'http', 'encoding' => 'JSON', 'cacheTTL' => 10, 'skewTTL' => 1, 'timeout' => 2 ]; $this->host = $params['host']; $this->protocol = $params['protocol']; $this->directory = trim( $params['directory'], '/' ); $this->encoding = $params['encoding']; $this->skewCacheTTL = $params['skewTTL']; $this->baseCacheTTL = max( $params['cacheTTL'] - $this->skewCacheTTL, 0 ); $this->timeout = $params['timeout']; if ( !isset( $params['cache'] ) ) { $this->srvCache = new HashBagOStuff(); } elseif ( $params['cache'] instanceof BagOStuff ) { $this->srvCache = $params['cache']; } else { $this->srvCache = ObjectFactory::getObjectFromSpec( $params['cache'] ); } $this->logger = new Psr\Log\NullLogger(); $this->http = new MultiHttpClient( [ 'connTimeout' => $this->timeout, 'reqTimeout' => $this->timeout, 'logger' => $this->logger ] ); } public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->logger = $logger; $this->http->setLogger( $logger ); } public function has( $name ) { $this->load(); return array_key_exists( $name, $this->procCache['config'] ); } public function get( $name ) { $this->load(); if ( !array_key_exists( $name, $this->procCache['config'] ) ) { throw new ConfigException( "No entry found for '$name'." ); } return $this->procCache['config'][$name]; } public function getModifiedIndex() { $this->load(); return $this->procCache['modifiedIndex']; } /** * @throws ConfigException */ private function load() { if ( $this->procCache !== null ) { return; // already loaded } $now = microtime( true ); $key = $this->srvCache->makeGlobalKey( __CLASS__, $this->host, $this->directory ); // Get the cached value or block until it is regenerated (by this or another thread)... $data = null; // latest config info $error = null; // last error message $loop = new WaitConditionLoop( function () use ( $key, $now, &$data, &$error ) { // Check if the values are in cache yet... $data = $this->srvCache->get( $key ); if ( is_array( $data ) && $data['expires'] > $now ) { $this->logger->debug( "Found up-to-date etcd configuration cache." ); return WaitConditionLoop::CONDITION_REACHED; } // Cache is either empty or stale; // refresh the cache from etcd, using a mutex to reduce stampedes... if ( $this->srvCache->lock( $key, 0, $this->baseCacheTTL ) ) { try { $etcdResponse = $this->fetchAllFromEtcd(); $error = $etcdResponse['error']; if ( is_array( $etcdResponse['config'] ) ) { // Avoid having all servers expire cache keys at the same time $expiry = microtime( true ) + $this->baseCacheTTL; // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentInternal $expiry += mt_rand( 0, 1e6 ) / 1e6 * $this->skewCacheTTL; $data = [ 'config' => $etcdResponse['config'], 'expires' => $expiry, 'modifiedIndex' => $etcdResponse['modifiedIndex'] ]; $this->srvCache->set( $key, $data, BagOStuff::TTL_INDEFINITE ); $this->logger->info( "Refreshed stale etcd configuration cache." ); return WaitConditionLoop::CONDITION_REACHED; } else { $this->logger->error( "Failed to fetch configuration: $error" ); if ( !$etcdResponse['retry'] ) { // Fail fast since the error is likely to keep happening return WaitConditionLoop::CONDITION_FAILED; } } } finally { $this->srvCache->unlock( $key ); // release mutex } } if ( is_array( $data ) ) { $this->logger->info( "Using stale etcd configuration cache." ); return WaitConditionLoop::CONDITION_REACHED; } return WaitConditionLoop::CONDITION_CONTINUE; }, $this->timeout ); if ( $loop->invoke() !== WaitConditionLoop::CONDITION_REACHED ) { // No cached value exists and etcd query failed; throw an error throw new ConfigException( "Failed to load configuration from etcd: $error" ); } $this->procCache = $data; } /** * @return array (containing the keys config, error, retry, modifiedIndex) */ public function fetchAllFromEtcd() { // TODO: inject DnsSrvDiscoverer in order to be able to test this method $dsd = new DnsSrvDiscoverer( $this->host ); $servers = $dsd->getServers(); if ( !$servers ) { return $this->fetchAllFromEtcdServer( $this->host ); } do { // Pick a random etcd server from dns $server = $dsd->pickServer( $servers ); $host = IPUtils::combineHostAndPort( $server['target'], $server['port'] ); // Try to load the config from this particular server $response = $this->fetchAllFromEtcdServer( $host ); if ( is_array( $response['config'] ) || $response['retry'] ) { break; } // Avoid the server next time if that failed $servers = $dsd->removeServer( $server, $servers ); } while ( $servers ); return $response; } /** * @param string $address Host and port * @return array (containing the keys config, error, retry, modifiedIndex) */ protected function fetchAllFromEtcdServer( $address ) { // Retrieve all the values under the MediaWiki config directory list( $rcode, $rdesc, /* $rhdrs */, $rbody, $rerr ) = $this->http->run( [ 'method' => 'GET', 'url' => "{$this->protocol}://{$address}/v2/keys/{$this->directory}/?recursive=true", 'headers' => [ 'content-type' => 'application/json' ] ] ); $response = [ 'config' => null, 'error' => null, 'retry' => false, 'modifiedIndex' => 0 ]; static $terminalCodes = [ 404 => true ]; if ( $rcode < 200 || $rcode > 399 ) { $response['error'] = strlen( $rerr ) ? $rerr : "HTTP $rcode ($rdesc)"; $response['retry'] = empty( $terminalCodes[$rcode] ); return $response; } try { $parsedResponse = $this->parseResponse( $rbody ); } catch ( EtcdConfigParseError $e ) { $parsedResponse = [ 'error' => $e->getMessage() ]; } return array_merge( $response, $parsedResponse ); } /** * Parse a response body, throwing EtcdConfigParseError if there is a validation error * * @param string $rbody * @return array */ protected function parseResponse( $rbody ) { $info = json_decode( $rbody, true ); if ( $info === null ) { throw new EtcdConfigParseError( "Error unserializing JSON response." ); } if ( !isset( $info['node'] ) || !is_array( $info['node'] ) ) { throw new EtcdConfigParseError( "Unexpected JSON response: Missing or invalid node at top level." ); } $config = []; $lastModifiedIndex = $this->parseDirectory( '', $info['node'], $config ); return [ 'modifiedIndex' => $lastModifiedIndex, 'config' => $config ]; } /** * Recursively parse a directory node and populate the array passed by * reference, throwing EtcdConfigParseError if there is a validation error * * @param string $dirName The relative directory name * @param array $dirNode The decoded directory node * @param array &$config The output array * @return int lastModifiedIndex The maximum last modified index across all keys in the directory */ protected function parseDirectory( $dirName, $dirNode, &$config ) { $lastModifiedIndex = 0; if ( !isset( $dirNode['nodes'] ) ) { throw new EtcdConfigParseError( "Unexpected JSON response in dir '$dirName'; missing 'nodes' list." ); } if ( !is_array( $dirNode['nodes'] ) ) { throw new EtcdConfigParseError( "Unexpected JSON response in dir '$dirName'; 'nodes' is not an array." ); } foreach ( $dirNode['nodes'] as $node ) { '@phan-var array $node'; $baseName = basename( $node['key'] ); $fullName = $dirName === '' ? $baseName : "$dirName/$baseName"; if ( !empty( $node['dir'] ) ) { $lastModifiedIndex = max( $this->parseDirectory( $fullName, $node, $config ), $lastModifiedIndex ); } else { $value = $this->unserialize( $node['value'] ); if ( !is_array( $value ) || !array_key_exists( 'val', $value ) ) { throw new EtcdConfigParseError( "Failed to parse value for '$fullName'." ); } $lastModifiedIndex = max( $node['modifiedIndex'], $lastModifiedIndex ); $config[$fullName] = $value['val']; } } return $lastModifiedIndex; } /** * @param string $string * @return mixed */ private function unserialize( $string ) { if ( $this->encoding === 'YAML' ) { return yaml_parse( $string ); } else { return json_decode( $string, true ); } } }