counter type) */ private const COUNTERS = [ 'ss_total_edits' => 'edits', 'ss_total_pages' => 'pages', 'ss_good_articles' => 'articles', 'ss_users' => 'users', 'ss_images' => 'images' ]; // @todo deprecate this constructor public function __construct( $views, $edits, $good, $pages = 0, $users = 0 ) { $this->edits = $edits; $this->articles = $good; $this->pages = $pages; $this->users = $users; } public function merge( MergeableUpdate $update ) { /** @var SiteStatsUpdate $update */ Assert::parameterType( __CLASS__, $update, '$update' ); '@phan-var SiteStatsUpdate $update'; foreach ( self::COUNTERS as $field ) { $this->$field += $update->$field; } } /** * @param int[] $deltas Map of (counter type => integer delta) * @return SiteStatsUpdate * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public static function factory( array $deltas ) { $update = new self( 0, 0, 0 ); foreach ( $deltas as $name => $unused ) { if ( !in_array( $name, self::COUNTERS ) ) { // T187585 throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": no field called '$name'" ); } } foreach ( self::COUNTERS as $field ) { $update->$field = $deltas[$field] ?? 0; } return $update; } public function doUpdate() { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $stats = $services->getStatsdDataFactory(); $deltaByType = []; foreach ( self::COUNTERS as $type ) { $delta = $this->$type; if ( $delta !== 0 ) { $stats->updateCount( "site.$type", $delta ); } $deltaByType[$type] = $delta; } ( new AutoCommitUpdate( $services->getDBLoadBalancer()->getConnectionRef( DB_MASTER ), __METHOD__, function ( IDatabase $dbw, $fname ) use ( $deltaByType ) { $set = []; foreach ( self::COUNTERS as $field => $type ) { $delta = (int)$deltaByType[$type]; if ( $delta > 0 ) { $set[] = "$field=" . $dbw->buildGreatest( [ $field => $dbw->addIdentifierQuotes( $field ) . '+' . abs( $delta ) ], 0 ); } elseif ( $delta < 0 ) { $set[] = "$field=" . $dbw->buildGreatest( [ 'new' => $dbw->addIdentifierQuotes( $field ) . '-' . abs( $delta ) ], 0 ); } } if ( $set ) { $dbw->update( 'site_stats', $set, [ 'ss_row_id' => 1 ], $fname ); } } ) )->doUpdate(); // Invalidate cache used by parser functions SiteStats::unload(); } /** * @param IDatabase $dbw * @return bool|mixed */ public static function cacheUpdate( IDatabase $dbw ) { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $config = $services->getMainConfig(); $dbr = $services->getDBLoadBalancer()->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA, 'vslow' ); # Get non-bot users than did some recent action other than making accounts. # If account creation is included, the number gets inflated ~20+ fold on enwiki. $rcQuery = RecentChange::getQueryInfo(); $activeUsers = $dbr->selectField( $rcQuery['tables'], 'COUNT( DISTINCT ' . $rcQuery['fields']['rc_user_text'] . ' )', [ 'rc_type != ' . $dbr->addQuotes( RC_EXTERNAL ), // Exclude external (Wikidata) ActorMigration::newMigration()->isNotAnon( $rcQuery['fields']['rc_user'] ), 'rc_bot' => 0, 'rc_log_type != ' . $dbr->addQuotes( 'newusers' ) . ' OR rc_log_type IS NULL', 'rc_timestamp >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( time() - $config->get( 'ActiveUserDays' ) * 24 * 3600 ) ), ], __METHOD__, [], $rcQuery['joins'] ); $dbw->update( 'site_stats', [ 'ss_active_users' => intval( $activeUsers ) ], [ 'ss_row_id' => 1 ], __METHOD__ ); // Invalid cache used by parser functions SiteStats::unload(); return $activeUsers; } }