance via caching. * Using TempFSFile can further improve performance by signalling that it is safe * to touch the source file or write extended attribute metadata to it directly. * * @param string|FSFile $srcPath Source file system path, storage path, or virtual URL * @param string $dstZone Destination zone * @param string $dstRel Destination relative path * @param int $flags Bitwise combination of the following flags: * self::OVERWRITE Overwrite an existing destination file instead of failing * self::OVERWRITE_SAME Overwrite the file if the destination exists and has the * same contents as the source * self::SKIP_LOCKING Skip any file locking when doing the store * @return Status */ public function store( $srcPath, $dstZone, $dstRel, $flags = 0 ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $status = $this->storeBatch( [ [ $srcPath, $dstZone, $dstRel ] ], $flags ); if ( $status->successCount == 0 ) { $status->setOK( false ); } return $status; } /** * Store a batch of files * * @see FileRepo::store() * * @param array $triplets (src, dest zone, dest rel) triplets as per store() * @param int $flags Bitwise combination of the following flags: * self::OVERWRITE Overwrite an existing destination file instead of failing * self::OVERWRITE_SAME Overwrite the file if the destination exists and has the * same contents as the source * self::SKIP_LOCKING Skip any file locking when doing the store * @throws MWException * @return Status */ public function storeBatch( array $triplets, $flags = 0 ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only if ( $flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "DELETE_SOURCE not supported in " . __METHOD__ ); } $status = $this->newGood(); $backend = $this->backend; // convenience $operations = []; // Validate each triplet and get the store operation... foreach ( $triplets as $triplet ) { list( $src, $dstZone, $dstRel ) = $triplet; $srcPath = ( $src instanceof FSFile ) ? $src->getPath() : $src; wfDebug( __METHOD__ . "( \$src='$srcPath', \$dstZone='$dstZone', \$dstRel='$dstRel' )" ); // Resolve source path if ( $src instanceof FSFile ) { $op = 'store'; } else { $src = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $src ); $op = FileBackend::isStoragePath( $src ) ? 'copy' : 'store'; } // Resolve destination path $root = $this->getZonePath( $dstZone ); if ( !$root ) { throw new MWException( "Invalid zone: $dstZone" ); } if ( !$this->validateFilename( $dstRel ) ) { throw new MWException( 'Validation error in $dstRel' ); } $dstPath = "$root/$dstRel"; $dstDir = dirname( $dstPath ); // Create destination directories for this triplet if ( !$this->initDirectory( $dstDir )->isOK() ) { return $this->newFatal( 'directorycreateerror', $dstDir ); } // Copy the source file to the destination $operations[] = [ 'op' => $op, 'src' => $src, // storage path (copy) or local file path (store) 'dst' => $dstPath, 'overwrite' => ( $flags & self::OVERWRITE ) ? true : false, 'overwriteSame' => ( $flags & self::OVERWRITE_SAME ) ? true : false, ]; } // Execute the store operation for each triplet $opts = [ 'force' => true ]; if ( $flags & self::SKIP_LOCKING ) { $opts['nonLocking'] = true; } $status->merge( $backend->doOperations( $operations, $opts ) ); return $status; } /** * Deletes a batch of files. * Each file can be a (zone, rel) pair, virtual url, storage path. * It will try to delete each file, but ignores any errors that may occur. * * @param string[] $files List of files to delete * @param int $flags Bitwise combination of the following flags: * self::SKIP_LOCKING Skip any file locking when doing the deletions * @return Status */ public function cleanupBatch( array $files, $flags = 0 ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $status = $this->newGood(); $operations = []; foreach ( $files as $path ) { if ( is_array( $path ) ) { // This is a pair, extract it list( $zone, $rel ) = $path; $path = $this->getZonePath( $zone ) . "/$rel"; } else { // Resolve source to a storage path if virtual $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $path ); } $operations[] = [ 'op' => 'delete', 'src' => $path ]; } // Actually delete files from storage... $opts = [ 'force' => true ]; if ( $flags & self::SKIP_LOCKING ) { $opts['nonLocking'] = true; } $status->merge( $this->backend->doOperations( $operations, $opts ) ); return $status; } /** * Import a file from the local file system into the repo. * This does no locking nor journaling and overrides existing files. * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos. * This is intended for copying generated thumbnails into the repo. * * Using FSFile/TempFSFile can improve performance via caching. * Using TempFSFile can further improve performance by signalling that it is safe * to touch the source file or write extended attribute metadata to it directly. * * @param string|FSFile $src Source file system path, storage path, or virtual URL * @param string $dst Virtual URL or storage path * @param array|string|null $options An array consisting of a key named headers * listing extra headers. If a string, taken as content-disposition header. * (Support for array of options new in 1.23) * @return Status */ final public function quickImport( $src, $dst, $options = null ) { return $this->quickImportBatch( [ [ $src, $dst, $options ] ] ); } /** * Import a batch of files from the local file system into the repo. * This does no locking nor journaling and overrides existing files. * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos. * This is intended for copying generated thumbnails into the repo. * * @see FileRepo::quickImport() * * All path parameters may be a file system path, storage path, or virtual URL. * When "headers" are given they are used as HTTP headers if supported. * * @param array $triples List of (source path or FSFile, destination path, disposition) * @return Status */ public function quickImportBatch( array $triples ) { $status = $this->newGood(); $operations = []; foreach ( $triples as $triple ) { list( $src, $dst ) = $triple; if ( $src instanceof FSFile ) { $op = 'store'; } else { $src = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $src ); $op = FileBackend::isStoragePath( $src ) ? 'copy' : 'store'; } $dst = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $dst ); if ( !isset( $triple[2] ) ) { $headers = []; } elseif ( is_string( $triple[2] ) ) { // back-compat $headers = [ 'Content-Disposition' => $triple[2] ]; } elseif ( is_array( $triple[2] ) && isset( $triple[2]['headers'] ) ) { $headers = $triple[2]['headers']; } else { $headers = []; } $operations[] = [ 'op' => $op, 'src' => $src, // storage path (copy) or local path/FSFile (store) 'dst' => $dst, 'headers' => $headers ]; $status->merge( $this->initDirectory( dirname( $dst ) ) ); } $status->merge( $this->backend->doQuickOperations( $operations ) ); return $status; } /** * Purge a file from the repo. This does no locking nor journaling. * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos. * This is intended for purging thumbnails. * * @param string $path Virtual URL or storage path * @return Status */ final public function quickPurge( $path ) { return $this->quickPurgeBatch( [ $path ] ); } /** * Deletes a directory if empty. * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos. * * @param string $dir Virtual URL (or storage path) of directory to clean * @return Status */ public function quickCleanDir( $dir ) { $status = $this->newGood(); $status->merge( $this->backend->clean( [ 'dir' => $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $dir ) ] ) ); return $status; } /** * Purge a batch of files from the repo. * This function can be used to write to otherwise read-only foreign repos. * This does no locking nor journaling and is intended for purging thumbnails. * * @param array $paths List of virtual URLs or storage paths * @return Status */ public function quickPurgeBatch( array $paths ) { $status = $this->newGood(); $operations = []; foreach ( $paths as $path ) { $operations[] = [ 'op' => 'delete', 'src' => $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $path ), 'ignoreMissingSource' => true ]; } $status->merge( $this->backend->doQuickOperations( $operations ) ); return $status; } /** * Pick a random name in the temp zone and store a file to it. * Returns a Status object with the file Virtual URL in the value, * file can later be disposed using FileRepo::freeTemp(). * * @param string $originalName The base name of the file as specified * by the user. The file extension will be maintained. * @param string $srcPath The current location of the file. * @return Status Object with the URL in the value. */ public function storeTemp( $originalName, $srcPath ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $date = MWTimestamp::getInstance()->format( 'YmdHis' ); $hashPath = $this->getHashPath( $originalName ); $dstUrlRel = $hashPath . $date . '!' . rawurlencode( $originalName ); $virtualUrl = $this->getVirtualUrl( 'temp' ) . '/' . $dstUrlRel; $result = $this->quickImport( $srcPath, $virtualUrl ); $result->value = $virtualUrl; return $result; } /** * Remove a temporary file or mark it for garbage collection * * @param string $virtualUrl The virtual URL returned by FileRepo::storeTemp() * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ public function freeTemp( $virtualUrl ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $temp = $this->getVirtualUrl( 'temp' ); if ( substr( $virtualUrl, 0, strlen( $temp ) ) != $temp ) { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Invalid temp virtual URL" ); return false; } return $this->quickPurge( $virtualUrl )->isOK(); } /** * Concatenate a list of temporary files into a target file location. * * @param array $srcPaths Ordered list of source virtual URLs/storage paths * @param string $dstPath Target file system path * @param int $flags Bitwise combination of the following flags: * self::DELETE_SOURCE Delete the source files on success * @return Status */ public function concatenate( array $srcPaths, $dstPath, $flags = 0 ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $status = $this->newGood(); $sources = []; foreach ( $srcPaths as $srcPath ) { // Resolve source to a storage path if virtual $source = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $srcPath ); $sources[] = $source; // chunk to merge } // Concatenate the chunks into one FS file $params = [ 'srcs' => $sources, 'dst' => $dstPath ]; $status->merge( $this->backend->concatenate( $params ) ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; } // Delete the sources if required if ( $flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE ) { $status->merge( $this->quickPurgeBatch( $srcPaths ) ); } // Make sure status is OK, despite any quickPurgeBatch() fatals $status->setResult( true ); return $status; } /** * Copy or move a file either from a storage path, virtual URL, * or file system path, into this repository at the specified destination location. * * Returns a Status object. On success, the value contains "new" or * "archived", to indicate whether the file was new with that name. * * Using FSFile/TempFSFile can improve performance via caching. * Using TempFSFile can further improve performance by signalling that it is safe * to touch the source file or write extended attribute metadata to it directly. * * Options to $options include: * - headers : name/value map of HTTP headers to use in response to GET/HEAD requests * * @param string|FSFile $src The source file system path, storage path, or URL * @param string $dstRel The destination relative path * @param string $archiveRel The relative path where the existing file is to * be archived, if there is one. Relative to the public zone root. * @param int $flags Bitfield, may be FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE to indicate * that the source file should be deleted if possible * @param array $options Optional additional parameters * @return Status */ public function publish( $src, $dstRel, $archiveRel, $flags = 0, array $options = [] ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $status = $this->publishBatch( [ [ $src, $dstRel, $archiveRel, $options ] ], $flags ); if ( $status->successCount == 0 ) { $status->setOK( false ); } $status->value = $status->value[0] ?? false; return $status; } /** * Publish a batch of files * * @see FileRepo::publish() * * @param array $ntuples (source, dest, archive) triplets or * (source, dest, archive, options) 4-tuples as per publish(). * @param int $flags Bitfield, may be FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE to indicate * that the source files should be deleted if possible * @throws MWException * @return Status */ public function publishBatch( array $ntuples, $flags = 0 ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $backend = $this->backend; // convenience // Try creating directories $status = $this->initZones( 'public' ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; } $status = $this->newGood( [] ); $operations = []; $sourceFSFilesToDelete = []; // cleanup for disk source files // Validate each triplet and get the store operation... foreach ( $ntuples as $ntuple ) { list( $src, $dstRel, $archiveRel ) = $ntuple; $srcPath = ( $src instanceof FSFile ) ? $src->getPath() : $src; $options = $ntuple[3] ?? []; // Resolve source to a storage path if virtual $srcPath = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $srcPath ); if ( !$this->validateFilename( $dstRel ) ) { throw new MWException( 'Validation error in $dstRel' ); } if ( !$this->validateFilename( $archiveRel ) ) { throw new MWException( 'Validation error in $archiveRel' ); } $publicRoot = $this->getZonePath( 'public' ); $dstPath = "$publicRoot/$dstRel"; $archivePath = "$publicRoot/$archiveRel"; $dstDir = dirname( $dstPath ); $archiveDir = dirname( $archivePath ); // Abort immediately on directory creation errors since they're likely to be repetitive if ( !$this->initDirectory( $dstDir )->isOK() ) { return $this->newFatal( 'directorycreateerror', $dstDir ); } if ( !$this->initDirectory( $archiveDir )->isOK() ) { return $this->newFatal( 'directorycreateerror', $archiveDir ); } // Set any desired headers to be use in GET/HEAD responses $headers = $options['headers'] ?? []; // Archive destination file if it exists. // This will check if the archive file also exists and fail if does. // This is a sanity check to avoid data loss. On Windows and Linux, // copy() will overwrite, so the existence check is vulnerable to // race conditions unless a functioning LockManager is used. // LocalFile also uses SELECT FOR UPDATE for synchronization. $operations[] = [ 'op' => 'copy', 'src' => $dstPath, 'dst' => $archivePath, 'ignoreMissingSource' => true ]; // Copy (or move) the source file to the destination if ( FileBackend::isStoragePath( $srcPath ) ) { $operations[] = [ 'op' => ( $flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE ) ? 'move' : 'copy', 'src' => $srcPath, 'dst' => $dstPath, 'overwrite' => true, // replace current 'headers' => $headers ]; } else { $operations[] = [ 'op' => 'store', 'src' => $src, // storage path (copy) or local path/FSFile (store) 'dst' => $dstPath, 'overwrite' => true, // replace current 'headers' => $headers ]; if ( $flags & self::DELETE_SOURCE ) { $sourceFSFilesToDelete[] = $srcPath; } } } // Execute the operations for each triplet $status->merge( $backend->doOperations( $operations ) ); // Find out which files were archived... foreach ( $ntuples as $i => $ntuple ) { list( , , $archiveRel ) = $ntuple; $archivePath = $this->getZonePath( 'public' ) . "/$archiveRel"; if ( $this->fileExists( $archivePath ) ) { $status->value[$i] = 'archived'; } else { $status->value[$i] = 'new'; } } // Cleanup for disk source files... foreach ( $sourceFSFilesToDelete as $file ) { Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); unlink( $file ); // FS cleanup Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); } return $status; } /** * Creates a directory with the appropriate zone permissions. * Callers are responsible for doing read-only and "writable repo" checks. * * @param string $dir Virtual URL (or storage path) of directory to clean * @return Status */ protected function initDirectory( $dir ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $dir ); list( , $container, ) = FileBackend::splitStoragePath( $path ); $params = [ 'dir' => $path ]; if ( $this->isPrivate || $container === $this->zones['deleted']['container'] || $container === $this->zones['temp']['container'] ) { # Take all available measures to prevent web accessibility of new deleted # directories, in case the user has not configured offline storage $params = [ 'noAccess' => true, 'noListing' => true ] + $params; } $status = $this->newGood(); $status->merge( $this->backend->prepare( $params ) ); return $status; } /** * Deletes a directory if empty. * * @param string $dir Virtual URL (or storage path) of directory to clean * @return Status */ public function cleanDir( $dir ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only $status = $this->newGood(); $status->merge( $this->backend->clean( [ 'dir' => $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $dir ) ] ) ); return $status; } /** * Checks existence of a file * * @param string $file Virtual URL (or storage path) of file to check * @return bool */ public function fileExists( $file ) { $result = $this->fileExistsBatch( [ $file ] ); return $result[0]; } /** * Checks existence of an array of files. * * @param string[] $files Virtual URLs (or storage paths) of files to check * @return array Map of files and existence flags, or false */ public function fileExistsBatch( array $files ) { $paths = array_map( [ $this, 'resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual' ], $files ); $this->backend->preloadFileStat( [ 'srcs' => $paths ] ); $result = []; foreach ( $files as $key => $file ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $file ); $result[$key] = $this->backend->fileExists( [ 'src' => $path ] ); } return $result; } /** * Move a file to the deletion archive. * If no valid deletion archive exists, this may either delete the file * or throw an exception, depending on the preference of the repository * * @param mixed $srcRel Relative path for the file to be deleted * @param mixed $archiveRel Relative path for the archive location. * Relative to a private archive directory. * @return Status */ public function delete( $srcRel, $archiveRel ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only return $this->deleteBatch( [ [ $srcRel, $archiveRel ] ] ); } /** * Move a group of files to the deletion archive. * * If no valid deletion archive is configured, this may either delete the * file or throw an exception, depending on the preference of the repository. * * The overwrite policy is determined by the repository -- currently LocalRepo * assumes a naming scheme in the deleted zone based on content hash, as * opposed to the public zone which is assumed to be unique. * * @param array $sourceDestPairs Array of source/destination pairs. Each element * is a two-element array containing the source file path relative to the * public root in the first element, and the archive file path relative * to the deleted zone root in the second element. * @throws MWException * @return Status */ public function deleteBatch( array $sourceDestPairs ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); // fail out if read-only // Try creating directories $status = $this->initZones( [ 'public', 'deleted' ] ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; } $status = $this->newGood(); $backend = $this->backend; // convenience $operations = []; // Validate filenames and create archive directories foreach ( $sourceDestPairs as $pair ) { list( $srcRel, $archiveRel ) = $pair; if ( !$this->validateFilename( $srcRel ) ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ':Validation error in $srcRel' ); } elseif ( !$this->validateFilename( $archiveRel ) ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ':Validation error in $archiveRel' ); } $publicRoot = $this->getZonePath( 'public' ); $srcPath = "{$publicRoot}/$srcRel"; $deletedRoot = $this->getZonePath( 'deleted' ); $archivePath = "{$deletedRoot}/{$archiveRel}"; $archiveDir = dirname( $archivePath ); // does not touch FS // Create destination directories if ( !$this->initDirectory( $archiveDir )->isOK() ) { return $this->newFatal( 'directorycreateerror', $archiveDir ); } $operations[] = [ 'op' => 'move', 'src' => $srcPath, 'dst' => $archivePath, // We may have 2+ identical files being deleted, // all of which will map to the same destination file 'overwriteSame' => true // also see T33792 ]; } // Move the files by execute the operations for each pair. // We're now committed to returning an OK result, which will // lead to the files being moved in the DB also. $opts = [ 'force' => true ]; $status->merge( $backend->doOperations( $operations, $opts ) ); return $status; } /** * Delete files in the deleted directory if they are not referenced in the filearchive table * * STUB * @param string[] $storageKeys */ public function cleanupDeletedBatch( array $storageKeys ) { $this->assertWritableRepo(); } /** * Get a relative path for a deletion archive key, * e.g. s/z/a/ for sza251lrxrc1jad41h5mgilp8nysje52.jpg * * @param string $key * @throws MWException * @return string */ public function getDeletedHashPath( $key ) { if ( strlen( $key ) < 31 ) { throw new MWException( "Invalid storage key '$key'." ); } $path = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->deletedHashLevels; $i++ ) { $path .= $key[$i] . '/'; } return $path; } /** * If a path is a virtual URL, resolve it to a storage path. * Otherwise, just return the path as it is. * * @param string $path * @return string * @throws MWException */ protected function resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $path ) { if ( self::isVirtualUrl( $path ) ) { return $this->resolveVirtualUrl( $path ); } return $path; } /** * Get a local FS copy of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path. * Temporary files may be purged when the file object falls out of scope. * * @param string $virtualUrl * @return TempFSFile|null Returns null on failure */ public function getLocalCopy( $virtualUrl ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $virtualUrl ); return $this->backend->getLocalCopy( [ 'src' => $path ] ); } /** * Get a local FS file with a given virtual URL/storage path. * The file is either an original or a copy. It should not be changed. * Temporary files may be purged when the file object falls out of scope. * * @param string $virtualUrl * @return FSFile|null Returns null on failure. */ public function getLocalReference( $virtualUrl ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $virtualUrl ); return $this->backend->getLocalReference( [ 'src' => $path ] ); } /** * Get properties of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path. * Properties should ultimately be obtained via FSFile::getProps(). * * @param string $virtualUrl * @return array */ public function getFileProps( $virtualUrl ) { $fsFile = $this->getLocalReference( $virtualUrl ); $mwProps = new MWFileProps( MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMimeAnalyzer() ); if ( $fsFile ) { $props = $mwProps->getPropsFromPath( $fsFile->getPath(), true ); } else { $props = $mwProps->newPlaceholderProps(); } return $props; } /** * Get the timestamp of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path * * @param string $virtualUrl * @return string|bool False on failure */ public function getFileTimestamp( $virtualUrl ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $virtualUrl ); return $this->backend->getFileTimestamp( [ 'src' => $path ] ); } /** * Get the size of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path * * @param string $virtualUrl * @return int|false */ public function getFileSize( $virtualUrl ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $virtualUrl ); return $this->backend->getFileSize( [ 'src' => $path ] ); } /** * Get the sha1 (base 36) of a file with a given virtual URL/storage path * * @param string $virtualUrl * @return string|bool */ public function getFileSha1( $virtualUrl ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $virtualUrl ); return $this->backend->getFileSha1Base36( [ 'src' => $path ] ); } /** * Attempt to stream a file with the given virtual URL/storage path * * @param string $virtualUrl * @param array $headers Additional HTTP headers to send on success * @param array $optHeaders HTTP request headers (if-modified-since, range, ...) * @return Status * @since 1.27 */ public function streamFileWithStatus( $virtualUrl, $headers = [], $optHeaders = [] ) { $path = $this->resolveToStoragePathIfVirtual( $virtualUrl ); $params = [ 'src' => $path, 'headers' => $headers, 'options' => $optHeaders ]; // T172851: HHVM does not flush the output properly, causing OOM ob_start( null, 1048576 ); ob_implicit_flush( true ); $status = $this->newGood(); $status->merge( $this->backend->streamFile( $params ) ); // T186565: Close the buffer, unless it has already been closed // in HTTPFileStreamer::resetOutputBuffers(). if ( ob_get_status() ) { ob_end_flush(); } return $status; } /** * Call a callback function for every public regular file in the repository. * This only acts on the current version of files, not any old versions. * May use either the database or the filesystem. * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public function enumFiles( $callback ) { $this->enumFilesInStorage( $callback ); } /** * Call a callback function for every public file in the repository. * May use either the database or the filesystem. * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ protected function enumFilesInStorage( $callback ) { $publicRoot = $this->getZonePath( 'public' ); $numDirs = 1 << ( $this->hashLevels * 4 ); // Use a priori assumptions about directory structure // to reduce the tree height of the scanning process. for ( $flatIndex = 0; $flatIndex < $numDirs; $flatIndex++ ) { $hexString = sprintf( "%0{$this->hashLevels}x", $flatIndex ); $path = $publicRoot; for ( $hexPos = 0; $hexPos < $this->hashLevels; $hexPos++ ) { $path .= '/' . substr( $hexString, 0, $hexPos + 1 ); } $iterator = $this->backend->getFileList( [ 'dir' => $path ] ); if ( $iterator === null ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': could not get file listing for ' . $path ); } foreach ( $iterator as $name ) { // Each item returned is a public file call_user_func( $callback, "{$path}/{$name}" ); } } } /** * Determine if a relative path is valid, i.e. not blank or involving directory traveral * * @param string $filename * @return bool */ public function validateFilename( $filename ) { if ( strval( $filename ) == '' ) { return false; } return FileBackend::isPathTraversalFree( $filename ); } /** * Get a callback function to use for cleaning error message parameters * * @return callable */ private function getErrorCleanupFunction() { switch ( $this->pathDisclosureProtection ) { case 'none': case 'simple': // b/c $callback = [ $this, 'passThrough' ]; break; default: // 'paranoid' $callback = [ $this, 'paranoidClean' ]; } return $callback; } /** * Path disclosure protection function * * @param string $param * @return string */ public function paranoidClean( $param ) { return '[hidden]'; } /** * Path disclosure protection function * * @param string $param * @return string */ public function passThrough( $param ) { return $param; } /** * Create a new fatal error * * @param string $message * @param mixed ...$parameters * @return Status */ public function newFatal( $message, ...$parameters ) { $status = Status::newFatal( $message, ...$parameters ); $status->cleanCallback = $this->getErrorCleanupFunction(); return $status; } /** * Create a new good result * * @param null|mixed $value * @return Status */ public function newGood( $value = null ) { $status = Status::newGood( $value ); $status->cleanCallback = $this->getErrorCleanupFunction(); return $status; } /** * Checks if there is a redirect named as $title. If there is, return the * title object. If not, return false. * STUB * * @param Title $title Title of image * @return bool */ public function checkRedirect( Title $title ) { return false; } /** * Invalidates image redirect cache related to that image * Doesn't do anything for repositories that don't support image redirects. * * STUB * @param Title $title Title of image */ public function invalidateImageRedirect( Title $title ) { } /** * Get the human-readable name of the repo * * @return string */ public function getDisplayName() { global $wgSitename; if ( $this->isLocal() ) { return $wgSitename; } // 'shared-repo-name-wikimediacommons' is used when $wgUseInstantCommons = true return wfMessageFallback( 'shared-repo-name-' . $this->name, 'shared-repo' )->text(); } /** * Get the portion of the file that contains the origin file name. * If that name is too long, then the name "thumbnail." will be given. * * @param string $name * @return string */ public function nameForThumb( $name ) { if ( strlen( $name ) > $this->abbrvThreshold ) { $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath( $name ); $name = ( $ext == '' ) ? 'thumbnail' : "thumbnail.$ext"; } return $name; } /** * Returns true if this the local file repository. * * @return bool */ public function isLocal() { return $this->getName() == 'local'; } /** * Get a key on the primary cache for this repository. * Returns false if the repository's cache is not accessible at this site. * The parameters are the parts of the key. * * STUB * @param mixed ...$args * @return bool */ public function getSharedCacheKey( ...$args ) { return false; } /** * Get a key for this repo in the local cache domain. These cache keys are * not shared with remote instances of the repo. * The parameters are the parts of the key. * * @param mixed ...$args * @return string */ public function getLocalCacheKey( ...$args ) { array_unshift( $args, 'filerepo', $this->getName() ); return $this->wanCache->makeKey( ...$args ); } /** * Get a temporary private FileRepo associated with this repo. * * Files will be created in the temp zone of this repo. * It will have the same backend as this repo. * * @return TempFileRepo */ public function getTempRepo() { return new TempFileRepo( [ 'name' => "{$this->name}-temp", 'backend' => $this->backend, 'zones' => [ 'public' => [ // Same place storeTemp() uses in the base repo, though // the path hashing is mismatched, which is annoying. 'container' => $this->zones['temp']['container'], 'directory' => $this->zones['temp']['directory'] ], 'thumb' => [ 'container' => $this->zones['temp']['container'], 'directory' => $this->zones['temp']['directory'] == '' ? 'thumb' : $this->zones['temp']['directory'] . '/thumb' ], 'transcoded' => [ 'container' => $this->zones['temp']['container'], 'directory' => $this->zones['temp']['directory'] == '' ? 'transcoded' : $this->zones['temp']['directory'] . '/transcoded' ] ], 'hashLevels' => $this->hashLevels, // performance 'isPrivate' => true // all in temp zone ] ); } /** * Get an UploadStash associated with this repo. * * @param User|null $user * @return UploadStash */ public function getUploadStash( User $user = null ) { return new UploadStash( $this, $user ); } /** * Throw an exception if this repo is read-only by design. * This does not and should not check getReadOnlyReason(). * * @return void * @throws MWException */ protected function assertWritableRepo() { } /** * Return information about the repository. * * @return array * @since 1.22 */ public function getInfo() { $ret = [ 'name' => $this->getName(), 'displayname' => $this->getDisplayName(), 'rootUrl' => $this->getZoneUrl( 'public' ), 'local' => $this->isLocal(), ]; $optionalSettings = [ 'url', 'thumbUrl', 'initialCapital', 'descBaseUrl', 'scriptDirUrl', 'articleUrl', 'fetchDescription', 'descriptionCacheExpiry', 'favicon' ]; foreach ( $optionalSettings as $k ) { if ( isset( $this->$k ) ) { $ret[$k] = $this->$k; } } return $ret; } /** * Returns whether or not storage is SHA-1 based * @return bool */ public function hasSha1Storage() { return $this->hasSha1Storage; } /** * Returns whether or not repo supports having originals SHA-1s in the thumb URLs * @return bool */ public function supportsSha1URLs() { return $this->supportsSha1URLs; } }