* https://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file */ /** * @defgroup Dump Dump */ use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner; use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord; use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase; use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IResultWrapper; /** * @ingroup SpecialPage Dump */ class WikiExporter { /** @var bool Return distinct author list (when not returning full history) */ public $list_authors = false; /** @var bool */ public $dumpUploads = false; /** @var bool */ public $dumpUploadFileContents = false; /** @var string */ public $author_list = ""; public const FULL = 1; public const CURRENT = 2; public const STABLE = 4; // extension defined public const LOGS = 8; public const RANGE = 16; public const TEXT = XmlDumpWriter::WRITE_CONTENT; public const STUB = XmlDumpWriter::WRITE_STUB; protected const BATCH_SIZE = 50000; /** @var int */ public $text; /** @var DumpOutput */ public $sink; /** @var XmlDumpWriter */ private $writer; /** @var IDatabase */ protected $db; /** @var array|int */ protected $history; /** @var array|null */ protected $limitNamespaces; /** @var RevisionStore */ private $revisionStore; /** @var HookRunner */ private $hookRunner; /** * Returns the default export schema version, as defined by $wgXmlDumpSchemaVersion. * @return string */ public static function schemaVersion() { global $wgXmlDumpSchemaVersion; return $wgXmlDumpSchemaVersion; } /** * @param IDatabase $db * @param int|array $history One of WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::CURRENT, * WikiExporter::RANGE or WikiExporter::STABLE, or an associative array: * - offset: non-inclusive offset at which to start the query * - limit: maximum number of rows to return * - dir: "asc" or "desc" timestamp order * @param int $text One of WikiExporter::TEXT or WikiExporter::STUB * @param null|array $limitNamespaces Comma-separated list of namespace numbers * to limit results */ public function __construct( $db, $history = self::CURRENT, $text = self::TEXT, $limitNamespaces = null ) { $this->db = $db; $this->history = $history; $this->writer = new XmlDumpWriter( $text, self::schemaVersion() ); $this->sink = new DumpOutput(); $this->text = $text; $this->limitNamespaces = $limitNamespaces; $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $services->getHookContainer() ); $this->revisionStore = $services->getRevisionStore(); } /** * @param string $schemaVersion which schema version the generated XML should comply to. * One of the values from self::$supportedSchemas, using the XML_DUMP_SCHEMA_VERSION_XX * constants. */ public function setSchemaVersion( $schemaVersion ) { $this->writer = new XmlDumpWriter( $this->text, $schemaVersion ); } /** * Set the DumpOutput or DumpFilter object which will receive * various row objects and XML output for filtering. Filters * can be chained or used as callbacks. * * @param DumpOutput|DumpFilter &$sink */ public function setOutputSink( &$sink ) { $this->sink =& $sink; } public function openStream() { $output = $this->writer->openStream(); $this->sink->writeOpenStream( $output ); } public function closeStream() { $output = $this->writer->closeStream(); $this->sink->writeCloseStream( $output ); } /** * Dumps a series of page and revision records for all pages * in the database, either including complete history or only * the most recent version. */ public function allPages() { $this->dumpFrom( '' ); } /** * Dumps a series of page and revision records for those pages * in the database falling within the page_id range given. * @param int $start Inclusive lower limit (this id is included) * @param int $end Exclusive upper limit (this id is not included) * If 0, no upper limit. * @param bool $orderRevs order revisions within pages in ascending order */ public function pagesByRange( $start, $end, $orderRevs ) { if ( $orderRevs ) { $condition = 'rev_page >= ' . intval( $start ); if ( $end ) { $condition .= ' AND rev_page < ' . intval( $end ); } } else { $condition = 'page_id >= ' . intval( $start ); if ( $end ) { $condition .= ' AND page_id < ' . intval( $end ); } } $this->dumpFrom( $condition, $orderRevs ); } /** * Dumps a series of page and revision records for those pages * in the database with revisions falling within the rev_id range given. * @param int $start Inclusive lower limit (this id is included) * @param int $end Exclusive upper limit (this id is not included) * If 0, no upper limit. */ public function revsByRange( $start, $end ) { $condition = 'rev_id >= ' . intval( $start ); if ( $end ) { $condition .= ' AND rev_id < ' . intval( $end ); } $this->dumpFrom( $condition ); } /** * @param Title $title */ public function pageByTitle( $title ) { $this->dumpFrom( 'page_namespace=' . $title->getNamespace() . ' AND page_title=' . $this->db->addQuotes( $title->getDBkey() ) ); } /** * @param string $name * @throws MWException */ public function pageByName( $name ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $name ); if ( $title === null ) { throw new MWException( "Can't export invalid title" ); } else { $this->pageByTitle( $title ); } } /** * @param array $names */ public function pagesByName( $names ) { foreach ( $names as $name ) { $this->pageByName( $name ); } } public function allLogs() { $this->dumpFrom( '' ); } /** * @param int $start * @param int $end */ public function logsByRange( $start, $end ) { $condition = 'log_id >= ' . intval( $start ); if ( $end ) { $condition .= ' AND log_id < ' . intval( $end ); } $this->dumpFrom( $condition ); } /** * Generates the distinct list of authors of an article * Not called by default (depends on $this->list_authors) * Can be set by Special:Export when not exporting whole history * * @param string $cond */ protected function do_list_authors( $cond ) { $this->author_list = ""; // rev_deleted $revQuery = $this->revisionStore->getQueryInfo( [ 'page' ] ); $res = $this->db->select( $revQuery['tables'], [ 'rev_user_text' => $revQuery['fields']['rev_user_text'], 'rev_user' => $revQuery['fields']['rev_user'], ], [ $this->db->bitAnd( 'rev_deleted', RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER ) . ' = 0', $cond, ], __METHOD__, [ 'DISTINCT' ], $revQuery['joins'] ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $this->author_list .= "" . "" . htmlspecialchars( $row->rev_user_text ) . "" . "" . ( (int)$row->rev_user ) . "" . ""; } $this->author_list .= ""; } /** * @param string $cond * @param bool $orderRevs * @throws MWException * @throws Exception */ protected function dumpFrom( $cond = '', $orderRevs = false ) { if ( $this->history & self::LOGS ) { $this->dumpLogs( $cond ); } else { $this->dumpPages( $cond, $orderRevs ); } } /** * @param string $cond * @throws Exception */ protected function dumpLogs( $cond ) { $where = []; # Hide private logs $hideLogs = LogEventsList::getExcludeClause( $this->db ); if ( $hideLogs ) { $where[] = $hideLogs; } # Add on any caller specified conditions if ( $cond ) { $where[] = $cond; } $result = null; // Assuring $result is not undefined, if exception occurs early $commentQuery = CommentStore::getStore()->getJoin( 'log_comment' ); $actorQuery = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getJoin( 'log_user' ); $tables = array_merge( [ 'logging' ], $commentQuery['tables'], $actorQuery['tables'], [ 'user' ] ); $fields = [ 'log_id', 'log_type', 'log_action', 'log_timestamp', 'log_namespace', 'log_title', 'log_params', 'log_deleted', 'user_name' ] + $commentQuery['fields'] + $actorQuery['fields']; $options = [ 'ORDER BY' => 'log_id', 'USE INDEX' => [ 'logging' => 'PRIMARY' ], 'LIMIT' => self::BATCH_SIZE, ]; $joins = [ 'user' => [ 'JOIN', 'user_id = ' . $actorQuery['fields']['log_user'] ] ] + $commentQuery['joins'] + $actorQuery['joins']; $lastLogId = 0; while ( true ) { $result = $this->db->select( $tables, $fields, array_merge( $where, [ 'log_id > ' . intval( $lastLogId ) ] ), __METHOD__, $options, $joins ); if ( !$result->numRows() ) { break; } $lastLogId = $this->outputLogStream( $result ); } } /** * @param string $cond * @param bool $orderRevs * @throws MWException * @throws Exception */ protected function dumpPages( $cond, $orderRevs ) { $revQuery = $this->revisionStore->getQueryInfo( [ 'page' ] ); $slotQuery = $this->revisionStore->getSlotsQueryInfo( [ 'content' ] ); // We want page primary rather than revision. // We also want to join in the slots and content tables. // NOTE: This means we may get multiple rows per revision, and more rows // than the batch size! Should be ok, since the max number of slots is // fixed and low (dozens at worst). $tables = array_merge( [ 'page' ], array_diff( $revQuery['tables'], [ 'page' ] ) ); $tables = array_merge( $tables, array_diff( $slotQuery['tables'], $tables ) ); $join = $revQuery['joins'] + [ 'revision' => $revQuery['joins']['page'], 'slots' => [ 'JOIN', [ 'slot_revision_id = rev_id' ] ], 'content' => [ 'JOIN', [ 'content_id = slot_content_id' ] ], ]; unset( $join['page'] ); $fields = array_merge( $revQuery['fields'], $slotQuery['fields'] ); $fields[] = 'page_restrictions'; if ( $this->text != self::STUB ) { $fields['_load_content'] = '1'; } $conds = []; if ( $cond !== '' ) { $conds[] = $cond; } $opts = [ 'ORDER BY' => [ 'rev_page ASC', 'rev_id ASC' ] ]; $opts['USE INDEX'] = []; $op = '>'; if ( is_array( $this->history ) ) { # Time offset/limit for all pages/history... # Set time order if ( $this->history['dir'] == 'asc' ) { $opts['ORDER BY'] = 'rev_timestamp ASC'; } else { $op = '<'; $opts['ORDER BY'] = 'rev_timestamp DESC'; } # Set offset if ( !empty( $this->history['offset'] ) ) { $conds[] = "rev_timestamp $op " . $this->db->addQuotes( $this->db->timestamp( $this->history['offset'] ) ); } # Set query limit if ( !empty( $this->history['limit'] ) ) { $maxRowCount = intval( $this->history['limit'] ); } } elseif ( $this->history & self::FULL ) { # Full history dumps... # query optimization for history stub dumps if ( $this->text == self::STUB ) { $opts[] = 'STRAIGHT_JOIN'; $opts['USE INDEX']['revision'] = 'rev_page_id'; unset( $join['revision'] ); $join['page'] = [ 'JOIN', 'rev_page=page_id' ]; } } elseif ( $this->history & self::CURRENT ) { # Latest revision dumps... if ( $this->list_authors && $cond != '' ) { // List authors, if so desired $this->do_list_authors( $cond ); } $join['revision'] = [ 'JOIN', 'page_id=rev_page AND page_latest=rev_id' ]; $opts[ 'ORDER BY' ] = [ 'page_id ASC' ]; } elseif ( $this->history & self::STABLE ) { # "Stable" revision dumps... # Default JOIN, to be overridden... $join['revision'] = [ 'JOIN', 'page_id=rev_page AND page_latest=rev_id' ]; # One, and only one hook should set this, and return false if ( $this->hookRunner->onWikiExporter__dumpStableQuery( $tables, $opts, $join ) ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " given invalid history dump type." ); } } elseif ( $this->history & self::RANGE ) { # Dump of revisions within a specified range. Condition already set in revsByRange(). } else { # Unknown history specification parameter? throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " given invalid history dump type." ); } $result = null; // Assuring $result is not undefined, if exception occurs early $done = false; $lastRow = null; $revPage = 0; $revId = 0; $rowCount = 0; $opts['LIMIT'] = self::BATCH_SIZE; $this->hookRunner->onModifyExportQuery( $this->db, $tables, $cond, $opts, $join, $conds ); while ( !$done ) { // If necessary, impose the overall maximum and stop looping after this iteration. if ( !empty( $maxRowCount ) && $rowCount + self::BATCH_SIZE > $maxRowCount ) { $opts['LIMIT'] = $maxRowCount - $rowCount; $done = true; } $queryConds = $conds; $queryConds[] = 'rev_page>' . intval( $revPage ) . ' OR (rev_page=' . intval( $revPage ) . ' AND rev_id' . $op . intval( $revId ) . ')'; # Do the query and process any results, remembering max ids for the next iteration. $result = $this->db->select( $tables, $fields, $queryConds, __METHOD__, $opts, $join ); if ( $result->numRows() > 0 ) { $lastRow = $this->outputPageStreamBatch( $result, $lastRow ); $rowCount += $result->numRows(); $revPage = $lastRow->rev_page; $revId = $lastRow->rev_id; } else { $done = true; } // If we are finished, close off final page element (if any). if ( $done && $lastRow ) { $this->finishPageStreamOutput( $lastRow ); } } } /** * Runs through a query result set dumping page, revision, and slot records. * The result set should join the page, revision, slots, and content tables, * and be sorted/grouped by page and revision to avoid duplicate page records in the output. * * @param IResultWrapper $results * @param object $lastRow the last row output from the previous call (or null if none) * @return object the last row processed */ protected function outputPageStreamBatch( $results, $lastRow ) { $rowCarry = null; while ( true ) { $slotRows = $this->getSlotRowBatch( $results, $rowCarry ); if ( !$slotRows ) { break; } // All revision info is present in all slot rows. // Use the first slot row as the revision row. $revRow = $slotRows[0]; if ( $this->limitNamespaces && !in_array( $revRow->page_namespace, $this->limitNamespaces ) ) { $lastRow = $revRow; continue; } if ( $lastRow === null || $lastRow->page_namespace !== $revRow->page_namespace || $lastRow->page_title !== $revRow->page_title ) { if ( $lastRow !== null ) { $output = ''; if ( $this->dumpUploads ) { $output .= $this->writer->writeUploads( $lastRow, $this->dumpUploadFileContents ); } $output .= $this->writer->closePage(); $this->sink->writeClosePage( $output ); } $output = $this->writer->openPage( $revRow ); $this->sink->writeOpenPage( $revRow, $output ); } $output = $this->writer->writeRevision( $revRow, $slotRows ); $this->sink->writeRevision( $revRow, $output ); $lastRow = $revRow; } if ( $rowCarry ) { throw new LogicException( 'Error while processing a stream of slot rows' ); } return $lastRow; } /** * Returns all slot rows for a revision. * Takes and returns a carry row from the last batch; * * @param IResultWrapper|array $results * @param null|object &$carry A row carried over from the last call to getSlotRowBatch() * * @return object[] */ protected function getSlotRowBatch( $results, &$carry = null ) { $slotRows = []; $prev = null; if ( $carry ) { $slotRows[] = $carry; $prev = $carry; $carry = null; } while ( $row = $results->fetchObject() ) { if ( $prev && $prev->rev_id !== $row->rev_id ) { $carry = $row; break; } $slotRows[] = $row; $prev = $row; } return $slotRows; } /** * Final page stream output, after all batches are complete * * @param object $lastRow the last row output from the last batch (or null if none) */ protected function finishPageStreamOutput( $lastRow ) { $output = ''; if ( $this->dumpUploads ) { $output .= $this->writer->writeUploads( $lastRow, $this->dumpUploadFileContents ); } $output .= $this->author_list; $output .= $this->writer->closePage(); $this->sink->writeClosePage( $output ); } /** * @param IResultWrapper $resultset * @return int|null the log_id value of the last item output, or null if none */ protected function outputLogStream( $resultset ) { foreach ( $resultset as $row ) { $output = $this->writer->writeLogItem( $row ); $this->sink->writeLogItem( $row, $output ); } return $row->log_id ?? null; } }