getSlotDiffRenderer( RequestContext::getMain() ) * * @ingroup DifferenceEngine */ class TextSlotDiffRenderer extends SlotDiffRenderer { /** Use the PHP diff implementation (DiffEngine). */ public const ENGINE_PHP = 'php'; /** Use the wikidiff2 PHP module. */ public const ENGINE_WIKIDIFF2 = 'wikidiff2'; /** Use the wikidiff2 PHP module. */ public const ENGINE_WIKIDIFF2_INLINE = 'wikidiff2inline'; /** Use an external executable. */ public const ENGINE_EXTERNAL = 'external'; /** @var IBufferingStatsdDataFactory|null */ private $statsdDataFactory; /** @var Language|null The language this content is in. */ private $language; /** @var string One of the ENGINE_* constants. */ private $engine = self::ENGINE_PHP; /** @var string Path to an executable to be used as the diff engine. */ private $externalEngine; /** * @inheritDoc * @return array */ public function getExtraCacheKeys() { // Tell DifferenceEngine this is a different variant from the standard wikidiff2 variant return $this->engine === self::ENGINE_WIKIDIFF2_INLINE ? [ phpversion( 'wikidiff2' ), 'inline' ] : []; } /** * Convenience helper to use getTextDiff without an instance. * @param string $oldText * @param string $newText * @return string */ public static function diff( $oldText, $newText ) { /** @var TextSlotDiffRenderer $slotDiffRenderer */ $slotDiffRenderer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getContentHandlerFactory() ->getContentHandler( CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT ) ->getSlotDiffRenderer( RequestContext::getMain() ); '@phan-var TextSlotDiffRenderer $slotDiffRenderer'; return $slotDiffRenderer->getTextDiff( $oldText, $newText ); } public function setStatsdDataFactory( IBufferingStatsdDataFactory $statsdDataFactory ) { $this->statsdDataFactory = $statsdDataFactory; } public function setLanguage( Language $language ) { $this->language = $language; } /** * Set which diff engine to use. * @param string $type One of the ENGINE_* constants. * @param string|null $executable Path to an external exectable, only when type is ENGINE_EXTERNAL. */ public function setEngine( $type, $executable = null ) { $engines = [ self::ENGINE_PHP, self::ENGINE_WIKIDIFF2, self::ENGINE_EXTERNAL, self::ENGINE_WIKIDIFF2_INLINE ]; Assert::parameter( in_array( $type, $engines, true ), '$type', 'must be one of the TextSlotDiffRenderer::ENGINE_* constants' ); if ( $type === self::ENGINE_EXTERNAL ) { Assert::parameter( is_string( $executable ) && is_executable( $executable ), '$executable', 'must be a path to a valid executable' ); } else { Assert::parameter( $executable === null, '$executable', 'must not be set unless $type is ENGINE_EXTERNAL' ); } $this->engine = $type; $this->externalEngine = $executable; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getDiff( Content $oldContent = null, Content $newContent = null ) { $this->normalizeContents( $oldContent, $newContent, TextContent::class ); $oldText = $oldContent->serialize(); $newText = $newContent->serialize(); return $this->getTextDiff( $oldText, $newText ); } /** * Diff the text representations of two content objects (or just two pieces of text in general). * @param string $oldText * @param string $newText * @return string HTML, one or more tags. */ public function getTextDiff( $oldText, $newText ) { Assert::parameterType( 'string', $oldText, '$oldText' ); Assert::parameterType( 'string', $newText, '$newText' ); $diff = function () use ( $oldText, $newText ) { $time = microtime( true ); $result = $this->getTextDiffInternal( $oldText, $newText ); $time = intval( ( microtime( true ) - $time ) * 1000 ); if ( $this->statsdDataFactory ) { $this->statsdDataFactory->timing( 'diff_time', $time ); } // TODO reimplement this using T142313 /* // Log requests slower than 99th percentile if ( $time > 100 && $this->mOldPage && $this->mNewPage ) { wfDebugLog( 'diff', "$time ms diff: {$this->mOldid} -> {$this->mNewid} {$this->mNewPage}" ); } */ return $result; }; /** * @param Status $status * @throws FatalError */ $error = function ( $status ) { throw new FatalError( $status->getWikiText() ); }; // Use PoolCounter if the diff looks like it can be expensive if ( strlen( $oldText ) + strlen( $newText ) > 20000 ) { $work = new PoolCounterWorkViaCallback( 'diff', md5( $oldText ) . md5( $newText ), [ 'doWork' => $diff, 'error' => $error ] ); return $work->execute(); } return $diff(); } /** * Diff the text representations of two content objects (or just two pieces of text in general). * This does the actual diffing, getTextDiff() wraps it with logging and resource limiting. * @param string $oldText * @param string $newText * @return string * @throws Exception */ protected function getTextDiffInternal( $oldText, $newText ) { // TODO move most of this into three parallel implementations of a text diff generator // class, choose which one to use via dependecy injection $oldText = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $oldText ); $newText = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $newText ); // Better external diff engine, the 2 may some day be dropped // This one does the escaping and segmenting itself if ( $this->engine === self::ENGINE_WIKIDIFF2 ) { $wikidiff2Version = phpversion( 'wikidiff2' ); if ( $wikidiff2Version !== false && version_compare( $wikidiff2Version, '1.5.0', '>=' ) && version_compare( $wikidiff2Version, '1.8.0', '<' ) ) { $text = wikidiff2_do_diff( $oldText, $newText, 2, 0 ); } else { // Don't pass the 4th parameter introduced in version 1.5.0 and removed in version 1.8.0 $text = wikidiff2_do_diff( $oldText, $newText, 2 ); } return $text; } elseif ( $this->engine === self::ENGINE_EXTERNAL ) { # Diff via the shell $tmpDir = wfTempDir(); $tempName1 = tempnam( $tmpDir, 'diff_' ); $tempName2 = tempnam( $tmpDir, 'diff_' ); $tempFile1 = fopen( $tempName1, "w" ); if ( !$tempFile1 ) { return false; } $tempFile2 = fopen( $tempName2, "w" ); if ( !$tempFile2 ) { return false; } fwrite( $tempFile1, $oldText ); fwrite( $tempFile2, $newText ); fclose( $tempFile1 ); fclose( $tempFile2 ); $cmd = [ $this->externalEngine, $tempName1, $tempName2 ]; $result = Shell::command( $cmd ) ->execute(); $exitCode = $result->getExitCode(); if ( $exitCode !== 0 ) { throw new Exception( "External diff command returned code {$exitCode}. Stderr: " . wfEscapeWikiText( $result->getStderr() ) ); } $difftext = $result->getStdout(); unlink( $tempName1 ); unlink( $tempName2 ); return $difftext; } elseif ( $this->engine === self::ENGINE_PHP ) { if ( $this->language ) { $oldText = $this->language->segmentForDiff( $oldText ); $newText = $this->language->segmentForDiff( $newText ); } $ota = explode( "\n", $oldText ); $nta = explode( "\n", $newText ); $diffs = new Diff( $ota, $nta ); $formatter = new TableDiffFormatter(); $difftext = $formatter->format( $diffs ); if ( $this->language ) { $difftext = $this->language->unsegmentForDiff( $difftext ); } return $difftext; } elseif ( $this->engine === self::ENGINE_WIKIDIFF2_INLINE ) { // Note wikidiff2_inline_diff returns an element sans table. // Due to the way other diffs work (return a table with before and after), we need to wrap // the output in a row that spans the 4 columns that are expected, so that our diff appears in // the correct place! return '' . wikidiff2_inline_diff( $oldText, $newText, 2 ) . ''; } throw new LogicException( 'Invalid engine: ' . $this->engine ); } }