*/ use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; /** * Helper class for caching various elements in a single cache entry. * * To get a cached value or compute it, use getCachedValue like this: * $this->getCachedValue( $callback ); * * To add HTML that should be cached, use addCachedHTML like this: * $this->addCachedHTML( $callback ); * * The callback function is only called when needed, so do all your expensive * computations here. This function should returns the HTML to be cached. * It should not add anything to the PageOutput object! * * Before the first addCachedHTML call, you should call $this->startCache(); * After adding the last HTML that should be cached, call $this->saveCache(); * * @since 1.20 */ class CacheHelper implements ICacheHelper { /** * The time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp indicating the point of expiry. * * @since 1.20 * @var int */ protected $cacheExpiry = 3600; /** * List of HTML chunks to be cached (if !hasCached) or that where cached (of hasCached). * If not cached already, then the newly computed chunks are added here, * if it as cached already, chunks are removed from this list as they are needed. * * @since 1.20 * @var array */ protected $cachedChunks; /** * Indicates if the to be cached content was already cached. * Null if this information is not available yet. * * @since 1.20 * @var bool|null */ protected $hasCached = null; /** * If the cache is enabled or not. * * @since 1.20 * @var bool */ protected $cacheEnabled = true; /** * Function that gets called when initialization is done. * * @since 1.20 * @var callable|null */ protected $onInitHandler; /** * Elements to build a cache key with. * * @since 1.20 * @var array */ protected $cacheKey = []; /** * Sets if the cache should be enabled or not. * * @since 1.20 * @param bool $cacheEnabled */ public function setCacheEnabled( $cacheEnabled ) { $this->cacheEnabled = $cacheEnabled; } /** * Initializes the caching. * Should be called before the first time anything is added via addCachedHTML. * * @since 1.20 * * @param int|null $cacheExpiry Sets the cache expiry, either ttl in seconds or unix timestamp. * @param bool|null $cacheEnabled Sets if the cache should be enabled or not. */ public function startCache( $cacheExpiry = null, $cacheEnabled = null ) { if ( $this->hasCached === null ) { if ( $cacheExpiry !== null ) { $this->cacheExpiry = $cacheExpiry; } if ( $cacheEnabled !== null ) { $this->setCacheEnabled( $cacheEnabled ); } $this->initCaching(); } } /** * Returns a message that notifies the user he/she is looking at * a cached version of the page, including a refresh link. * * @since 1.20 * * @param IContextSource $context * @param bool $includePurgeLink * * @return string */ public function getCachedNotice( IContextSource $context, $includePurgeLink = true ) { if ( $this->cacheExpiry < 86400 * 3650 ) { $message = $context->msg( 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl', $context->getLanguage()->formatDuration( $this->cacheExpiry ) )->escaped(); } else { $message = $context->msg( 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts' )->escaped(); } if ( $includePurgeLink ) { $refreshArgs = $context->getRequest()->getQueryValues(); unset( $refreshArgs['title'] ); $refreshArgs['action'] = 'purge'; $message .= ' ' . MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkRenderer()->makeLink( $context->getTitle(), $context->msg( 'cachedspecial-refresh-now' )->text(), [], $refreshArgs ); } return $message; } /** * Initializes the caching if not already done so. * Should be called before any of the caching functionality is used. * * @since 1.20 */ protected function initCaching() { if ( $this->cacheEnabled && $this->hasCached === null ) { $cachedChunks = wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->get( $this->getCacheKeyString() ); $this->hasCached = is_array( $cachedChunks ); $this->cachedChunks = $this->hasCached ? $cachedChunks : []; if ( $this->onInitHandler !== null ) { call_user_func( $this->onInitHandler, $this->hasCached ); } } } /** * Get a cached value if available or compute it if not and then cache it if possible. * The provided $computeFunction is only called when the computation needs to happen * and should return a result value. $args are arguments that will be passed to the * compute function when called. * * @since 1.20 * * @param callable $computeFunction * @param array|mixed $args * @param string|null $key * * @return mixed */ public function getCachedValue( $computeFunction, $args = [], $key = null ) { $this->initCaching(); if ( $this->cacheEnabled && $this->hasCached ) { $value = null; if ( $key === null ) { reset( $this->cachedChunks ); $itemKey = key( $this->cachedChunks ); if ( $itemKey === null ) { wfWarn( "Attempted to get an item while the queue is empty in " . __METHOD__ ); } elseif ( !is_int( $itemKey ) ) { wfWarn( "Attempted to get item with non-numeric key while " . "the next item in the queue has a key ($itemKey) in " . __METHOD__ ); } else { $value = array_shift( $this->cachedChunks ); } } elseif ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->cachedChunks ) ) { $value = $this->cachedChunks[$key]; unset( $this->cachedChunks[$key] ); } else { wfWarn( "There is no item with key '$key' in this->cachedChunks in " . __METHOD__ ); } } else { if ( !is_array( $args ) ) { $args = [ $args ]; } $value = $computeFunction( ...$args ); if ( $this->cacheEnabled ) { if ( $key === null ) { $this->cachedChunks[] = $value; } else { $this->cachedChunks[$key] = $value; } } } return $value; } /** * Saves the HTML to the cache in case it got recomputed. * Should be called after the last time anything is added via addCachedHTML. * * @since 1.20 */ public function saveCache() { if ( $this->cacheEnabled && $this->hasCached === false && !empty( $this->cachedChunks ) ) { wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->set( $this->getCacheKeyString(), $this->cachedChunks, $this->cacheExpiry ); } } /** * Sets the time to live for the cache, in seconds or a unix timestamp * indicating the point of expiry... * * @since 1.20 * * @param int $cacheExpiry */ public function setExpiry( $cacheExpiry ) { $this->cacheExpiry = $cacheExpiry; } /** * Returns the cache key to use to cache this page's HTML output. * Is constructed from the special page name and language code. * * @since 1.20 * * @return string * @throws MWException */ protected function getCacheKeyString() { if ( $this->cacheKey === [] ) { throw new MWException( 'No cache key set, so cannot obtain or save the CacheHelper values.' ); } return ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance()->makeKey( ...array_values( $this->cacheKey ) ); } /** * Sets the cache key that should be used. * * @since 1.20 * * @param array $cacheKey */ public function setCacheKey( array $cacheKey ) { $this->cacheKey = $cacheKey; } /** * Rebuild the content, even if it's already cached. * This effectively has the same effect as purging the cache, * since it will be overridden with the new value on the next request. * * @since 1.20 */ public function rebuildOnDemand() { $this->hasCached = false; } /** * Sets a function that gets called when initialization of the cache is done. * * @since 1.20 * * @param callable $handlerFunction */ public function setOnInitializedHandler( $handlerFunction ) { $this->onInitHandler = $handlerFunction; } }