getContext(); } else { if ( !$obj instanceof IContextSource ) { throw new MWException( 'EnhancedChangesList must be constructed with a ' . 'context source or skin.' ); } $context = $obj; } parent::__construct( $context, $filterGroups ); // message is set by the parent ChangesList class $this->cacheEntryFactory = new RCCacheEntryFactory( $context, $this->message, $this->linkRenderer ); $this->templateParser = new TemplateParser(); } /** * Add the JavaScript file for enhanced changeslist * @return string */ public function beginRecentChangesList() { $this->rc_cache = []; $this->rcMoveIndex = 0; $this->rcCacheIndex = 0; $this->lastdate = ''; $this->rclistOpen = false; $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( [ 'mediawiki.icon', 'mediawiki.interface.helpers.styles', 'mediawiki.special.changeslist', 'mediawiki.special.changeslist.enhanced', ] ); $this->getOutput()->addModules( [ 'jquery.makeCollapsible', ] ); return '
'; } /** * Format a line for enhanced recentchange (aka with javascript and block of lines). * * @param RecentChange &$rc * @param bool $watched * @param int|null $linenumber (default null) * * @return string */ public function recentChangesLine( &$rc, $watched = false, $linenumber = null ) { $date = $this->getLanguage()->userDate( $rc->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'], $this->getUser() ); if ( $this->lastdate === '' ) { $this->lastdate = $date; } $ret = ''; # If it's a new day, flush the cache and update $this->lastdate if ( $date !== $this->lastdate ) { # Process current cache (uses $this->lastdate to generate a heading) $ret = $this->recentChangesBlock(); $this->rc_cache = []; $this->lastdate = $date; } $cacheEntry = $this->cacheEntryFactory->newFromRecentChange( $rc, $watched ); $this->addCacheEntry( $cacheEntry ); return $ret; } /** * Put accumulated information into the cache, for later display. * Page moves go on their own line. * * @param RCCacheEntry $cacheEntry */ protected function addCacheEntry( RCCacheEntry $cacheEntry ) { $cacheGroupingKey = $this->makeCacheGroupingKey( $cacheEntry ); if ( !isset( $this->rc_cache[$cacheGroupingKey] ) ) { $this->rc_cache[$cacheGroupingKey] = []; } array_push( $this->rc_cache[$cacheGroupingKey], $cacheEntry ); } /** * @todo use rc_source to group, if set; fallback to rc_type * * @param RCCacheEntry $cacheEntry * * @return string */ protected function makeCacheGroupingKey( RCCacheEntry $cacheEntry ) { $title = $cacheEntry->getTitle(); $cacheGroupingKey = $title->getPrefixedDBkey(); $type = $cacheEntry->mAttribs['rc_type']; if ( $type == RC_LOG ) { // Group by log type $cacheGroupingKey = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log', $cacheEntry->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] )->getPrefixedDBkey(); } return $cacheGroupingKey; } /** * Enhanced RC group * @param RCCacheEntry[] $block * @return string * @throws DomainException */ protected function recentChangesBlockGroup( $block ) { $recentChangesFlags = $this->getConfig()->get( 'RecentChangesFlags' ); # Add the namespace and title of the block as part of the class $tableClasses = [ 'mw-collapsible', 'mw-collapsed', 'mw-enhanced-rc', 'mw-changeslist-line' ]; if ( $block[0]->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] ) { # Log entry $tableClasses[] = 'mw-changeslist-log'; $tableClasses[] = Sanitizer::escapeClass( 'mw-changeslist-log-' . $block[0]->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] ); } else { $tableClasses[] = 'mw-changeslist-edit'; $tableClasses[] = Sanitizer::escapeClass( 'mw-changeslist-ns' . $block[0]->mAttribs['rc_namespace'] . '-' . $block[0]->mAttribs['rc_title'] ); } if ( $block[0]->watched ) { $tableClasses[] = 'mw-changeslist-line-watched'; } else { $tableClasses[] = 'mw-changeslist-line-not-watched'; } # Collate list of users $userlinks = []; # Other properties $curId = 0; # Some catalyst variables... $namehidden = true; $allLogs = true; $RCShowChangedSize = $this->getConfig()->get( 'RCShowChangedSize' ); # Default values for RC flags $collectedRcFlags = []; foreach ( $recentChangesFlags as $key => $value ) { $flagGrouping = $value['grouping'] ?? 'any'; switch ( $flagGrouping ) { case 'all': $collectedRcFlags[$key] = true; break; case 'any': $collectedRcFlags[$key] = false; break; default: throw new DomainException( "Unknown grouping type \"{$flagGrouping}\"" ); } } foreach ( $block as $rcObj ) { // If all log actions to this page were hidden, then don't // give the name of the affected page for this block! if ( !static::isDeleted( $rcObj, LogPage::DELETED_ACTION ) ) { $namehidden = false; } $u = $rcObj->userlink; if ( !isset( $userlinks[$u] ) ) { $userlinks[$u] = 0; } if ( $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_type'] != RC_LOG ) { $allLogs = false; } # Get the latest entry with a page_id and oldid # since logs may not have these. if ( !$curId && $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] ) { $curId = $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']; } $userlinks[$u]++; } # Sort the list and convert to text krsort( $userlinks ); asort( $userlinks ); $users = []; foreach ( $userlinks as $userlink => $count ) { $text = $userlink; $text .= $this->getLanguage()->getDirMark(); if ( $count > 1 ) { $formattedCount = $this->msg( 'ntimes' )->numParams( $count )->escaped(); $text .= ' ' . $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $formattedCount )->escaped(); } array_push( $users, $text ); } # Article link $articleLink = ''; $revDeletedMsg = false; if ( $namehidden ) { $revDeletedMsg = $this->msg( 'rev-deleted-event' )->escaped(); } elseif ( $allLogs ) { $articleLink = $this->maybeWatchedLink( $block[0]->link, $block[0]->watched ); } else { $articleLink = $this->getArticleLink( $block[0], $block[0]->unpatrolled, $block[0]->watched ); } $queryParams = [ 'curid' => $curId ]; # Sub-entries $lines = []; $filterClasses = []; foreach ( $block as $i => $rcObj ) { $line = $this->getLineData( $block, $rcObj, $queryParams ); if ( !$line ) { // completely ignore this RC entry if we don't want to render it unset( $block[$i] ); continue; } // Roll up flags foreach ( $line['recentChangesFlagsRaw'] as $key => $value ) { $flagGrouping = ( $recentChangesFlags[$key]['grouping'] ?? 'any' ); switch ( $flagGrouping ) { case 'all': if ( !$value ) { $collectedRcFlags[$key] = false; } break; case 'any': if ( $value ) { $collectedRcFlags[$key] = true; } break; default: throw new DomainException( "Unknown grouping type \"{$flagGrouping}\"" ); } } // Roll up filter-based CSS classes $filterClasses = array_merge( $filterClasses, $this->getHTMLClassesForFilters( $rcObj ) ); // Add classes for change tags separately, getHTMLClassesForFilters() doesn't add them $this->getTags( $rcObj, $filterClasses ); $filterClasses = array_unique( $filterClasses ); $lines[] = $line; } // Further down are some assumptions that $block is a 0-indexed array // with (count-1) as last key. Let's make sure it is. $block = array_values( $block ); $filterClasses = array_values( $filterClasses ); if ( empty( $block ) || !$lines ) { // if we can't show anything, don't display this block altogether return ''; } $logText = $this->getLogText( $block, $queryParams, $allLogs, $collectedRcFlags['newpage'], $namehidden ); # Character difference (does not apply if only log items) $charDifference = false; if ( $RCShowChangedSize && !$allLogs ) { $last = 0; $first = count( $block ) - 1; # Some events (like logs and category changes) have an "empty" size, so we need to skip those... while ( $last < $first && $block[$last]->mAttribs['rc_new_len'] === null ) { $last++; } while ( $last < $first && $block[$first]->mAttribs['rc_old_len'] === null ) { $first--; } # Get net change $charDifference = $this->formatCharacterDifference( $block[$first], $block[$last] ) ?: false; } $numberofWatchingusers = $this->numberofWatchingusers( $block[0]->numberofWatchingusers ); $usersList = $this->msg( 'brackets' )->rawParams( implode( $this->message['semicolon-separator'], $users ) )->escaped(); $prefix = ''; if ( is_callable( $this->changeLinePrefixer ) ) { $prefix = call_user_func( $this->changeLinePrefixer, $block[0], $this, true ); } $templateParams = [ 'articleLink' => $articleLink, 'charDifference' => $charDifference, 'collectedRcFlags' => $this->recentChangesFlags( $collectedRcFlags ), 'filterClasses' => $filterClasses, 'languageDirMark' => $this->getLanguage()->getDirMark(), 'lines' => $lines, 'logText' => $logText, 'numberofWatchingusers' => $numberofWatchingusers, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'rev-deleted-event' => $revDeletedMsg, 'tableClasses' => $tableClasses, 'timestamp' => $block[0]->timestamp, 'fullTimestamp' => $block[0]->getAttribute( 'rc_timestamp' ), 'users' => $usersList, ]; $this->rcCacheIndex++; return $this->templateParser->processTemplate( 'EnhancedChangesListGroup', $templateParams ); } /** * @param RCCacheEntry[] $block * @param RCCacheEntry $rcObj * @param array $queryParams * @return array * @throws Exception * @throws FatalError * @throws MWException */ protected function getLineData( array $block, RCCacheEntry $rcObj, array $queryParams = [] ) { $RCShowChangedSize = $this->getConfig()->get( 'RCShowChangedSize' ); $type = $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_type']; $data = []; $lineParams = [ 'targetTitle' => $rcObj->getTitle() ]; $classes = [ 'mw-enhanced-rc' ]; if ( $rcObj->watched ) { $classes[] = 'mw-enhanced-watched'; } $classes = array_merge( $classes, $this->getHTMLClasses( $rcObj, $rcObj->watched ) ); $separator = ' '; $data['recentChangesFlags'] = [ 'newpage' => $type == RC_NEW, 'minor' => $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_minor'], 'unpatrolled' => $rcObj->unpatrolled, 'bot' => $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_bot'], ]; $params = $queryParams; if ( $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_this_oldid'] != 0 ) { $params['oldid'] = $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_this_oldid']; } # Log timestamp if ( $type == RC_LOG ) { $link = htmlspecialchars( $rcObj->timestamp ); # Revision link } elseif ( !ChangesList::userCan( $rcObj, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() ) ) { $link = Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'history-deleted' ], $rcObj->timestamp ); } else { $link = $this->linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $rcObj->getTitle(), $rcObj->timestamp, [], $params ); if ( static::isDeleted( $rcObj, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ) ) { $link = '' . $link . ' '; } } $data['timestampLink'] = $link; $currentAndLastLinks = ''; if ( !$type == RC_LOG || $type == RC_NEW ) { $currentAndLastLinks .= ' ' . $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $rcObj->curlink . $this->message['pipe-separator'] . $rcObj->lastlink )->escaped(); } $data['currentAndLastLinks'] = $currentAndLastLinks; $data['separatorAfterCurrentAndLastLinks'] = $separator; # Character diff if ( $RCShowChangedSize ) { $cd = $this->formatCharacterDifference( $rcObj ); if ( $cd !== '' ) { $data['characterDiff'] = $cd; $data['separatorAfterCharacterDiff'] = $separator; } } if ( $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_LOG ) { $data['logEntry'] = $this->insertLogEntry( $rcObj ); } elseif ( $this->isCategorizationWithoutRevision( $rcObj ) ) { $data['comment'] = $this->insertComment( $rcObj ); } else { # User links $data['userLink'] = $rcObj->userlink; $data['userTalkLink'] = $rcObj->usertalklink; $data['comment'] = $this->insertComment( $rcObj ); } # Rollback $data['rollback'] = $this->getRollback( $rcObj ); # Tags $data['tags'] = $this->getTags( $rcObj, $classes ); $attribs = $this->getDataAttributes( $rcObj ); // give the hook a chance to modify the data $success = $this->getHookRunner()->onEnhancedChangesListModifyLineData( $this, $data, $block, $rcObj, $classes, $attribs ); if ( !$success ) { // skip entry if hook aborted it return []; } $attribs = array_filter( $attribs, [ Sanitizer::class, 'isReservedDataAttribute' ], ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); $lineParams['recentChangesFlagsRaw'] = []; if ( isset( $data['recentChangesFlags'] ) ) { $lineParams['recentChangesFlags'] = $this->recentChangesFlags( $data['recentChangesFlags'] ); # FIXME: This is used by logic, don't return it in the template params. $lineParams['recentChangesFlagsRaw'] = $data['recentChangesFlags']; unset( $data['recentChangesFlags'] ); } if ( isset( $data['timestampLink'] ) ) { $lineParams['timestampLink'] = $data['timestampLink']; unset( $data['timestampLink'] ); } $lineParams['classes'] = array_values( $classes ); $lineParams['attribs'] = Html::expandAttributes( $attribs ); // everything else: makes it easier for extensions to add or remove data $lineParams['data'] = array_values( $data ); return $lineParams; } /** * Generates amount of changes (linking to diff ) & link to history. * * @param RCCacheEntry[] $block * @param array $queryParams * @param bool $allLogs * @param bool $isnew * @param bool $namehidden * @return string */ protected function getLogText( $block, $queryParams, $allLogs, $isnew, $namehidden ) { if ( empty( $block ) ) { return ''; } # Changes message static $nchanges = []; static $sinceLastVisitMsg = []; $n = count( $block ); if ( !isset( $nchanges[$n] ) ) { $nchanges[$n] = $this->msg( 'nchanges' )->numParams( $n )->escaped(); } $sinceLast = 0; $unvisitedOldid = null; /** @var RCCacheEntry $rcObj */ foreach ( $block as $rcObj ) { // Same logic as below inside main foreach if ( $rcObj->watched ) { $sinceLast++; $unvisitedOldid = $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid']; } } if ( !isset( $sinceLastVisitMsg[$sinceLast] ) ) { $sinceLastVisitMsg[$sinceLast] = $this->msg( 'enhancedrc-since-last-visit' )->numParams( $sinceLast )->escaped(); } $currentRevision = 0; foreach ( $block as $rcObj ) { if ( !$currentRevision ) { $currentRevision = $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_this_oldid']; } } # Total change link $links = []; /** @var RecentChange $block0 */ $block0 = $block[0]; $last = $block[count( $block ) - 1]; if ( !$allLogs ) { if ( $isnew || $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_CATEGORIZE || !ChangesList::userCan( $rcObj, RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() ) ) { $links['total-changes'] = Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $nchanges[$n] ); } else { $links['total-changes'] = Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $this->linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $block0->getTitle(), new HtmlArmor( $nchanges[$n] ), [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-groupdiff' ], $queryParams + [ 'diff' => $currentRevision, 'oldid' => $last->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid'], ] ) ); } if ( $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_type'] != RC_CATEGORIZE && $sinceLast > 0 && $sinceLast < $n ) { $links['total-changes-since-last'] = Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $this->linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $block0->getTitle(), new HtmlArmor( $sinceLastVisitMsg[$sinceLast] ), [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-groupdiff' ], $queryParams + [ 'diff' => $currentRevision, 'oldid' => $unvisitedOldid, ] ) ); } } # History if ( $allLogs || $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_CATEGORIZE ) { // don't show history link for logs } elseif ( $namehidden || !$block0->getTitle()->exists() ) { $links['history'] = Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $this->message['enhancedrc-history'] ); } else { $params = $queryParams; $params['action'] = 'history'; $links['history'] = Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $this->linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $block0->getTitle(), new HtmlArmor( $this->message['enhancedrc-history'] ), [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-history' ], $params ) ); } # Allow others to alter, remove or add to these links $this->getHookRunner()->onEnhancedChangesList__getLogText( $this, $links, $block ); if ( !$links ) { return ''; } $logtext = Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-links' ], implode( ' ', $links ) ); return ' ' . $logtext; } /** * Enhanced RC ungrouped line. * * @param RecentChange|RCCacheEntry $rcObj * @return string A HTML formatted line (generated using $r) */ protected function recentChangesBlockLine( $rcObj ) { $data = []; $query = [ 'curid' => $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] ]; $type = $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_type']; $logType = $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_log_type']; $classes = $this->getHTMLClasses( $rcObj, $rcObj->watched ); $classes[] = 'mw-enhanced-rc'; if ( $logType ) { # Log entry $classes[] = 'mw-changeslist-log'; $classes[] = Sanitizer::escapeClass( 'mw-changeslist-log-' . $logType ); } else { $classes[] = 'mw-changeslist-edit'; $classes[] = Sanitizer::escapeClass( 'mw-changeslist-ns' . $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_namespace'] . '-' . $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_title'] ); } # Flag and Timestamp $data['recentChangesFlags'] = [ 'newpage' => $type == RC_NEW, 'minor' => $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_minor'], 'unpatrolled' => $rcObj->unpatrolled, 'bot' => $rcObj->mAttribs['rc_bot'], ]; // timestamp is not really a link here, but is called timestampLink // for consistency with EnhancedChangesListModifyLineData $data['timestampLink'] = htmlspecialchars( $rcObj->timestamp ); # Article or log link if ( $logType ) { $logPage = new LogPage( $logType ); $logTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log', $logType ); $logName = $logPage->getName()->text(); $data['logLink'] = Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-links' ], $this->linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $logTitle, $logName ) ); } else { $data['articleLink'] = $this->getArticleLink( $rcObj, $rcObj->unpatrolled, $rcObj->watched ); } # Diff and hist links if ( $type != RC_LOG && $type != RC_CATEGORIZE ) { $query['action'] = 'history'; $data['historyLink'] = $this->getDiffHistLinks( $rcObj, $query, false ); } $data['separatorAfterLinks'] = ' '; # Character diff if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'RCShowChangedSize' ) ) { $cd = $this->formatCharacterDifference( $rcObj ); if ( $cd !== '' ) { $data['characterDiff'] = $cd; $data['separatorAftercharacterDiff'] = ' '; } } if ( $type == RC_LOG ) { $data['logEntry'] = $this->insertLogEntry( $rcObj ); } elseif ( $this->isCategorizationWithoutRevision( $rcObj ) ) { $data['comment'] = $this->insertComment( $rcObj ); } else { $data['userLink'] = $rcObj->userlink; $data['userTalkLink'] = $rcObj->usertalklink; $data['comment'] = $this->insertComment( $rcObj ); if ( $type == RC_CATEGORIZE ) { $data['historyLink'] = $this->getDiffHistLinks( $rcObj, $query, false ); } $data['rollback'] = $this->getRollback( $rcObj ); } # Tags $data['tags'] = $this->getTags( $rcObj, $classes ); # Show how many people are watching this if enabled $data['watchingUsers'] = $this->numberofWatchingusers( $rcObj->numberofWatchingusers ); $data['attribs'] = array_merge( $this->getDataAttributes( $rcObj ), [ 'class' => $classes ] ); // give the hook a chance to modify the data $success = $this->getHookRunner()->onEnhancedChangesListModifyBlockLineData( $this, $data, $rcObj ); if ( !$success ) { // skip entry if hook aborted it return ''; } $attribs = $data['attribs']; unset( $data['attribs'] ); $attribs = array_filter( $attribs, function ( $key ) { return $key === 'class' || Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute( $key ); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); $prefix = ''; if ( is_callable( $this->changeLinePrefixer ) ) { $prefix = call_user_func( $this->changeLinePrefixer, $rcObj, $this, false ); } $line = Html::openElement( 'table', $attribs ) . Html::openElement( 'tr' ); // Highlight block $line .= Html::rawElement( 'td', [], $this->getHighlightsContainerDiv() ); $line .= Html::rawElement( 'td', [], '' ); $line .= Html::rawElement( 'td', [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-line-prefix' ], $prefix ); $line .= ''; if ( isset( $data['recentChangesFlags'] ) ) { $line .= $this->recentChangesFlags( $data['recentChangesFlags'] ); unset( $data['recentChangesFlags'] ); } if ( isset( $data['timestampLink'] ) ) { $line .= "\u{00A0}" . $data['timestampLink']; unset( $data['timestampLink'] ); } $line .= "\u{00A0}"; $line .= Html::openElement( 'td', [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-line-inner', // Used for reliable determination of the affiliated page 'data-target-page' => $rcObj->getTitle(), ] ); // everything else: makes it easier for extensions to add or remove data foreach ( $data as $key => $dataItem ) { $line .= Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-line-inner-' . $key, ], $dataItem ); } $line .= "\n"; return $line; } /** * Returns value to be used in 'historyLink' element of $data param in * EnhancedChangesListModifyBlockLineData hook. * * @since 1.27 * * @param RCCacheEntry $rc * @param array $query array of key/value pairs to append as a query string * @param bool $useParentheses (optional) Wrap comments in parentheses where needed * @return string HTML */ public function getDiffHistLinks( RCCacheEntry $rc, array $query, $useParentheses = true ) { $pageTitle = $rc->getTitle(); if ( $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_type' ) == RC_CATEGORIZE ) { // For categorizations we must swap the category title with the page title! $pageTitle = Title::newFromID( $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_cur_id' ) ); if ( !$pageTitle ) { // The page has been deleted, but the RC entry // deletion job has not run yet. Just skip. return ''; } } $histLink = $this->linkRenderer->makeKnownLink( $pageTitle, new HtmlArmor( $this->message['hist'] ), [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-history' ], $query ); if ( $useParentheses ) { $retVal = $this->msg( 'parentheses' ) ->rawParams( $rc->difflink . $this->message['pipe-separator'] . $histLink )->escaped(); } else { $retVal = Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'mw-changeslist-links' ], Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $rc->difflink ) . Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $histLink ) ); } return ' ' . $retVal; } /** * If enhanced RC is in use, this function takes the previously cached * RC lines, arranges them, and outputs the HTML * * @return string */ protected function recentChangesBlock() { if ( count( $this->rc_cache ) == 0 ) { return ''; } $blockOut = ''; foreach ( $this->rc_cache as $block ) { if ( count( $block ) < 2 ) { $blockOut .= $this->recentChangesBlockLine( array_shift( $block ) ); } else { $blockOut .= $this->recentChangesBlockGroup( $block ); } } if ( $blockOut === '' ) { return ''; } // $this->lastdate is kept up to date by recentChangesLine() return Xml::element( 'h4', null, $this->lastdate ) . "\n
" . $blockOut . '
'; } /** * Returns text for the end of RC * If enhanced RC is in use, returns pretty much all the text * @return string */ public function endRecentChangesList() { return $this->recentChangesBlock() . '
'; } }