= 1.3.0 * * @since 1.26 * @author Erik Bernhardson * @copyright © 2015 Erik Bernhardson and Wikimedia Foundation. */ class KafkaHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * @var Produce Sends requests to kafka */ protected $produce; /** * @var array Optional handler configuration */ protected $options; /** * @var array Map from topic name to partition this request produces to */ protected $partitions = []; /** * @var array defaults for constructor options */ private const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = [ 'alias' => [], // map from monolog channel to kafka topic 'swallowExceptions' => false, // swallow exceptions sending records 'logExceptions' => null, // A PSR3 logger to inform about errors 'requireAck' => 0, ]; /** * @param Produce $produce Kafka instance to produce through * @param array $options optional handler configuration * @param int $level The minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not */ public function __construct( Produce $produce, array $options, $level = Logger::DEBUG, $bubble = true ) { parent::__construct( $level, $bubble ); $this->produce = $produce; $this->options = array_merge( self::DEFAULT_OPTIONS, $options ); } /** * Constructs the necessary support objects and returns a KafkaHandler * instance. * * @param string[] $kafkaServers * @param array $options * @param int $level The minimum logging level at which this handle will be triggered * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble the stack or not * @return KafkaHandler */ public static function factory( $kafkaServers, array $options = [], $level = Logger::DEBUG, $bubble = true ) { $metadata = new MetaDataFromKafka( $kafkaServers ); $produce = new Produce( $metadata ); if ( isset( $options['sendTimeout'] ) ) { $timeOut = $options['sendTimeout']; $produce->getClient()->setStreamOption( 'SendTimeoutSec', 0 ); $produce->getClient()->setStreamOption( 'SendTimeoutUSec', intval( $timeOut * 1000000 ) ); } if ( isset( $options['recvTimeout'] ) ) { $timeOut = $options['recvTimeout']; $produce->getClient()->setStreamOption( 'RecvTimeoutSec', 0 ); $produce->getClient()->setStreamOption( 'RecvTimeoutUSec', intval( $timeOut * 1000000 ) ); } if ( isset( $options['logExceptions'] ) && is_string( $options['logExceptions'] ) ) { $options['logExceptions'] = LoggerFactory::getInstance( $options['logExceptions'] ); } if ( isset( $options['requireAck'] ) ) { $produce->setRequireAck( $options['requireAck'] ); } return new self( $produce, $options, $level, $bubble ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ protected function write( array $record ) { if ( $record['formatted'] !== null ) { $this->addMessages( $record['channel'], [ $record['formatted'] ] ); $this->send(); } } /** * @inheritDoc * @phan-param array[] $batch */ public function handleBatch( array $batch ) { $channels = []; foreach ( $batch as $record ) { if ( $record['level'] < $this->level ) { continue; } $channels[$record['channel']][] = $this->processRecord( $record ); } $formatter = $this->getFormatter(); foreach ( $channels as $channel => $records ) { $messages = []; foreach ( $records as $idx => $record ) { $message = $formatter->format( $record ); if ( $message !== null ) { $messages[] = $message; } } if ( $messages ) { $this->addMessages( $channel, $messages ); } } $this->send(); } /** * Send any records in the kafka client internal queue. */ protected function send() { try { $response = $this->produce->send(); } catch ( \Kafka\Exception $e ) { $ignore = $this->warning( 'Error sending records to kafka: {exception}', [ 'exception' => $e ] ); if ( !$ignore ) { throw $e; } else { return; } } if ( is_bool( $response ) ) { return; } $errors = []; foreach ( $response as $topicName => $partitionResponse ) { foreach ( $partitionResponse as $partition => $info ) { if ( $info['errCode'] === 0 ) { // no error continue; } $errors[] = sprintf( 'Error producing to %s (errno %d): %s', $topicName, $info['errCode'], Decoder::getError( $info['errCode'] ) ); } } if ( $errors ) { $error = implode( "\n", $errors ); if ( !$this->warning( $error ) ) { throw new \RuntimeException( $error ); } } } /** * @param string $topic Name of topic to get partition for * @return int|null The random partition to produce to for this request, * or null if a partition could not be determined. */ protected function getRandomPartition( $topic ) { if ( !array_key_exists( $topic, $this->partitions ) ) { try { $partitions = $this->produce->getAvailablePartitions( $topic ); } catch ( \Kafka\Exception $e ) { $ignore = $this->warning( 'Error getting metadata for kafka topic {topic}: {exception}', [ 'topic' => $topic, 'exception' => $e ] ); if ( $ignore ) { return null; } throw $e; } if ( $partitions ) { $key = array_rand( $partitions ); $this->partitions[$topic] = $partitions[$key]; } else { $details = $this->produce->getClient()->getTopicDetail( $topic ); $ignore = $this->warning( 'No partitions available for kafka topic {topic}', [ 'topic' => $topic, 'kafka' => $details ] ); if ( !$ignore ) { throw new \RuntimeException( "No partitions available for kafka topic $topic" ); } $this->partitions[$topic] = null; } } return $this->partitions[$topic]; } /** * Adds records for a channel to the Kafka client internal queue. * * @param string $channel Name of Monolog channel records belong to * @param array $records List of records to append */ protected function addMessages( $channel, array $records ) { $topic = $this->options['alias'][$channel] ?? "monolog_$channel"; $partition = $this->getRandomPartition( $topic ); if ( $partition !== null ) { $this->produce->setMessages( $topic, $partition, $records ); } } /** * @param string $message PSR3 compatible message string * @param array $context PSR3 compatible log context * @return bool true if caller should ignore warning */ protected function warning( $message, array $context = [] ) { if ( $this->options['logExceptions'] instanceof LoggerInterface ) { $this->options['logExceptions']->warning( $message, $context ); } return $this->options['swallowExceptions']; } }