* https://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file */ use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner; use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord; use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore; use MediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecord; use MediaWiki\Revision\SuppressedDataException; use MediaWiki\Storage\SqlBlobStore; use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert; use Wikimedia\IPUtils; /** * @ingroup Dump */ class XmlDumpWriter { /** Output serialized revision content. */ public const WRITE_CONTENT = 0; /** Only output subs for revision content. */ public const WRITE_STUB = 1; /** * Only output subs for revision content, indicating that the content has been * deleted/suppressed. */ private const WRITE_STUB_DELETED = 2; /** * @var string[] the schema versions supported for output * @final */ public static $supportedSchemas = [ XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_10, XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_11 ]; /** * @var string which schema version the generated XML should comply to. * One of the values from self::$supportedSchemas, using the SCHEMA_VERSION_XX * constants. */ private $schemaVersion; /** * Title of the currently processed page * * @var Title|null */ private $currentTitle = null; /** * @var int Whether to output revision content or just stubs. WRITE_CONTENT or WRITE_STUB. */ private $contentMode; /** @var HookRunner */ private $hookRunner; /** * @param int $contentMode WRITE_CONTENT or WRITE_STUB. * @param string $schemaVersion which schema version the generated XML should comply to. * One of the values from self::$supportedSchemas, using the XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_XX * constants. */ public function __construct( $contentMode = self::WRITE_CONTENT, $schemaVersion = XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_11 ) { Assert::parameter( in_array( $contentMode, [ self::WRITE_CONTENT, self::WRITE_STUB ] ), '$contentMode', 'must be one of the following constants: WRITE_CONTENT or WRITE_STUB.' ); Assert::parameter( in_array( $schemaVersion, self::$supportedSchemas ), '$schemaVersion', 'must be one of the following schema versions: ' . implode( ',', self::$supportedSchemas ) ); $this->contentMode = $contentMode; $this->schemaVersion = $schemaVersion; $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() ); } /** * Opens the XML output stream's root "" element. * This does not include an xml directive, so is safe to include * as a subelement in a larger XML stream. Namespace and XML Schema * references are included. * * Output will be encoded in UTF-8. * * @return string */ public function openStream() { $ver = $this->schemaVersion; return Xml::element( 'mediawiki', [ 'xmlns' => "http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-$ver/", 'xmlns:xsi' => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", /* * When a new version of the schema is created, it needs staging on mediawiki.org. * This requires a change in the operations/mediawiki-config git repo. * * Create a changeset like https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/149643/ in which * you copy in the new xsd file. * * After it is reviewed, merged and deployed (sync-docroot), the index.html needs purging. * echo "https://www.mediawiki.org/xml/index.html" | mwscript purgeList.php --wiki=aawiki */ 'xsi:schemaLocation' => "http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-$ver/ " . "http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-$ver.xsd", 'version' => $ver, 'xml:lang' => MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->getHtmlCode() ], null ) . "\n" . $this->siteInfo(); } /** * @return string */ private function siteInfo() { $info = [ $this->sitename(), $this->dbname(), $this->homelink(), $this->generator(), $this->caseSetting(), $this->namespaces() ]; return " \n " . implode( "\n ", $info ) . "\n \n"; } /** * @return string */ private function sitename() { global $wgSitename; return Xml::element( 'sitename', [], $wgSitename ); } /** * @return string */ private function dbname() { global $wgDBname; return Xml::element( 'dbname', [], $wgDBname ); } /** * @return string */ private function generator() { return Xml::element( 'generator', [], 'MediaWiki ' . MW_VERSION ); } /** * @return string */ private function homelink() { return Xml::element( 'base', [], Title::newMainPage()->getCanonicalURL() ); } /** * @return string */ private function caseSetting() { global $wgCapitalLinks; // "case-insensitive" option is reserved for future $sensitivity = $wgCapitalLinks ? 'first-letter' : 'case-sensitive'; return Xml::element( 'case', [], $sensitivity ); } /** * @return string */ private function namespaces() { $spaces = "\n"; $nsInfo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo(); foreach ( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->getFormattedNamespaces() as $ns => $title ) { $spaces .= ' ' . Xml::element( 'namespace', [ 'key' => $ns, 'case' => $nsInfo->isCapitalized( $ns ) ? 'first-letter' : 'case-sensitive', ], $title ) . "\n"; } $spaces .= " "; return $spaces; } /** * Closes the output stream with the closing root element. * Call when finished dumping things. * * @return string */ public function closeStream() { return "\n"; } /** * Opens a "" section on the output stream, with data * from the given database row. * * @param object $row * @return string */ public function openPage( $row ) { $out = " \n"; $this->currentTitle = Title::newFromRow( $row ); $canonicalTitle = self::canonicalTitle( $this->currentTitle ); $out .= ' ' . Xml::elementClean( 'title', [], $canonicalTitle ) . "\n"; $out .= ' ' . Xml::element( 'ns', [], strval( $row->page_namespace ) ) . "\n"; $out .= ' ' . Xml::element( 'id', [], strval( $row->page_id ) ) . "\n"; if ( $row->page_is_redirect ) { $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->currentTitle ); $redirect = $this->invokeLenient( function () use ( $page ) { return $page->getRedirectTarget(); }, 'Failed to get redirect target of page ' . $page->getId() ); if ( $redirect instanceof Title && $redirect->isValidRedirectTarget() ) { $out .= ' '; $out .= Xml::element( 'redirect', [ 'title' => self::canonicalTitle( $redirect ) ] ); $out .= "\n"; } } if ( $row->page_restrictions != '' ) { $out .= ' ' . Xml::element( 'restrictions', [], strval( $row->page_restrictions ) ) . "\n"; } $this->hookRunner->onXmlDumpWriterOpenPage( $this, $out, $row, $this->currentTitle ); return $out; } /** * Closes a "" section on the output stream. * * @internal * @return string */ public function closePage() { if ( $this->currentTitle !== null ) { $linkCache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkCache(); // In rare cases, link cache has the same key for some pages which // might be read as part of the same batch. T220424 and T220316 $linkCache->clearLink( $this->currentTitle ); } return " \n"; } /** * @return RevisionStore */ private function getRevisionStore() { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionStore(); } /** * @return SqlBlobStore */ private function getBlobStore() { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getBlobStore(); } /** * Invokes the given callback, catching and logging any storage related * exceptions. * * @param callable $callback * @param string $warning The warning to output in case of a storage related exception. * * @return mixed Returns the method's return value, * or null in case of a storage related exception. * @throws Exception */ private function invokeLenient( $callback, $warning ) { try { return $callback(); } catch ( SuppressedDataException $ex ) { return null; } catch ( Exception $ex ) { if ( $ex instanceof MWException || $ex instanceof RuntimeException || $ex instanceof InvalidArgumentException ) { MWDebug::warning( $warning . ': ' . $ex->getMessage() ); return null; } else { throw $ex; } } } /** * Dumps a "" section on the output stream, with * data filled in from the given database row. * * @param object $row * @param null|object[] $slotRows * * @return string * @throws FatalError * @throws MWException */ public function writeRevision( $row, $slotRows = null ) { $rev = $this->getRevisionStore()->newRevisionFromRowAndSlots( $row, $slotRows, 0, $this->currentTitle ); $out = " \n"; $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'id', null, strval( $rev->getId() ) ) . "\n"; if ( $rev->getParentId() ) { $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'parentid', null, strval( $rev->getParentId() ) ) . "\n"; } $out .= $this->writeTimestamp( $rev->getTimestamp() ); if ( $rev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER ) ) { $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'contributor', [ 'deleted' => 'deleted' ] ) . "\n"; } else { // empty values get written out as uid 0, see T224221 $user = $rev->getUser(); $out .= $this->writeContributor( $user ? $user->getId() : 0, $user ? $user->getName() : '' ); } if ( $rev->isMinor() ) { $out .= " \n"; } if ( $rev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_COMMENT ) ) { $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'comment', [ 'deleted' => 'deleted' ] ) . "\n"; } else { if ( $rev->getComment()->text != '' ) { $out .= " " . Xml::elementClean( 'comment', [], strval( $rev->getComment()->text ) ) . "\n"; } } $contentMode = $rev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) ? self::WRITE_STUB_DELETED : $this->contentMode; $slots = $rev->getSlots()->getSlots(); // use predictable order, put main slot first ksort( $slots ); $out .= $this->writeSlot( $slots[SlotRecord::MAIN], $contentMode ); foreach ( $slots as $role => $slot ) { if ( $role === SlotRecord::MAIN ) { continue; } $out .= $this->writeSlot( $slot, $contentMode ); } if ( $rev->isDeleted( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) ) { $out .= " \n"; } else { $sha1 = $this->invokeLenient( function () use ( $rev ) { return $rev->getSha1(); }, 'failed to determine sha1 for revision ' . $rev->getId() ); $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'sha1', null, strval( $sha1 ) ) . "\n"; } // Avoid PHP 7.1 warning from passing $this by reference $writer = $this; $text = ''; if ( $contentMode === self::WRITE_CONTENT ) { /** @var Content $content */ $content = $this->invokeLenient( function () use ( $rev ) { return $rev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW ); }, 'Failed to load main slot content of revision ' . $rev->getId() ); $text = $content ? $content->serialize() : ''; } $this->hookRunner->onXmlDumpWriterWriteRevision( $writer, $out, $row, $text, $rev ); $out .= " \n"; return $out; } /** * @param SlotRecord $slot * @param int $contentMode see the WRITE_XXX constants * * @return string */ private function writeSlot( SlotRecord $slot, $contentMode ) { $isMain = $slot->getRole() === SlotRecord::MAIN; $isV11 = $this->schemaVersion >= XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_11; if ( !$isV11 && !$isMain ) { // ignore extra slots return ''; } $out = ''; $indent = ' '; if ( !$isMain ) { // non-main slots are wrapped into an additional element. $out .= ' ' . Xml::openElement( 'content' ) . "\n"; $indent .= ' '; $out .= $indent . Xml::element( 'role', null, strval( $slot->getRole() ) ) . "\n"; } if ( $isV11 ) { $out .= $indent . Xml::element( 'origin', null, strval( $slot->getOrigin() ) ) . "\n"; } $contentModel = $slot->getModel(); $contentHandler = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getContentHandlerFactory() ->getContentHandler( $contentModel ); $contentFormat = $contentHandler->getDefaultFormat(); // XXX: The content format is only relevant when actually outputting serialized content. // It should probably be an attribute on the text tag. $out .= $indent . Xml::element( 'model', null, strval( $contentModel ) ) . "\n"; $out .= $indent . Xml::element( 'format', null, strval( $contentFormat ) ) . "\n"; $textAttributes = [ 'bytes' => $this->invokeLenient( function () use ( $slot ) { return $slot->getSize(); }, 'failed to determine size for slot ' . $slot->getRole() . ' of revision ' . $slot->getRevision() ) ?: '0' ]; if ( $isV11 ) { $textAttributes['sha1'] = $this->invokeLenient( function () use ( $slot ) { return $slot->getSha1(); }, 'failed to determine sha1 for slot ' . $slot->getRole() . ' of revision ' . $slot->getRevision() ) ?: ''; } if ( $contentMode === self::WRITE_CONTENT ) { $content = $this->invokeLenient( function () use ( $slot ) { return $slot->getContent(); }, 'failed to load content for slot ' . $slot->getRole() . ' of revision ' . $slot->getRevision() ); if ( $content === null ) { $out .= $indent . Xml::element( 'text', $textAttributes ) . "\n"; } else { $out .= $this->writeText( $content, $textAttributes, $indent ); } } elseif ( $contentMode === self::WRITE_STUB_DELETED ) { // write placeholder tag $textAttributes['deleted'] = 'deleted'; $out .= $indent . Xml::element( 'text', $textAttributes ) . "\n"; } else { // write stub tag if ( $isV11 ) { $textAttributes['location'] = $slot->getAddress(); } if ( $isMain ) { // Output the numerical text ID if possible, for backwards compatibility. // Note that this is currently the ONLY reason we have a BlobStore here at all. // When removing this line, check whether the BlobStore has become unused. try { // NOTE: this will only work for addresses of the form "tt:12345". // If we want to support other kinds of addresses in the future, // we will have to silently ignore failures here. // For now, this fails for "tt:0", which is present in the WMF production // database of of Juli 2019, due to data corruption. $textId = $this->getBlobStore()->getTextIdFromAddress( $slot->getAddress() ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { MWDebug::warning( 'Bad content address for slot ' . $slot->getRole() . ' of revision ' . $slot->getRevision() . ': ' . $ex->getMessage() ); $textId = 0; } if ( is_int( $textId ) ) { $textAttributes['id'] = $textId; } } $out .= $indent . Xml::element( 'text', $textAttributes ) . "\n"; } if ( !$isMain ) { $out .= ' ' . Xml::closeElement( 'content' ) . "\n"; } return $out; } /** * @param Content $content * @param string[] $textAttributes * @param string $indent * * @return string */ private function writeText( Content $content, $textAttributes, $indent ) { $out = ''; $contentHandler = $content->getContentHandler(); $contentFormat = $contentHandler->getDefaultFormat(); if ( $content instanceof TextContent ) { // HACK: For text based models, bypass the serialization step. This allows extensions (like Flow) // that use incompatible combinations of serialization format and content model. $data = $content->getNativeData(); } else { $data = $content->serialize( $contentFormat ); } $data = $contentHandler->exportTransform( $data, $contentFormat ); $textAttributes['bytes'] = $size = strlen( $data ); // make sure to use the actual size $textAttributes['xml:space'] = 'preserve'; $out .= $indent . Xml::elementClean( 'text', $textAttributes, strval( $data ) ) . "\n"; return $out; } /** * Dumps a "" section on the output stream, with * data filled in from the given database row. * * @param object $row * @return string */ public function writeLogItem( $row ) { $out = " \n"; $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'id', null, strval( $row->log_id ) ) . "\n"; $out .= $this->writeTimestamp( $row->log_timestamp, " " ); if ( $row->log_deleted & LogPage::DELETED_USER ) { $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'contributor', [ 'deleted' => 'deleted' ] ) . "\n"; } else { $out .= $this->writeContributor( $row->log_user, $row->user_name, " " ); } if ( $row->log_deleted & LogPage::DELETED_COMMENT ) { $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'comment', [ 'deleted' => 'deleted' ] ) . "\n"; } else { $comment = CommentStore::getStore()->getComment( 'log_comment', $row )->text; if ( $comment != '' ) { $out .= " " . Xml::elementClean( 'comment', null, strval( $comment ) ) . "\n"; } } $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'type', null, strval( $row->log_type ) ) . "\n"; $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'action', null, strval( $row->log_action ) ) . "\n"; if ( $row->log_deleted & LogPage::DELETED_ACTION ) { $out .= " " . Xml::element( 'text', [ 'deleted' => 'deleted' ] ) . "\n"; } else { $title = Title::makeTitle( $row->log_namespace, $row->log_title ); $out .= " " . Xml::elementClean( 'logtitle', null, self::canonicalTitle( $title ) ) . "\n"; $out .= " " . Xml::elementClean( 'params', [ 'xml:space' => 'preserve' ], strval( $row->log_params ) ) . "\n"; } $out .= " \n"; return $out; } /** * @param string $timestamp * @param string $indent Default to six spaces * @return string */ public function writeTimestamp( $timestamp, $indent = " " ) { $ts = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $timestamp ); return $indent . Xml::element( 'timestamp', null, $ts ) . "\n"; } /** * @param int $id * @param string $text * @param string $indent Default to six spaces * @return string */ public function writeContributor( $id, $text, $indent = " " ) { $out = $indent . "\n"; if ( $id || !IPUtils::isValid( $text ) ) { $out .= $indent . " " . Xml::elementClean( 'username', null, strval( $text ) ) . "\n"; $out .= $indent . " " . Xml::element( 'id', null, strval( $id ) ) . "\n"; } else { $out .= $indent . " " . Xml::elementClean( 'ip', null, strval( $text ) ) . "\n"; } $out .= $indent . "\n"; return $out; } /** * Warning! This data is potentially inconsistent. :( * @param object $row * @param bool $dumpContents * @return string */ public function writeUploads( $row, $dumpContents = false ) { if ( $row->page_namespace == NS_FILE ) { $img = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()->getLocalRepo() ->newFile( $row->page_title ); if ( $img && $img->exists() ) { $out = ''; foreach ( array_reverse( $img->getHistory() ) as $ver ) { $out .= $this->writeUpload( $ver, $dumpContents ); } $out .= $this->writeUpload( $img, $dumpContents ); return $out; } } return ''; } /** * @param File $file * @param bool $dumpContents * @return string */ private function writeUpload( $file, $dumpContents = false ) { if ( $file->isOld() ) { /** @var OldLocalFile $file */ '@phan-var OldLocalFile $file'; $archiveName = " " . Xml::element( 'archivename', null, $file->getArchiveName() ) . "\n"; } else { $archiveName = ''; } if ( $dumpContents ) { $be = $file->getRepo()->getBackend(); # Dump file as base64 # Uses only XML-safe characters, so does not need escaping # @todo Too bad this loads the contents into memory (script might swap) $contents = ' ' . chunk_split( base64_encode( $be->getFileContents( [ 'src' => $file->getPath() ] ) ) ) . " \n"; } else { $contents = ''; } if ( $file->isDeleted( File::DELETED_COMMENT ) ) { $comment = Xml::element( 'comment', [ 'deleted' => 'deleted' ] ); } else { $comment = Xml::elementClean( 'comment', null, strval( $file->getDescription() ) ); } return " \n" . $this->writeTimestamp( $file->getTimestamp() ) . $this->writeContributor( $file->getUser( 'id' ), $file->getUser( 'text' ) ) . " " . $comment . "\n" . " " . Xml::element( 'filename', null, $file->getName() ) . "\n" . $archiveName . " " . Xml::element( 'src', null, $file->getCanonicalUrl() ) . "\n" . " " . Xml::element( 'size', null, $file->getSize() ) . "\n" . " " . Xml::element( 'sha1base36', null, $file->getSha1() ) . "\n" . " " . Xml::element( 'rel', null, $file->getRel() ) . "\n" . $contents . " \n"; } /** * Return prefixed text form of title, but using the content language's * canonical namespace. This skips any special-casing such as gendered * user namespaces -- which while useful, are not yet listed in the * XML "" data so are unsafe in export. * * @param Title $title * @return string * @since 1.18 */ public static function canonicalTitle( Title $title ) { if ( $title->isExternal() ) { return $title->getPrefixedText(); } $prefix = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()-> getFormattedNsText( $title->getNamespace() ); // @todo Emit some kind of warning to the user if $title->getNamespace() !== // NS_MAIN and $prefix === '' (viz. pages in an unregistered namespace) if ( $prefix !== '' ) { $prefix .= ':'; } return $prefix . $title->getText(); } }