* https://www.mediawiki.org/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @file * @ingroup Maintenance */ use MediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecord; /** * Readahead helper for making large MediaWiki data dumps; * reads in a previous XML dump to sequentially prefetch text * records already normalized and decompressed. * * This can save load on the external database servers, hopefully. * * Assumes that dumps will be recorded in the canonical order: * - ascending by page_id * - ascending by rev_id within each page * - text contents are immutable and should not change once * recorded, so the previous dump is a reliable source * * @ingroup Maintenance */ class BaseDump { /** @var XMLReader */ protected $reader = null; protected $atEnd = false; protected $atPageEnd = false; protected $lastPage = 0; protected $lastRev = 0; protected $infiles = null; public function __construct( $infile ) { $this->infiles = explode( ';', $infile ); $this->reader = new XMLReader(); $infile = array_shift( $this->infiles ); $this->reader->open( $infile, null, LIBXML_PARSEHUGE ); } /** * Attempts to fetch the text of a particular page revision * from the dump stream. May return null if the page is * unavailable. * * @param int $page ID number of page to read * @param int $rev ID number of revision to read * @param string $slot Role name of the slot to read * @return string|null */ public function prefetch( $page, $rev, $slot = SlotRecord::MAIN ) { $page = intval( $page ); $rev = intval( $rev ); while ( $this->lastPage < $page && !$this->atEnd ) { $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch at page $this->lastPage, looking for $page" ); $this->nextPage(); } if ( $this->lastPage > $page || $this->atEnd ) { $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch already past page $page " . "looking for rev $rev [$this->lastPage, $this->lastRev]" ); return null; } while ( $this->lastRev < $rev && !$this->atEnd && !$this->atPageEnd ) { $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch at page $this->lastPage, rev $this->lastRev, " . "looking for $page, $rev" ); $this->nextRev(); } if ( $this->lastRev == $rev && !$this->atEnd ) { $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch hit on $page, $rev [$this->lastPage, $this->lastRev]" ); if ( $slot !== SlotRecord::MAIN ) { $lastSlot = SlotRecord::MAIN; while ( $lastSlot !== $slot ) { if ( !$this->skipTo( 'content', 'revision' ) ) { return null; } if ( !$this->skipTo( 'role', 'revision' ) ) { return null; } $lastSlot = $this->nodeContents(); } } return $this->nextText(); } else { $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch already past rev $rev on page $page " . "[$this->lastPage, $this->lastRev]" ); return null; } } protected function debug( $str ) { wfDebug( $str ); // global $dumper; // $dumper->progress( $str ); } private function nextPage() { if ( $this->skipTo( 'page', 'mediawiki' ) ) { if ( $this->skipTo( 'id' ) ) { $this->lastPage = intval( $this->nodeContents() ); $this->lastRev = 0; $this->atPageEnd = false; } } else { $this->close(); if ( count( $this->infiles ) ) { $infile = array_shift( $this->infiles ); $this->reader->open( $infile, null, LIBXML_PARSEHUGE ); $this->atEnd = false; } } } private function nextRev() { if ( $this->skipTo( 'revision' ) ) { if ( $this->skipTo( 'id' ) ) { $this->lastRev = intval( $this->nodeContents() ); } } else { $this->atPageEnd = true; } } /** * @return string */ private function nextText() { if ( !$this->skipTo( 'text', 'revision' ) ) { return null; } return strval( $this->nodeContents() ); } /** * @param string $name * @param string $parent * @return bool|null */ private function skipTo( $name, $parent = 'page' ) { if ( $this->atEnd ) { return false; } while ( $this->reader->read() ) { if ( $this->reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $this->reader->name == $name ) { return true; } if ( $this->reader->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $this->reader->name == $parent ) { $this->debug( "BaseDump::skipTo found searching for <$name>" ); return false; } } return $this->close(); } /** * Shouldn't something like this be built-in to XMLReader? * Fetches text contents of the current element, assuming * no sub-elements or such scary things. * * @return string */ private function nodeContents() { if ( $this->atEnd ) { return null; } if ( $this->reader->isEmptyElement ) { return ""; } $buffer = ""; while ( $this->reader->read() ) { switch ( $this->reader->nodeType ) { case XMLReader::TEXT: // case XMLReader::WHITESPACE: case XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE: $buffer .= $this->reader->value; break; case XMLReader::END_ELEMENT: return $buffer; } } return $this->close(); } /** * @return null */ public function close() { $this->reader->close(); $this->atEnd = true; return null; } }